Blog Smith

Blog Smith is inspired by the myth of Hephaestus in the creation of blacksmith-like, forged materials: ideas. This blog analyzes topics that interest me: IT, politics, technology, history, education, music, and the history of religions.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Iraqis: Blood for Oil

In February, American troops detained Ghalib Ali Hamid, the intelligence and internal affairs chief of the Oil Protection Force at the refinery, on suspicion of skimming fuel profits and having ties to insurgents. Graphic source: The N.Y. Times

The N.Y. Times reports that the Baiji refinery "may be the most important industrial site in the Sunni Arab-dominated regions of Iraq." On a peak production day 500 tanker trucks leave the refinery filled with fuel with a street value of $10 million.

Unfortunately, many Iraqis divert at least one-third, and possibly much more, of the fuel from Iraq’s Baiji refinery to the black market. Tankers are hijacked, drivers are bribed, papers are forged and meters are manipulated. And to top it off, at least some of the money reaches insurgents who are still killing more than 100 Iraqis a week.

The American military claims that greed, far more than jihadist ideology, is the critical motivator for a majority of Sunni insurgents.

To combat the financial motivation, at least 91,000 Iraqis, many of them former enemies of the American forces, receive a regular, American-paid salary for serving in neighborhood militias.

In the Salahuddin area of the refinery for example, there were eight pre-war local gas stations, a figure that has ballooned to fifty. The reason is not economic growth but graft.

The Times reports that:

Gas stations are often built just to gain the rights to fuel shipments, at subsidized government rates, that can be resold onto the black market at higher prices. New stations cost more than $100,000 to build, but black market profits from six or seven trucks can often cover that cost, and everything after that is profit, said officials who have studied the scheme.

During last year, the Pentagon estimated that as much as 70 percent of the Baiji refinery’s production, or $2 billion in fuels like gasoline, kerosene and diesel, disappeared annually into the black market.

The insurgents have their agents at all levels, and some are the watchdogs who are supposed to oversee the operation. In February, American troops detained Ghalib Ali Hamid, the intelligence and internal affairs chief of the Oil Protection Force at the refinery, on suspicion of skimming fuel profits and having ties to insurgents.

Although Al Qaeda receives the bulk of Western attention, many in the U.S. military question the numbers and loyalty of average Iraqis for the group. In the opinion of U.S. middle-level troops, jihadist ideology is secondary to the financial incentive of average Iraqis who need to earn a living.

The other major guerrilla groups in the country are Jaish-e-Muhammad, or the Army of Muhammad, which includes ex-Baathists and former military officers, who continue to battle American forces. Some American officers consider the Islamic State of Iraq, to be a front group for Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia.

But other groups such as the 1920s Revolutionary Brigades and Jaish al-Islami, or the Islamic Army, have agreed to support American-financed Sunni militia forces.

The question is whether bribing former insurgents to stop attacking American forces is an effective counter-terrorism force, or whether developing a more secure economic infrastructure would solve the problem. American officers are concerned that the failure to incorporate these Sunni militiamen into the government of Iraq or find them other jobs could portend trouble.

As we might say, you have to do what you need to in order to survive.

Graphic source: The New York Times

Senators Lining Up to the Trough

McCain lost his vote to rein in pork barrel spending, a vote that both of his two major opponents, Clinton and Obama voted for, but the excessive funding continues to run away unchecked.

Clinton received $342 million in earmarks last year, ranking her 10th highest in the Senate, according to the budget watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense.

Obama in fiscal year 2008 secured $98 million in funding for Illinois projects, according to the same group. Although Obama voted with McCain, Obama indicates that he requested $311 million in earmarks for the same year.

His total requested funding was about $330 million. His average request was about $2.4 million, with the largest request being $62 million intended to modify a Boeing 747 aircraft to capture infrared images of the Earth.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Who Makes a Good Bomber?

The suicide bombers who have killed Coalition troops are estranged young men from large families outside Iraq but who are desperate to stand out from the crowd according to a U.S. military study. The question I would have of the conclusion is that it may contradict other studies which show bombers are largely better educated and more prosperous than their peers.

Saudi Arabia is the single largest point of origin. Al-Qaida is a primary recruiter.

The study profiles 48 foreign fighters who were captured or surrendered. The interrogators of the study concluded that most foreign fighters are Sunni Muslim men from 18 to 30, with the mean age of 22. They are almost always single males with no children, and tend to be students or hold blue-collar jobs ranging from taxi drivers to construction and retail sales. The majority of the bombers have six to 12 years of schooling, with very few having gone to college. Most come from families in the poor or middle-classes and have six to eight siblings.

According to the National Counterterrorism Center in Washington, 949 suicide bombers killed 10,119 people and wounded 22,995 from the beginning of 2004 until now. Data compiled by the AP through its own reporting found that between April 28, 2005 and March 13, 2008 there were 708 incidents involving suicide bombings, with a total of 14,633 Iraqis wounded and 7,098 killed.

Mohammed Hafez' study, "Suicide Bombers in Iraq," states there have been 1,800 suicide attacks worldwide since the phenomenon began in the early 1980s. Of those, more than half have taken place in Iraq.

Records seized by the U.S. military shows that 40 percent of bombers come from North African countries such as Libya and Algeria, and 41 percent from Saudi Arabia.

Now They Tell You

World Muslim leaders condemned extremism and terrorism as incompatible with Islam and proposed a high-level international meeting to promote a "dialogue of civilizations" with Christians. My only question is what has taken them so long? After so much water under the bridge, the religion of peace is much less credible than if would have been it Muslim leaders would have unequivocally condemned leading Islamist terrorists or insurgents in Iraq.

I suppose this is better late then never but I think they lost their credibility with their delay.

Leaders of the 57-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference represents 1.5 billion Muslims across the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, they made their "Dakar Declaration" on Friday.

The Declaration states: "We continue to strongly condemn all forms of extremism and dogmatism which are incompatible with Islam, a religion of moderation and peaceful coexistence."

Friday, March 14, 2008

Female Warrior

A "Female Warrior" serves alongside the men and on the combat lines in Iraq.

Secrets of High School

This book is chock full of things I didn't know, aspects of the high school game that I should know, and tons of worthwhile and handy references.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Bush Halves Clinton's Military Deaths

In simple statistics, Bush's Presidency has resulted in almost exactly half the military deaths as during Clinton's tenure for an equivalent eight-year period. The statistics are startling to consider but true.

Review: Technitium MAC Address Changer v4.8

I haven't commented in a while about the free Top Ten Network tools but Technitium MAC Address Changer v4.8 may be handy to protect your home wireless network against intruders. You will need to block anyone from connecting to your network except those who have network cards with specific MAC addresses. Sounds simple enough because you can set your router to block out intruders. The question is: how do you spoof a MAC address?

You can check it with this tool. You spoof a MAC address by providing one of your existing network cards a new address. This can be done with this software that lets you change your MAC address with a few simple clicks. You run the program, highlight the network card that you want to give a spoofed MAC address, click Random MAC Address, and then click the Change Now! button. Its pretty simple. It is then easy to restore your original MAC address, once you highlight it, and click "Original MAC."

Supplemental information is included about the details concerning your network cards, including the manufacturer name, MAC address, IP, Gateway, and DNS information associated with each of your network cards. It can also renew an IP address for a card, which can help fix broken network connections.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

`For Use Against Coalition Forces'

Graphic source: The Long War Journal.

Recently, the 2nd Battalion, 4th Brigade, 2nd Iraqi Army Division stopped a car in the Al Bakir neighborhood in Mosul, Iraq. After searching the car, the Iraqi Army found six improvised explosive devices (IEDs or roadside bombs). A typical IED contains the bomb, a cell phone detonator, and rocks or pieces of iron enclosed to injure or kill as many people as possible. The bomb is triggered by a cell phone call. The bombs are hidden with scents intended to foil bomb-sniffing dogs, in this instance, the bomb smelled like cinnamon. The detonator is labeled, "For use against Coalition forces." The driver has been detained and the Iraqi Army is now looking for the bomb factory.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Engineers As Jihadists

Researchers have recently raised eyebrows both within academe and in professional circles with their study noting the high incidence of engineers in jihad. One of the most well-known of course is key 9/11 plotter Ayman al-Zawahiri. The study builds on more than just one infamous example of course. In a work entitled, "Engineers of Jihad1," researchers Diego Gambetta, Nuffield College and Steffen Hertog, University of Durham, quote not only al-Zawahiri, “You have trivialized our movement by your
mundane analysis. May God have mercy on you,” but their abstract details the research. In the words of their abstract:

We find that graduates from subjects such as science, engineering,
and medicine are strongly overrepresented among Islamist movements in the
Muslim world, though not among the extremist Islamic groups which have
emerged in Western countries more recently. We also find that engineers alone
are strongly over-represented among graduates in violent groups in both
realms. This is all the more puzzling for engineers are virtually absent from
left-wing violent extremists and only present rather than over-represented
among right-wing extremists. We consider four hypotheses that could explain
this pattern. Is the engineers’ prominence among violent Islamists an accident
of history amplified through network links, or do their technical skills make
them attractive recruits? Do engineers have a ‘mindset’ that makes them a
particularly good match for Islamism, or is their vigorous radicalization
explained by the social conditions they endured in Islamic countries? We
argue that the interaction between the last two causes is the most plausible
explanation of our findings, casting a new light on the sources of Islamic
extremism and grounding macro theories of radicalization in a micro-level

At the very least, and despite the hubbub, I wanted to quote them accurately and discover what their research suggested.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Poisoning Palestinian Children

Memri, an extremist monitoring site, has documented how the Hamas
TV channel Al-aqsa has been broadcasting an "educational" programme for 7-13 year-olds called "Tomorrow's Pioneers." The show is replete with Hamas ideology and although the characters appear to be warm and fuzzy, they are anything but. The message is stridently anti-Zionist and anti-Western, lauding Muslims and conversion to Islam while encouraging holy war and martyrs. The show degenerates to a Mickey Mouse-like figure who fights a holy war.

Getty Vocabularies for All

By using an Oracle database with PowerBuilder from Sybase for the user interface a team at the Getty museum has allowed public access to their holdings. The team made heavy use of Perl and SQR (a reporting and database access language).

The tool the team built, known as the Vocabulary Coordination System (VCS), offered a single production system that allows Getty staff to collect, analyze, edit, merge and distribute terminology generated by Getty departments and contributors at other institutions.

The Getty's technical staff supports the VCS, the Getty Vocabularies on the Web, Web-based forms for the automated contribution of single records, and programs to automatically load batches of contributed data in XML format. The team also supports programs to produce yearly exports in XML, relational tables, and the Marc (Machine-readable Cataloging) format for institutions and commercial entities that license data sets.

The vocabularies average more than 900,000 searches per quarter. The vocabularies are available to the accessible to the public for free at the Getty museum.

Dutch Go Dutch

The Netherlands has shown some grit and committed the Dutch to greater development in Afghanistan. The Dutch defense minister, Eimert van Middelkoop, stated that a military solution alone will not work.

Middelkoop stated: "A greater commitment of the United Nations and other international organisations and NGOs (non-governmental organisations) is necessary to ensure that progress does not evaporate."

He continued: "Projects such as schools, health clinics, roads and power plants will not only help the economy, but also help the government to assert its authority throughout Afghanistan."

Finally, a bit of a reaction from the Coalition's European allies, and from minuscule Holland no less.

Australian and Dutch troops have been working together for 18 months in a NATO-led mission in the southern Afghan province of Uruzgan, a former Taliban stronghold.

I wish them well and it would be too much to ask that France and Germany chime in behind them but we can always hope.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Note on Ferguson, The War of the World

In his fussy, The War of the World, Niall Ferguson presents a moral view of the twentieth century reviewing mostly secondary sources to declaim the savagery of the 20th century. Ferguson shows primarily how not only financial difficulties as well as economic progress, in short, economic volatility of any sort, along with decaying empires, psychopathic dictators, and social violence resulted in the wars, and the genocides of what he calls "History's Age of Hatred."

The book was widely acclaimed, Ferguson was interviewed and on podcasts, The New York Times Book Review named War of the World one the 100 Notable Books of the Year and acclaimed by many in 2006.

I am uncomfortable with his moralizing historical analysis which evaluates as much as it relates historical events. He seems to write a fuddy-duddy analysis of repellent dictators and economic troubles. One part of the subtitle, the Descent of the West, seems cloying or perhaps he means the phrase in an ironic nod to Darwin. I'm not sure.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Woman Stoned to Death

The Islamic State of Iraq swears vengeance on those Yazidis who killed a woman, Dua Khalil Aswad, who converted to Islam. In a brutal killing a crowd stoned her to death all the while filming or recording the event on cell phone cameras. The tape, which circulated on the Internet, provided graphic details of the violence but when the woman's garments reveal too much, the editors tactfully covered it up. Apparently graphic violence is acceptable to the Islamic avengers but a woman's skin is censored.

Yazidis [also Yezidi, Azidi, Zedi, or Izdi] are a syncretistic religious group (or a set of several groups), with ancient origins and comprising Gnostic core belief structure with other elements of Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Manicheism, and Islam. Yazidi do not intermarry with outsiders or accept converts. Many Yazidi now consider themselves to be Kurds, while others define themselves as both religiously and ethnically distinct from Muslim Kurds. Most of the 700,000 Yazidi reside in the North of the country. The group remains secretive even today and its teachings are obscure and may not even be fully known even to its own adherents.

Free Stanford Education

Stanford University is beginning this terrific new program in which parents with incomes of less than $100,000 will no longer pay tuition. Parents with incomes of less than $60,000 will not be expected to pay tuition or contribute to the costs of room, board, and other expenses. Under the plan, students will still be expected to contribute their earnings from work during the summer and academic year. In order to access one of the best universities in the country simply contributing their spare time efforts is not a high price to pay. This would be an incredible deal for lower-income parents and a great boost for smart, but poorer students.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Iraqi Order of Battle Released

With the new month, the Iraqi Order of Battle has been revised.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Do You Recognize the Biker?

Police officers, one of them in a hazardous-materials suit, examined the military recruiting station in Times Square after an explosion damaged the front of the building early Thursday morning. Graphic source: Chip East/Reuters.

This may well be a dry run for a subsequent attack but video reveals a man riding on a bike who set off a small bomb at a recruiting office. The accounts are frustratingly vague on how similar the attack is to previous attacks on U.S. embassies. The bomb is also similar to attacks on recruiting centers elsewhere. On 3 May 2006 for example insurgents embarked on deadly attacks in Baghdad killing 16 people at a police recruitment center in Falluja, an American civilian contractor near Nasiriya and a police officer in Baquba; on 31 May 2007 a suicide bomber killed up to 25 people at a police recruiting center in Fallujah, though the estimated number of number of dead and injured have varied.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Al Qaeda Operatives Eliminated in the North

Graphic source: Long War Journal.

US and Iraqi security forces have killed or captured 26 senior leaders of al Qaeda in Iraq's terror network over the past several weeks. Eight of those killed were emirs, or leaders responsible for "a geographic or functional area," five were cell leaders, and 13 were facilitators "involved in supporting the network of foreign terrorists, organizing the movement and security of senior leaders of the terrorist cells, or the making and use of improvised explosives and suicide vests." Those identified highlights how al Qaeda's operations have shifted from Anbar and Baghdad provinces to the northern provinces of Diyala, Salahadin, and Ninewa. Of those al Qaeda leaders identified, five operated in Mosul, two in Tikrit, one in Sharqat, and one in Baqubah, all in the north. Only two of those identified as killed or captured came from Baghdad.

Point of Contrasting Candidates, Historically

The point of contrast between today's Presidential candidates and the past could not be clearer.

For example, John F. Kennedy was interviewed on 3 January 1960 for the "Meet The Press" show once he announced he was running for President on the Democratic ticket. The interviewers are serious, sober, and ask numerous substantive questions. Kennedy is articulate, has a grasp of history, bases his thinking on sound reasons, he discusses and supports a foundation of thought on constitutional issues, and finally, he does not mince words on even the tough questions posed to him. The questions are directed at the candidate and they get out of the way. The overwhelming numbers of words come from Kennedy.

On the other hand, in a recent disagreement Obama and McCain spout off sound bites vapidly. Yet, the commentators, who dominate the issue, blather on blissfully about how the candidates have finally reached a point of policy and they seem thrilled that the disagreement is dealing with one issue, at least, seriously. Its just pathetic. They are gleefully mugging for the camera and note how exciting and interesting the debate is. They spew out an abundance of words, and no one seems to note that both Obama and McCain seem ignorant of the issue they are discussing. The commentators only seek to heighten the conflict.

Isn't it just by coincidence that the Meet the Press clip are all male interviewers, although it should be noted that the show included females as well, and the contemporary clip is all women?

And now a word from our sponsor.

In short, this is the focus, not any sort of issue or choice that a voter could consider. Its teletainment.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Saleh the Intended Victim of the Airstrike

The U.S. airstrike was in fact targetting Al Qaeda leader Saleh in the southern Somalia action. Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan, a senior operative for al Qaeda's network in eastern Africa, was "found, targeted, and killed" along with an unspecified number of al Qaeda operatives in the town of Dhobley along the southern border with Kenya.

Nonetheless, although news reports have run the story, the U.S. military has not confirmed Saleh's death with DNA and other forensic evidence to confirm the identity of those killed in the attack.

Nabhan is also wanted for involvement in the 1998 suicide attacks against US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. The attack in Nairobi, Kenya resulted in 212 killed and more than 4,000 wounded. The attack in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania resulted 11 killed and 85 wounded. Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, al Qaeda's operations chief in East Africa, and Abu Taha al Sudani, the leader of al Qaeda's network in East Africa were also behind the attacks.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Pakistani Censorship Technically Explained

At the risk of sounding overly technical, I tried to understand how Pakistan could shut down the Internet as the government objected to what it considered disparaging to the Prophet Mohammed. Pakistan used a Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) injection. In lay terms, Pakistan changed its Internet routing information for YouTube so that requests would go to Pakistani servers, not YouTube's. But the changed information was also sent to Pakistan's own Internet provider, Hong Kong's PCCW, which accepted it and passed it along to the rest of the world. And the result was that almost instantaneously, YouTube disappeared, for you and I.

The nefarious Pakistani deed took about two hours to correct.

BGP injections won't be fixed nor will they likely be. At times it is by accident, other times spammers or hijackers are sabotaging an address. More ominously, governments keep attempting to censor Web sites, and in the climate we are in, that kind of sabotage is likely to happen more and more.

The basic issue is that for the big network providers, relations between them still runs on trust. And as long as one of them sends out routing information to the others, we presume it to be true.

IronKey Secure the Best Stick

Computerworld surveyed 7 secure USB drives and concluded that based on features, price, security, and similar concerns, the IronKey Secure was the best of the lot. The item tested, a 4GB version, also available in 1GB and 2GB sizes, is listed at $149.99 with 128-bit AES encryption.

U.S. Airstrike in Somalia May Target Fazul

With news that a U.S. airstrike hit an al Qaeda safe house in Somalia the speculation is that the launch targeted Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, among others.

I am pleased to see that the U.S. did not check with Europe for permission before launching the strike. At least I do not know that we asked for permission. This is another individual that would not be a loss for humanity to lose.

The airstrike targeted an al Qaeda safe house in the town of Dobley in southern Somalia, just four miles from the Kenyan border.

The target of the strike has not been identified, but it may be Fazul, and the military believes the strike was successful. At least eight were reported killed and six more are reported to be trapped inside the rubble of the safe house.

This is the fourth known US-led airstrike against al Qaeda operatives in Somalia since the Ethiopian operation to drive the Islamic Courts from power was launched in late December 2006.

The US targeted Fazul Abdullah Mohammad, Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan, and Abu Tala al Sudani during the early 2007 strikes. Fazul was again targeted in June 2007. They are believed to be sheltering in Somalia, and one or more of them may have been the target of today's strike.

Fazul is al Qaeda's operations chief responsible for planning the 1998 bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, as well as the 2002 car bombing attack in Kenya and missile attack on an Israeli airliner.

He needs to go.

The Hunters Are Now the Hunted

The word out on the Marines is that big game hunters are now providing training for Marines sent to Iraq.

Combat Hunter is the name of the program begun at Camp Pendleton which is now being rolled out nationwide. The program is designed to help Marines more keenly become aware of their senses and instincts while stalking and killing insurgents. The Marines are trained to be better observers while accumulating meticulous knowledge of their foes' habits.

This is a primal skill that with the enormous growth of technology in warfighting we may have lost.

On the one hand, the Marines are simply being re-trained to recognize our animal nature. We are animals, even if we are not nothing but animals. And two, they are trained killers anyway so they are no more likely to be a problem adjusting to normal live upon their return. These are two concerns that have been expressed but I believe them to be misplaced.

Although I may share concerns about an erosion of liberty, which I do, I don't see how developing a more lethal military to eliminate our enemies, is a problem.

Furthermore, viewing an enemy, as an animal as we are ourselves, does not lessen the humanity of any Marine. In response to this story, "Anonymous Hollywoood Blacklist Dodger" stated: "Finally an admission from an official goverment agency (the Marines) that we are in fact, bipedal, semi-domesticated, mostly hairless primates." Now, that's funny.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Friedman Tells Insurgents to "Suck On This"

Thomas Friedman, of "Flat World" fame, is interviewed by Charlie Rose while relating the "bubbles" of the '90s to his thoughts on whether it was worth it to get involved in Iraq.

U.S. Combat Deaths Decrease

Graphic source: Photo: Danfung Dennis/WPN.

Any casualties are regrettable but what can be stated positively is that U.S. casualties dropped last month.

The official U.S. troop death count in Iraq stands at 29, the third-lowest monthly casualty toll for the U.S. military since the American-led invasion in 2003. The count includes 3 non-combat deaths.

40 were killed in January, a year ago the count was 81. There has been a dramatic decrease in American troop deaths.

Although various criteria measuring violence confirms that there has been a downturn, Iraqi casualties increased which no doubt reflects the greater role that Iraqis are playing in reconstruction.

The three key factors which are widely credited with reducing violence in Iraq over the past six months are: an increase in U.S. troop levels; a cease-fire by radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army militia; and the decision by tens of thousands of Sunni fighters to accept U.S. funding and turn against al-Qaida in Iraq.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

U.S. Rolls in Mosul

U.S. and Iraqi security forces are removing al Qaeda in Iraq from its last urban stronghold in Mosul. Multinational Forces Iraq killed two senior Saudi al Qaeda operatives there. The two, Abu Yasir al Saudi, and Hamdan, were eliminated during a helicopter strike.

Abu Yasir al Saudi was al Qaeda in Iraq’s emir, or leader, of southeastern Mosul. Hamdan was a close associate of Yasir who helped foreign terrorists enter Mosul and led a regional anti-aircraft ring.

142 al Qaeda leaders and operatives have been killed or captured in Mosul since January in this last urban outpost of AQ.

In what is surely a harbinger of disaster for Saudi Arabia, and more importantly for the U.S. unless we cut our ties with the oppressive regime, Saudi nationals make up the largest element of the foreign al Qaeda fighters. Based on documentation found last October, 41% of foreign fighters were from Saudi Arabia. Libyan nationals accounted for the second largest group entering Iraq with about 19% of the total, followed by Syrians and Yemenis each at 8%, Algerians with 7% and Moroccans at 6%.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Universal Gossamer

You really have to love the interaction possible with the Internet and in this example, specifically YouTube. I was watching a good interview with Michael Scheuer about his latest book, Marching Toward Hell, and I see the commentary and interpretation of the interview from a guy who claims to be a former UAE Undersecretary, of what exactly, it is not clear on his biography page. What we have here is an original production, then analyzed and elaborated upon in a subsequent format, and which then can be commented on and posted as I am doing here. It is like an endless gossamer of spinning, commenting, analyzing, and reacting.

Have We Learned Anything About Warfare in Iraq?

DARPA's Urban Mapping technology seems to provide proper support for the complexities of modern warfare and current challenges for the street level fighter in Iraq. The new technology--called the Tactical Ground Reporting System, or TIGR--is a map-centric application that junior officers can study before going on patrol and add to upon returning. This reminds me of a Google Maps mash-up on steroids and allows a soldiers to get up close and personal to their environment. By clicking on icons and lists, officers can see the locations of key buildings, such as mosques, schools, and hospitals, and retrieve information such as location data on past attacks, geotagged photos of houses and other buildings (taken with cameras equipped with Global Positioning System technology), and photos of suspected insurgents and neighborhood leaders. They can even listen to civilian interviews and watch videos of past maneuvers.

Et Tu, NetBrute Scanner?

The NetBrute Scanner is a handy tool because it surveys your network for a vulnerable point of entry: shared folders or open ports. There are three simple security tools that will put your network through a basic security check, looking for shared resources and open ports. In addition, you can also use it to test the security of any Web servers on your network.

The tools can be checked on any individual PC on the network by using its network name or IP address. There is also the ability to scan an entire range of IP addresses. I find the latter more difficult to apply and use successfully.

The program lists all shared resources and lets you connect to those resources and browse them from the program as well. The program also scans the PCs on the network for open TCP ports, so you'll be able to find out what Web servers, FTP servers, Telnet resources and the like are installed. For security, it will identify your port vulnerabilities.

The third utility in the suite checks the Web servers on your network and sees whether it can break into them using a "dictionary attack" by trying combinations of user names and passwords to gain access to the webmaster's account. The feigned access replicates a brute force attack.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Support for Wikileaks Grows

I find it ironic, and frightening, that in the same week the Pakistani government censors YouTube is the same time that an American Court disabled, a whistle-blower site.

Fortunately, a number of privacy and civil rights advocates are calling on a federal court to reconsider its decision.

A motion was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), the American Civil Liberties Union, the Project on Government Oversight, and a Wikileaks user asked the court for permission to intervene in the case.

The groups asked the court to dissolve its permanent injunction disabling the Web site. They claimed that the court's action violated their First Amendment right to access the contents of the Wikileaks Web site.

Harvard Law School's Berkman Center for Internet & Society's Citizen Media Law Project (CMLP) is also sympathetic towards Wikileaks and the center filed a brief opposing the court's injunctions against Wikileaks and its domain registrar Dynadot LLC. The brief that they filed also cited First Amendment concerns.

The new found support for Wikileaks comes in the wake of two injunctions issued by U.S. District Court Judge Jeffrey White on February 15. The injunctions were in response to a lawsuit filed by the Julius Baer Group, a Swiss bank that, according to documents on Wikileaks, was involved in offshore money laundering and tax evasion in the Cayman Islands for customers in several countries, including the U.S.

The rulings elicited vociferous criticism from privacy and civil rights groups that saw it as an unprecedented violation of First Amendment rights.

An additional hearing takes place tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Predicting the Next Big One

Want to predict terrorist behavior?

The prediction of terrorist behavior is the goal of a new initiative at the University of Maryland. The University launched a data mining portal for counter-terrorism research.

The researchers consider that the unpredictable groups are useful for policy analysts and counter-terrorism groups who can use past behavior to forecast terrorist behavior.

The University of Maryland's Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS), specifically, the SOMA Terror Organization Portal (STOP), uses publicly available data on more than 110 terror groups from around the world. In addition, it uses a real-time data extraction tool called T-REX to scour and extract data from more than 128,000 articles a day on an average of 180 news sites in 93 countries. The data is then organized into columns by year, variables associated with the group, such as an attack it might have carried out, or any counter-measures taken against it by a government. As a result, each variable then gets a numeric code representing its relative importance.

SOMA, or Stochastic Opponent Modeling Agents, then creates rules about the various terrorist groups, thus predicting their behavior, in its database.

The conclusions are worth considering. Hezbollah is demonstrated then to show that when it was involved in electoral politics, the chances it will attack civilians outside of Lebanon was in the 69% to 87% range. On the other hand, those chances dropped sharply when Hezbollah is not involved in electoral politics. The conclusion seems to be counterintuitive. Hezbollah is more violent as it is involved in democratic politics.

SOMA proved to be accurate in predicting an outcome about 90% of the time. This accuracy rate would be invaluable if consistent. The researchers had inputted ten years of data on each group and as a result turned out an accuracy rate over 90%. While the tool could not predict any specific target or time line the data could be invaluable for increasing security.

Nonetheless, the tool is a promising beginning for generally baffling human phenomenon.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Obama's Fashion Statement

Graphic source: BBC.

I'm not completely sure what to make of Obama's fashion statement but it is most helpful to hear from an expert. Although we may not know now who released the image, a photo of Obama wearing Somali clothing is causing a fire storm after it was released on the Drudge Report website.

I'd let an expert address the clothing.

Yusuf Garaad Omar, head of the BBC's Somali Service, explains the meaning of the robes.

These are the normal clothes that nomadic people wear.

The head turban is especially used by elderly people as a suggestion of respect. It is something that has no meaning whatsoever in Somalia culture.

If you see someone dressed like that in Somalia, you think it is a nomadic person - that is all.

There is no religious significance to it whatsoever. It is mainly the nomadic people who use it. Some of them are religious, some are not.

It is simply a tradition of the place where they are from.

In this particular place, Wajir in north-east Kenya, the community is majority ethnic Somali.

They have a council for Peace and Development, and when they get delegates they dress them as a nomadic person.

Given that the expert, Mr. Omar, has weighed in, the costume does not appear particularly significant, but it has allowed the Clinton campaign some room to deny that they were behind the picture's release.

Blackboard Prevails Against Desire2Learn in Patent Disupute

Blackboard won its elearning patent dispute against Desire2Learn which surprised me. I didn't think Blackboard's case was as strong as the federal jury in Lufkin, TX apparently did.

Cf. Dian Schaffhauser, "Blackboard Wins Lawsuit Against Desire2Learn," Campus Technology, 2/22/2008,

Atomic Learning Workshop on Blogger Blogging: Everything You Need to Know About Blogging

Atomic Learning has done a real service in creating a terrific workshop on blogging. The tutorials break down all the details on how to have a successful experience on Blogger.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Note on Islamofascism and Paul Berman

Since I've recently been asked about my use of the term, Islamofascism, I dug into the historical roots of the term.

Comparisons have been made between fascism and Islam, as far back as 1937, when the German Catholic emigré Edgar Alexander compared Nazism with "Mohammedanism," likewise, in 1939 psychologist Carl Jung said about Adolf Hitler, "he is like Mohammed. The emotion in Germany is Islamic, warlike and Islamic. They are all drunk with a wild god."

Nonetheless, the real impetus for my use of the term comes from Terror and Liberalism,, written by New York University journalism Professor Paul Berman who carefully unpacked the intellectual origins of Islamic fundamentalism, looking primarily at Sayyid Qutb, the intellectual godfather of al-Qaeda. It was not hard to find the links: Qutb was explicitly and openly influenced by European fascism. The parallel has some odd coincidences. In Taliban Afghanistan conditions seem grotesquely familiar to historians of fascism, with its fanatical Jew-hatred, homophobia, misogyny, the banning of all dissent, and the suppression of all liberal freedoms.

Pakistani Muslims Ban Internet

Graphic source: Global Voices Advocacy.

In what could be an excellent dry run for an Internet ban the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) ordered the country's ISPs to block users' access to YouTube on Friday because of what was considered an inflammatory anti-Islamic video on the site. The video in question is: at IPs:,, and The authorities did not allow many users around the world to access YouTube Inc.'s site for about two hours on Sunday. The way they were able to shut down YouTube was with erroneous routing information. YouTube responded by investigating how the problem can be avoided to prevent it from happening again.

In the glorious state of Pakistan access to YouTube is still blocked while ISPs work with the Pakistani authority to narrow its order to block a single URL pointing to the video.

The Pakistani authorities have struck a blow against free speech as they have consistently opposed expressions and art depicting Mohammad.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Wars That Can Be Won, Candidates Should Lose

Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr rally in Baghdad, the day before he extended his militia's cease-fire six months.

Graphic source: Wathiq Khuzaie--Getty Images Photo.

The Washington Post ran a story from Anthony H. Cordesman, the Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, who recently returned from the front lines in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Cordesman's perspective is not the one discussed in the major political campaigns, nor are the ones I hear at the water cooler, however, he is correct. If you follow the military accounts carefully, the U.S. military is doing an admirable job. As he perceptively continues though, the will to follow-up the remarkable military effort with a corresponding application of American interest is lacking. In this, I fault the average American who not only lapsed in the citizen's duty to be engaged by the debate to enter the war, but also now the rhetoric on how to win successfully is submerged in the political detritus that we call Campaign 2008.

To provide just one example, in the terms of the change agents--you pick your poison, Obama or Hillary--both of whom seem to want a vaguely termed `change' but who advocate greater use of diplomacy and involvement by allies. In the case of Afghanistan, Cordesman observes that the war there is winnable, premised on international interest and NATO support. Yet, neither candidate, both Senators who serve the country in the capacity of "advise and consent" to the President, have engaged international opinion and support. They are both playing politics instead. This is dishonest and disrespectable towards our armed forces.

The best guess in order to develop the necessary infrastructure in Iraq and Afghanistan is 2012 - 2020. The military is soundly and roundly chasing al-Qaeda out of every province and it is being reduced to a losing struggle for control of Nineveh and Mosul. In addition, the Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr's announcement Friday to extend his militia's cease-fire six months is another positive factor to consider. In spite of these positive developments, Americans continue their hand-ringing and lamenting of a situation that they do not understand or follow very closely.

Cordesman echoes my feeling that Americans are not really paying attention nor realizing that the struggle is longer and harder than they would like to know about. The candidates too are doing a major disservice to the Presidential debates by not being upfront and honest with the American people. War takes a long time and this needs to stated clearly and upfront, so that it becomes a part of the Presidential debates.

Cordesman states:

If the next president, Congress and the American people cannot face this reality, we will lose. Years of false promises about the speed with which we can create effective army, police and criminal justice capabilities in Iraq and Afghanistan cannot disguise the fact that mature, effective local forces and structures will not be available until 2012 and probably well beyond. This does not mean that U.S. and allied force levels cannot be cut over time, but a serious military and advisory presence will probably be needed for at least that long, and rushed reductions in forces or providing inadequate forces will lead to a collapse at the military level.

The wars are for the long haul.

Cordesman concludes:

Any American political leader who cannot face these realities, now or in the future, will ensure defeat in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Any Congress that insists on instant victory or success will do the same. We either need long-term commitments, effective long-term resources and strategic patience -- or we do not need enemies. We will defeat ourselves.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Propaganda Stunt by Islamofascist Terrorists

Here is the tactic that Israel has to deal with currently but I believe will soon be exported elsewhere, that is, close to home. The terrorists, in a decentralized hub-like network lob missiles at Israel, then, women protesters flood the streets. Where have women ever taken to the public streets and are politically active in any Arab nation? They have not. The only reason they are there is to elicit sympathy as innocent victims of Israeli aggression. The crowd has armed men who fire into Israeli lines but if the army defends itself the women will be hit. The world sees only one limited aspect of the demonstration and the propaganda line then is to label the Israelis as butchers.

The network-centric warfare of a group like Hamas is a genuine challenge to constitutional frameworks. As all fascists have learned for decades, the Islamofascists will exploit the system and run candidates for office, campaign in democratic elections in order to undermine the system, and simultaneously engage in covert, terroristic operations in order to bring the system down. Mussolini and Hitler did much the same thing in their successful pursuit of bringing democracy down.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Note on Harris' Note

A quick and easy read, this is Harris' follow-up to his more substantial The End of Faith. I didn't find the work totally a rehash of anti-religious sentiments but there is a fairly complete repetition of traditional arguments. Atheists are often pronouncing moral judgments and locating their values in a personal or individual place but this is not an issue with me. Non-violence is advocated by Harris but I've found it interesting that one critic of Harris notes that non-violence would not have gotten us anywhere during evolution. I take it violence is an unqualified good, and not in need of defense.

Note on Michael Grant, The Climax of Rome

The summary of early Christian art is worthwhile and there is a sound, brief summary of the collapse of Rome. Grant corrects the view that 161-337 C.E. was a degeneration of Rome. He correctly locates the period as troubled but he demonstrates the vitality and the political and military adaptability of leading Roman figures in a rapidly changing environment.

Dead Cow Springs to Scan

Graphic source: cDc.

The Cult of the Dead Cow hacker group released the open-source tool Goolag Scanner designed to enable IT workers to quickly scan their Web sites for security vulnerabilities and at-risk sensitive data. The tool uses a selection of specially crafted Google search terms. The group, also called, cDc, acknowledged that the tool can be employed for nefarious uses as well.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Not Uncle Same But Uncle Sam for Today

Uncle Sam and his image should be updated and I think there is now at least one sound revision.

Note on Scheuer's New Book

Michael Scheuer's latest book, Marching Toward Hell: America and Islam After Iraq, has six points to make that are relevant for the upcoming election.

The six points are: our unqualified support for Israel; our presence on the Arabian peninsula, which is land Muslims deem holy; our military presence in other Islamic countries; our support of foreign states that oppress Muslims, especially Russia, China and India; our long-term policy of keeping oil prices artificially low to the benefit of Western consumers but to continuing detriment of the Arab peoples; and our support for Arab tyrannies who will repress Arabs and do just that.

These are the six points that the two major candidates are not discussing.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Fallujah's Double-Edge Sword

Graphic source:

The primary leak in the Fallujah media case is that the military lost in the information war. However, the public revelation of the loss is a two-edged sword. The fact that Al-Jazeera or other Arab sources were present, and the Western press did not report or gain access to the battle field is embarrassing but not only to the government. The liberties of the free press are hindered by news agencies who have let the American people down and failed us as citizens because we were not informed as we should have been. I view this leak not only as a breach of government information but it also points out how critical a free press really is. The fact that the Western press did not accurately report in Fallujah further increased the risk to our troops. The fighting capabilities of U.S. troops were hampered because our combat troops had to engage in battle sensitive to how Fallujah would be playing out before shoddy Arab journalistic standards. Americans need to wake up to the reality of war. War is brutal but we need to unleash American dogs of war so that they can create stability after the conflict and without regard to European elites or biased journalistic accounts. Not only is the government hiding behind a smokescreen but so too are our journalists.

Judge Bans Helpful Documents

Graphic source: Wikileaks.

I am simply one of the many rights advocates expressing dismay over a pair of decisions made by California District Court Judge Jeffrey White last week to shut down, a controversial Web site that allows whistle-blowers to anonymously post corporate and government documents online. At a time when insurgents are housing their bilge on American ISPs, I find it ironic that whistle-blowers, who may be able to help people, are banned. What is the judiciary thinking here?

The court's orders resulted in the URL being promptly scrubbed from the Internet but I wanted to follow what happened to the site. Thereafter, the site remained accessible by typing in its IP numbers ( As advertised, Wikileaks, which touts itself as an "uncensorable system for untraceable mass document leaking and public analysis," was also available via numerous mirror sites in several countries.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Microsoft Offers Students Free DreamSpark Tools

Microsoft has offered its development and design tools to students for free and in a move announced yesterday the company will open these tools to as many as many as 1 billion high school and college students.

The Microsoft tools, in the DreamSpark program, is available to 35 million college students in the U.S., China, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the U.K.

The tools are ones that young people can build a career around or they can just build fun software for themselves. The basics of good software architecture and the data structures have been consistent for the last 30 years and therefore the skills of design and recognizing good code, is a valuable skill to have for the 21st Century.

DreamSpark is available to students of technology, design, math science and engineering, and students can access Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition, Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition, and XNA Game Studio 2.0. As a part of the package students are also eligible for a free 12-month academic membership to the XNA Creators Club.

The program will also include Microsoft's Expression Studio design tools, including Expression Web, Expression Blend, Expression Design and Expression Media. Students also can access SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition and Windows Server Standard Edition for free.

The timetable for roll-out of the program is six months when Microsoft plans to expand DreamSpark to college students in Australia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Japan, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia, and more countries in the Americas, Asia and Europe. The program will be extended to high school students by the third quarter of 2008.

Microsoft works with academic institutions, governments, and student organizations, such as the International Student Identity Card Association, to ensure the necessary local student identity-verification technology infrastructure exists to provide access to DreamSpark.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Islamofascists Snooker Archbishop

If the Islamofascists have their way, they would eliminate those who disagree with them. Although saner heads will prevail, the call of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, for Islamic law to be recognized in Britain is ludicrous. Despite the evidence to the contrary, sharia contravenes Western legal precepts and is an egregious assault of Western notions of liberty. With all the shortcomings and short sightedness of Western political leaders, sharia has more in common with frontier justice, the Ku Klux Klan, and liminal Western examples.

Islamofascists Deny the Danish Their Liberties

During Kristallnacht, the Nazis sought to disabuse people of their liberty, today in Europe, the Islamofascists seek to do the same and deny Westeners their liberties. Liberties that are precious in the Western legal tradition are the right to discuss, provoke, debate, and to engage in any activity such as satire or expressions intended to foster thought. Europe is on the road to find its liberties disabused by those who seek to end such freedoms.

Peaches and Cream, Less Than a: DreamSys Server Monitor

I don't know where my servers are all the time or I mean when they are up and running or not but with DreamSys Server Monitor I can. If they are down, there are a number of actions that will remedy the situation. At a scheduled time, it will check the servers to see if they're still running and you can manually check the servers at any time.

The range of actions in response to a problem server include sending an e-mail as a notification, rebooting the machine, starting a service, or playing a sound or running a command.

The GUI is a bit problematic but with a bit of patience it can be overcome if this looks like a useful tool.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Library Thing

Library Thing is a really useful site because it allows me to easily catalog my library. I would never have the time to add my books in without some of the simple click-in features and recommendations which allow you to find and easily click on books to add to your library.

Cute Insurgent

Another youngster prepares to meet Americans.

Look Out, ANT!

Advanced Net Tools (ANT) is a really versatile set of network utilities. There are port scans, DNS lookups, pings, scanning for network shares, and checking on routing tables among other things.

The security modules are quick-and-dirty, that is, easy network scans. There's a network port scanner that can scan all computers on your network and discover any open ports, and a share scanner that reports on all the shared drives on your network.

With the information modules you can examine your routing table and add and delete entries in it. You can also find out what IP addresses are available to be assigned on your network. Other modules do advanced DNS lookups, let you view all the network adapters connected to computers on the network and add and remove their IP addresses.

As I've been reviewing the free tools, I'll have to go back and rate them, one by one.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Latest in the Series of Free Utilities: Advanced IP Scanner

I use What's Running a great deal so I can know what is going on within my box but here is a small free utility which is a handy way to get a quick list of all the devices connected to your network. They are listed by IP address, along with information about each device. It quickly scans all IP addresses in a range that you specify, then specifies whether a device is present at each address. For each device, it lists the status, the machine name, NetBIOS information, ping information, and MAC address. I usually have difficulty keeping track so this can be useful.

Moreover, the program not only scans your network but it also gives you a set of tools that lets you shut down PCs remotely, use the "Wake on LAN" feature for any PC whose network card supports that capability, and connect to remote PCs via Radmin, if it's installed. I have used another remote site so this would allow an opportunity to combine functions in one use. You can also apply some operations, such as shutting down remote PCs, to a group of computers, not just individual ones.

This tool could be effectively used and handy.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Virtualization Trend

One of the biggest developments of the year will be in virtualization so I'll be reviewing topics along these lines.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Al Qaeda on the Run

Graphic source: Fred W. Baker

The combination of military operations and local population support in northern Iraq has forced quite a few al Qaeda fighters out of urban areas in order to flee to the desert, or even out of the country.

The northern division is about the size of Pennsylvania and includes Diyala, Salahuddin, Ninevah and Tamim provinces.

Some insurgents are hiding out in abandoned mud huts, canals or caves in the desert.

The desert hideaways are targets under six-week-long Operation Iron Harvest, part of the countrywide Operation Phantom Phoenix.

The insurgents are most likely thinking that the military if after them: a sound thought, because they are.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Note on Red River

Graphic source:

I didn't know Red River was shot on location near Elgin, in Arizona and Mexico, but having Netflixed it recently I was curious about its background. The film realistically portrays the code and harshness of the West, and the journey, as in The Odyssey or in the Old Testament Exodus, is an epic yarn related to the audience with the vehicle of the Old West. John Wayne actually acted in this movie, thus Howard Hawks, the producer quipped, "the old lug can act." Wayne plays the hard bitten surrogate father to Montgomery Clift, in his first film, and hard-driving trail boss. The film appears over as the younger Clift mutinies, as in Mutiny On the Bounty, but he then successfully takes the herd to Topeka, of course, all is not well and he must still face the wrath of the soon-to-arrive, Wayne.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Chaotic State of Iraqi Executive Branch

The fragmented state of the Iraqi Executive branch is contrasted in this graphic with the U.S. We have a long, long way to go if democracy is ever to survive in Iraq.

Chinese Spies

The Chinese are at it again, or at least four more are allegedly spying. The U.S. Department of Justice announced two separate espionage cases for allegedly passing information to the Chinese government.

One case involves a former Boeing Company employee who was charged with economic espionage and other crimes, and the other includes three individuals who are charged with conspiracy to disclose national defense information.

In the Boeing incidnet, the DOJ claimed that Dongfan Chung, a 72-year-old, stole trade secrets related to the Space Shuttle, the C-17 military transport plane and the Delta IV rocket while working at Rockwell International Corporation, and then again once Boeing bought Rockwell's defense and space unit.

The alleged espionage stretched back for years and he also allegedly used Chi Mak to transmit information. Mak and four of his family members were convicted last year on charges of passing defense information to the Chinese government.

In the other case the DOJ arrested a U.S. Department of Defense employee and two New Orleans residents for an alleged espionage scheme.

Tai Shen Kuo, 58, and Yu Xin Kang, 33, both of New Orleans, were indicted for conspiring to disclose national defense information to a foreign government, while Gregg William Bergersen, a 51-year-old resident of Alexandria, Va., who works as a weapons systems policy analyst at the DOD's Defense Security Cooperation Agency, was charged with conspiracy to disclose national defense information to persons not entitled to receive it.

Kuo and Kang both face life in prison if convicted. Bergersen faces up to 10 years in prison.

The Chinese connection seems to proliferate as China seeks to re-engineer American products.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Scrappy Chinese Entrepreneur

One fascinating story in the rise of Chinese entrepreneurship is that of Zhang Yin, owner of the Nine Dragon Paper Company. In the 1990s, she cashed in on China’s paper shortage by collecting scrap and shipping it to mainland China for recycling. She astutely saw a bigger opportunity in the empty container ships that returned to the U.S. and Europe after unloading their full loads of goods in China. She filled those empty ships with wastepaper collected in the U.S. and Europe to recycle the contents in China into cardboard boxes to be used for shipping Chinese goods back to the American and European markets. The shipping continues so she has a steady stream to recycle. In seemingly no time at all, according to the Hurun Report’s 2006 China Rich List, Zhang has become the wealthiest person in China and one of the richest female entrepreneurs in the world. Her wealth is not unconnected with simply taking a sound, simple, but profitable idea and creating wealth: from scrap of all things.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Network Notepad Diagrams Live

My network site actually allowing me access to my network has limitations so Network Notepad may ease in the designing of a network. I don't really have an adequate tool so this tool will be easy for creating a network diagram.

Not only can I design my network and draw schematics but they are live and include links so that I can Telnet or employ other networking tasks to access any device on the network simply by clicking on a button on the diagram.

The palette is equipped with icons for routers, servers, printers, boxes, hubs, modems, and other network devices. The way to do this is by simply dragging and dropping them onto a diagram, and then connect the devices using a set of drawing tools. You add names and IP addresses. You can also import a host file, and Network Notepad will automatically populate the devices with the right IP addresses.

This method seems quite handy because the diagram becomes a live, interactive drawing.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Spiceworks IT Desktop, Better than Network Magic

Another free tool that may be helpful to a small network or business is the Spiceworks IT Desktop. It is a bit difficult to navigate for just a home network so be forewarned although it does includes a significant number of features for a free tool: it does perform as an all-in-one network inventory and management tool.

Spiceworks IT Desktop provides a substantial bit of information about each PC connected to your network. The program will inventory a network and provide information about each device on it and I found it deeper than Network Magic. The types of information it provides about each PC and device, is free and used disk space, anti-virus software being used, and problems on the device (such as server connection errors). It will even provide an inventory of the software installed on each PC, in quite a bit of detail.

There are other features as well, such as, easy access to ping and traceroute functions. And it attempts to be a help desk application as well. You can create help tickets with it, assign the ticket to others or yourself, and include due dates, priorities and so on. For someone like me with simple home network needs it is sufficient.

Friday, February 8, 2008

How a DNS Works (And What a DNS Is)

Graphic source: OpenDNS

A DNS stands for Domain Name Service which is how a browser can navigate the Web. The URLs (Uniform Resource Location) that are typed in a browser are translated into a computer readable format which lead you to a specific Internet page.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Bush Requests Greater Security Spending

Director of National Intelligence Michael McConnell warned Congress that terrorists are showing an increasing desire to use cyber attacks against the U.S. By the same token, the Bush administration is proposing a federal budget that calls for the government to spend one out of every 10 IT dollars on information security. The budget proposal earmarks $7.3 billion for information security, a 9.8% increase over what was budgeted for the current fiscal year. If approved as is, security spending would account for 10.3% of the entire federal IT budget. Bush's proposal continues a trend in which security spending has been increasing at a rate that's greater than the growth of the overall IT budget.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Al-Qaeda Training Children as Terrorists

Al-Qaeda is training children from 6-14 according to a news story released today.

Network Magic, Simple, Free Management

While always on the lookout for simple, free, and in this case, all-in-one network management tools for a small peer-to-peer network, Computerworld, as is their usual, noted some handy tools. Network Magic looks like one of the best. It handles all the basic network chores, including adding new devices to the network, fixing broken network connections, setting up wireless encryption and protection, sharing printers and folders, and for me, one of the most important features, reporting on the state of the security of each PC on the network. I have several geographically dispersed machines so Network Magic will come in handy.

I appreciate the visual network map which displays every connected device, shows whether it's online or off line, and displays details about each, including the computer name, IP address, MAC address, operating system being used, shared folders, and system information such as its processor and RAM. It is hard to believe you can get that much network information out of a free tool. I also like the fact that it displays alerts about each device, such as if it isn't protected properly. It displays overall information about your network, such as whether there are any problems with overall security or with an individual PC. It also lets you troubleshoot connections, shows whether there are any intruders on the network, and displays information about wireless protection. The tool can create reports about Internet and network use of each PC connected to the network. For example, the software can monitor the use of any individual PC on the network for the Web sites it visits, the times the computer is online and which programs are being used, and then mail a daily report about it to an e-mail address. I have not seen Windows Vista's Network Map offer a comparable level of detail.

There is a paid version of the software as well. The paid version, which costs from $24 to $40 (depending on how many PCs are on your network), delivers daily reports of Internet activity and supports remote access to your network's files.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

You Should "X" Active-X: How To

The U. S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team (CERT), part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, has advised in no uncertain terms: "US-CERT encourages users to disable ActiveX controls as described in the Securing Your Web Browser document." Too many vulnerabilities have arisen from the feature, it is not worth having. CERT released a "how-to" so users can disable the feature easily.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Obstinate NATO Allies

The obstinacy of Germany, along with France, Turkey, and Italy, knows few bounds. As the U.S. and its coalition partners bear the brunt of fighting in Afghanistan, the NATO partners refuse to seriously commit themselves to initiatives in Afghanistan. These four countries will not send significant number of troops to the southern front lines. Troops from Canada, Britain, the Netherlands, and the United States are committed and seek support from their reluctant NATO cohorts. These nations criticize the U.S. for going it alone but they certainly have their opportunity to become more greatly involved in the fighting. They are not helping though. The U.S. shares a heavy load in the resurgence of Taliban violence with support from Denmark, Romania, Estonia, and non-NATO nation Australia.

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  • Abbot, Edwin A., Flatland;
  • Accelerate: Technology Driving Business Performance;
  • ACM Queue: Architecting Tomorrow's Computing;
  • Adkins, Lesley and Roy A. Adkins, Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome;
  • Ali, Ayaan Hirsi, Nomad: From Islam to America: A Personal Journey Through the Clash of Civilizations;
  • Ali, Tariq, The Clash of Fundamentalisms: Crusades, Jihads, and Modernity;
  • Allawi, Ali A., The Crisis of Islamic Civilization;
  • Alperovitz, Gar, The Decision To Use the Atomic Bomb;
  • American School & University: Shaping Facilities & Business Decisions;
  • Angelich, Jane, What's a Mother (in-Law) to Do?: 5 Essential Steps to Building a Loving Relationship with Your Son's New Wife;
  • Arad, Yitzchak, In the Shadow of the Red Banner: Soviet Jews in the War Against Nazi Germany;
  • Aristotle, Athenian Constitution. Eudemian Ethics. Virtues and Vices. (Loeb Classical Library No. 285);
  • Aristotle, Metaphysics: Books X-XIV, Oeconomica, Magna Moralia (The Loeb classical library);
  • Armstrong, Karen, A History of God;
  • Arrian: Anabasis of Alexander, Books I-IV (Loeb Classical Library No. 236);
  • Atkinson, Rick, The Guns at Last Light: The War in Western Europe, 1944-1945 (Liberation Trilogy);
  • Auletta, Ken, Googled: The End of the World As We Know It;
  • Austen, Jane, Pride and Prejudice;
  • Bacevich, Andrew, The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism;
  • Baker, James A. III, and Lee H. Hamilton, The Iraq Study Group Report: The Way Forward - A New Approach;
  • Barber, Benjamin R., Jihad vs. McWorld: Terrorism's Challenge to Democracy;
  • Barnett, Thomas P.M., Blueprint for Action: A Future Worth Creating;
  • Barnett, Thomas P.M., The Pentagon's New Map: War and Peace in the Twenty-First Century;
  • Barron, Robert, Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of the Faith;
  • Baseline: Where Leadership Meets Technology;
  • Baur, Michael, Bauer, Stephen, eds., The Beatles and Philosophy;
  • Beard, Charles Austin, An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States (Sony Reader);
  • Benjamin, Daniel & Steven Simon, The Age of Sacred Terror: Radical Islam's War Against America;
  • Bergen, Peter, The Osama bin Laden I Know: An Oral History of al Qaeda's Leader;
  • Berman, Paul, Terror and Liberalism;
  • Berman, Paul, The Flight of the Intellectuals: The Controversy Over Islamism and the Press;
  • Better Software: The Print Companion to;
  • Bleyer, Kevin, Me the People: One Man's Selfless Quest to Rewrite the Constitution of the United States of America;
  • Boardman, Griffin, and Murray, The Oxford Illustrated History of the Roman World;
  • Bracken, Paul, The Second Nuclear Age: Strategy, Danger, and the New Power Politics;
  • Bradley, James, with Ron Powers, Flags of Our Fathers;
  • Bronte, Charlotte, Jane Eyre;
  • Bronte, Emily, Wuthering Heights;
  • Brown, Ashley, War in Peace Volume 10 1974-1984: The Marshall Cavendish Encyclopedia of Postwar Conflict;
  • Brown, Ashley, War in Peace Volume 8 The Marshall Cavendish Illustrated Encyclopedia of Postwar Conflict;
  • Brown, Nathan J., When Victory Is Not an Option: Islamist Movements in Arab Politics;
  • Bryce, Robert, Gusher of Lies: The Dangerous Delusions of "Energy Independence";
  • Bush, George W., Decision Points;
  • Bzdek, Vincent, The Kennedy Legacy: Jack, Bobby and Ted and a Family Dream Fulfilled;
  • Cahill, Thomas, Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea: Why the Greeks Matter;
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  • Chariton, Callirhoe (Loeb Classical Library);
  • Chief Learning Officer: Solutions for Enterprise Productivity;
  • Christ, Karl, The Romans: An Introduction to Their History and Civilization;
  • Cicero, De Senectute;
  • Cicero, The Republic, The Laws;
  • Cicero, The Verrine Orations I: Against Caecilius. Against Verres, Part I; Part II, Book 1 (Loeb Classical Library);
  • Cicero, The Verrine Orations I: Against Caecilius. Against Verres, Part I; Part II, Book 2 (Loeb Classical Library);
  • CIO Decisions: Aligning I.T. and Business in the MidMarket Enterprise;
  • CIO Insight: Best Practices for IT Business Leaders;
  • CIO: Business Technology Leadership;
  • Clay, Lucius Du Bignon, Decision in Germany;
  • Cohen, William S., Dragon Fire;
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