Wednesday, December 7, 2011
M.A. Thesis: No Birth Certificate for Obama
”A creative exploration of the consequence of public speech in the era of freely accessible, oscial media, as the author, a former elections official, records and explores the consequences of public dissent in the case of President Barack Obama’s eligibility controversy. This non-fiction narrative culminates with the author’s analysis and observations on both his personal experiences and the state of public speech and political power in contemporary America.”
"What do people in Hawaii say about Obama’s birth certificate?”
There isn’t one” I said.
What? You mean you think that President Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii?”
No.” I replied. “I was there. There is no hospital record of his birth in Honolulu, and the Hawaii Department of Health told us in the Elections Office that there was no birth certificate…There isn’t one.”
Then, that means he’s lied.”
Yes.” I said. “From all I have seen he’s lied about being born in a hospital in Hawaii. It simply didn’t happen.”
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
FBI Watching for Customers Paying with Cash
Earlier in August of 2011, the Obama regime announced a new plan titled "Empowering local partners to prevent violent extremism in the United States." In it, Obama wrote, "Communities – especially Muslim American communities whose children, families and neighbors are being targeted for recruitment by al-Qaida – are often best positioned to take the lead because they know their communities best."
The report warns that while the Constitution recognizes freedom of expression, "even for individuals who espouse unpopular or even hateful views," it also is the responsibility of government to deter "plots by neo-Nazis and other anti-Semitic hate groups, racial supremacists, and international and domestic terrorist groups."
This bifurcation of enforcement seems to imply that in one group, Muslims, the community will police itself. In the latter category however, the government will take a particular interest, in what seems clear to imply right of center political groups.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Demographics: Social issues vs. fiscal issues: Are they really mutually exclusive?
Demographic Bomb - Trailer, 4:04
The New Economic Reality - Trailer, 1:28
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Unemployment 8.6% Corrupt: Here’s the Math – Not Fuzzy But Corrupt: 17 Things to Think About
1) We must create 250,000 per month for years, to keep up the population growth and to take the unemployment rate back to 6%,
2) According to Bureau of Labor statistics, in November we created 120,000 jobs.
3) A side note: Government jobs decreased by 20,000 in November. YAY!
4) Retailers are responsible for the largest portion of the hiring to take care of Thanksgiving and Christmas traffic – mostly temporary jobs. Don’t expect January 2012 to be pretty.
5) In November, 5.7 million people have been without a job for more than 6 months.
6) In November, the average length of unemployment rose to a record high of 40.9 weeks.
7) In November, 315,000 people quit looking for a job, may have lost their unemployment benefits and are no longer showing up as unemployed.
8) We did not create 315,000 jobs, thus lowering the unemployment rate, we had 315,000 job seekers who gave up – no longer looking.
9) We created 120,000 jobs – only!
10) The “labor participation” rate tells the story. The rate was 64.2% to 64%. The 2-tenths-of-one-percent drop equals 315,000 bailing out all records tracking the unemployed.
11)”So just 120,000 new jobs can lower the unemployment rate almost a half a point. That’s not possible without that 315,000 figure, the 315,000 people who have just walked away.”
12) “Bloomberg News is even reporting this means that more people left the workforce than got jobs. Now, stop and think of this. More people left the workforce than got jobs, and the unemployment rate goes down? We’re dealing here with a serious form of corruption, manipulation of data;…”
RUSH: Let me give you another way of illustrating what the regime did to get to this unemployment number, and it is very similar to how baseline budgeting works. Another way of looking at this is this. You had 120,000 jobs that were created. You have 315,000 people who dropped out. What you do is add those together and you get a number 435,000, and that 435,000 the government today says are no longer unemployed. So 435,000 jobs created… No. No, no. Let’s not go that far. So, 435,000 people no longer unemployed results in an unemployment rate dropping from 9.0 to 8.6. See how that works? This is what they do. This is what they did.
This is how it happens: 120,000 people find work, 315,000 quit looking; those 315,000 are no longer called unemployed. That’s the U3 clarification, qualification. U3 is made up of people looking for work and people who have lost their jobs and so forth. The 315,000 stop looking. They are added to those who are unemployed, and you get a grand total of 435,000. That’s how it happens. ~ Rush Limbaugh
13) The work force is smaller by 2.5 million jobs since Obama took office.
14)”I wonder how many would have to quit looking for work to get unemployment back down to five percent… ~ Allahpundit
15) Think about this: a drop of 315,000 at the highest hiring time of the year is no normal, or generally expected.
16) Obama’s fuzzy math: ”The American workforce is 153 million. The unemployment rate went from 9% down to 8.6% – do the math [153,000,000 X .004 = 612,000]. That should be an increase of 612,000 jobs. Now we find the actual number is 120,000 jobs. [612,000 minus 120,000 = 492,000] We are missing 492,000 jobs…300,000 are people who have given up [492,000 minus 300,000 = 192,000] We’re still missing 200,000 jobs…I’m telling you, there’s something wrong here.” ~ Eric Bolling. See the graphic above and the video below.
17) The trend has been for good numbers to be released from the government on numerous political issues, then late on a Friday a couple of months later, new numbers are released and they are not nearly as “good.” This time it’s the opposite: September and October unemployment numbers were released and then revised up (better)…perhaps to help move the November unemployment number down.
Cain Palinized
On the other hand, now that he is off the center stage he can be himself and he is an engaging, pleasant, and intelligent man who has a bold plan and direction to suggest for America. He certainly will be much more effective and he can mobilize and energize the TEA party forces. And, as in the case of the Palinized Palin, he effectively becomes a spokesperson for forces that can lead to the electoral defeat of Obama which is the goal of all common sense individuals who are outraged by the new Omerica.
Andrew Klavan's Talking Crap 3: ABSOLUTE CRAP!!!
The craptalker-in-chief's crap talk has been so craptacular that it's become difficult to see the crap for the crap. So let's get crapping.
Friday, December 2, 2011
MEMRI: Jordanian TV Debate on the Syrian Crisis Degenerates into a Brawl
MEMRI: Jordanian TV Debate on the Syrian Crisis Degenerates into a Brawl
#3223 - Jordanian TV Debate on the Syrian Crisis Degenerates into a Brawl
The Internet, JoSat TV (Jordan) - November 29, 2011 - 05:10
The debate, which focused on the crisis in Syria, featured Muhammad As’ad Bayoudh Al-Tamimi, a Palestinian-Jordanian politician of the Umma movement, and Mahmoud Al-Bastanjani, a member of the Jordanian Ba’th Party, hurling insults and eventually leaping out of their chairs to physically attack one another.
Parents Can Rent Toys At New Website
Merry Christmas; now give the toy back, re-gifting on steroids.
TSA Sharpshooters Stop Teen: With Fashion Gun Design
Are the search and procedures of TSA effective?
17-year-old missed flight after agents inspected gun replica.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Alex Jones: Senate wants martial law in America
There is a bill in the US Senate called the National Defense Authorization Act and it could be voted on as early as this week. This bill gives the president the authority to indefinitely imprison American citizens without a court hearing, both domestically and abroad. Senate Bill 1867 is bringing the battlefield to the homeland. Alex Jones, radio host of The Alex Jones Show, tells us what this could mean for America's future.
China Threat of Military Action and World War III
“China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third World War.”
China pursues its own national interest in opposing its enemies, in exploiting global oil reserves, and in its trading partners.
Should Americans pressure China about their poor human rights record to weaken Communist Party power?
China is under pressure from their own nationalist groups.
Dr. Alan Keyes Discusses Obama's Connecticut Social Security Number.- 8/9/11
Alan Keyes, who most recently sought the Republican nomination in 2008, discussed concerns about why Obama has a number reserved for Connecticut applicants, despite the president's never having lived in the Constitution State.
The first three digits of Obama's SSN are 042. That code falls within the range of numbers for Connecticut, which according to the Social Security Administration has been 040 through 049.
"I believe that when you are confronted with a situation that is filled with these kinds of – what shall we call them – anomalies, disparities, it is reasonable common sense to want to try to get straight answers," said Keyes.
"If you're trying to ascertain whether or not somebody ought to be sitting with, as they used to say, their finger on the button of nuclear weapons that can blow up the world, their power extending to decisions that can collapse our economy, their influence extending to areas that can destroy the standards and moral conscience of our people in the eyes of the world, I think you might want to know who they were. It might be a good idea!"
Jerome Corsi's New York Times best-seller, "Where's the Birth Certificate?", which addresses Obama's Social Security Number, is now available for immediate shipping, autographed by the author, only from the WND Superstore
Keyes' comments came during an online interview with Stan Solomon, as he addressed an issue that has been avoided by the White House and almost completely ignored by national news agencies.
"Let's say that you're trying to establish someone's identity for the purposes of an investigation and you come across a Social Security Number that has that person coming from a state that all the other records of their life indicate they've never been to," Keyes explained.
"I think you would look at that as an anomaly that suggests, among other things, that you better probe a little harder to make sure that the identity that you're dealing with is a real identity – that it's not something that's been in some sense fabricated for some particular purpose, because one of the things you want to do if you're tracking somebody down is make sure you're tracking them down, not following some phony figment down to dead ends. That's common sense."
Keyes thinks there are many Americans who are aware of this Social Security Number mystery and simply can't understand why it's not being addressed.
"Is it incompetence? Is it cowardice?" he asks rhetorically. "Is it just indifference and nonchalance of this elite in the courts and in politics, in the Congress and elsewhere?"
Steve Davis, police chief for Southport, Ind., was a co-host on the program, chiming in, "If anyone believes Barack Obama is gonna make an identity-theft commercial soon, forget it. It's not gonna happen."
Keyes then went on a scathing indictment of the current crop of political candidates and their apparent unwillingness to take on the issue.
"You know there's hardly a one of them had the guts to stand forward and speak truly to the issues that are raised by these anomalies and to address the constitutional issues that are involved in [presidential] eligibility," he said.
"And that, it seems to me, is a big strike against you because at the end of the day if you're not willing to respect the requirements of integrity with regard to the most potently damaging office that it is in the gift of the American people to give, then I guess you're willing to misinform and lie to them about just about anything. Because if you don't care whether their vote for president – the most important vote they cast – can be cast with integrity, then you don't care whether they're represented or not."
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Last week, Wired reported that Eckhart had found a program called Carrier IQ installed rather secretly on smartphones; its a program that can track almost anything happening on your mobile phone. Carrier IQ threatened Eckhart, who had posted research and manuals on his website, saying he was in breach of copyright law and could face financial charges. But Eckhart didn’t back down.
In fact, Eckhart has released a new video and research showing Carrier IQ at work on a phone, according to Wired. The company’s website says the program is used to give “manufacturer’s unprecedented insight into their customer’s mobile experience.” Wired states that Carrier IQ said the software is used to gather “information off the handset to understand the mobile-user experience, where phone calls are dropped, where signal quality is poor, why applications crash and battery life” — not logging keystrokes.
But Eckhart‘s demonstration shows otherwise:
Now, as Eckhart notes in the video, his demonstration is shown on an HTC phone but he mentions he’s seen such software on other phones like Android, Blackberry, Nokia and more. Eckhart describes the software on his website as a “rootkit“ that is ”enabling someone continued privileged access to our computers“ and is ”hidden in nearly every part of our phones.”
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Monday, November 28, 2011
ABC's Tapper To Carney: Looks Like Obama "Is Campaigning On Taxpayer Dime"
ABC News' Jake Tapper confronts White House press secretary Jay Carney over President Obama's schedule which has included a lot of traveling. Citing a Wall Street Journal article about the number of times President Obama has traveled to swing-states, Tapper bluntly asks Carney if Obama is "campaigning on taxpayer dime."
"President Obama seems to travel to battleground states more so than any other president before him. Am I'm wondering if you could respond to this. It looks like the president is campaigning on the taxpayer dime more than any other president has done," Tapper said at today's White House briefing.
"I reject the premise of that," Carney responded. Carney said since Obama "expanded the political map" by winning some red states, so many more states are considered "purple" or swing-states now. Carney also said that there is "logistical" decision making when the White House plans to travel.
Carney is then asked by CBS News' Mark Knoller if politics isn't the motive then what is, causing the press secretary to give a bumbling answer.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Poll: Which music should churches use during praise and worship?
Poll: Which music should churches use during praise and worship?
Newt Gingrich Mocks Obama
"I already said that if he wants to use a teleprompter, then it would be fine with me. [applause, laughter] It has to be fair. [laughter] If you [were] to defend ObamaCare, wouldn't you want a teleprompter?" Gingrich said.
"Now, in just for a second I'm going to go in the detour and I'll try to explain why I've been and he'll say yes. There are two reasons. The first, is either. Can you imagine him looking in the mirror? Graduate from Columbia, Harvard Law, editor of the Law Review journal. [Against] the greatest articulator in a Democratic book?"
"How is he going to say that he's afraid to be on the same podium as a West Georgia College student?" (source: Produced by Shark Tank Media, LLC)
Homeless Man Has PhD,Two Masters Degrees
55 year old Maurice Johnston lives in Boston, by way of Cleveland. He has a Masters Degree in Plasma Physics from Dartmouth College, and a masters in Electrical Engineering and acoustics from Purdue University. He's worked over 10 years at Lockheed Aerospace & Aerodyne Research Corp. Maurice has taught in Science and physics, and took care of both his parents in their time of need. Maurice is very well spoken, (he sounds like Obama) and is very kind, so why is Maurice homeless.....
Maurice is referenced in the Boston Globe here:
Maurice has an in depth "LinkedIn" profile here:
Maurice's E-mail address is referenced in the video
Hi and Thank You for taking the time to watch this video, my name is Danny McGlashing and I run the 60 Days channel here on youTube, I work part time as an all around volunteer in my community. I am currently working on 2 large projects, 1 of them can be followed at and should explain itself. The other is alot more in depth and for the time being I´ll just say we want to assist musicians, artists, writers, and up and coming actors/perfprmers. The name of this project is United Street Artists or U.S.A for short, I can be contacted either on twitter @IKnowTheWayOut , on Facebook through this link: or at
Thank you for watching this video and please send Maurice all the support you can, preferably a job ;) Danny
Dr. Maurice Johnson. Despite holding a doctorate in plasma physics from Dartmouth College and a masters in electrical engineering and acoustics from Purdue University, Johnson, 55, claims that he is homeless and without a job.
Though he has apparently declined part-time jobs in other cities due to financial and travel constraints, this overqualified man has allegedly been without employment since last November. Currently, he resides in a homeless shelter, describing his current situation as “just simply bad luck.” In terms of his shelter experience, he says it is one he hopes to never have to repeat in his life. Below, watch him describe what he has gone through in a YouTube interview:
Time’s NewsFeed summarizes:
Johnson spent all of his savings and sold all of his earthly belongings, including his car, to prevent foreclosure on his parents’ house in Cleveland, Ohio so that his mother with Alzheimer‘s wouldn’t have to move.
“They paid my way through school,” Johnson said. “If it’s going to take ten years, I’m going to make their final years safe and comfortable.” He then moved to Boston expecting to take a job he had been offered, but found out when he got there that it had been given away.
But, Johnson isn’t giving up. He’s been sending his resume out and he is hopeful that he will be able to get into either education or the sciences. When it comes to the challenges he’s faced, though, he seems to believe that his race has caused him difficulties. Additionally, he blames the dry spell in employment on the fact that he is overqualified (after all, those degrees are pretty impressive).
The Daily What appropriately writes:
Maurice Johnson…challenges the popular perception of homeless people by being an unemployed aerospace engineer with two Master’s degrees.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Carney: Unemployment Checks Create Jobs
"I understand why extending unemployment insurance provides relief to people who need it, but how does that create jobs," Wall Street Journal's Laura Meckler asked Jay Carney Wednesday's WH briefing.
Carney responded: "Oh, uh, it is by, uh, I would expect a reporter from the Wall Street Journal would know this as part of the entrance exam."
"There are few other ways that can directly put money into the economy than applying unemployment insurance," Carney said.
“It is one of the most direct ways to infuse money directly into the economy because people who are unemployed and obviously aren’t running a paycheck are going to spend the money that they get. They’re not going to save it, they’re going to spend it. And with unemployment insurance, that way, the money goes directly back into the economy, dollar for dollar virtually.”
Aug 11, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Iftar Ramadan Dinner: "Islam has always been part of our American family," 9/11 Tribute to Islam
Iftar Ramadan Dinner: "Islam has always been part of our American family," 9/11 Tribute to Islam
Burning of the USS Philadelphia, Barbary war
9/11 is re-cast as a tribute to patriotic Muslims; none of these alleged heroes are named of course so there is no way to document these supposed individuals.
"Muslim Americans were innocent passengers on those planes, including a young married couple looking forward to the birth of their first child. They were workers in the Twin Towers -- Americans by birth and Americans by choice, immigrants who crossed the oceans to give their children a better life. They were cooks and waiters, but also analysts and executives."
"There, in the towers where they worked, they came together for daily prayers and meals at Iftar. They were looking to the future -- getting married, sending their kids to college, enjoying a well-deserved retirement. And they were taken from us much too soon. And today, they live on in the love of their families and a nation that will never forget. And tonight, we’re deeply humbled to be joined by some of these 9/11 families, and I would ask them to stand and be recognized, please."
According to Islamic thought, these must be martyrs in jihad; Obama could name them accordingly.
"Muslim Americans were first responders -- the former police cadet who raced to the scene to help and then was lost when the towers collapsed around him; the EMTs who evacuated so many to safety; the nurse who tended to so many victims; the naval officer at the Pentagon who rushed into the flames and pulled the injured to safety. On this 10th anniversary, we honor these men and women for what they are -- American heroes."
And, then, since 9/11, Muslims are heroic:
"Muslim Americans help to keep us safe."
There is no mention of the killer of American troops at Ft. Hood, nor the recent arrest of another Muslim, Naser Abdo, the would-be jihadi who was plotting to kill more Americans at Ft. Hood.
There is no mention of Muslims who have avoided military service as conscientious objectors, though they do not object to war, they object to killing fellow Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan. In short, they do not qualify for the conditions of conscientious objectors but the Obama regime has granted them a pass.
"We see this in the brave service of our men and women in uniform, including thousands of Muslim Americans. In a time of war, they volunteered, knowing they could be sent into harm’s way."
Ten years after a war against jihad began, the proper, rational response to 9/11 would be for the Islamists to reject, denounce, and expunge the violent teachings and texts from the Koran and the Hadith that inspire jihad and ethnic cleansing.
To be fair, at least one Muslim was named: Mrs. Mansura Shajahan, whose husband died in the 9/11 attacks, was acknowledged.
Further, in an effort to bind tighter the disparate threads of American society, Obama stated: 'There's no them and us - it's just us.'
Seated in the audience at the dinner were the two members of Congress who practice Islam: Representatives Andre Carson and Keith Ellison; Ellison, aka Hakim Muhammad, is the Muslim Brotherhood Congressman.
Connect the Dots: Information Warfare 101 Preview - Guy Rodgers
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Are the Tea Party terrorists?
The recent media action line regarding the Tea Party is that they are indeed "terrorists". On top of the media, Rep. Mike Doyle (D-PA) stated, “This small group of terrorists have made it impossible to spend any money.” Vice President Joe Biden quickly followed up with the remarks, “They have acted like terrorists" in regards to the debt ceiling negotiations.
Given the media and some liberal politicians were driving the "terrorists" meme home at every opportunity, Rasmussen asked 1,000 likely voters whether they agreed. Out of the respondents, 29% believed they are, while 71% believed it was an outlandish accusation.
We at MRCTV decided to go to the nations Capitol and ask people ourselves. We talked with 15 people, and each and every one of them said they don't believe the Tea Party should be labeled as such, even the Democrats we spoke to.
'Company Policy: We are not hiring until Obama is gone'
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Guns, Laws, and Panics: How Fear, Not Fact, Informs the Gun Rights Debate
California has among the strictest gun laws in the country, and couple of local politicians are seizing the opportunity created by the Arizona shooting to make them even stricter.
While most states operate under a "shall-issue" concealed carry weapons (CCW) permitting regime, meaning that anyone who passes a basic background check can get a CCW, California uses the "may-issue" rule, which means the decision is left to the sole discretion of the county sheriff. The result? Approximately 0.1% of California citizens have CCWs, which is almost 20 times lower than in the average shall-issue state.
This restrictive climate has led to the emergence of a burgeoning "Open Carry" movement, wherein citizens carry holstered, unloaded weapons in plain sight. California Assemblyman Anthony Portantino calls the open carry exemption in the law a "loophole," which he intends to close with Assembly Bill 144 (AB 144).
Portantino's fellow Assembly member Lori Saldana tried to ban open carry in 2010, but the bill failed in the assembly. But this time, AB 144 has gained helpful momentum from an unexpected source: Jared Loughner.
"Since the events in Arizona, gun issues have taken on a greater national debate and a greater significance," says Portantino. Earlier this year, AB 144 passed the Assembly and now will head to the state Senate in late August 2011 and then on to Governor Jerry Brown's desk.
Open Carry advocate Sam Wolanyk, who once successfully sued San Diego county when police arrested him for open carrying, says that the focus on lawful gun owners is misguided.
"It doesn't matter if you stacked up 50,000 felonies," says Wolanyk of the Loughner situation. "You can't stop a crazy person from doing crazy things."
UCLA Law Professor Eugene Volokh, creator of the popular law blog the Volokh Conspiracy, also says that crafting legislation in the face of rare tragedies is miguided.
"It doesn't make much sense to come up with comprehensive law focusing on those very rare incidents," says Volokh.
Despite the fact that crime rates are down nation wide and that there has never been a reported incident of an Open Carrier hurting someone, Portantino stands firm that the practice is a public danger and a drain on police resources. He also says he has no plans on introducing legislation to loosen up concealed carry laws.
"Just because one person is comfortable with their weapon," says Portantino, "doesn't mean that gives that person the right to infringe on the rights of other people who aren't comfortable."
Approximately 8:30.
Produced by Zach Weissmueller. Camera by Hawk Jensen.
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Friday, November 18, 2011
18 November 2011 Havana New Hope, PA
Ian Greets Fan
Set list
Irene Wilde
A snippet of Irene Wilde before playing All American Alien Boy. Ian responds to a request for "Irene Wilde" which a fan had just informed a sad comrade did not appear on the set list.
Just Another Night
It Ain't Easy When You Fall
Sweet Jane
All the Way from Memphis
All The Young Dudes
Coming down from the stage at the first encore, Paul Page (bass), joked with me when he passed: "I have a drink in the car I'll be right back."
When he came back in I said: "You should have gotten a beer."
And, finally, for the last encore when he went by I said: "champagne."
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Jesse Owens 75 Years Later
Owens earned his fourth Gold Medal at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin. He received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1976 and his record four gold medals would stand until 1984 when Carl Lewis tied Owens’ mark.
The grandson of a slave, representing a country where he was still racially discriminated against, Owens crushed the competition in the 100- and 200-meter events, set an Olympic record in the long jump that would not be broken until 1960 and led off the 400 relay team that set a world record that would stand until 1956. Owens‘ accomplishments in Berlin were a repudiation of Hitler’s belief that the games’ results would prove the superiority of the German “Aryan” people. ESPN’s Jeremy Schaap eloquently puts Owens’ accomplishment:
“A second-class citizen at home, a subhuman in Germany, Jesse Owens fashioned the greatest of all sports achievements. To be clear, nothing he did at Olympic Stadium could prevent the horrors to come. He saved no lives. However, for those paying close attention, Owens revealed essential truths in Berlin.
While western democracies were perfecting the art of appeasement and much of the rest of the world kowtowed to the Nazis, Owens stood up to them at their own Olympics, refuting their venomous theories with his awesome deeds.”
Obama's Communist Threatens More
Occupy Protesters Removed From Hopkins After Disrupting Karl Rove’s Speech
Congressional Budget Office director Douglas Elmendorf's testimony before the Senate Budget Committee ealier this week
The quote that matters starts around 1:25, when Elmendorf says that, according to CBO's estimates, with the stimulus legislation in place, "the level of GDP would be a little lower at the end. That is, a net negative effect on the growth of GDP over 10 years." Elmendorf then confirms that CBO estimates that the economic drag will continue in the following decade:
SESSIONS: And in the next 10 years, since you’re carrying that debt and paying interest on it and the stimulus value is long since gone, it would be a continual negative of some effect?
ELMENDORF: Yes, it would represent a drag on the level of GDP beyond that, if no other actions were taken.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
The subway sign incident occurred less than a week after arson incidents commemorating Kristallnacht — which refers to a series of attacks in Nazi Germany and Austria where Jewish homes and businesses were ransacked and torched — by smashing and burning cars in the same neighborhood while vandals scrawled swastikas, “KKK” and other anti-Jewish slurs on sidewalks, benches and vans. Kristallnacht, not coincidentally, means the “Night of Broken Glass.”
Sharia Law for . . .
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Should the protesters have been allowed to stay Occupying? Why or why not?
Union PAYS Occupy Protesters- (EXCLUSIVE)
Since people started camping out in the name of socialism or something, there have only been half measures by the media to determine whether union organizers were using dues to provide transportation, food and lodging for the Occupiers. Accuracy in Media infiltrated the National Nurses United for the duration of their Occupy DC protest tour. As the footage reveals, NNU in association with the AFL-CIO sent over 1,000 nurses from across the country, public and private sector, all expenses paid. It’s pretty sad to think that American veterans are sitting in a hospital room wondering where their nurse went.
Ethical Oil TV Ad - Saudi Arabia (The ad Saudi Arabia doesn't want you to see)
Fact. Last year we bought over four hundred million barrels of oil from Saudi Arabia. We bankrolled a state that doesn't allow women to drive. Doesn't allow them to leave their homes - or work - without their male guardians' permission. And a state where a woman's testimony only counts for a half of a man's. Why are we paying their bills... And funding their oppression? Today there's a better way. Ethical oil. From Canada's oil sands. Ethical Oil. A choice we have to make.
Monday, November 14, 2011
“Chocolate Rain”
The justices announced they will hear an extraordinary five-and-a-half hours of arguments from lawyers on the constitutionality of a provision at the heart of the law and three other related questions about the act. The central provision in question is the requirement that individuals buy health insurance starting in 2014 or pay a penalty.
In the modern era, the last time the court allotted anywhere near this much time for arguments was in 2003 for consideration of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform. That case consumed four hours of argument. This argument may spread over two days, as the justices rarely hear more than two or three hours a day.
Court announcement raises recusal questions for Kagan, Thomas
At the same time, liberal groups and Democrats in Congress have been pushing for months for Justice Clarence Thomas to recuse himself, citing his wife’s work with a group that opposes the health care law as an indication he cannot rule impartially.
California opts to relinquish electoral votes
Fox News reports on this growing trend among states — now seven states + D.C. — which seek to abolish the national electoral college:
The bill would take effect only if the states that hold a majority of the 538 electoral votes approve similar legislation. With California’s addition, that total now stands at 132, almost 49 percent of the 270 needed. …
California Assemblyman Democrat Jerry Hill, who introduced the bill, said the change would make California more relevant in presidential elections by forcing candidates to campaign in the state.
Hill’s logic seems backwards — Why would a candidate spend time in a state whose electoral votes are decided by voters in other states? The one thing California has going for it, however, is its population and the proportion of the nation’s popular vote the state accounts for.
A popular vote election would bode well for large states like California — it’s the smaller states who rely on their electoral votes to give them a stake in the national election. After all, without the electoral college, how many presidential candidates would bother to campaign in so-called “flyover” states?
The Mid-West and the Mountain states, more conservative, would lose their input in the presidential election. This is precisely what the elites in the country favor.
The Founders specifically wanted the Electoral College to retain the individuality and sovereignty of the states, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." The sovereignty of the people, on a statewide basis, is preserved in the 10th Amendment to the Constitution. Yet, the powers that be note that demagogues can be swept into office. This is precisely what the Founders feared. They took a stand against direct democracy, because they studied history, and saw repeatedly that the Greeks and the Romans lost their liberty as a result of direct democracy.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
MEMRI: Islamic Militants in Gaza: Allah's Teachings Are the Fire with Which "We Harvest the Skulls of the Jews"; "We Move Closer to Allah through Blood, Body Parts, and Martyrs"
#3190 - Islamic Militants in Gaza: Allah's Teachings Are the Fire with Which "We Harvest the Skulls of the Jews"; "We Move Closer to Allah through Blood, Body Parts, and Martyrs"
Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza) - November 3, 2011 - 02:56
Obama Snit with Israel
Israel refuses to tell US its Iran intentions
The US leader was rebuffed last month when he demanded private guarantees that no strike would go ahead without White House notification, suggesting Israel no longer plans to "seek Washington's permission", sources said. On Tuesday, UN weapons inspectors released their most damning report to date into Iran's nuclear activities, saying for the first time that the Islamic republic appeared to be building a nuclear weapon. Obama reportedly ordered the US intelligence services to step up monitoring of Israel to glean clues of its intentions. In response to an Israeli attack, Iran could blockade the Straits of Hormuz, through which 25 per cent of the world's oil exports are shipped, sending energy prices soaring. US military assets in the Gulf could come also come under attack from Iranian Scud missiles. Obama's willingness to take on Iran militarily is openly questioned in Israel.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Ian Hunter, Mick Ronson, Cologne, Germany, February 1990
Kirsty MacColl
Darling, let's have another baby
Written by Fred Berk
Duet with Billy Bragg
1991 single
Walking down Madison
1998 album
What do pretty girls do?
(BBC Session)
Darling, let's have another baby
Darling, let's have another baby
Let's make one soon on our second honeymoon
Darling, I need you to be near me
To kiss and to touch, I love you very much
Darling, if you ever leave me
I'll cry a million tears
I'll go to the nearest boozer
And drink ten pints of beer
Darling, let's have another baby
Let's make one soon on our second honeymoon
Darling, I need you to be near me
To kiss and to touch, I love you very much
Darling, if you ever leave me
I'll cry a million tears
I'll go to the nearest boozer
And drink ten pints of beer
Darling, let's have another baby
Let's make one soon on our second honeymoon
Darling, when we have our baby
I'll be quite happy to wash and change its nappy
Darling, oh
Darling, oh
Darling, oh
Darling, oh
Friday, November 11, 2011
Penn State Talking Sense to a Mob
Did he do the right thing and was he courageous to stand up to a throng of students on the Penn State University campus angry over the firing of Joe Paterno?
In the video, posted last Thursday and identifying the man as a Penn St. student, the speaker can be heard trying to explain to the students that the situation isn’t about Paterno, but the kids that were allegedly victimized. On multiple occasions he says the entire focus should be on holding the university leaders “accountable.” Forty seconds into the video, the students gathered around start shouting him down. But luckily, a woman in the ground stands up for his right to address them, and he continues.
“It’s fine if you want to follow blindly — to have blind loyalty, but listen, one person does not represent this university. Joe Paterno does not represent this university,” he says.
For the most part, the young man is booed and ignored, and even made fun of for his Tony Dorsett jersey (he replies by saying Dorsett is his cousin). But a few clap and congratulate his stance.
Richard "Troops Body Parts to Landfill" Carmona to Run for Arizona Senate
Pentagon press secretary George Little said Friday that Leon "Flat-footed" Panetta’s office had received Holt’s Sept. 16 correspondence and that staffers “have been working to collect the information required to answer the questions in the congressman’s letter. We will, of course, provide a thorough response as promptly as possible.”
The manner of disposal was not disclosed to relatives of the troops.
The defense secretary appointed an independent panel Tuesday to review overall operations at the mortuary. The panel’s leader, former U.S. surgeon general Richard H. Carmona, quit Friday so he instead could run for the Senate. He is seeking an open seat from Arizona.
Mass Media Palinize Bachmann: Newsweek
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
13th Imam
Posted on August 9, 2011 at 9:43am (hat tip to The Blaze):
"If they do a full head shot cover of Barry they will have to put foldout flap for those sattelite [sic] dishes he calls ears. Fairs fair [.]
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Duck and Cover
Obama, Sarkozy's open mic mishap
Report: Two Idiots =Obama And Sarkozy Caught Bashing Netanyahu On Hot Mic
Obama/Sarkozy trash talking about Benjamin Netanyahu during G20 Summit (2011)
Obama & Sarkozy Dis Netanyahu - 11/8/2011
Sarkozy Liar Comment On Mic
In previously unpublished remarks, the French President Nicolas Sarkozy has called the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a liar.
President Obama replied:
"You may be sick of him but I have to deal with him every day".
They were speaking during a private conversation at the G20 summit.
The exchange was overheard by journalists, but was not made public until now.
Dan Israel of the French news website, Arret sur Images, broke the story and told Radio 4's PM programme journalists initially agreed amongst themselves to keep it private.
Candidate Obama's "small town guns and religion" comments speaking to a small group of supporters; he did not know there was a "hot mic" present.
Barack's comments that are generating all of the controversy: "You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them," Obama said. "And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Failed Federal Emergency Alert System Nationwide Test 2 pm EST
In essence, the authority to seize control of all television and civilian communication has been asserted by the executive branch and handed to a government agency.
Ohio Voters Talk
Voters in Ohio have approved a ballot measure intended to keep government from requiring Ohioans to participate in any health care system.
Navy Seal Team 6 Killed by "Sheep in High Places" and Islamists
This is the extraordinary family of Aaron Vaughn, a Navy Seal team 6 member killed by jihadists, the largest single loss of life ever for SEAL Team Six and the largest loss of life for American forces since the defensive action began after Islam's declaration of war on the America on 9/11/01.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Greg Mankiw is a well-known Professor of Economics at Harvard University and a leading mind in the area of “new Keynesian” economics (a theory that tries to apply an understanding of individual behavior to the Keynesian school of thought). “The class is very conventional economics. Adam Smith is pretty non-controversial among economists. But it can seem pretty conservative the first time you hear it,” Mankiw said in a recent CNN Money article.
The Price of a U.S. Credit Rating Downgrade
The federal government's debt may soon be downgraded by major credit rating agencies. What would that mean?
Video produced by Caleb O. Brown and Austin Bragg
Monday, November 7, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Afterburner with Bill Whittle: Rich Man, Poor Man
Despite what you hear from the media and the Democrat party, the poor are getting richer. In fact, America's poor are so rich, we should be celebrating it. Bill Whittle has the facts to back it up.
And for more information, check out the excellent research from the Heritage Foundation:
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
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National Debt Clock
"Congress: I'm Watching"
A tax on toilet paper; I kid you not. According to the sponsor, "the Water Protection and Reinvestment Act will be financed broadly by small fees on such things as . . . products disposed of in waste water." Congress wants to tax what you do in the privacy of your bathroom.