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At the St. Louis event, an African-American man is seen being pummeled by his attackers.
St. Louis County police say six people were arrested. Kenneth Gladney, a 38-year-old African-American activist from St. Louis, said he was attacked by some of those arrested as he handed out yellow flags with "Don't tread on me" printed on them. He spoke to the Post-Dispatch from the emergency room of the St. John's Mercy Medical Center, where he said he was waiting to be treated for injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face that he suffered in the attack. Gladney, who is black, said one of his attackers, also a black man, used a racial slur against him before the attack started.
A first-hand account, by a gentleman at the Tampa event, who appears in the staid news report at the very end of this post, states:
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Tampa Town Hall - from the outside
MY FIRST-HAND REPORT - As I was walking around the block people were coming the other way saying it was closed (right at 6 pm). But I persevered and was in the flow as the line move around the building. I was able to get almost to the doors when police said no one else could go in - even to the air conditioned anteroom. Throughout the hour they continued to not let anyone in even though others were coming out.
This is a video I made from a few pictures I was able to take. More video follows at end of post.
Yes there was chanting out side from both sides - "read the bill!" "Obama! "Just say NO!" "Public Option!" "Bring it outside!"
If there were opponents banging on windows as has been reported, it must have been on the other side of the building, where reportedly supporters were being let in the back door.
Yes, half of the room was reserved for SEIU.
If there was violence, from everything I have seen, it all came from ObamaCare supporters.
I saw one man come out to try to make a police report. He was right in front of me. His shirt was half torn off and he had a large deep scratch on his chest. Said someone inside twisted his arm, ripped his watch off. I could not hear what he said about his shirt and the scratch. I later learned that he was forcibly pushed out the doors to the actually meeting room before the doors were closed to people in the anteroom even being able to hear and see. He is the one in the green shirt by the closed doors in the video below from YouTube.
I was confronted by two ObamaCare supporters who demanded why I could not find a GOP town hall to attend. I told them that as a citizen of Tampa, Florida and America I had every right to be there. They kept a running "what a bunch of hired goons" commentary going behind me.
Another supporter with a handmade ObamaCare sign asked me a question. When I tried to answer she violently slapped my hand and told me to "stop trying to put out her eye with my f**ing finger!". My finger WAS pointed but my hand was at MY waist next to MY body.
The crowd outside was very large and I would say at least 3/1 Obamacare opponents. I can't report on inside but was told by others I knew who made it in that it was a complete farce. Castor did not answer any questions and left 30 minutes into the meeting by the backdoor.
The meeting was supposed to run from 6-8. Police told us to disperse at approximately 7:10. The actual words were -
"We need you to clear the premises so the people inside are able to exit"
My interpretation - "Americans - get out of the way so the select few can leave safely!"
Many continued to stand in front of the building. I am waiting for the 10 pm news to see how this is reported.
In the words of my soon coming protest song - "I will not apologize, I will not sit down. I will fight for freedom's cause and beat this tyranny down!"
This video from Fox News Tampa shows me at the beginning in the white jacket n the middle. The woman standing behind with long blond hair, sign held high saying "We want public option" is the one who slammed my hand. By the way - I am fully expecting my pick slip from the school district when they see I was there.
According to another first-hand witness, who posted a video on YouTube:
Kathy Castor's union thugs beat up a guy (in the green shirt - evidence 3:21) and shut the doors to prevent the opposing opinions from being heard. She then proceeded leave, not taking any questions, because "she couldn't hear." Translation: she doesn't have answers 'cause she hasn't read the House bill.
There are other videos of citizens who accidentally made it into the hall through the back door before the event because people thought they were union. Castor's constituents were basically banned from the event because they picked a small venue and stacked the audience beforehand.
No surprise here; the politicians are coming home and the people are restless and angry because they are being ignored. The MC of the event made an interesting comment; she stated that it made sense to have two doors: one was pro-regime, the other door (if they were allowed in at all) for the opponents of health care rationing. The doors of discrimination in America has begun again after the civil rights movement broke down discrimination. We are reverting backward to a two-class society once again.
In fact, the same tactic worked at the even more disruptive St. Louis Town Hall meeting. Over 1,000 St. Louis Tea Party Taxpayers attended the Russ Carnahan town hall meeting in South St. Louis; however, they were locked out. On the other hand, the Carnahan staff was sneaking in pro-regime SEIU members in the side door marked "handicapped."
The Founders realized the evil of discrimination. George Washington warned Americans against it. In his Farewell Address he wrote:
The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism.
It serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which finds a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another.
If, in the opinion of the people, the distribution or modification of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation; for though this, in one instance, may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed. The precedent must always greatly overbalance in permanent evil any partial or transient benefit, which the use can at any time yield.
As avenues to foreign influence in innumerable ways, such attachments are particularly alarming to the truly enlightened and independent patriot. How many opportunities do they afford to tamper with domestic factions, to practice the arts of seduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the public councils. Such an attachment of a small or weak towards a great and powerful nation dooms the former to be the satellite of the latter.
Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government.
Real patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.
Subject to the intrigues of foreign influence, Obama should be transparent and release his long form birth certificate, or, alternatively, he could resign as Nixon did and thus save the Republic. Our work during the last two administrations was to fight for the Constitution, Obama is more simply a third term Bush and we can no longer afford blatant assaults on our Constitution.