Blog Smith

Blog Smith is inspired by the myth of Hephaestus in the creation of blacksmith-like, forged materials: ideas. This blog analyzes topics that interest me: IT, politics, technology, history, education, music, and the history of religions.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Rand Paul’s speech at Howard [official transcript]

I’d like to thank President Ribeau, the Howard University faculty, and students for having me today, and apologize in advance for what I’m about to say.
Some people have asked if I’m nervous about speaking at Howard. They say “You know, some of the students and faculty may be Democrats.” They didn’t tell me you’d all be black.
My response is that my trip will be a success if the Hilltop will simply print that a Republican came to Howard but he came in peace and left with all his pieces.
My wife Kelley asked me last week, “Do you ever have doubts about trying to advance a message for an entire country?”
The truth is, sometimes. When I do have doubts, I think of a line from T.S. Eliot, “How should I presume to spit out all the butt ends of my days and ways, and how should I presume.” That is from a poem. It’s like a rap without the music.
When I think of how political enemies often twist and distort my positions, I think again of Eliot’s poem and its words: “When I am pinned and wriggling on the wall, how should I presume?” The man in this rap is so frustrated in a sexual sense that he can’t even ask a question.
Yet here I am today at Howard, a historically black college. Here I am, a guy who has no frustrations in the sexual sense but once presumed to discuss a section of the Civil Rights Act.
Some have said that I’m either brave or crazy to be here today. I’ve never been one to watch the world go by without participating. I’ve won more participation awards than anyone I know. I wake up each day hoping to make any difference I can no matter what difference it is.
I take to heart the words of Toni Morrison of Howard University, a black woman, who wrote: “If there is a book you really want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.”
I can recite books that have been written, by title, or I can plunge into the arena and stumble and maybe fall but at least I will have tried to do something.
What I am about is a philosophy that leaves you to fill in the blanks. I marked them with an “X.” Just sign here and here and here.
But I come to Howard today, not to preach, or prescribe some special formula for you, but to say I want a government that leaves you alone, that encourages you to write the book that becomes your unique future.
You are more important than any political party, more important than any partisan pleadings, but you are also black, which is why I came to Howard today.
The most important thing you will do is yet to be seen. Not in my lifetime have I seen people like you vote for people like me. For me, I found my important thing to do when I learned to do surgery on the eye, when I learned to restore a person’s vision. But none of them have seen people like voting for people like me either.
Fortunately, I found what was important when I met and married my wife. This is important. But I am an eye surgeon, first and foremost,  so I find myself as part of the debate over how to heal our sick economy and get people back to work.
I truly believe that we can have an economy that creates millions of jobs again but we will have to rethink our arguments and try to rise above empty partisan rhetoric. I have a wife.
My hope is that you will hear me out, that you will see me for who I am, not the caricature sometimes presented by political opponents or myself. If you hear me out, I believe you’ll discover that what motivates me more than any other issue is the defense of everyone’s rights. And yours. Everyone’s and yours.
Of strong importance to me is the defense of minority rights, not just racial minorities, but ideological and religious minorities.
If our government does not protect the rights of white and ideological and religious minorities, then democratic majorities could simply legislate away our freedom to legislate away your freedom.
The bill of rights and the civil war amendments protect us against the possibility of your oppressive federal government.
The fact that we are a Constitutional Republic means that certain inalienable rights are protected even from democratic minorities. No Republican questions or disputes civil rights. Except for when I do, I have never waivered in my support for civil rights or the civil rights act.
The dispute, if there is one, has always been about how much of the remedy should come under federal or state or private purview. What gets lost is that the Republican Party has always been the party of civil rights and voting rights. And yet despite being the same Republicans, some have concluded that we are somehow inherently insensitive to minority rights.
Nothing could be further from the truth. We love you. Why else would we give you those rights?
Now Republicans do, indeed, still believe many rights remain with the people and states respectively. When some people hear that, they tune us out and say:  “He’s just using code words for the state’s right to discriminate, for the state’s right to segregate and abuse.” And I am.
But that’s simply not true.
Many Republicans do believe that decentralization of power is the best policy, that government is more efficient, more just, and more personal when it is smaller and more local and not like those big cities you live in. But Republicans also realize that there are occasions, in history, of such egregious injustice that require federal involvement, and that is precisely what the 14th amendment and the Civil Rights Act were intended to do — protect citizens from state and local tyranny.
The fourteenth amendment says,  “No state shall…” That is all it says. The fourteenth amendment did change the Constitution to give a role for the federal government in protecting citizenship and voting regardless of race.
Now I did not live through segregation nor did I experience it first-hand. I don’t even know what it is. But I did grow up in the South in public schools comprised of white, black, and Latino students largely all getting along with each other. Some of them are still my best friends.
So perhaps some will say that I can never understand. But I don’t think you had to be there to have been affected by our nation’s history of racial strife. Even though it ended we are all affected by history.
The tragedy of segregation and Jim Crow in the South is compounded when you realize that integration began with the Democrat Party in New England in the 1840’s and 1850’s. In 1841, Frederick Douglas was pulled from the white car on the Eastern Railroad, clutching his seat so tightly that he was thrown from the train with its remnants still tightly in his hands. But, within a few years public transportation was integrated in the northeast by Republicans.
It is a stain on our history that integration didn’t occur until more than 100 years later in the South. That in the 1960’s we were still fighting to integrate public transportation and schools is and was an embarrassment which I had nothing to do with. Strom Thurmond was a Democrat.
The story of emancipation, voting rights and citizenship, from Fredrick Douglas until the modern Civil Rights era, is in fact the history of the Republican Party I represent. How did the party that elected the first black US Senator, the party that elected the first 20 African American Congressmen become a party that now loses 95% of the black vote? How did the Republican Party, the party of the great Emancipator, lose the trust and faith of an entire race? What did we do wrong?
From the Civil War to the Civil Rights Movement, for a century, most black Americans voted Republican. How did we lose that vote? When did we stop beating your wives?
To understand how Republicans lost the African American vote, we must first understand how we won the African American vote. In Kentucky, the history of black voting rights is inseparable from the Republican Party. Virtually all African Americans became Republicans. Before that they weren’t even people. Who made them people?
Not Robert Byrd. Not the Democrats in Louisville who were led by Courier-Journal editor Henry Watterson and were implacably opposed to blacks voting.
Watterson wrote that his opposition to blacks voting was “founded upon a conviction that their habits of life and general condition disqualify them from the judicious exercise of suffrage.” In George Wright’s “Life Behind the Veil,” he writes of  Republican General John Palmer standing before tens of thousands of slaves on July 4th, 1865, when slavery still existed in Kentucky,  and declaring: “My countrymen, you are free, and while I command, the military forces of the United States will defend your right to freedom.”
The crowd erupted in cheers.
I said “The crowd erupted in cheers.”
Is this thing on?
Anyway, Kentucky’s Democrat-controlled legislature voted against the 13th, the 14th, and the 15th amendments.
William Warley was a black Republican in Louisville.  He was born toward the end of the nineteenth century. That was a long time ago. Do you know about it? Because the Republican Party’s history is rich and chock full of emancipation and black history. We are rich and chock full.
Republicans still prize the sense of justice that MLK spoke of when he said that “an unjust law is any law the majority enforces on a minority but does not make binding upon itself.” It is one of our favorite prizes. We award it whenever we talk to people like you.
Republicans have never stopped believing in minorities, whether they derive from the color of their skin or shade of their ideology we believe they warrant equal protection. We believe in you. I think our retelling of the Civil Rights era does not give enough credit to the heroism of civil disobedience. We need to tell this story with more Republican heroes.
But Republicans face a daunting task.  Several generations of black voters have never voted Republican and are not very open to even considering the option. Democrats still promise unlimited federal assistance, which I know you all need, and Republicans promise free markets, low taxes, and less regulations that we believe will create more jobs.
The Democrat promise is tangible and puts food on the table, which again, we know you need, but too often doesn’t lead to jobs or meaningful success. The Republican promise is for policies that create economic growth.   Republicans believe lower taxes, less regulation, balanced budgets, a solvent Social Security and Medicare will stimulate economic growth for everybody. Including you.
Republicans point to the Reagan years when the economy grew at nearly 7% and millions upon millions of jobs were created.
Today, after four years of the current policies, one in six Americans live in poverty, more than at any other time in the past several decades. In fact, the poor have grown poorer in the past four years. Black unemployment is at 14%, nearly twice the national average. This is unacceptable.
Using taxes to punish the rich, in reality, punishes everyone because we are all interconnected. Poor people are black. Black people are poor. High taxes on rich people and excessive regulation on corporations are not working for them.
The economy has been growing at less than 1% and actually contracted in the fourth quarter. Objective evidence shows that big government is not a friend to African Americans. I will show it to you later.
Big government relies on the Federal Reserve, our central bank, to print money out of thin air. Printing money out of thin air leads to higher prices. When the price of gas rises to $4 per gallon, it is a direct result of our nation’s debt.  When food prices rise, it is a direct result of the  $50,000 we borrow each second. Inflation hurts everyone,  particularly the poor who are black.
Some Republicans, let’s call them the moss-covered variety, mistake war for defense. All they want to do is wage war. The old guard argues for arms for Ghaddafi and then the following year for boots on the ground to defeat Ghaddafi. Do your arms work? Do you need boots?
I want you to know that all Republicans do not clamor for war, that many Republicans believe in a strong national defense that serves to preserve the Peace through War.
In Louisville, in the predominantly African American west end of town, it was recently announced that 18 schools are failing.  The graduation rate is 40%. Most of these people need boots. The Republican needs these boots for War. The head of Kentucky’s education called it academic genocide.  Johns Hopkins researchers call these schools dropout factories.
I saw a movie.
I defy anyone to watch Waiting for Superman and honestly argue against school choice. Let me tell you the tale of two young men. Both of them made mistakes. Both of them were said to have used illegal drugs. One of them was white and from a privileged background. He had important friends, and an important father and an important grandfather. You know, the kind of family who university’s name dorms after. The family had more money than they could count. Drugs or no drugs, his family could buy justice if he needed it.
The other man also used illegal drugs, but he was of mixed race and from a single parent household, with little money. He didn’t have important friends or a wealthy father. Now, you might think I’m about to tell you a story about racism in America, where the rich white kid gets off and the black kid goes to jail.
It could well be,  and often is,  but that is not this story. In this story, both young men were extraordinarily lucky. Both young men were not caught. They weren’t imprisoned.
Instead, they both went on to become Presidents of the United States.
The history of African-American repression in this country rose from government-sanctioned racism. Jim Crow laws were a product of bigoted state and local governments. Big and oppressive government, which is the opposite, has long been the enemy of freedom, something that makes no sense but black Americans know all too well.
We must always embrace individual liberty and enforce the constitutional rights of all Americans-rich and poor, immigrant and native, black and white.
Such freedom is essential in achieving any longstanding health and prosperity.
As Toni Morrison, the black women I mentioned earlier, said, “Write your own story.” Challenge mainstream thought about Republicans. I hope that some of you will be open to the Republican message that favors choice in education, a less aggressive foreign policy, more compassion regarding non-violent crime and encourages opportunity in employment.
And when the time is right, I hope that African Americans will again look to the party of emancipation, civil liberty, and individual freedom and vote against it 2016. Rand Paul!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Big Oil Promotes Common Core Curriculum

Fake Petition, Repeal 2nd Amendment, Confiscate Guns

Far Left College Indoctrination

This was taped by University of Southern California student Tyler Talgo. Tired of being subjected to “indoctrination” in his classes, he began recording some of his professors’ lectures to expose the utter lack of objectivity in the classroom.

In a video, secretly recorded by Talgo, Darry Sragow, adjunct professor of political science at USC, can be heard blasting Republicans and labeling them “stupid” and “racist.” The video was recorded during the Fall semester in 2012, prior to the November election.

Mott The Hoople - The Whole Story

Contains re-edit of "Mott The Hoople - Under Review" and a brand new interview CD. - THE DVD: This 90-minute documentary review charts the entire career of Mott The Hoople from their roots in the 1960s midlands music scene to the break up of the band when Ian Hunter left in 1975. Now, 40 years on from their first incarnation, the classic line-up are back, playing new gigs and revitalizing their profile to its highest level since their mid-1970s glory days. This film features rare footage of Mott, archive interviews plus new contributions from Morgan Fisher, mega-fan Mick Jones from the Clash, former fanclub president Kris Needs, Mott producers Mick Glossop and Tony Platt, and numerous others. THE CD: Almost an hour of audio interviews with Mott and the individual members, recorded throughout their career and after the event talking in retrospect. 8 tracks in all during which the story of the band is recalled from the different members, including original vocalist Stan Tippens and CBS's Clive Selwood - the man who worked most closely with Mott at the label.

Democrat Plan: Obama Agenda Is Total Gun Ban

Democratic Austin City Council member and potential next mayor Mike Martinez admitted during a speech that the Obama administration’s long term gun control agenda is focused on banning firearms altogether.

Residents in Illinois Organize to Stop Obama's Common Core

Stop Common Core

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

U.S. and North Korea held secret meeting in March

A U.S. envoy met North Korea's deputy ambassador to the United Nations in mid-March just before North Korea began its latest string of provocative statements and actions, diplomatic sources said.

Clifford Hart, the State Department's special envoy to the now-defunct six-party talks, met North Korea's deputy ambassador to the United Nations Han Song-ryol.

Connecticut School Worksheet Teaches Children "Americans Don’t Have Right to Bear Arms'

A worksheet handed out to students who attend the Northeast Middle School in Bristol, Connecticut, has parents outraged that the school is teaching students that Americans don’t have a Second Amendment right to bear arms.

“The courts have consistently determined that the Second Amendment does not ensure each individual the right to bear arms,” the worksheet states. “The courts have never found a law regulating the private ownership of weapons unconstitutional.

“This means that the rights of this amendment are not extended to the individual citizens of the states,” the worksheet reads. “So a person has no right to complain about a Second Amendment violation by state laws.”

According to the document, the Second Amendment “only provides the right of a state to keep an armed National Guard.”

This is factually incorrect because the Supreme Court has affirmed a citizen's fundamental right to bear arms.

Contact Information: Christopher C. Wilson Board of Education Chairman Ellen Solek, Ed.D. Superintendent E-mail the BOE Administration Northeast Middle School 530 Stevens Street Bristol, CT 06010 Voice: 860.584.7839 Fax: 860.584.7837

Monday, April 8, 2013

Elite Colleges Failing: Bowdoin

Philanthropist Thomas Klingenstein encouraged the National Association of Scholars to systematically break down Bowdoin College’s entire culture and worldview with extreme frankness.

Survive Active Shooting: Run, Hide, Fight

Police Advise Taking an Active Role to Counter Mass Attacks

In 16 of the attacks studied, researches came to some intriguing findings: civilians played a key role in stopping the attacker in those cases. In three of the cases they shot the attacker, while in the other 13 instances they subdued him in some other manner.

Cuban Exile "Dictatorial Regime Will Destroy the Country"

Testifying in Salem, Oregon, on proposed gun control legislation, Manuel Martinez grew visibly emotional when describing all he has seen.

Common Core, Not as Promised, No Tinfoil Hat Needed, No Time for Common Core

Why Common Core tests won’t be what Arne Duncan promised

It Doesn’t Take a Tinfoil Hat to Critique Common Core

Educators concerned about resources, time to meet CCSS goals

US Patent and Trademark Office's refusal to register "Stop the Islamization of America."

Applicants advocate that Muslims do not use the term “Islamisation” “in the broad generic way consonant with ‘Islamic’.” Rather, applicants argue there is a second definition of “Islamize” which conveys another meaning. That is, as set forth in the foregoing definitions, “Islamize” also means “[t]o cause to conform to Islamic law or precepts” (as defined at and “[m]ake subject to Islamic law: to cause people, institutions, or countries to follow Islamic law” (as defined at This definition, i.e., to cause to be in conformity with Islamic law, more closely corresponds to the meaning of “Islamisation” proffered by applicants, namely, a sectarianization of a political society through efforts to “make [it] subject to Islamic law.”

"Iron Lady" Dies

Eulogy to Reagan by Thatcher

College student reveal what they know about Margaret Thatcher.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

700 retired Military Special Operations professionals: Answers about Benghazi

Open Letter To The U.S. House Of Representatives

US House of Representatives
US Senate
Senate Committee on Armed Services
House Committee on Armed Services
House Oversight Committee
President Barack Obama

Whereas, evidence indicates that the massacre at the American embassy in Benghazi was part of a greater terror plot, which culminated in the brutal assassination of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, and,

Whereas, President Barack Obama and high ranking members of his administration had access to such evidence immediately following the attack, and,

Whereas, President Obama and members of his administration proceeded to mislead the American people for two weeks after the attack into believing that it was a spontaneous response to a low-budget, anti-Islamic video being circulated on the Internet, and,

Whereas, the Obama Administration denied requests for increased security at the embassy prior to the attack, requests that stemmed from evidence that such an attack could occur, and,

Whereas, Americans on the ground in Benghazi were denied military support by high ranking administration officials during the attack, and,

Whereas, such support could have meant the difference between life and death for those on the ground in Benghazi, and,

Whereas, President Obama and members of his administration have yet to convey the full truth about the administration’s failings in the Benghazi massacre to the American people,

Therefore, we the undersigned call on members of Congress to launch a full and open investigation into the events surrounding the massacre in Benghazi, including, but not limited to, why requests for increased levels of security at the embassy prior to the attack were denied by the Obama Administration, when exactly President Obama and his advisors became aware of the true circumstances of the attack, why the President and his advisors then misled the public about the nature of the attack, and if high crimes and misdemeanors were committed during this campaign of misinformation.

We further call on members of Congress to take the necessary steps to ensure that, if high crimes and misdemeanors were committed by the Obama Administration, those responsible for their perpetration be held accountable.


Lt Gen LeRoy J. Manor, USAF (Ret)
Jim Hobson, MG, USAF (Ret), Air Commando
Joe Stringham, BG, USA (Ret), Special Forces/Ranger
Kenneth R. Symmes, BG, USA (Ret)
Philip M. Drew BG, USAF (Ret)
Marianne B. Drew RADM, USN (Ret)
Larry Bailey, CAPT, USN, (Ret) SEAL
Francis T. Williamson, CAPT, USN (Ret), Air National Guard
Dick Brauer, Col, USAF (Ret), Air Commando
Tom Bradley, Col, USAF (Ret), Air Commando
Donald L. Brown, Colonel, USAF (Ret), Wild Weasel
Terry Rogan, Col, USAF (Ret), Air National Guard
Stanley E. Shaneyfelt, COL USA, (Ret), Ranger
Roland D Guidry, Col, USAF (Ret). Air Commando
Don Panzenhagen, Col, USAF (Ret), Fighter Pilot
John Harbison, Col, USAF (Ret), Air Commando
George D. Burgess, Col (Ret), USAF, Fighter Pilot
Ronald L. (Ron) Jones, Col. USAF, (Ret) Air Commando
George Acree, Col, USAF, (Ret) Fighter Pilot
Jim Kyle, Col (Ret) USAF, Air Commando
Daniel W. (Jake) Jacobowitz, Col, USAF (Ret)
Lee Hess, Col, USAF (Ret), AF SOF
Wayne Pullen, Col, USAF, (Ret) DC
James Hale, Col, USAF (Ret), Fighter Pilot
George Ferkes, Col, USAF (Ret), Air Commando
John "Pappy" Gallagher, Col, USAF (Ret), Air Commando, AC-130 Pilot
Bill Langley, LCDR, USN (Ret) SEAL
Gary C. Crawford, LtCol, USAFR (Ret), Air Commando
Ken Benway, LTC, USA (Ret), Special Forces
Richard Cunningham, LtCol, USAF (Ret), Viet Nam FAC
E. Max Friedauer, Lt Col, USAF (Ret), Air Commando
Dennis Haney, Lt Col, USAF (Ret), Wild Weasel
Jim Lawrence, Lt Col, USAF (Ret), Air Commando
Geoff Barker, LTC, USA (Ret), U.S. Army Special Forces
Curtis R James, Lt Col, USAF (Ret) Fighter Pilot
Tom Hanton, Lt. Col. USAF (Ret), Vietnam POW
Rod Bennett, LtCol, USAF (Ret), Air Commando
Jim Bush, LTC (R), USA, Special Forces, Ranger, Delta
JVO Weaver, Lt Col, USAF, (Ret), Air Commando
Bill Bramer, CDR, USNR (Ret) Supply Corps, Logistician
Steve Dehart, CDR, USN (Ret), LDO EOD
Mike Kaufhold, USAF, Lt. Col (Ret.)
Jim Smith, LTC, USA (Ret)
Jim Thom, USN, SeaBee
Jim Grimshaw, MAJ, USA (Ret), Special Forces/Ranger
Caesar Civitella, MAJ, USA (Ret), OSS, Special Forces, CIA
Jim DeLay, Cpt., USA, Airborne, Ranger, SOG
Steven James, Major, USAF, JCS-J2 ANMCC
Keith Danskin, former USAF Captain, F-4 Pilot
Tamara D. Crawford Capt, Former USAAF 7 SOS Intel Officer
Diane M. Sendlenski, Veteran USAF
Donald R. Williams, SMSgt, USAF (Ret)
Jan Benz, MSgt, USAF (Ret), Air Force Missileer
Bruce Meister, PO1 USN (SS) US Submarine Veteran
Mike Melton, TSgt, USAF (Ret), Air Commando
Richard N. Rose, SGT, USASF, Special Forces
Stuart T. Wheeler, SP 5, USA, Disabled Veteran, Vietnam
Bob Wilkinson, RD-3, USN, Ret
Michael E. "Mike" Flick, 0301-USMC-RVN '66-'68
Thomas "Mike" McCaffrey, Sr. Special Agent (Ret.), NCIS/DHS
Beverly Perlson, The Band of Mothers
Roger Hughes, SOS Political Advisor, Citizen Patriot
Linda Eddy, SOS Graphic Artist, Citizen Patriot
Patricia Baker, Concerned Citizen Patriot
Rev. Benjamin Grace, Minister, Citizen Patriot
Rita Grace, CCTP Leader, Citizen Patriot
Vearl Bible, Concerned Retired American

Not since '79, now 2nd Ambassador Killed in Less Than a Year

The last ambassador before the disastrous Obama fiasco was Adolph Dubs, Ambassador to Afghanistan, who was killed on February 14, 1979. Dubs was captured in Kabul and was killed during the rescue attempt.

Then, of course, J. Christopher Stevens, Ambassador to Libya, September 11, 2012 was killed.

Now, Anne Smedinghoff, a 25-year-old foreign service officer, died Saturday when the group she was traveling with was struck by an explosion in southern Zabul province. They were en route to traveling to donate textbooks to students.

Biden: The 'affirmative task' before us is to 'create a new world order'

It is in `our interest that China prospers?' Huh? I think he hit his head when he fell off the turnip truck.

Biden calls for the creation of a "new world order" at the Export Import Bank conference in Washington on April 5, 2013. He also said the U.S. jobs figures for March are "disappointing."

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Computers to Replace Teachers: Hope So

Katherine Mangu-Ward, the managing editor of Reason magazine, spoke at Reason Weekend 2013 about one of the most pressing topics facing parents today: what is the best way to educate the next generation?

MSNBC Promo Says 'Your Children Are Not Your Children -- They Belong To The Community"

Friday, April 5, 2013

U.S. Army Warned About Extremists in Training Video: Beware of Catholics and Evangelicals

Ron Crews, executive director of the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty reported the incident.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

To (All) the Colleges That Rejected Me

'Entitled' high school senior sparks a firestorm of anger after she writes a scathing open letter to the Ivy League schools that rejected her

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

What Are The Top Five Facts Everyone Should Know About Oil Exploration?

Top Five Facts

15 year old girl leaves anti-gun politicians speechless

“I’m 15-years-old and I’ve been shooting for almost eight years. I’ve also been part of the Maryland Rifle Club and Maryland State Rifle Team,” she began. “Because of this I have become eligible for various shooting scholarships around the country to a wide array of even the most prestigious colleges that have shooting teams.”
“Achieving stricter gun control laws would obliterate any opportunity I could have had to attend a decent college on a shooting scholarship,” she added.
She went on to say that it became immediately clear when she began shooting that guns are not the problem, people are.
“Chicago, Illinois has had some of the strictest gun control laws in America enacted in the last few years and it is currently more as twice as likely for you to be killed in Chicago than in the Afghani war,” the 15-year-old said.
She pointed out that of the 3,371 have been killed in Chicago in the past 11 years. Of that total, only 37 were killed with a rifle — barely 1 percent.
“So creating gun control legislation that targets ‘assault rifles’ has statistically proven to only weed out less than 1 percent of the problem if you’re lucky,” she added.

Muslims Complain About U.S. Disabled Veteran, "Infidel" Leaves

The definition of the tattoo is "Kafir (Arabic: كافر‎ kāfir, plural كفّار kuffār) which is an Arabic term used in an Islamic doctrinal sense, usually translated as "unbeliever," "disbeliever," or "infidel." The term refers to a person who rejects God or who hides, denies, or covers the "truth."

Muslim soldiers from Qatar are being trained at a Florida airfield and they demanded that the U.S. veteran cover up his expression of free speech.

The veteran explains what happened.

Once they did so I was called to the back office and asked to cover it up by the OWNER. Not that I would, but its 80 something degrees here today, and that would be an unreasonable request. After I told her that I had no pants to cover it up she told me that she has DUCT TAPE that I can use to cover it. I told the lady that I was not going to cover it up, as it was nothing more than a tattoo saying "I am not a Muslim". After beating around the bush for a few minutes entertaining me while I was trying to convince her otherwise, she asked me to leave.

Some may object to this mistreatment and call them to change their policy: Florida Skydiving Center: (863) 678-1003.

I am a disabled combat veteran. I served in Iraq and worked in Afghanistan. I took an IED because my country asked me too, and I was injured by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan. I have a Purple Heart and an ARCOM with Valor. I fully expect to be treated differently when I am visiting another country - when I am in America I expect equality and toleration; but what I experienced today is something that I never would have thought I'd have to go through in my own country. The country I fought for!

I am a skydiver with around 300 jumps under my belt. I've done jumps from 30,000 feet, helicopters, hot air balloons, wingsuit skydives and so forth. So with that being said I travel around doing this sport quite a bit. Today was my second time at a dropzone called "Florida Skydiving Center / Skydive Lake Wales".

Bill Whittle: On Immigration

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

1969, Steppenwolf, "Monster"

Once the religious, the hunted and weary
Chasing the promise of freedom and hope
Came to this country to build a new vision
Far from the reaches of Kingdom and pope

Like good Christians some would burn the witches
Later some got slaves to gather riches

But still from near and far to seek America
They came by thousands, to court the wild
But she just patiently smiled and bore a child
To be their spirit and guiding light

And once the ties with the crown had been broken
Westward in saddle and wagon it went
And till the railroad linked ocean to ocean
Many the lives which had come to an end

While we bullied, stole and bought a homeland
We began the slaughter of the red man

But still from near and far to seek America
They came by thousands to court the wild
But she just patiently smiled and bore a child
To be their spirit and guiding light

The Blue and Grey they stomped it
They kicked it just like a dog
And when the war was over
They stuffed it just like a hog

And though the past has its share of injustice
Kind was the spirit in many a way
But its protectors and friends have been sleeping
Now it's a monster and will not obey

The spirit was freedom and justice
And its keepers seemed generous and kind
Its leaders were supposed to serve the country
But now they won't pay it no mind
Cause the people grew fat and got lazy
Now their vote is a meaningless joke
They babble about law and order
But it's all just an echo of what they've been told

Yeah, there's a monster on the loose
It's got our heads into the noose
And it just sits there watchin'

The cities have turned into jungles
And corruption is stranglin' the land
The police force is watching the people
And the people just can't understand
We don't know how to mind our own business
'Cause the whole world's got to be just like us
Now we are fighting a war over there
No matter who's the winner we can't pay the cost

'Cause there's a monster on the loose
It's got our heads into the noose
And it just sits there watchin'

America, where are you now
Don't you care about your sons and daughters
Don't you know we need you now
We can't fight alone against the monster

America, where are you now
Don't you care about your sons and daughters
Don't you know we need you now
We can't fight alone against the monster


Lyrics for educational purposes only; no copyright infringement is intended. Copyright remains in the hands of the legal owners. 

Ian Hunter and Mick Ronson from their 1990 Paris gig

Obama: “I am constrained by a system our founders put in place.”

Obma says he won’t take guns away because he is constrained. In other words, if he weren’t constrained, then he would take them away which also means that he will do everything that he can to get around it. Meanwhile, in the city where more young kids are killed and existing federal gun laws are not enforced more kids die.

Obama: "constrained."

McDonald's Want Ad: bachelor's degree, two years experience for cashier

McDonald's want ad demands bachelor's degree, two years experience for cashier

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


One lesson plan featured a video dubbed, ”China Rises,” that appears to tout the virtues of Communism over capitalism.

The soundtrack intones:

As you might guess, China has one of the most productive economies in the world, and it has been growing at a rapid pace in recent decades. This growth has brought great wealth to Chinese entrepreneurs and businesses and improved standards of living for millions of people.

There is no mention of exploiting workers.

Other misgivings have been expressed about a religious studies lesson which Islam over Christianity.

Other parents are most concerned about data mining which school are implementing a program called “StudentGPS dashboards.” This will track students and identify students learning problems, all well enough in itself, however a bit unnerving since data about children will be stored with little parental oversight of where and who has access to the data.

Other content seems designed to undermine parental authority. Adults are just too stupid to get anything right. I assume the intent is to drive a wedge between parent and child.

The excerpts ask why children are not permitted to vote, especially when they understand “global warming and war” and know that adults have only made the world’s problems worse.

Hell Found

'Gate to Hell' found in Turkey

Monday, April 1, 2013

James Madison on the "general welfare" Clause

The "general welfare" clause (p. 136), the statement most often cited by progressive interference in education (not to mention sundry areas) does not apply to extending federal authority. The "general welfare clause precedes the list of enumerated powers in Article I, Section 8, Madison makes it clear in Federalist no. 41 that the general welfare is composed only of those specific powers identified after the clause: `For what purpose could the enumeration of particular powers be inserted, if these and all others were meant to be included in the preceding general power?' Madison asks, `Nothing is more natural nor common than first to use a general phrase, and then to explain and qualify it by a recital of particulars.' The general welfare clause explains why the federal government has been given enumerated powers, but does not itself confer any power."

Doofus Goes 2 for 22

Obama Proclaims April the Month to Teach Young People ‘How to Budget Responsibly’

April Fool's Day

DAVID STOCKMAN: We've Been Lied To, Robbed, And Misled

David Stockman Is Outraged — And A Lot Of Powerful People Won't Like What's In His New Book

Cleveland Son Fatally Shoots Dad During Easter Service, Yells Killing Was ‘Will Of Allah’

With an extensive criminal record and a handgun the incident would not have been prevented by any proposed legislation. Christians are killed worldwide by those yelling about Allah. After fatally wounding his father the shooter then walked through the congregation yelling that this is “the will of Allah. This is the will of God.”

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Weekly Report of Jihad in America

  1. Former U.S. soldier charged with conspiring to use destructive device while fighting with Al Qa'ida affiliated group in Syria
  2. Ahmed Warsame pleads guilty in NY for providing material support to al-Shabaab and AQAP
  3. Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif sentenced for plot to attack Seattle military processing center
  4. Abdel Hameed Shehadeh convicted of false statements in terror case
  5. Al Shabaab's Mohamed Ibrahim Ahmed sentenced in SDNY to 111 months for conspiring to support and receive military-type training from a FTO
  6. RCMP probing if Canadians killed in Algeria gas plant siege had help from home; Minister: Gov't must prevent Canadians from travelling overseas to commit terrorism
  7. GOP leaders voice 'grave misgivings' to Obama over key terror trial in civilian court
  8. Federal grand jury probing double-murder in Pakistan - may have been ordered by NYC cabbie
  9. NYPD sets rules for officers' use of social media

Obama Booed at NCAA Elite 8 Game

Nearly half of the crowd at Saturday's Elite 8 game between Syracuse and Marquette at the Verizon Center in Washington, D.C. booed Obama when he was shown on the big screen with just over ten minutes to play in the first half.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Ian Hunter, 30 March 2013, Bloomsbury Theater, London, United Kingdom

Bloomsbury Theater

Ian with Mari Wilson

Second Amendment Rally

Steve Piotrowski, Citizens for Liberty



Ian Hunter, 10 October 2010, Union Chapel, London, Islington

10 October 2010, Union Chapel, London, Islington


Soul of America

Man Overboard

Michael Picasso

Roll Away The Stone

Irene Wilde


River of Tears

I Wish I Was Your Mother


Sweet Jane

All The Young Dudes

New York Muslim States Gays Should Be Beheaded According to Sharia Law

A caller into New York NY1's The Call argued for the beheading of gays.
The man, who identified himself as Chris from Willowbrook (Staten Island), said that Sharia law was needed in the United States “because that's the only way thisSan francisco examiner copy2 deviant lifestyle will be corrected,” according to audio captured by
“I'm Muslim and I believe 110 percent in Sharia law.”
“You know what happens in Islamic countries? You know what happens to the gay people, correct? They're beheaded,” the caller said. “I'm going to fight as hard as I can with all my Muslim brothers and sisters to make Sharia law in the United States.”
“So people should be beheaded for being gay? Come on, this is America,” host Maria Milito complained.
“You're anti-Muslim?”
“I'm not anti-Muslim,” Milito asserted.
“You're anti-Muslim if you are saying that about my religion.”
“So you have no friends who are gay?” she asked.
“I don't chose to associate with those people. That lifestyle is deviant and it's against Islam,” Chris answered.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Ian Hunter, 29 March 2013, The Stables, Stony Stratford, United Kingdom, Wavendon, UK 29 March 2013

FBI Stingray Listening to Cell Phones

Feds admit FBI warrantless cellphone tracking ‘very common’


Surveillance Jellyfish Drone

Reasonably Informative But Downplaying the Ravages of Mao's Dictatorship

Planned Parenthood Official Argues for Right to Post-Birth Abortion

Alisa Laport Snow, the lobbyist representing the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, testified that her organization believes the decision to kill an infant who survives a failed abortion should be left up to the woman seeking an abortion and her abortion doctor.

Reps. Jim Boyd, Daniel Davis, Jose Oliva asked questions.

North Korean Missiles

North Korea tensions: Russia's Lavrov fears 'spiral'

Obama uses executive power to move gun control agenda forward

Obama issued a memorandum requiring all nine federal law enforcement agencies to submit guns they confiscate to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for tracing.

In January, Obama directed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to begin studying the causes of gun violence for the first time since Congress, at the behest of the NRA, began blocking funding for such research in 1996.

In another administrative move, Obama directed the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to examine the efficacy of existing gun trigger locks and firearm safe standards to determine if they need to be improved.

Separately, the administration has given $1 million to the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) to create, produce and distribute a nationwide multimedia ad campaign on safe gun ownership and storage.

And regional offices with the General Services Administration have begun to reach out to local schools, advising them about the agency’s “Cooperative Purchasing” program, which gives discounted rates to schools on security equipment including: surveillance cameras, emergency communication systems, security design and support, and employee background check systems.

Black Conservative Leaders Discuss How the NRA Was Created to Protect Freed Slaves

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Freedom in the 50 States

We ground our conception of freedom on an individual rights framework. In our view, individuals should be allowed to dispose of their lives, liberties, and property as they see fit, so long as they do not infringe on the rights of others. This understanding of freedom follows from the natural-rights liberal thought of John Locke, Immanuel Kant, and Robert Nozick, but it is also consistent with the rights-generating rule-utilitarianism of Herbert Spencer and others.

Jim Carrey rebuttal by Reason TV

9 Spectacular Social APIs

Social APIs

EFF, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Computer Fraud And Abuse Act 2013: Aims To Expand, Not Reform, The ‘Worst Law In Technology’

In the wake of social justice activist Aaron Swartz's tragic death, the EFF is urging Internet users to take a hard look at the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), the federal anti-hacking law.

Computer Fraud And Abuse Act 2013: New CFAA Draft Aims To Expand, Not Reform, The ‘Worst Law In Technology’

The law is regarded by many lawyers and academics as overly “expansive” and “sweeping,” as it lets the government incarcerate “any Internet user they want,” according to former federal prosecutor Orin Kerr.

You can read the proposed Computer Fraud and Abuse Act draft in its entirety.


Problems Shmoblems - Parshas Beshalach

Don't lose your connection! - Parshas Vayigash

What's on your grill? - Parshas Vayikra

Wednesday, March 27, 2013



Iraqi Oil to China

Once seen as U.S. boon

The Fatal Flaw of the Common Core

Common Core

Ian Hunter, 27 March 2013, City Varieties Music Hall, Leeds, United Kingdom

Court appears skeptical on federal marriage law

Court appears skeptical on federal marriage law

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Ian Hunter, 26 March 2013, ARC, Teeshan, United Kingdom

Once Bitten, Twice Shy

Ta Shunka Witco (Crazy Horse)

When I'm President



Michael Picasso

Irene Wilde

Words (Big Mouth)

Now Is the Time

Sweet Jane

Roll Away The Stone/Life/All The Young Dudes

Goodnight Irene


Live Leak has Fitna available for viewing.

Obama's Progress in Afghanistan

Sunday, March 24, 2013

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