Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Nearly half of 600 Muslim-American citizens polled who plan to vote in the 2012 presidential election believe parodies of Muhammad should be prosecuted criminally in the U.S., and one in eight say the offense is so serious violators should face the death penalty.
The results came in a groundbreaking scientific poll for WND by the public-opinion research and media consulting company Wenzel Strategies. It was taken Oct. 22-26 and carries a margin of error of plus or minus 3.98 percentage points.
The poll also found 40 percent of Muslims in America believe they should not be judged by U.S. law and the Constitution, but by Shariah standards.
“Almost half of those Muslims surveyed – an astonishing 46 percent – said they believe those Americans who offer criticism or parodies of Islam should face criminal charges,” said pollster Fritz Wenzel in an analysis of the survey’s results.
“Even more shocking: One in eight respondents said they think those Americans who criticize or parody Islam should face the death penalty, while another nine percent said they were unsure on the question,” he said.
Wenzel’s poll said 7.2 percent of the respondents said they “strongly agree” with the idea of execution for those who parody Islam, and another 4.3 percent said they somewhat agree.
While 80 percent said that they somewhat or strongly disagree with the idea, when those who said they were not sure are added, one in five Muslims across America cannot say they believe Christians or others who criticize Muhammad should be spared the death penalty.
Four in 10 said Muslims in America should not be judged by U.S. law and the Constitution, but by Islamic Shariah law.
They also have a fundamental conflict with American life, expressing objections to the freedom of speech and religion guaranteed in the Constitution.
American Muslims, Wenzel said, “show signs of ambivalence toward the U.S. Constitution generally and the First Amendment specifically.”
“These survey findings show a community in conflict with the foundations of our nation, as many Muslims favor and enjoy the freedoms offered by the U.S. Constitution, including participation in elections here, but at the same time significant percentages want to be treated differently than the average non-Muslim when it comes to legal matters,” he said.
“While 39 percent of Muslims said they believe existing U.S. courts should consult Shariah law when adjudicating cases involving Muslims, a plurality of 45 percent said they do not agree with this idea. Asked if the U.S. should establish separate courts based solely on Shariah law to adjudicate cases involving Muslim, 21 percent said it should. Two-thirds of respondents – 66 percent – said that separate courts are not necessary to adjudicate Muslims.”
While 9 of 10 of the Muslim respondents said they agree with the First Amendment, they are also in conflict with it, Wenzel said, citing evidence in answers to “another question in the survey which found that one-third of Muslims – 32 percent – believe Shariah should be the supreme law of the land in the United States,” Wenzel said.
“Another shocking finding from the survey is how Muslims view the religious freedoms of Christians. Asked whether U.S. citizens who are Christians have the right to evangelize Muslims to consider other faiths, just 30 percent agreed Christians have such a right. Another 42 percent said they do not have such a right, while 28 percent said they were unsure on the question.”
One in five say Muslim men should be allowed to follow their religion in America and have more than one wife, and 58 percent said criticism of their religion or of Muhammad should not be allowed under the Constitution.
While 43 percent said they disagreed with the idea of Christians evangelizing Muslims, another 27 percent said they were undecided. Only 19 percent said they “strongly agree” with the idea that Americans have a right to invite Muslims to consider another faith.
Nearly one in three said Israel either has no right to exist or they were uncertain whether it does.
Brooklyn Bishop says Catholic Vote for Obama ‘Stretches the Imagination’
Obama Appointed Al-Qaeda Head of Libyan Security: Emails and Audio Tapes Document Obama's Role in Watching Americans Die: Tom Donilon, the National Security Adviser, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta
Abdel Hakim Belhaj, an Al-Qaeda ally and ‘brother,’ was Obama's designee as the head of Libyan security.
Document reveals Al-Qaeda ‘brother’ put in control of U.S. Embassy in Tripoli
Translated, the document reads:
National Transitional Council – Libya 8/30/11
Code: YGM-270-2011
Mr. Abdel Hakim Al-Khowailidi Belhaj
We would like to inform you that you have been commissioned to the duties and responsibilities of the military committee of the city of Tripoli. These include taking all necessary procedures to secure the safety of the Capital and its citizens, its public and private property, and institutions, to include all international embassies. To coordinate with the local community of the city of Tripoli and the security assembly and defense on a national level.
Mustafa Muhammad Abdul Jalil
President, National Transitional Council – Libya
Official Seal of National Transitional Council
Copy for file.
The Libyan Ambassador to the United States, Ali Sulaiman Aujali, vouched for Belhaj, however, Aujali appeared at the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) convention. ISNA is a Muslim Brotherhood front group in America. On 13 September 2012, two days after the attack in Benghazi, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton celebrated the Muslim Eid holiday in the Ben Franklin room in Washington, D.C. and shared a podium with none other than Aujali and Farah Pandith, who is a prominent player for the Muslim Brotherhood in America. In 2009, Pandith was sworn in as a U.S. Representative to Muslim Communities by Hillary. Pandith followed the path of the first Muslim elected to the U.S. Congress and was sworn in on the Qur’an.
Sean Hannity revealed information on the audio tapes of Tyrone Woods begging for air support on 9-11: “My sources tell me they’re pretty damning, Juan. They’re begging for help.” Tyrone Woods was screaming for air support and Obama did nothing. Then he lied about it. Hannity said there are three tapes the Obama administration is holding onto including audio of Tyrone Woods begging for air support. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Charlene Lamb, testified before the House Oversight Committee, 10 October 2012, and indicated that soon after the attack started, she was able to monitor it from Washington, D.C., in “almost real time.” In addition, at an Oct. 25 Pentagon press briefing, a reporter noted that “there was, in fact, a drone over the CIA annex [in Benghazi] and there were intelligence officials fighting inside the annex.”
There are audio tapes, the testimony of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, and drones monitoring the attack; yet, Obama let Americans die.
There were two drones monitoring the hours long gun battle and facial recognition software from tapes at the Benghazi site have now identified at least one suspect who remains unavailable in Tunisian custody.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
The narrative has the Bald Eagle question who liberty is for and in the second trailer the native American fights for justice and freedom.
Facebook Censors SEALs
Screen shot with FB warning added.
Monday, October 29, 2012
“Osama bin Laden” has successfully donated twice to Obama’s campaign
Officials from the FBI and National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) each gave briefings on Capitol Hill in which they confirmed that the evidence supported al Qaeda and al Qaeda-affiliates were the ones responsible for the attack.
Yet, on September 25, Obama took to the floor of the UN and in a lengthy speech, linked the carnage in Benghazi to that same video no less than six times.
Obama Stutters His Way Through Benghazi Cover-Up
Today Obama, But Americans Were Not Left Behind in a Different Era: Rescue of Roger Locher
Mark Bosch of the Ian Hunter Rant Band
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Ian Hunter, Northhampton, 27 October 2012
Once Bitten, Twice Shy
When I'm President
Snippet ofIrene Wilde
All The Way From Memphis
Snippet ofAll American Alien Boy
Sweet Jane
Ta Shunka Witco (Crazy Horse), Saturday Gigs
Saturday Gigs/Life/All The Young Dudes
featuring Mick Ralphs, Verden Allen, Martin chambers, Joe Elliot, and Otis Gibbs.
Roadmenders Northampton for All The Young Dudes
Ian, James, Paul, M.C., Dennis & Steve, with Joe Elliot & Otis Gibbs, along with Mick Ralphs, Verden Allen & Martin Chambers.
Obama Watched Americans Die
Retired Lt. Col. & Special Ops Planner explains WH protocol to Rush Limbaugh.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Obama's Children Are the Future
Imagine an America
Where strip mines are fun and free
Where gays can be fixed
And sick people just die
And oil fills the sea
We don’t have to pay for freeways!
Our schools are good enough
Give us endless wars
On foreign shores
And lots of Chinese stuff
We’re the children of the future
American through and through
But something happened to our country
And we’re kinda blaming you
We haven’t killed all the polar bears
But it’s not for lack of trying
The Earth is cracked
Big Bird is sacked
And the atmosphere is frying
Congress went home early
They did their best we know
You can’t cut spending
With elections pending
Unless it’s welfare dough
We’re the children of the future
American through and through
But something happened to our country
And we’re kinda blaming you
Find a park that is still open
And take a breath of poison air
They foreclosed your place
To build a weapon in space
But you can write off your au pair
It’s a little awkward to tell you
But you left us holding the bag
When we look around
The place is all dumbed down
And the long term’s kind of a drag
We’re the children of the future
American through and through
But something happened to our country
And yeah, we’re blaming you
You did your best
You failed the test
Mom and Dad
We’re blaming you!
Friday, October 26, 2012
Petraeus Throws Obama Under the Bus
Solid sources on the ground dispute Obama's Libya cover-up
Charles Woods, Father of Former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods Who Gave His Life in Benghazi
Thursday, October 25, 2012
That was the ultimate question asked by a recent Gallup poll that placed Ronald Reagan, followed by Honest Abe Lincoln, top of the list among Americans.
Obama Says He's The Fourth Best President Ever
Who are the top four presidents in U.S. history?
Sex With Obama: “Lena Dunham: Your First Time.”
The pitch was stolen; it was Vladmir Putin who played the “Hey, voting’s kinda’-sorta’ like sex” angle back in 2008.
Father of Slain SEAL: Obama: “Could not look me in the eye … like shaking hands with a dead fish.”
Biden came over to his family and asked in a “loud and boisterous” voice, “Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?”
Obama: Romney's a 'Bullshitter'
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
The issue over the orange triangles has come up before in other states with Amish populations. Ohio, New York and Pennsylvania have allowed exemptions for the Swartzentrubers, and courts in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan have sided with them.
But police and prosecutors in Kentucky say the orange triangles are the law because they help motorists see the buggies and avoid collisions.
Should the Amish be forced to comply with signs that compromise their religious beliefs? Why or why not?
‘Jane Roe’ of Roe v. Wade airs anti-Obama ad
Ian Hunter and The Rant Band - Komedia Bath - 23 October 2012
Once Bitten Twice Shy
Crazy Horse
Irene Wilde
All The Way From Memphis
Otis Gibbs at Bath Komedia supporting Ian Hunter.
Son of Islamist Collaborator Fraudulently Casts Ballots
The son of Rep. Jim Moran, D-Va. - who serves as the field director for his father's campaign - has been caught on video advising an undercover reporter how to fraudulently cast ballots in the name of registered voters by forging utility bills and relying on the assistance of Democrat lawyers. James O'Keefe's Project Veritas, known for its hidden-camera probe of the controversial national community organizing group tied to Obama, ACORN, carried out the investigation.
Islamist-in-Chief Obama Knew 20-30 minutes after the Islamists attack: "U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi Under Attack"
The email evidence is damning: Obama knew. No intelligence is coming in about a spontaneous response to the anti-Mohammed video.
In fact, on September 11, when the White House was receiving emails pleading for help from an Al Qadea attack on our emabassy in Libya Ambassador Stevens and staff, Obama issued this statement:
The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Common Core Payoffs and David Coleman
Special interest groups include:
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave big money to the National Governors Association, Council of Chief School Officers, ASCD, AFT, PTA, Thomas B. Fordham Institute, etc. to promote the Common Core State [sic] Standards. A few of the companies/organizations with Gates grants to churn out curriculum are: Technet, Khan Academy, MetaMetrics, New Visions for Public Schools, Alliance for Excellent Education Inc, Research for Action Inc, Common Core Inc, New Venture Fund, The National Writing Project, and Achievement Network.
Pastor Ray Miller of Church in the Valley in Leakey, Texas, got national attention when he posted a message about Obama.
After Schoffstall stops backing up, having protested several times that he’s on public property, the guard says just inches from the reporter’s face: “It’s not a public sidewalk now, now [you're] standing on federal government property.”
“You’re pushing me back onto federal government property,” Schoffstall responds with irritation. “This is a public sidewalk, I can ask him a question.”
MRCTV also asked participants at the George Mason University what is the worst that a President Mitt Romney could do. Here are their answers:
Monday, October 22, 2012
Former CIA officer Clare Lopez weighs in on Libya.
Islamists Welcome in Obama's White House
Sunday, October 21, 2012
The Oldest Quranic Manuscripts
Gerd Puin was the head of a restoration project, commissioned by the Yemeni government, which spent a significant amount of time examining the ancient Qur'anic manuscripts discovered in Sana'a, Yemen, in 1972. According to writer Toby Lester, his examination revealed "unconventional verse orderings, minor textual variations, and rare styles of orthography and artistic embellishment." The scriptures were written in the early Hijazi Arabic script, matching the pieces of the earliest Qur'ans known to exist. The papyrus on which some of the text appears shows clear signs of earlier use, being that previous, scraped-off writings are also visible on it, though this does not necessarily demonstrate modifications to the over-all text of the Qur'an.
More than 15,000 sheets of the Yemeni Qur'ans have painstakingly been cleaned, treated, sorted, and photographed and 35,000 microfilmed photos have been made of the manuscripts. Some of Puin's initial remarks on his findings are found in his essay titled the "Observations on Early Qur'an Manuscripts in San'a" which has been republished in the book What the Koran Really Says by Ibn Warraq.
Ian Hunter, 20 October 2012, Birmingham Town Hall,
The Moon Upstairs
Saturday Gigs/Life/All The Young Dudes/Goodnight Irene
Life/All The Young Dudes
and band intro
All The Young Dudes
Tracie Hunter, back up vocals
A couple of minutes of
All the Young Dudes
with Ian Hunter (Mott the Hoople) and his Rant Band playing part of All The Young Dudes as part of their European tour, 2012. Ian Hunter (Vocals, Guitar), James Mastro (Guitar), Piano, Mark Bosch (Guitar), Steve Holley (Drums), Paul Page (Bass).
Ian Hunter, 19 October 2012, Shepherds Bush London
When I'm President
23A Swan Hill
All the Way from Memphis
Roll Away The Stone
The Political Prisoner: YouTube Mohammed Filmmaker Goes to Trail After Election
Drone’s Cam Watched Libyan Deaths: Where are the tapes?
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Friday, October 19, 2012
Ian Hunter & The Rant Band; 12 October 2012, Newcastle upon Tyne
Intro & Comfortable (Flyin' Scotsman)
All The Way From Memphis
The clip states: 11 October 2010
Roll Away The Stone
Sweet Jane
Saturday Gigs and All The Young Dudes
Band Intro
Roll Away the Stone
Saturday Gigs/Life/All The Young Dudes
Killer of American Ambassador sits at a "crowded luxury hotel, sipping a strawberry frappe on a patio and scoffing" at Obama
Members of “The Truth About Fort Hood,” a coalition of about 160 victims and family members, released a 14-minute video Thursday of survivors describing the events of Nov. 5, 2009, including accused shooter Maj. Nidal Hasan shouting “Allahu Akbar” before he allegedly opened fire in a medical building on the base.
CIA Calls Benghazi Terror Attack on the First Day
Romney Likable and Kills at Alfred E. Smith Dinner
Thursday, October 18, 2012
WTKR-TV has more details, including interviews with other parents:
Teacher charged in school assault
Teacher charged in school assault
Obama’s Taxpayer-Backed Green Energy Failures
Evergreen Solar ($24 million)*
SpectraWatt ($500,000)*
Solyndra ($535 million)*
Beacon Power ($69 million)*
AES’s subsidiary Eastern Energy ($17.1 million)
Nevada Geothermal ($98.5 million)
SunPower ($1.5 billion)
First Solar ($1.46 billion)
Babcock and Brown ($178 million)
EnerDel’s subsidiary Ener1 ($118.5 million)*
Amonix ($5.9 million)
National Renewable Energy Lab ($200 million)
Fisker Automotive ($528 million)
Abound Solar ($374 million)*
A123 Systems ($279 million)*
Willard and Kelsey Solar Group ($6 million)
Johnson Controls ($299 million)
Schneider Electric ($86 million)
Brightsource ($1.6 billion)
ECOtality ($126.2 million)
Raser Technologies ($33 million)*
Energy Conversion Devices ($13.3 million)*
Mountain Plaza, Inc. ($2 million)*
Olsen’s Crop Service and Olsen’s Mills Acquisition Company ($10 million)*
Range Fuels ($80 million)*
Thompson River Power ($6.4 million)*
Stirling Energy Systems ($7 million)*
LSP Energy ($2.1 billion)*
UniSolar ($100 million)*
Azure Dynamics ($120 million)*
GreenVolts ($500,000)
Vestas ($50 million)
LG Chem’s subsidiary Compact Power ($150 million)
Nordic Windpower ($16 million)*
Navistar ($10 million)
Satcon ($3 million)*
*Denotes companies that have filed for bankruptcy.
Obama on 9/11 Slaughter of Americans in Benghazi: "it’s not optimal."
A law passed last year — which directly targeted Tucson’s program — bans classes designed for a particular ethnic group or which “promote resentment toward a race or class of people.”
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
False Flag War?
"One can combine other means of pressure with sanctions. I mentioned that explosion on August 17th. We could step up the pressure. I mean look people, Iranian submarines periodically go down, some day one of them might not come up, who would know why? We can do a variety of things if we wish to increase the pressure... We are in the game of using covert means against the Iranians. We could get nastier."
Obama Pursuing Whistle-Blowers as Spies Under Espionage Act
The Radical Gay Agenda of Anti-bullying Propaganda in Catholic Schools
The real agenda behind gay anti-bullying clubs in your school
Template for Homosexual and Transgender Activism in Schools across the U.S.
Obama to Soak the Rich in Taxes
"Romney’s plan is a large tax cut for the top 60 percent, a huge tax cut for the top few percent, and a significant tax increase for the bottom few percent, as he permits a few temporary tax breaks that benefit low-income folks to expire. Obama’s plan keeps the current tax rates for almost everyone but the top few percent, who face a very large tax increase."
Obama Rose Garden Benghazi Incident; this is not a terrorist attack
Obama does not connect the dots between the Ambassador's death and terrorism.
Quoting Obama in context reveals his Islamist agenda.
"Yesterday, four of these extraordinary Americans were killed in an attack on our diplomatic post in Benghazi."
Obama does not label this as a terrorist attack.
"The United States condemns in the strongest terms this outrageous and shocking attack."
He has another opportunity to call this terrorism, he does not.
"And make no mistake, we will work with the Libyan government to bring to justice the killers who attacked our people."
He describes the investigation, with Libya, in legalistic terms.
There is no mention of terrorism.
However, Obama does bring up the subject of religion. Why? Who said this had anything to do with religion? Obama did.
"Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths. We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. But there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence. None. The world must stand together to unequivocally reject these brutal acts."
His emphasis on religion now is a plea that we should not denigrate the religion of others. How and in what way is the Ambassador's death related to religion? He does not state an answer. He calls the deaths "senseless violence," not terrorism.
Then he tells us how strong our bond is with Libya and the brave, unnamed and undocumented acts that protected the Ambassador. He claims Libyans "carried Ambassador Stevens’s body to the hospital, where we tragically learned that he had died."
I wonder if there are any records, inquest, time of death, physician's statements, post-mortem examinations, or any documentation whatsoever? Apparently not or none are forthcoming. Obama describes the point we learned that the Ambassador was deceased, and no evidence about what happened to him previous to his death.
Then, Obama transitions to the day as already an anniversary of 9/11.
"Of course, yesterday was already a painful day for our nation as we marked the solemn memory of the 9/11 attacks." He draws a contrast between 9/11 and Benghazi. "And then last night, we learned the news of this attack in Benghazi."
Twice Obama uses transitional phrases: "of course," and, "and then."
He never connects Benghazi to terrorism, describing it as he does as a fight for freedom.
"As Americans, let us never, ever forget that our freedom is only sustained because there are people who are willing to fight for it, to stand up for it, and in some cases, lay down their lives for it. Our country is only as strong as the character of our people and the service of those both civilian and military who represent us around the globe.
No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done."
He wants "justice," a legal term, but not vengeance for an act of terrorism. Those who represent us stand for freedom, dignity, and service.
"But we also know that the lives these Americans led stand in stark contrast to those of their attackers. These four Americans stood up for freedom and human dignity. They should give every American great pride in the country that they served, and the hope that our flag represents to people around the globe who also yearn to live in freedom and with dignity."
On the face of it, you have to take Obama's words out of context and put in ideas of terrorism which he himself does not do. This does not take into account the subsequent act of Ambassador Rice going on five talk shows to denounce a religious video, and then Obama himself going to the United Nations to six times denounce the same religious video.
The evidence suggests that Obama's agenda is to defend Islam against its detractors.
Obama Supporters Threaten To Kill Romney If He Wins Election
Michelle Broke Agreed Upon Rules, Clapped At Debate
The rule: Article 9, Section A, Subsection 7: "All members of the debate audience will be instructed by the moderator before the debate goes on the air and by the moderator after the debate goes on the air not to applaud, speak, or otherwise participate in the debate by any means other than by silent observation, except as provided by the agreed upon rules of the October 16 town hall debate."
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Former Hitler Youth Whistleblower Warns Of America's Nazi Future
In this shocking interview available for the first time to Prison subscribers, former Hitler Youth member and World War Two veteran Hilmar Von Campe warns that America's collective turn away from God is greasing the skids for the state to take over as the ultimate authority, threatening a repeat of the rise of National Socialism, as he warns that the Obama White House and the United States government in general now more closely embrace the political doctrines of the Nazis than they do those of the founding fathers.
Von Campe explains how when he returned from the war he was determined to find out how the Germans, a relatively cultured and civil people before the rise of the Nazis, could have allowed a monster like Hitler to implement the Third Reich. Von Campe attributes the fall of Germany to the Nazis partly to "Godlessness," a collapse in moral standards, and the German people acting contrary to God's desires. Based on this revelation, he has created a formula to try and prevent countries from succumbing to tyranny in future.
Von Campe explains how children were indoctrinated by the state and the education system to uphold Nazi beliefs and then spy on and inform on their parents if they didn't follow suit, as a way of breaking up families and enforcing a single ideology. He also reveals how the Nazis insisted upon discussion about religion and God being kept out of society, in the interests of ensuring that the people could not call on a higher authority than the state and therefore were less inclined to resist the Nazi takeover.
Von Campe warns that the process of taking God out of society and education, and the accelerating erosion of America's Christian foundations bears startling similarities to how National Socialism established itself in 1930's Germany, while chillingly pointing out that the US Senate, House and the Obama White House now more closely resembles the Nazis than it does the founding fathers.
"I cannot understand how the American people can tolerate a thing like this," says Von Campe, making reference to the over 50 million babies that have been killed through abortion in the United States, while drawing other parallels to how the US is beginning to mirror totalitarian states. The only way to change the direction America is heading, warns Von Campe, is to reject immorality and embrace "absolute moral standards, absolute honesty, absolute purity, absolute unselfishness and absolute love."
We urge all our subscribers to watch this chilling interview right now. Not a member? Please click here to subscribe and get instant access to this interview, along with thousands of hours of material, including daily access to the live video stream and video archives of The Alex Jones Show.
Military, Martial Law, Internment and Resettlement Operations
Obama Plans Longer Stay in Afghanistan Past 2014
Monday, October 15, 2012
Common Core Curriculum: Faith in the Future Foundation
Samuel Casey Carter
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt promotes the Common Core Curriculum.
National Heritage Academies (NHA) partners with community groups to build and operate public charter schools. Founded in 1995, today NHA partners with 71 K-8 schools in eight states serving more than 44,000 students. NHA's system of schools is designed to eliminate achievement gaps and provide school choice to families so that their children are prepared for success in high school, college and beyond.
The Cristo Rey Network consists of "25 high schools that provide a quality, Catholic, college preparatory education to urban young people who live in communities with limited educational options."
KIPP is "the Knowledge Is Power Program, is a nationwide network of free open-enrollment college-preparatory schools in under-resourced communities throughout the United States. KIPP schools are usually established under state charter school laws and KIPP is America’s largest network of charter schools."
CfBT Education Services is a not-for-profit company registered under Sec 25 of the Indian Companies Act, 1956. We are affiliated to CfBT Education Trust, UK. Our aim is to share CfBT’s international experience and expertise in education and training with Indian schools. We create self sustaining delivery systems that raise the standards of teaching and learning through focused training and support to schools.They work primarily with practitioners to enable the all round development of young learners, often take up direct teaching assignments on request.
CfBT Education Services are committed to supporting the education of pupils and working in partnership with school correspondents/governing bodies, principals, teachers, parents, government and others involved in the operation and management of schools through a range of school improvement services. Contact C.F.B.T. Consultancy Name: C.F.B.T. Consultancy Location: 2-C, Samrat Complex, Saifabad, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India Contact No: 40 6625 9722, 6625 9733 Email: Website:
He was head of global corporate social responsibility for Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and the executive director of the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Foundation.
The Foundation was a corporate sponsor of Chicago Public Schools.
He wrote as a senior fellow for the Center for Education Reform.
In the emerging landscape of education reform, the Center for Education Reform is the leading voice for structural and sustainable changes that can dramatically improve educational opportunities for decades to come. Our guiding purpose is to improve the accuracy and quality of discourse and decisions about education reform, leading to fundamental policy changes that make a difference long after news and election cycles have ended. As part of our core mission, the Center works on three primary fronts: — Generating and sharing leading ideas and information — Supporting and enabling grassroots activism — Protecting and stimulating media coverage and issue accuracy
Three daughters, 13, 11, and 9.
The speaker is the Sufi cleric Moulana Ghulam. Ahmed Rabbani is one of the key figures behind the growing “Muslim Action Forum” who are coordinating these anti-Google/YouTube protests in the British isles.
Hillary Throws Herself Under the Bus to Protect Obama from 9/11 Benghazi Tragedy
Ian Hunter, 14 October 2012, Holmfirth Picturedrome
Michael Picasso
Ta Shunka Witco (Crazy Horse)
All The Way From Memphis
Saturday Gigs/Life/All The Young Dudes
Photo credit: Justin Purington
Pro-life Teaching is Misogyny and Bullying
Catholic schools may not teach students that abortion is wrong because such teaching amounts to “misogyny,” which is prohibited in schools as part of an anti-bullying law.
Lamestream Moderator for Debate: GOP as ‘Some Sort of Ticket Death Wish’
For Every Person Added to Labor Force, 10 Added to Those Not in Labor Force
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Ian Hunter, ABC Glasgow, Saturday, 13 October 2012
Roll Away The Stone
Roll Away The Stone
All The Way From Memphis
Sweet Jane
Saturday Gigs/All The Young Dudes/Goodnight Irene
All The Young Dudes/Goodnight Irene
O2 ABC Glasgow (clips from various songs)
Door time: 7.00pm Show time: TBC
BenghaziGate: what really happened during the Islamist attack on 9/11
According to the transcript:
"A few minutes later – we’re talking about 9 o’clock at night – the Ambassador retires to his room, the others are still at Building C, and the one agent in the [Tactical Operations Center]. At 9:40 p.m., the agent in the TOC and the agents in Building C hear loud noises coming from the front gate. They also hear gunfire and an explosion. The agent in the TOC looks at his cameras – these are cameras that have pictures of the perimeter – and the camera on the main gate reveals a large number of people – a large number of men, armed men, flowing into the compound. One special agent immediately goes to get the Ambassador in his bedroom and gets Sean, and the three of them enter the safe haven inside the building. …
They turn around immediately and head back – or the two of them, from Building B, turn around immediately with their kit and head back to Villa C, where the Ambassador and his colleagues are. They encounter a large group of armed men between them and Building C. I should say that the agent in Building C with the Ambassador has radioed that they are all in the safe haven and are fine. The agents that encounter the armed group make a tactical decision to turn around and go back to their Building B and barricade themselves in there. So we have people in three locations right now.
And I neglected to mention – I should have mentioned from the top that the attackers, when they came through the gate, immediately torched the barracks. It is aflame, the barracks that was occupied by the 17th February Brigade armed host country security team. I should also have mentioned that at the very first moment when the agent in the TOC seized [sic -- apparently should read "sees"] the people flowing through the gate, he immediately hits an alarm, and so there is a loud alarm. He gets on the public address system as well, yelling, “Attack, attack.” Having said that, the agents – the other agents had heard the noise and were already reacting.
Okay. So we have agents in Building C – or an agent in Building C with the Ambassador and Sean, we have two agents in Building B, and we have two agents in the TOC. All – Building C is – attackers penetrate in Building C. They walk around inside the building into a living area, not the safe haven area. The building is dark. They look through the grill, they see nothing. They try the grill, the locks on the grill; they can’t get through. The agent is, in fact, watching them from the darkness. He has his long gun trained on them and he is ready to shoot if they come any further. They do not go any further.
They have jerry cans. They have jerry cans full of diesel fuel that they’ve picked up at the entrance when they torched the barracks. They have sprinkled the diesel fuel around. They light the furniture in the living room – this big, puffy, Middle Eastern furniture. They light it all on fire, and they have also lit part of the exterior of the building on fire. At the same time, there are other attackers that have penetrated Building B. The two agents in Building B are barricaded in an inner room there. The attackers circulate in Building B but do not get to the agents and eventually leave.
A third group of attackers tried to break into the TOC. They pound away at the door, they throw themselves at the door, they kick the door, they really treat it pretty rough; they are unable to get in, and they withdraw. Back in Building C, where the Ambassador is, the building is rapidly filling with smoke. The attackers have exited. The smoke is extremely thick. It’s diesel smoke, and also, obviously, smoke from – fumes from the furniture that’s burning. And the building inside is getting more and more black. The Ambassador and the two others make a decision that it’s getting – it’s starting to get tough to breathe in there, and so they move to another part of the safe haven, a bathroom that has a window. They open the window. The window is, of course, grilled. They open the window trying to get some air in. That doesn’t help. The building is still very thick in smoke. …
Okay. We’ve got the agent. He’s opening the – he is suffering severely from smoke inhalation at this point. He can barely breathe. He can barely see. He’s got the grill open and he flops out of the window onto a little patio that’s been enclosed by sandbags. He determines that he’s under fire, but he also looks back and sees he doesn’t have his two companions. He goes back in to get them. He can’t find them. He goes in and out several times before smoke overcomes him completely, and he has to stagger up a small ladder to the roof of the building and collapse. He collapses. …
The agent in the TOC, who is in full gear, opens the door, throws a smoke grenade, which lands between the two buildings, to obscure what he is doing, and he moves to Building B, enters Building B. He un-barricades the two agents that are in there, and the three of them emerge and head for Building C. There are, however, plenty of bad guys and plenty of firing still on the compound, and they decide that the safest way for them to move is to go into an armored vehicle, which is parked right there. They get into the armored vehicle and they drive to Building C.
They drive to the part of the building where the agent had emerged. He’s on the roof. They make contact with the agent. Two of them set up as best a perimeter as they can, and the third one, third agent, goes into the building. This goes on for many minutes. Goes into the building, into the choking smoke. When that agent can’t proceed, another agent goes in, and so on. And they take turns going into the building on their hands and knees, feeling their way through the building to try to find their two colleagues. They find Sean. They pull him out of the building. He is deceased. They are unable to find the Ambassador. …
At this point, the quick reaction security team and the Libyans, especially the Libyan forces, are saying, “We cannot stay here. It’s time to leave. We’ve got to leave. We can’t hold the perimeter.” So at that point, they make the decision to evacuate the compound and to head for the annex. The annex is about two kilometers away. My agents pile into an armored vehicle with the body of Sean, and they exit the main gate. …
[T]hey take fire almost as soon as they emerge from the compound. They go a couple of – they go in one direction toward the annex. They don’t like what they’re seeing ahead of them. There are crowds. There are groups of men. They turn around and go the other direction. They don’t like what they’re seeing in that direction either. They make another u-turn. They’re going at a steady pace. There is traffic in the roads around there. This is in Benghazi, after all. Now, they’re going at a steady pace and they’re trying not to attract too much attention, so they’re going maybe 15 miles an hour down the street.
They come up to a knot of men in an adjacent compound, and one of the men signals them to turn into that compound. They agents [sic] at that point smell a rat, and they step on it. They have taken some fire already. At this point, they take very heavy fire as they go by this group of men. They take direct fire from AK-47s from about two feet away. The men also throw hand grenades or gelignite bombs under – at the vehicle and under it. At this point, the armored vehicle is extremely heavily impacted, but it’s still holding. There are two flat tires, but they’re still rolling. …
As the night goes on, a team of reinforcements from Embassy Tripoli arrives by chartered aircraft at Benghazi airport and makes its way to the compound – to the annex, I should say. And I should have mentioned that the quick reaction – the quick reaction security team that was at the compound has also, in addition to my five agents, has also returned to the annex safely. The reinforcements from Tripoli are at the compound – at the annex. They take up their positions. And somewhere around 5:45 in the morning – sorry, somewhere around 4 o’clock in the morning – I have my timeline wrong – somewhere around 4 o’clock in the morning the annex takes mortar fire. It is precise and some of the mortar fire lands on the roof of the annex. It immediately killed two security personnel that are there, severely wounds one of the agents that’s come from the compound.
At that point, a decision is made at the annex that they are going to have to evacuate the whole enterprise. And the next hours are spent, one, securing the annex, and then two, moving in a significant and large convoy of vehicles everybody to the airport, where they are evacuated on two flights."
Obama, oblivious to the Americans, was sauntering off to Las Vegas for a fundraiser.
Obama’s lies are obvious.
The first question is from Anne Gearan of the Washington Post.
"QUESTION: Hi. You said a moment ago that there was nothing unusual outside, on the street, or outside the gates of the main compound. When did the agents inside – what – excuse me, what did the agents inside think was happening when the first group of men gathered there and they first heard those explosions? Did they think it was a protest, or did they think it was something else?
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL TWO: The agent in the TOC heard the noise, heard the firing. Firing is not unusual in Benghazi at 9:40 at night, but he immediately reacted and looked at his cameras and saw people coming in, hit the alarm. And the rest is as I described it. Does that help?"
The next exchange is extraordinary.
"OPERATOR: The next question is from the line of Brad Klapper with AP. Please, go ahead.
QUESTION: Hi, yes. You described several incidents you had with groups of men, armed men. What in all of these events that you’ve described led officials to believe for the first several days that this was prompted by protests against the video?
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL TWO: That is a question that you would have to ask others. That was not our conclusion. I’m not saying that we had a conclusion, but we outlined what happened. The Ambassador walked guests out around 8:30 or so, there was no one on the street at approximately 9:40, then there was the noise and then we saw on the cameras the – a large number of armed men assaulting the compound.
So Hillary and the State Department unequivocally oppose the cover up account of Obama's lie.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Teen Mom Shoots Invader to Protect Baby
Is this a justifiable shooting? Should people have the right to defend themselves with firearms?
Eighteen-year-old Sarah McKinley and her 3-month-old son were unharmed when two intruders tried to break into their home outside of Oklahoma City on New Year’s Eve. Her husband had died from lung cancer on Christmas Day, and when she realized intruders were attempting to break into her home she had nothing to do but grab her 12-gauge shotgun and pistol, and call 911.
She spoke with the operator for 21 minutes, making sure she had the right to shoot if the men forced their way in.
“I can’t tell you that you can do that, but you do what you have to do to protect your baby,” the dispatcher told her as she held the infant with a bottle, according to KOCO.
Florida Public Schools Put Minority Kids Back on the Plantation
The plantation plan says that by 2018, it wants 90 percent of Asian students, 88 percent of white students, 81 percent of Hispanics and 74 percent of black students to be reading at or above grade level. For math, the goals are 92 percent of Asian kids to be proficient, whites at 86 percent, Hispanics at 80 percent and blacks at 74 percent.
African states and Arab states seek Internet Tax
Friday, October 12, 2012
Rep Mike Kelly Verbally Spanking the State Department at the Oversight Hearing on Libya
On October 10, 2012 the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee held a hearing to look into the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi, Libya. Representative Mike Kelly, Republican from Pennsylvania had more than a few choice words for the State Department officials testifying that day
JFK Tried to Whack Castro with the Mob
The National Archives and Records Administration and the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library in Boston released some 2,700 pages of documents Kennedy compiled as attorney general from 1961 to 1964, offering a glimpse into Cold War decision-making.
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National Debt Clock
"Congress: I'm Watching"
A tax on toilet paper; I kid you not. According to the sponsor, "the Water Protection and Reinvestment Act will be financed broadly by small fees on such things as . . . products disposed of in waste water." Congress wants to tax what you do in the privacy of your bathroom.
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