Blog Smith

Blog Smith is inspired by the myth of Hephaestus in the creation of blacksmith-like, forged materials: ideas. This blog analyzes topics that interest me: IT, politics, technology, history, education, music, and the history of religions.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Saudi Arabia warned USA IN WRITING about Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2012, and rejected his application for an entry visa to visit Mecca in 2011.

Saudi Arabian ambassador in Washington now DENIES his nation warned the United States about Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2012

The Cambridge Ancient History

The Cambridge Ancient History

The Senator Refuted by the Founders on the Second Amendment

The Senator refuted by the Founders.

To inform you of the Bill of Rights I will quote the Second Amendment for you.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

Nowhere does the Bill of Rights mention, as the Senator does, a concern for "hunting and recreation."

The purpose of the Amendment is clear: for the security of a "free state."

In addition, you promote a unitary state, a Leviathan of the `living Constitution,' ever encroaching Federal general welfare, in direct contradiction to state sovereignty and personal liberty.

The "general welfare" clause does not apply to extending federal authority.

The "general welfare clause precedes the list of enumerated powers in Article I, Section 8, James Madison makes it clear in Federalist no. 41 that the general welfare is composed only of those specific powers identified after the clause: `For what purpose could the enumeration of particular powers be inserted, if these and all others were meant to be included in the preceding general power?' Madison asks, `Nothing is more natural nor common than first to use a general phrase, and then to explain and qualify it by a recital of particulars.' The general welfare clause explains why the federal government has been given enumerated powers, but does not itself confer any power."

In short, you violate the right of the people to keep and bear arms and unnecessarily extend Federal power.

Finally, as your own statement makes clear; you have no solution.

"I am under no illusion that the amendment would necessarily prevent a determined criminal or dangerously mentally ill person from acquiring a firearm."

If you have proposals on how to promote our liberty and ensure the security of a free state then you will have my support again.

For the time being, I regret that I voted for you.

Still `clinging to my guns and my religion.'

Thank you for contacting me about national firearms policy. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.
Like many Pennsylvanians, I have long been a supporter of the Second Amendment. Americans have an individual right to bear arms for self-protection, hunting and recreation. In fact, during my tenure in the House of Representatives (1999-2005), my record of supporting gun owners' rights earned me an "A" rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA). 
As important as Second Amendment rights are, our society recognizes that these rights do not apply to criminals and the dangerously mentally ill. Writing for the conservative majority in the landmark Supreme Court case, District of Columbia v. Heller, in which the court struck down the D.C. gun ban, Justice Antonin Scalia stated, "Nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill...or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms." In other words, Justice Scalia affirmed that laws preventing criminals and the dangerously mentally ill from obtaining firearms do not infringe on the Second Amendment.
As you know, I recently introduced an amendment, along with Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), to the Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013 (S. 649). Our amendment had three parts. The first was to improve state compliance with the existing National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). The second part was to expand background checks to commercial sales at gun shows or through the internet. These first two parts of our amendment were designed to make it more difficult for criminals and dangerously mentally ill persons to acquire firearms. The third part would have provided law abiding citizens with expanded opportunities to exercise their Second Amendment Rights.
With regard to the first part of the amendment, NICS relies on states to provide records of persons who should not possess firearms. Compliance varies greatly with some states providing very few records. The amendment requires states to completely participate in NICS in order to be eligible for certain types of federal grant funding.
Full state participation in NICS would help prevent the kind of tragedy that took place at Virginia Tech in 2007. Prior to that mass shooting, in which 32 people were murdered and 23 were injured, shooter Seung Hui Cho had been found mentally ill by a Virginia judge. However, Virginia did not submit that court record to NICS. The absence of this critical information in NICS enabled Cho to pass a background check and purchase the handguns he used for the shooting. This is one example of how the threat of gun violence can be reduced through improvement of the NICS system, a salient objective of the Manchin-Toomey amendment.
The second part, expansion of background checks to other venues such as gun shows, is not a new idea. In the aftermath of the Columbine High School tragedy in 1999, the NRA supported expanding background checks at gun shows during consideration by the House of Representatives of the Mandatory Gun Show Background Check Act (H.R. 2122). I agreed with the NRA then, and so did many of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle who voted in favor of this legislation.
Current law already requires a background check through NICS for all sales conducted through a federally licensed gun dealer. The Manchin-Toomey amendment would have required individuals seeking to purchase firearms from a non-dealer at a gun show to undergo the same background check as required for purchases from licensed dealers. The amendment would not have mandated "universal" background checks. Personal, non-commercial transfers would not have required background checks.
The third part of our amendment would have been achieved through a number of measures. These measures included allowing active duty military service members to buy a gun in their home state and providing a new legal process for restoring the Second Amendment rights of veterans who, under current law, can be unfairly prevented from acquiring a firearm. Another benefit included protecting law abiding gun owners from arrest or detention by fixing interstate travel laws.
Contrary to some reports, the amendment would not have created or enabled a national gun registry. I have always strongly opposed a gun registry, so our amendment prohibited the creation of a registry and would have established a new felony offense, punishable by a 15-year prison sentence, for any official who attempted to create a federal registry.
Senator Manchin and I posted the text of our amendment on our websites on April 11, 2013, thereby providing six days for our colleagues and the public to review the 49-page measure before a vote. On April 17, 2013, despite bipartisan support and a 54-46 vote in favor, the amendment was defeated due to a 60-vote threshold that was agreed to by unanimous consent.
I acknowledge that some will disagree with the Manchin-Toomey amendment. I am under no illusion that the amendment would necessarily prevent a determined criminal or dangerously mentally ill person from acquiring a firearm. No system can be 100 percent effective in denying firearms to those that should not have them, but that does not mean we should not try to improve the current system. In my view, keeping guns out of the hands of these people is not gun control, but common sense.


Abdulaziz al-Hijji Islamists Ties to 9/11

The al-Hijji family, according to the Miami Herald (based on a report by, has tied that family’s head — Abdulaziz al-Hijji — to the 9/11 Islamists, but his family’s apparent connections are now emerging in recently-obtained U.S. documentation.

Turn In Your Guns

A president for everyone, except Black people

Kevin Johnson

Cambridge Boston Mosque

Link to Islamism

Monday, April 29, 2013

Benghazi Coverup

A special operator revelation:

“I know for a fact that C 110 the UComm CIF was doing a training exercise, not in the region of northern Africa, but in Europe. And they had the ability to react and respond,” he told Fox News.
The C 110 is a 40-man Special Ops force capable of rapid response and deployment, a group trained specifically for an event like the Benghazi attack, Fox News reports. The unit was training in Croatia on Sept. 11, 2012, just 3.5 hours away from Benghazi.
“They would have been there before the second attack,” the anonymous special operator said. “They would have been there at a minimum to provide a quick reaction force that could facilitate their exfil out of the problem situation.”

Common Core: Obama’s education problem

Obama’s big second-term education problem

56 Acronyms and Initialisms - mental_floss

John Maynard Keynes quote

“It seems like parents have no rights whatsoever;” the situation reminds him of a “communist regime.”



Islamic Society of Boston (two mosques, one in Cambridge and one in Boston)
  • Founded by Abdulrahman Alamoudi, who served as its first president. He is now in prison for financing al-Qaeda.
  • Aafia Siddiqui attended this mosque. She is now serving an 86-year-sentence for plotting a jihad attack in New York City, and firing at military officers and FBI agents when under arrest.
  • Tarek Mehanna attended this mosque. He is now serving 17 years in prison for conspiring to aid al-Qaeda.
  • Ahmad Abousamra attended this mosque. He was Mehanna's co-conspirator. He fled to Syria and is wanted by the FBI.
  • Jamal Badawi of Canada was a former trustee of the Islamic Society of Boston Trust. He was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation Hamas terror funding trial.
  • Yusuf al Qaradawi, the Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader who has praised Hitler and called on Muslims to finish his work, was a mosque trustee and has addressed congregants via recorded video message to raise money for the Boston mosque.
  • Yasir Qadhi, who lectured at the Boston mosque in April 2009, has advocated replacing U.S. democracy with Islamic rule and called Christians "filthy" polytheists whose "life and prosperity … holds no value in the state of Jihad."
  • Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the Boston Marathon jihad bombers, attended the Cambridge mosque.
The Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center, Fairfax County, Virginia.
  • The Saudi-backed North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), a Muslim Brotherhood group, bought the mosque's grounds in 1983.
  • Mohammed al-Hanooti, the mosque's imam from 1995-1999, was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
  • Anwar al-Awlaki, the mosque's imam from 2001-2002, has extensive contact with three 9/11 hijackers, the Fort Hood jihad murderer, and the Christmas underwear bomber.
  • Johari Abdul-Malik, the mosque's director of outreach from 2002 to the present, has defended Abdulrahman Alamoudi, who is in prison for financing al-Qaeda.
  • Ahmed Omar Abu Ali taught Islamic studies and was a camp counselor at the mosque; he is now in prison for plotting to assassinate President George W. Bush.
  • Shaker Elsayed, the mosque's imam from 2005 to the present, was Secretary General of the Muslim American Society, a Muslim Brotherhood group.
  • Nidal Malik Hasan, the Fort Hood jihad mass murderer, attended this mosque.
  • Abdelhaleem Hasan Abdelraziq Ashqar, a member of the mosque's Executive Committee, was convicted in November 2007 of contempt and obstruction of justice for refusing to testify regarding Hamas, and received an eleven-year prison sentence.
Noor Mosque, Columbus, Ohio
  • The leader of the mosque, Dr. Hany Saqr, was previously an imam for another area mosque which at that time was the base of operations for the largest known Al-Qaeda cell in the U.S. since 9/11, including convicted jihadists Iyman Faris, Nuradin Abdi, and Christopher Paul. Saqr is one of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America.
  • Dr. Salah Sultan was the mosque's unofficial scholar in residence. A protégé of Qaradawi, Sultan is now in the Middle East and has appeared on Egyptian television approvingly quoting the genocidal hadith about how the end times will not come until Muslims kill Jews, and previously appeared at events in support of Hamas and Qaradawi.
  • The Noor Center has been directly linked to the Somali Muslims who have gone from the U.S. back to Somali for jihad terror training.
  • Siraj Wahhaj, a friend of the Blind Sheikh and a potential unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, has spoken at the Noor Mosque.
  • Mosque members threatened the life of Rifqa Bary, a teenage girl who left Islam for Christianity.
AFDI stands for:
  • The freedom of speech – as opposed to Islamic prohibitions of "blasphemy" and "slander," which are used effectively to quash honest discussion of jihad and Islamic supremacism;
  • The freedom of conscience – as opposed to the Islamic death penalty for apostasy;
  • The equality of rights of all people before the law – as opposed to Sharia's institutionalized discrimination against women and non-Muslims.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Poll Results for 1st time since 9/11 Attacks: People Fear Gov't More than Islamists

More Americans answered “no” to the question, “Would you be willing to give up some of your personal freedom in order to reduce the threat of terrorism?

Now, it would seem, the famous quote widely attributed to Benjamin Franklin – “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety” – is holding more sway with Americans than it has in over a dozen years.

Muslim Brotherhood Is Guiding Obama In Boston Bombings Investigation

Somali Islamist Hardball in America

Political hardball alleged in Minneapolis council race

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Friday, April 26, 2013

FBI Informant Claims Taliban Members Are Living In America

Taliban Living In America

Landing gear from 9/11 plane found near site of planned Ground Zero Mosque

Landing gear from 9/11 found near site of planned Ground Zero Mosquestrosity

Bill Whittle: Enemies of the State

Bill Whittle walks viewers through the efforts by liberals to politicize murder and terror. Why does the left advance their paranoid mythologies about race and conservatism even when it is irrelevant to the issue at hand? Whether its the Newtown mass murder, or the Boston Marathon terror attacks by radical muslims, liberals always target America and forgive the real enemies. Hear why liberals and the mainstream media love to blame the Tea Party movement and the right for every wrong in America, on this Afterburner.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

DHS Uses 1,000 rounds of ammunition more per person than the U.S. Army

Nick Nayak, chief procurement officer for the Department of Homeland Security, did not challenge the numbers.


The sound on the discs are from Bell’s Volta Labs, including one made from wax and cardboard dated April 15, 1885.

“In witness whereof—hear my voice, Alexander Graham Bell.”

Rep. Tom Cotton speaks on the Failure of Obama Administration's counterterrorism efforts

"I rise today to express grave doubts about the Obama administration's counterterrorism policies and programs. Counterterrorism is often shrouded in secrecy, as it should be, so let us judge by the results. In barely four years in office, five Jihadists have reached their targets in the United States under Barack Obama: the Boston Marathon bomber, the underwear bomber, the Times Square Bomber, the Fort Hood shooter, and in my own state—the Little Rock recruiting office shooter. In the seven years after 9/11 under George W. Bush, how many terrorists reached their target in the United States? Zero! We need to ask "why is the Obama administration failing in its mission to stop terrorism before it reaches its targets in the United States."

Beckel Schools Beckel

Southern Poverty Law Center's Promotion of Violence

On August 15. 2012 at 10:46 a.m., Floyd Corkins entered the lobby of Family Research Council armed with a loaded semi-automatic pistol, 100 rounds of ammunition, and 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches. FRC building manager Leo Johnson was temporarily manning the front desk at our Washington headquarters when a now-confessed terrorist intent on killing everyone in the building entered with a handgun and 100 rounds of ammunition. As he drew his gun, Leo courageously charged the attacker into oncoming gunfire. Even after sustaining a direct hit to his forearm, he subdued the attacker and wrestled the gun away from him. 

Why did confessed terrorist Corkins choose Family Research Council as a target for his attack? In an FBI interrogation, Corkins admitted he found his target from the Southern Poverty Law Center's list.

Michael Scheuer: The Idea That They're Attacking Us Because Of Our Culture And Freedom Is Insane

"We should have went to Afghanistan and won the war. We went to Afghanistan, spent 13 years and got chased out by guys with weapons from the Korean War. The Islamists started this war, they explained to us as clearly as General Giap and Ho Chi Minh explained to us why they were fighting us and we have ignored it. Mrs. Clinton has ignored it, Bill Clinton, George Bush, Barack Obama. The idea that they're attacking us because of our culture is insane. We are now waging a war against them culturally. We're trying to impose democracy, women's rights, parliamentary systems on a people who don't want it. They're going to fight that. They don't care if we vote, why should they care about that?"

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Terror suspects, fugitives and radical speakers have passed through the Cambridge mosque that the Tsarnaev brothers are known to have visited.

Saudi Person of Interest With Buddy Michelle, Obama Visit Buddy

خونا عبدالرحمن الحربي مع ميشيل أُباما واصاحبة

Brother Alharbi with Michelle Obama and Asahabh

Initial Boston Bombing Suspect Member Of The Saudi Royal Family

Questions that remain.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Christina Hoff Sommers on "The War Against Boys" and "One Nation Under Therapy"

"The ideal of liberty and freely speaking your mind is so quintessentially American."

FIRE Board of Advisors member Christina Hoff Sommers is no stranger to speaking her mind. As the author of books such as The War Against Boys and One Nation Under Therapy, Sommers has taken firm stances on many hot button issues.

But in FIRE's latest video, Sommers argues that today's students are afraid to express their own potentially controversial viewpoints. She believes students are enveloped within a cultural phenomenon she calls "the tyranny of niceness." So concerned with not offending their peers' beliefs, students are hesitant to take a stand for what they believe in.

"What [students] are supposed to be doing is developing ideas and challenging them, learning how to debate," says Sommers. "We have a generation of kids who can't argue. They think that will create tension or there's something wrong with it. Well, if you can't argue, you can't think."

Innocent, Law-abiding Citizens Forced Out of Homes: ‘Exigent Circumstances’

WATERTOWN, MA -- On Friday, April 19, 2013, during a manhunt for a bombing suspect, police and federal agents spent the day storming people's homes and performing illegal searches. While it was unclear initially if the home searches were voluntary, it is now crystal clear that they were absolutely NOT voluntary. Police were filmed ripping people from their homes at gunpoint, marching the residents out with their hands raised in submission, and then storming the homes to perform their illegal searches.

This was part of a larger operation that involved total lockdown of the suburban neighbor to Boston. Roads were barricaded and vehicle traffic was prohibited. A No-Fly Zone was declared over the town. People were "ordered" to stay indoors. Businesses were told not to open. National Guard soldiers helped with the lockdown, and were photographed checking IDs of pedestrians on the streets. All the while, police were performing these disgusting house-to-house searches.

WATERTOWN, MA -- On Friday, April 19, 2013, the small Boston suburb of Watertown was completely locked down. Governor Deval Patrick ordered that people stay in their homes and that businesses close, as droves of police and soldiers closed down the city. Roads were blocked off, vehicles were prohibited from driving on the roads. Trains, buses, and public transportation was shut down. Anyone caught on the streets would be accosted and searched without probable cause. A No-Fly Zone was imposed overhead. No civilians were allowed in or out of the lockdown zone. National guard soldiers were photographed checking pedestrians' IDs on the sidewalks. The streets were empty, except for armored police vehicles and military Humvees.

Most disturbingly of all, were the systematic house-to-house raids performed throughout the town. SWAT teams swept the streets, raiding citizens' homes one at a time. Homeowners would answer the door to officers with guns drawn and would be told to immediately exit the property with their hands up. Everyone from the homes would be "rescued" (forcibly removed) and searched as they came out of their homes, often barefoot and half-dressed. Police would then enter the property and begin their illegal searches. 


Report Concludes Benghazi Cover Up Reaches Highest Levels

The Report

Before the Attacks:
  • After the U.S.-backed Libyan revolution ended the Gadhafi regime, the U.S. government did not deploy sufficient U.S. security elements to protect U.S. interests and personnel that remained on the ground.
  • Senior State Department officials knew that the threat environment in Benghazi was high and that the Benghazi compound was vulnerable and unable to withstand an attack, yet the Department continued to systematically withdraw security personnel.
  • Repeated requests for additional security were denied at the highest levels of the State Department. For example, an April 2012 State Department cable bearing Secretary Hillary Clinton’s signature acknowledged then-Ambassador Cretz’s formal request for additional security assets but ordered the withdrawal of security elements to proceed as planned.
  • The attacks were not the result of a failure by the Intelligence Community (IC) to recognize or communicate the threat. The IC collected considerable information about the threats in the region, and disseminated regular assessments to senior U.S. officials warning of the deteriorating security environment in Benghazi, which included threats to American interests, facilities, and personnel.
  • The President, as Commander-in-Chief, failed to proactively anticipate the significance of September 11 and provide the Department of Defense with the authority to launch offensive operations beyond self-defense. Defense Department assets were correctly positioned for the general threat across the region, but the assets were not authorized at an alert posture to launch offensive operations beyond self-defense, and were provided no notice to defend diplomatic facilities.
During the Attacks:
  • On the evening of September 11, 2012, U.S. security teams on the ground in Benghazi exhibited extreme bravery responding the attacks by al-Qa’ida-affiliated groups against the U.S. mission.
  • Department of Defense officials and military personnel reacted quickly to the attacks in Benghazi. The effectiveness of their response was hindered on account of U.S. military forces not being properly postured to address the growing threats in northern Africa or to respond to a brief, high-intensity attack on U.S. personnel or interests across much of Africa.
After the Attacks:
  • The Administration willfully perpetuated a deliberately misleading and incomplete narrative that the attacks evolved from a political demonstration caused by a YouTube video. U.S. officials on the ground reported – and video evidence confirms – that demonstrations outside the Benghazi Mission did not occur and that the incident began with an armed attack on the facility. Senior Administration officials knowingly minimized the role played by al-Qa’ida-affiliated entities and other associated groups in the attacks, and decided to exclude from the discussion the previous attempts by extremists to attack U.S. persons or facilities in Libya.
  • Administration officials crafted and continued to rely on incomplete and misleading talking points. Specifically, after a White House Deputies Meeting on Saturday, September 15, 2012, the Administration altered the talking points to remove references to the likely participation of Islamic extremists in the attacks. The Administration also removed references to the threat of extremists linked to al-Qa’ida in Benghazi and eastern Libya, including information about at least five other attacks against foreign interests in Benghazi. Senior State Department officials requested – and the White House approved – that the details of the threats, specifics of the previous attacks, and previous warnings be removed to insulate the Department from criticism that it ignored the threat environment in Benghazi.
  • Evidence rebuts Administration claims that the talking points were modified to protect classified information or to protect an investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Email exchanges during the interagency process do not reveal any concern with protecting classified information. Additionally, the Bureau itself approved a version of the talking points with significantly more information about the attacks and previous threats than the version that the State Department requested. Thus, the claim that the State Department’s edits were made solely to protect that investigation is not credible.
  • The Administration deflected responsibility by blaming the IC for the information it communicated to the public in both the talking points and the subsequent narrative it perpetuated. Had Administration spokesmen performed even limited due diligence inquiries into the intelligence behind the talking points or requested reports from personnel on the ground, they would have quickly understood that the situation was more complex than the narrative provided by Ambassador Susan Rice and others in the Administration.
  • The Administration’s decision to respond to the Benghazi attacks with an FBI investigation, rather than military or other intelligence resources, contributed to the government’s lack of candor about the nature of the attack.
  • Responding to the attacks with an FBI investigation significantly delayed U.S. access to key witnesses and evidence and undermined the government’s ability to bring those responsible for the attacks to justice in a timely manner. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi

We are writing to request a classified briefing on Department of Homeland Security information and actions related to the case of the original person of interest in the terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon on Monday, April 22, 2013. On Thursday, April 18th, you testified before the Committee on Homeland Security and responded to a question related to this individual’s immigration status by saying that you “were unaware of anyone being deported for national security concerns at all related to Boston.” However, media reports have continued to raise concerns about this individual and adjustments that may have been made to his immigration status, including possible visa revocation and terrorist watch-listing, in the days following the bombing. We request the Department provide a detailed overview of the records associated with this individual to include his law enforcement and immigration records prior to April 15, 2013, as well as his current status. We request briefers from the Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and Customs and Border Protection. We appreciate your immediate attention to this issue and anticipate your prompt reply.


European Parliament, Strasbourg, 17 April 2013

• Speaker: Nigel Farage MEP, Leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Co-President of the 'Europe of Freedom and Democracy' (EFD) Group in the European Parliament -

• Debate: Current situation in Cyprus
Council and Commission statements
Video source: EbS (European Parliament)
Music excerpt from Summer of '68, Atom Heart Mother - Pink Floyd

» RELATED: How Europe Lost Faith in Its Own Civilization - By Frits Bolkestein (WSJ, 04.06.2011)


Years ago, Mrs Thatcher recognised the truth behind the European Project. She saw that it was about taking away democracy from nation states and handing that power to largely unaccountable people.

Knowing as she did that the euro would not work she saw that this was a very dangerous design. Now we in UKIP take that same view and I tried over the years in this parliament to predict what the next moves would be as the euro disaster unfolded. 

But not even me, in my most pessimistic of speeches would have imagined, Mr Rehn, that you and others in the Troika would resort to the level of common criminals and steal money from peoples' bank accounts in order to keep propped up this total failure that is the euro. 

You even tried to take money away from the small investors in direct breach of the promise you made back in 2008. 

Well the precedent has been set, and if we look at countries like Spain where business bankruptcies are up 45% year on year, we can see what your plan is to deal with the other bailouts as they come. 

I must say, the message this sends out to investors is very loud and clear: Get your money out of the Eurozone before they come for you. 
What you have done in Cyprus is you actually sounded the death knell of the euro. Nobody in the international community will have confidence in leaving their money there.

And how ironic to see the Russian prime minister Dmitry Medvedev compare your actions and say, ' I can only compare it to some of the decisions taken by the Soviet authorities.' 

And then we have a new German proposal that says that actually what we ought to do is confiscate some of the value of peoples' properties in the southern Mediterranean eurozone states.

This European Union is the new communism. It is power without limits. It is creating a tide of human misery and the sooner it is swept away the better.

But what of this place, what of the parliament? This parliament has the ability to hold the Commission to account. I have put down a motion of censure debate on the table. I wonder whether any of you have the courage to recognise it and to support it. I very much doubt that. 

And I am minded that there is a new Mrs Thatcher in Europe and he is called Frits Bolkenstein. And he has said of this parliament - remember he is a former Commissioner: 'It is not representative anymore for the Dutch or European citizen. The European Parliament is living out a federal fantasy which is no longer sustainable.' 

How right he is.

• EU Member States:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom

Prescott, AZ

Prescott is a destination that transcends the Arizona archetype. No sweltering summers or miles of cactus covered moonscape. The town's mile-high location in the Grand Canyon State's central highlands brings four mild seasons, an average annual daytime temperature of about seventy degrees, and over 300 days of sunshine. Just ninety miles north of bustling metro Phoenix, downtown Prescott is an idyllic hamlet nestled comfortably within a verdant national forest. "Everybody's Hometown" has a mix of unbeatable weather, outdoor adventure opportunities, natural beauty, and strong cultural heritage roots drawing increasing numbers of domestic and international travelers. Prescott! A great place to live, work, and play.

Secret Service Agent Says People Control, Not Gun Control

Dan Bongino, former US Secret Service Agent and former US Senate Candidate speaks at the Annapolis, MD Guns Across America Rally. Jan 19th, 2013.

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Secret emails obtained exclusively by Breitbart News show the libertarian Cato Institute, Americans for Tax Reform, and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) are colluding on immigration reform messaging in the wake of the Boston Marathon terror attack in order to push the “Gang of Eight” bill that was released this past week.

Scheuer: Boston Jihadists and Chechnya

Dramatic photos of perceived anti-Muslim, Western actions are provoking Muslims worldwide. "A Russian-speaking Chechen, an Arabic-speaking Yemeni, and a Malay-speaking Thai--Muslims all--will find the glue of Islam-defending unity in the anti-Americanism inspired by such photos, as will many Muslims born in the United States and Europe" (Hell, p. 153). "Moscow puts heavy culpability on Saudi Arabia and other Arabian Peninsula states for funding Islamist insurgents organizations, allowing their nationals to fight alongside the Chechens and others in the region, and sending Islamist NGOs to the North Caucasus to inculcate Wahhabism among the inhabitants" (Marching, p. 169). "Chechnya is included to warn those in the West who believe the Islamist threat would dissipate if Bin Laden is captured or killed." Since 2002, after the Russians killed the leading Islamist Ibn-al-Khattab, the "pace and lethality" of attacks increased (Hubris, p. 86).

The seed money of major North Caucasus or Chechen terrorist groups such as the Caucasus Emirate, the Islamic International Peacekeeping Brigade (IIPB), the Special Purpose Islamic Regiment (SPIR) and the Riyadus-Salikhin Reconnaissance and Sabotage Battalion of Chechen Martyrs (RSRSBCM) can all be traced back to Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden.


Marching Toward Hell: America and Islam After Iraq by Michael Scheuer, pp. xvi, 150, 153, 168-169, 230, 231, 278n.

Osama Bin Laden by Michael Scheuer, pp. 67, 73, 180

Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror by Michael Scheuer, pp. 12, 86, 92-93, 94, 95, 96-97, 99, 225

Ongoing Boston Jihad and Cells

Then, in 2008 or 2009, Tamerlan met Misha, a slightly older, heavyset bald man with a long reddish beard. Khozhugov didn’t know where they’d met but believed they attended a Boston-area mosque together. Misha was an Armenian native and a convert to Islam and quickly began influencing his new friend, family members said.

“The seed for changing his views was planted right there in Cambridge.”

Tamerlan was interested in finding a copy of the book “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” the classic anti-Semitic hoax, first published in Russia in 1903, that claims a Jewish plot to take over the world.

FBI hunting 12-strong terrorist “sleeper cell” linked to brothers

The FBI "detained two men at the Hidden Brook apartment complex."

The complex entrance is at 42 West Hill Road, south of Interstate 195 and between Route 140 and Hathaway Road.

a silver mini-van with consulate license plates arrived at the Carriage Drive apartment along with the FBI and Homeland Security, and stayed a half an hour longer than the agents. The van left with two women, neither of whom appeared to be restrained. One was carrying a pink backpack as she exited the apartment and ran into the van, which sped away as the women told reporters they did not wish to comment.

UMass Dartmouth has a transient population and people come and go frequently.

Mohammed our role model.

The elder brother frequently visited a Salafi mosque in Makhachkala.

I know the Boston bombers By Alyssa Kilzer

In the 1940s, Anzor Tsarnaev's parents were deported to Kyrgyzstan from their native Chechnya after Josef Stalin's regime realized the Caucasian Muslim ethnic group of were Nazi collaborators.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Ian Hunter, I Wish I Was Your Mother, Dramarama

Bill Maher States Obvious to Naive Professor

Mob Joins Muslim Teen in Taunting Jewish Subway Rider

China deploys anti-ship missile off Taiwan

The missile limits the US’s ability to send aircraft carriers into the strait unchallenged to support Taipei, as it did in 1996 when China conducted missile tests in the strait during the run-up to the island’s first democratic election.

International Conspirators: and, Oh, Yes, Boston Jihadists Eliminated

Putin and Obama discussed counter-terrorism and security issues which may simply mean Obama will give more bargaining ground to Putin. And, what is the nature of their cooperation on counter-terrorism? What did Putin know about the Boston jihadis? "We'll decline to provide further details at this point," according to Caitlin Hayden, National Security Staff spokesperson.

FBI/Foreign government warned about Boston Marathon jihadi in 2011

Boston Jihad In America

Australian sheik and pro-al-Qaeda preacher

Friday, April 19, 2013

Obama lulled America into false confidence over terror threat

The war on terror cannot be fought at an arm's length - and the attacks on Boston have brought uncertainty back to American streets

Boston Jihad

204 Prospect St., Cambridge, MA 02139

Islamic Society of Boston

410 Norfolk St. Apt 3, in Cambridge, Massachusetts

The brothers shared an address—410 Norfolk St. Apt 3, in Cambridge, Massachusetts—with Zubeidat K. Tsarnaeva, who is believed to be their mother and was was charged with shoplifting last June, according to the Natick Police Department.

Chechnya is a hotbed of jihad activity. On September 1, 2004, on the first day of school, Muslim terrorists from Chechnya stormed School No. 1 in Beslan, North Ossetia, took everyone hostage, and eventually committed one of the most grotesque and unspeakable crimes (even for jihad) in recent history, murdering 331 hostages, including 186 children.

A 2011 study by David Yerushalmi, America's leading lawyer on sharia and free speech cases, and Professor Mordechai Kedar, Assistant Professor, Bar Ilan University, Israel, wrote a study of mosques in the U.S. and found that 80% teach, advance, promote violent jihad as dictated by Islamic teaching.

One of the Chechen terrorists who carried out the Boston Marathon bombings could have been deported years ago after a criminal conviction and the other was granted American citizenship on the 11th anniversary of the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the 26-year-old killed in a wild shootout with police, was a legal U.S. resident who nevertheless could have been removed from the country after a 2009 domestic violence conviction, according to a Judicial Watch source. That means the Obama administration missed an opportunity to deport Tsarnaev but evidently didn’t feel he represented a big enough threat.

Adding insult to injury, the other bomber, little brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was rewarded with American Citizenship on September 11, 2012 in Boston, according to JW’s source. The 19-year-old, who is still on the run, was granted asylum in Arlington Virginia on September 27, 2002, JW’s source reveals.

Years before these Chechen terrorists carried out the Boston Marathon bombings Judicial Watch uncovered critical intelligence documents detailing al Qaeda’s activities in Chechnya, including the creation of a 1995 camp—ordered by Osama bin Laden—to train “international terrorists” to carry out plots against Americans and westerners.

Djohar Tsarnaev
Tsarnaev was a student at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
The City of Cambridge awarded "Dzhokhar Tsarnaev" a $2,500 scholarship in 2011, according to report. "The city is awarding the $2,500 scholarships to 45 students using contributions from citizens and businesses. About 35 to 45 scholarships are awarded each year, according to the city," reported's Brock Parker. Tsarnaev was a senior at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School then.

Slain Boston bomber had Muslim convert wife and 3-year-old daughter but had 'dedicated' his life to Jihad  

  • Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, was shot dead during a gunfight with police Thursday
  • Had videos dedicated to terrorism and Jihad on his YouTube channel
  • Said in 2010 he has 'a single American friend' and he doesn't 'understand' Americans
  • Studied accounting as part-time student at Bunker Hill Community College
  • Police on the hunt for his younger brother, 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev 
  • Tsarnaev family came to the US in 2003 as refugees, and Tamerlan became a permanent resident in 2007  
  • Tamerlan became US citizen on September 11, 2012 - 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks 
  • Aunt said he was a married father of 3-year-old daughter named Zahara    
24-year-old college graduate who converted to Islam.
Feiz Mohammad: Radical Muslim Preacher Who Inspired Boston Marathon Bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev

Boston jihad bomber's YouTube page features videos by Sheikh Feiz Mohammed, who called on Muslims to kill enemies of Islam

Members of Chechen Wahhabi Saudi cell

Boston Shootout Footage - Watertown, MA - April 18 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Napolitano Cover Up for Saudi Islamist

Congressman Jeff Duncan Questions Sec. Napolitano on Possible Deportation of Saudi National 4/18/13

Boston Pics/vids

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Feds arrest suspect in ricin-positive letters sent to Obama, senator

Paul Kevin Curtis of Tupelo, Miss.


Paul K. Curtis|45|Booneville, MS Paul K. Curtis Aliases:K Curtis Kevin Curtis Kevin Curtis Paul Booneville, MS Tupelo, MS Verona, MS Jack Curtis Kevin Curtis Laura Curtis

Accidentally discovering refrigerator full of body parts, 2007

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Abraham Lincoln Quote

You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative
and independence.
You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and
should do for themselves.
~ Abraham Lincoln ~

Boston: The man on the roof

Man on the roof

Training event during the Marathon?

Disappearing gore

Monday, April 15, 2013

Samuel Adams quote on Guns

"The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." -Samuel Adams

George Washington quote

"The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference they deserve a place of honor with all that is good." -George Washington.

Widely used wireless IP cameras open to hijacking over the Internet

Widely used wireless IP cameras

Abdulrahman Ali Alharbi, Relative of Islamists, Freed: Boston Terrorism

  • A Saudi national originally identified as a “person of interest” in the Boston Marathon bombing was set to be deported under section 212 3B — “Security and related grounds” — “Terrorist activities” after the bombing
  • As the story gained traction, TheBlaze’s Chief Content Officer Joel Cheatwood received word that the government may not deport the Saudi national, originally identified as Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi
  • Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano refused to answer questions on the subject when confronted by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) on Capitol Hill.
  • An ICE official said a different Saudi national is in custody, but is “in no way” connected to the bombings.
  • A congressional source, however, says that the file on Alharbi was created, that he was “linked” in some way to the Boston bombings (though it is unclear how), and that documents showing all this have been sent to Congress.
  • Key congressmen of the Committee on Homeland Security request a classified briefing with Napolitano
  • Fox News’ Todd Starnes reports that Alharbi was allegedly flagged on a terrorist watch list and granted a student visa without being properly vetted.  Sources close to the investigation also told him the Saudi is still set for deportation.
  • New information provided to TheBlaze reveals Alharbi’s file was altered early Wednesday evening to disassociate him from the initial charges
  • Sources say the Saudi’s student visa specifically allows him to go to school in Findlay, Ohio, though he appears to have an apartment in Boston, Massachusetts
  • Sources tell us this will most likely now be kicked from the DHS to the DOJ and labeled an ongoing investigation that can no longer be discussed.

Obama Buries Boston Massacre Saudi Connection

Moochelle visits Saudis in hospital

Michelle visited the soon to be expelled, Alharbi, and the other injured Saudi at the hospital, a female doctor named Nura Khalid Saleh al-Ajaji: “Michelle Obama visited the two injured Saudis Abdulrahman Ali Essa Al-Salimi Al-Harbi and Nura Khalid Saleh Al-Ajjaji to check on their medical conditions.” Adding credibility to this report seems to be multiple tweets made by the inner circle of the Al-harbi family:
Saudi National and Boston Student Abdulrahman Ali Alharbi Is Being Deported by ICE

Kerry meeting with Saudi Foreign Minister abruptly closed
Here is the video of the man with a large, heavy, black bag.

Boston Bombing Culprits
Saudi terror cell, possibly al Qaeda, behind Boston Marathon bombings. Manhunt for escaped suspect
Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi
Three Saudi Students at the Boston Marathon
FBI report: Florida family had ties to people linked to 9/11 attacks
The third fatality is a Chinese national who has now been identified.

Before and After
WHDH-TV 7News Boston

Ricin is a highly toxic substance derived from castor beans. As little as 500 micrograms -- an amount the size of the head of a pin -- can kill an adult. There is no specific test for exposure and no antidote once exposed.
Napolitano does not have any clue here: she had already declared that there is no indication that Boston was part of 'broader plot,' but then the ricin was delivered. Why and how she could make such a overarching assessment is not clear when we know so little. The Obama administration has slashed the budget for domestic bombing prevention by 45 per cent.
Importance of the day
The bombings took place near the finish line inside the Fairmount Copley Plaza Hotel, according to multiple local reports. The horror unfolded as the city marked the 238th annual Patriot's Day, commemorating the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord at the beginning of the Revolutionary War.
Similar pressure-cooker explosives have been used in Afghanistan, India, Nepal and Pakistan, according to a July 2010 intelligence report by the FBI and Homeland Security. Also, one of the three devices used in the May 2010 Times Square attempted bombing was a pressure cooker, the report said. An al Qaeda magazine, Inspire, in 2010 directed terrorists to use kitchen materials to make bombs, including pressure cooking bombs, for killing “tens” of people.

According to Poe, the explosives used were “similar” to IEDs used in Afghanistan. He even said that early reports he had heard said there may have been “ball bearings” inside.
The devices, based on examination of post-strike video, appear to have been small and may have been concealed in small bags or boxes, officials said. The size of the device can be judged by the lack of structural damage to the windows and buildings adjacent to the blast sites, they explained. The smoke seen after detonation was consistent with the results of a low-velocity improvised explosive mixture, perhaps something like flash powder or a sugar chlorate mixture. Based on the relatively small number of casualties and the types of wounds caused, it is likely that the attackers packed the devices with nails or other improvised shrapnel.
Rep. Bill Keating said he had been told two more devices were found, but not detonated. One was said to be at a hotel near Copley Square, the other was at an undisclosed location. "The authorities also found a device at St. James and Trinity Streets that did not explode, the person said, and two other devices were found, including one in Newton, outside of Boston." "A senior U.S. intelligence official said two other bombs were found near the end of the 26.2-mile course."

Islamist connections
Mohammad al-Chalabi, from a Salafi Islamist group praised the act of terrorism. Islamists such as CAIR - Council on American Islamic Relations immediately went to social media to express concern this could be an act of an Islamist.
Obama begins cover up; refuses to call terrorist bombings an act of terrorism, and warns against rushing to judgement before justice, as in a criminal investigation, is dealt.
Obama meets with Saudi foreign minister, was not on public schedule.
Abdulrahman Ali Alharbi, a Saudi national, was not regarded as a suspect.
His prominent family includes senior jihadists, Gitmo prisoners.
Boston terror interest a well connected Saudi

The military already had a presence at the scene. "National Guardsmen [were] assigned to the race for crowd control."

"Intelligence officials told The Associated Press stated two unexploded devices were being dismantled," now a third incident near the JFK Library in the Columbia Point section of Dorchester was considered a fire investigation.
LIVE Finish Line Camera
Ground Video From Scene, Dartmouth and the north side, 671 Boylston Street.
Two powerful explosions just seconds apart.
Copley Square
One person of interest has been cleared. There are no suspects.
Rep. Ted Poe (R-Texas)confirmed that law enforcement officials are “watching” a 20-year-old “person of interest” which he called a “Saudi national” who is here on student visa. The DHS has recently eased restrictions and allowed Saudis easier access to the country.
"A civilian claims the person was acting suspiciously and chased him down and tackled him after the explosions." "Authorities have recovered surveillance video from the area which shows a man with what looked to be two backpacks near the scene just moments before the blast." "One of those, a person in whom there is some interest, is a young person who was here on a student visa." The person of interest is in Brigham and Women's Hospital. "Authorities say they are searching for a darker skinned or black male with a black backpack and black sweatshirt, possibly foreign national from the accent of the individual. Five minutes before the first explosion, officials said this person attempted to gain entry to a restricted area. When turned away, he broke eye contact and pulled his sweatshirt hood over his head and left, officials said.
Law enforcement is also looking for a yellow Penske box truck that tried to gain access with "medical supplies" approximately 1 hour after the explosion.

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