Blair would like to believe it is a perversion, or extremist religion, but what he can not seem to grasp is that violence is at the heart of religion.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Religion is at root of 21st-century wars, says Tony Blair
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Chicago Grassroots React to State of the Union–Obama
The new face of food stamps: working-age Americans
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Obama's Gay high school pot dealer thanked for 'good times' beaten to death with a hammer by his gay lover
Obama's Brother Declares Death to Israel
Attorney General Eric Holder can't explain constitutional basis for Obama's executive orders
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Chinese Military to Overtake U.S.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Newborn Lebanese Baby "Joins" Hizbullah
Sunday, January 26, 2014
The Last Generation of the West and the Thin Strand of Civilization by Victor Davis Hanson
I am not engaging in pop counterfactual history,
as much as reminding us of how thin the thread of civilization
sometimes hangs, both in its beginning and full maturity. Something
analogous is happening currently in the 21st-century West.
But the old alarmist scenarios — a nuclear exchange, global warming and
the melting of the polar ice caps, a new lethal AIDS-like virus — should
not be our worry.
Rather our way of life is changing not with a bang, but with a whimper,
insidiously and self-inflicted, rather than abruptly and from foreign
stimuli. Most of the problem is cultural. Unfortunately it was predicted
by a host of pessimistic anti-democratic philosophers from Plato and
Aristotle to Hegel and Spengler. I’ve always hoped that these gloom-and-doomers were wrong about the Western paradigm, but some days it becomes harder.
Over 90 million Americans who could work are not working (the “non-institutionalized” over 16). What we take for granted — our electrical power, fuel, building materials, food, health care,
and communications — all hinge on just 144 million getting up in the
morning to produce what about 160-170 million others (the sick, the
young, and the retired who need assistance along with the 90 million
idle) consume.
Every three working Americans provide sustenance for two who are not
ill, enfeebled, or too young. The former help the disabled, the latter
take resources from them. The gang-banger has only disdain for the geek
at the mall — until one Saturday night his liver is shredded by gang
gunfire and suddenly he whimpers (who is now the real wimp?) that he
needs such a Stanford-trained nerd to do sophisticated surgery to get
him back in one piece to the carjackings, muggings, assaults, and
knockout games — or lawsuits follow!
Given that the number of non-working is growing (an additional 10
million were idled in the Obama “recovery” alone), it is likely to keep
growing. At some point, we will hit a 50/50 ratio of idle versus active.
Then things will get interesting. The percentage of workers’ pay
deducted to pay for the non-working will soar even higher. So will the
present redistributive schemes and the borrowing from the unborn.
We forget that the obligations of the working to care for the 70-80
million who genuinely cannot work become more difficult, when the 90
million who can work for all sorts of reasons won’t. Note the theme of
this essay: the more in humane fashion we provide unemployment
insurance, food stamps,
subsidized housing, legal advice, health care and disability insurance,
the more the recipients find it all inadequate, inherent proof of
unfairness and inequality, and always not enough.
Much of the Modern University Output Coarsens American Life
We will hear even more shrillness about “fairness” and “equality.”
The more government support, all the more will grow the sense of being
shorted. When someone idle receives a free iPhone, he doesn’t thank
government for its magnanimity. More likely, he damns it for allowing
someone else the ability to purchase an updated, superior model. I have
talked to several students about their iPhones; so far not one has said,
“Wow, I have more computer and communications power in my palm than a multi-millionaire had just 15 years ago.” Mostly they wished they had an updated version like someone better off.
An indebted and crippled U.S. has so far survived the second decade of the 21st
century largely due to some ingenious engineers and audacious workers
who revolutionized the gas and oil industry, at a time when wind and
solar merely amused us, when our enemies considered us ripe for
perpetual petro-blackmail, and when our wherewithal to pay for more
imported energy was increasingly questionable.
A very few people are saving very many. But how thin the strand of
civilization hangs — given that the forces of our modern Lotus Eaters
(every bit as dangerous in their postmodern imaginations as the Cyclopes
are in their premodern savagery) have stopped the Keystone Pipeline,
stopped most federal leasing of new gas and oil finds, and are trying to
regulate fracking and horizontal drilling out of existence where it might be most vital to the U.S. — as in the Monterey Shale formation in California.
How ironic is the Sierra Club Bay Area grandee who finds light when
he flips on his office switch, and would find no light were his utopian
ideas about wind, solar, and biomass to come to full fruition. Only what he despises
— radioactive uranium, messy drilling rigs, and unnatural dams — for
now continue to bring him what he must have. Again, the theme: the more
the green activists empty reservoirs to save a bait fish, or stop
fracking, or prevent salvage logging, the angrier they sigh that it is
not enough and the more they must count on someone ignoring them to
provide them with what they must have.
The universities were the great backbone of the West, from the Academy and Lyceum to medieval Pisa and Oxbridge to the great 18th- and 19th-century founding of American campuses. Not necessarily any longer. Too many are bankrupt morally, economically, politically, and culturally.
The symptoms are terrifying: one trillion dollars in student debt (many of these loans accruing at higher than average interest rates
and even before students have graduated); a small Eloi class
of rarefied elites who teach little and write in runes that no one can
decipher; a large Morlock class of part-timers and oppressed lecturers
who subsidize the fat and waste of the tenured and administrative
classes; graduates who are arrogant but ignorant, nursed on –studies
ideology without the liberal arts foundations to back up their zeal; and
a BA/BS brand that no longer ensures better-paying jobs, if any jobs at
In sum, apart from the sciences and medicine, most of the university coarsens rather than enlightens American life.
The current campus is unsustainable and we are beginning to see its decline, as online courses
and for-profit tech schools usurp its students. The liberal arts are
not nurtured and protected for another generation in the university.
Instead, their umbilical cords have become cut with the cleaver of
race/class/gender no-nothingism. Again the theme: the more bloated,
exploitive, and costly the university, the more it lashes out it that it
is short-changed, the victim of philistine budget cuts, and the last
bastion of civilized life.
Civilization Seems to Be Losing
Popular culture is likewise anti-civilizational.
Does anyone believe that Kanye West, Miley Cyrus, and Lady Gaga are
updates to Glenn Miller, jazz, Bob Dylan and the Beatles? Even in the
bimbo mode, Marilyn Monroe had an aura
that Ms. Kardashian and Ms. Hilton lack. Teens wearing bobby socks and
jeans have transmogrified to strange creatures in our midst with head-to
-oe tattoos and piercings
as if we copied Papua New Guinea rather than it us. Why the superficial
skin-deep desire to revert to the premodern? When I walk in some
American malls and soak in the fashion, I am reminded of National Geographic tribal photos of the 1950s.
Again the theme: the more we borrow to provide iPads to our
supposedly deprived youth, the more in theory they can access in a
nano-second the treasures of their culture and heritage, and in fact the
more likely it is that they have no clue what Gettysburg was, who Thomas Jefferson was, or who fought whom over what
in World War II. Our managers in education, terrified of confronting
the causes of ignorance, believed that the faster youths could transmit
nothingness, the more likely they might stumble onto somethingness.
The fourth-century Greeks at the end pasted silver over their
worthless bronze coins — “reds” being the protruding noses and hair of
the portraiture that first appeared bronze-like, as the silver patina
rubbed off. The bastardization of the currency fostered many books on
Roman decline. More worthless money for more people was a sign of
“crisis” — analogous to our own quantitative easing and $17 trillion in
Once more the theme here is not just that we are insolvent, but that
we are so insolvent that it is now a thought-crime to talk of
dissolution, bankruptness, and irresponsible spending — all damned as
symptoms of “callousness” to the poor, proof of “social injustice”, and
“obsessions” with deficits. The medicine of austerity always becomes
worse than the disease of profligacy.
What do I mean about the “thinning strand of civilization”?
A shrinking percentage of our population feeds us, finds our energy,
protects us, and builds things we count on. They get up each morning to
do these things, in part in quest for the good life, in part out of a
sense of social obligation and basic humanity, in part because they know
they will die if idle and thrive only when busy, and in part simply
because “they like it.”
We can stack the deck against them with ever higher taxes, ever more
regulations, ever more obligations to others, and they may well
continue. But not if we also damn them as the “1%” and call them the
agents of inequality and the fat cats who did not build what they built
or who profited when they should not have.
You cannot expect the military to protect us, and then continually
order it to reflect every aspect of postmodern American sensitivity in a
risky premodern world. Filing a lawsuit to divert a river’s water to
the sea during a drought is a lot easier and cleaner than welding
together well-casings at sea. Last week, an off-duty armed correctional
officer in Fresno intervened in a wild carjacking, shooting and killing
the gang-member killer and thus limiting his carnage to one death and
two woundings rather than five or six killings — at the very moment
Harvey Weinstein — of guns-blazing Kill Bill and Pulp Fiction fame and profits — promised to destroy the NRA. These contrasts say everything about the premodern, the postmodern and the innocent who pay the tab in-between.
Each day when I drive to work I try to look at the surrounding
communities, and count how many are working and how many of the
able-bodied are not. I listen to the car radio and tally up how many
stories, both in their subject matter and method of presentation, seem
to preserve civilization, or how many seem to tear it down. I try to
assess how many drivers stay between the lines, how many weave while
texting or zoom in and out of traffic at 90mph or honk and flip off
Today, as the reader can note from the tone of this apocalyptic essay, civilization seemed to be losing.
Locklear: Asia-Pacific is Becoming ‘Most Militarized Region in the World’
Aside from China’s aggressive efforts to buildup its military arsenal, countries like Japan, Australia and Singapore are quickly following suit, Pacific Command chief Adm. Samuel Locklear said Thursday.
As a result, the seas and skies of the Asia-Pacific is rapidly evolving into “the most militarized region in the world,” the four-star admiral told reporters at the Pentagon.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Utah Police Obtain Grenade Launchers, Riot Gear From Feds
When to Buy Airline Tickets
Swarms of drones next attack on the 4th amendment
Friday, January 24, 2014
Wall Street adviser: Actual unemployment is 37.2%, 'misery index' worst in 40 years
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Are Hollywood Celebs Disappointed With Obama?
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Nat Hentoff, one of the nation's staunchest civil libertarians, has urged impeachment for:
- Delaying the employer mandate in Obamacare
- Changing the types of plans available under Obamacare
- Ensuring abortions would be covered under Obamacare
- Enacting key provisions of the failed Dream Act to halt deportations of illegal immigrants
- Enacting stricter gun-control measures
- Sealing presidential records
- Creating an economic council
- Creating a domestic policy council
- Changing pay grades
Monday, January 20, 2014
RIP Freddie "Fingers" Lee, Ian Hunter
Wednesday, January 22,(2014)
At: "Saint Mary's" Church,Blackhill Consett
County Durham (North-England)
at: 1.15 p.m.(13.15 hours )
English-Time (!)
Statement from Ian on Freddie's passing:
"I’m so sorry.
Fred, Miller Anderson,
Pete Phillips and I had some great times back in the day. Fred was a
character. He told me he started with Sutch on ten bob a week AND he had
to drive the van. We starved together in Germany – van broken down –
club owner not paying us – but we got to play for hours every night and
that was the buzz. Somehow disasters were averted and we’d make it back.
I always felt bad for Fred. He was – quite naturally – Jerry Lee
Lewis’s twin. Same range, same power on the keyboards, same arrogance
and he could be really funny – same love of American Country music – he
would often sail into a song the band had never heard of. Fred loved the
raw original beginnings of Rock ‘n’ Roll and remained staunchly loyal
to it during a long, successful career. He had a lot of fans in Europe
and never seemed to stop working – music was his life.
We all went off and did different things, but I’ll always be grateful
to Fred for giving me a little hope at a time when I thought the
factory was my only future.
I’ll always remember him saying to me “You’re a good songwriter – but don’t ever try to sing.” He was probably right!!!
Rest In Peace, Freddie.
Condolences to all.
Ian Hunter
January 13, 2014
Connecticut, USA"
In March 1964, Ian chanced upon Freddie 'Fingers' Lee in a pub. Ian knew of Freddie, having seen him play with Screaming Lord Sutch's backing band, the Savages. Ian asked Freddie to join The Shriekers as pianist and front man, and Ian switched over to bass. The reconstituted Shriekers - Lee, Hunter, Marriott, and Coulter - played the Midlands circuit in 1964 and 1965, and also traveled regularly to Germany to play in Hamburg, Keil, and Duisburg. At some point in 1965, The Shriekers travelled to Regent Sound in London to record The Friendly Undertaker, which was credited to Freddie 'Fingers' Lee as a solo artist.
1964, Freddie Fingers Lee and the Shriekers
Irish Muslim Convert Beheads, Dismembers His Mother in Honor Killing Inspired by the Quran: “he believed very strongly in the morals of the Koran”
Friend claims James Dunleavy murdered mum in ‘honour killing’ because he felt she’d shamed family,” Daily Record, January 20, 2014
Read more: Follow us: @Atlasshrugs on Twitter | pamelageller on Facebook
Muslim Brotherhood Islamists Waved Through Airport Security, Americans Detained
Sunday, January 19, 2014
The Blaze
Michigan: Catholic College Establishes Prayer Room For Muslims
Thousands of European Muslims join jihad in Syria, Sudan, Somalia GLOBAL JIHAD 2014
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Chick-fil-A, 21 January
Hiroo Onoda, the last Japanese soldier to give himself in: “When I surrendered, the past seemed like a dream"
Dancing Bald Dog Rescue
Friday, January 17, 2014
States in the Worst Fiscal Condition
The Ancient Domes of Jerusalem, Not Al Aqsa
Message by “Arab Nazi” Threatens Jews with Torment Worse Than the Holocaust
Ominous warning: Admiral concedes U.S. losing dominance to China, Washington Times
NSA Official: 'We Are Now a Police State'
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Fed-Up Mother Tackles Common Core in Viral Video: ‘Parents Have No Voice’
AUDIO: Connecticut Shooter Adam Lanza’s Phone Call Made 1 Year Before Sandy Hook Massacre
Muslim Jew-Hatred in Germany: Bonn Imam tells 13 year old boys to cut off heads of chicks in prep for decapitating Jews
Read more: Follow us: @Atlasshrugs on Twitter | pamelageller on Facebook
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Obama Promises to Violate Constitution
Obama has told Senate Democrats he plans to use his executive authority to act in 2014 when Congress stands in his way.
China’s Treasury Holdings Climb to Record in Government Data
Meet Blackphone, A Highly Secure Device Perfect For Paranoid Sext Fiends
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Crime study: Handguns, not 'assault rifles,' used in most mass shootings
Obama Promises to Violate the Constitution
Heritage Foundation, America No Longer Economically Free
The Benghazi Transcripts: Top Defense officials briefed Obama on ‘attack,’ not video or protest
Monday, January 13, 2014
NSA Data Have No Impact on Terrorism: Report
Petition for Troops to Commander Homes
Mystery of Alexander the Great's death solved? Ruler was 'killed by toxic wine' claim scientists
The tide is rising for America’s libertarians By Edward Luce
DOE Plugs Energy Rating for Homes, Similar to MPG Rating for Cars
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Cell Phones 18 Times Dirtier Than Public Restrooms
China surpasses US as world's largest trading nation, The Guardian
U.S. war gains in Iraq now lost or threatened
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Friday, January 10, 2014
World War II Time Lapse Video
Elvis Has Not Yet Left the Building
Stop Government, Promote Jobs, Marcellus Shale, Natural Gas
Regime Admits Islamists of Al Qaeda Behind Benghazi
92 Million Americans Not in the Labor Force
Religious Less Sick Than Others
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Al Qaeda controls more territory than ever in Middle East
74% of U.S. Afghan Casualties Came After Obama Ordered Troops Increased - See more at:
Congress Is Now Mostly A Millionaires’ Club
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
That’s rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record
Fifty years after President Johnson started a $20 trillion taxpayer-funded war on poverty, the overall percentage of impoverished people in the U.S. has declined only slightly and the poor have lost ground under Obama.
Although the president often rails against income inequality in America, his policies have had little impact overall on poverty. A record 47 million Americans receive food stamps, about 13 million more than when he took office.
Read more:
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Gates on Billary: Thumbs down on Iraq
Robert Gates, former defense secretary, offers harsh critique of Obama’s leadership in ‘Duty’
Washington Post
Monday, January 6, 2014
People sign Petition to Support Obama's Choice of Karl Marx in the White House
Power Vacuum in Middle East Lifts Militants
This is the result of Obama's failed Middle Eastern outreach policies.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Al Qaeda Takes Fallujah, Again
- NSA seeks to build quantum computer that could crack most types of encryption
- Record number of U.N. peacekeepers fails to stop African wars
- Tehran foodies flock to American-style burger joints
- The three types of Snowden leaks
- Obama administration pushes to strengthen background checks on mentally ill gun buyers
Friday, January 3, 2014
Americans Sabotage F-35s with Chinese Junk Parts
Exclusive: U.S. waived laws to keep F-35 on track with China-made parts
Thursday, January 2, 2014
American Taxpayers Redistribute Wealth for Fiat in Italy
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Obamacare mandate takes effect; court’s move on contraception clouds milestone
Obamacare’s authors included the annual penalty to ensure enough healthy Americans enter the market and pay premiums to offset the costs incurred by those with pre-existing conditions who no longer can be denied insurance coverage.
Washington Times
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"Congress: I'm Watching"
A tax on toilet paper; I kid you not. According to the sponsor, "the Water Protection and Reinvestment Act will be financed broadly by small fees on such things as . . . products disposed of in waste water." Congress wants to tax what you do in the privacy of your bathroom.
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