She is spending a year in Japan as an exchange student: an 18 year-old about to be a student at a High School in Tokyo, Japan for a year. She is half American, half Austrian, and is bilingual in English and German.
She is spending a year in Japan as an exchange student: an 18 year-old about to be a student at a High School in Tokyo, Japan for a year. She is half American, half Austrian, and is bilingual in English and German.
In the videotape obtained by "60 Minutes", Gregg Bergersen, a civilian Pentagon worker with a high-security clearance, is shown taking money, about $2,000, from the Chinese spy, Tai Shen Kuo. Bergersen then discusses how he will let Kuo look at secret documents. The documents included the types of weapons the U.S. was selling to its ally Taiwan as well as plans for a classified command and control system that was going to be used by Taiwan.
Bergersen clearly implicates himself on the videotape. "I'm very , very, very reticent to let you have it because it's all classified, but I will let you see it," he tells Kuo. "You know you can write all…the notes you want…it's just I can never let anyone know…I’d get fired for sure on that,” says Bergersen. "Well, not even get fired, I’d go to *** jail!"
That's where Bergersen is now, serving almost five years in federal prison for communicating national defense information. Kuo, a naturalized American citizen, was given 15 years for espionage. Both men pleaded guilty after being shown the tape and other evidence against them.
This video itemizes the fundamental legal questions that the Census Bureau refuses or fails to answer about its collection and use of personal information from every American (see questions below). This program aired on Matrix News Network (syndicated national television) in January of 2010.
Without any apparent authority the Census Bureau has expanded it's information gathering activities. In addition to the once-in-10-years Census authorized by the Constitution, the Census Bureau conducts more in-depth "Surveys" of 250,000 Americans every month of every year. It has no Constitutional authority for that, in fact the Bureau is violating the 4th Amendment to the Bill of Rights by suggesting that Americans are "obligated" to provide any personal information whatsoever to government.
The Constitution allows the government to count people once every ten years, but does not require any American to BE COUNTED, OR TO PROVIDE ANY INFORMATION AT ALL, much less to provide personal information to the temporary worker and stranger who comes to your door with a Census Bureau badge.
Americans have been given very false impressions and presumptions of the authority of government to invade their lives. Even the Census takers themselves are sometimes misinformed of the limits of government.
Once your information is out there, it is out there for good. There is no such thing as a "secure database" in government. Government data is bought, lost, stolen and viewed every day by everyone from law enforcement to criminals at all levels of society. Spill your life to strangers at your front door or on the "questionnaire" at your own risk. Beyond that is the question, if we agree to pass over our private information to bureaucrats, is there any limit to what they will ask for next?
My reason for producing this video and for posting it on YouTube is that I see so many people everywhere who don't seem to understand that the USA has become something very different than the country of our origin, and we have ALREADY lost many of the rights and freedoms that were given to us by nature (God?) and were protected for us again in our Constitution. Our Constitutional framers never imagined the spending, waste, taxation intrusion and aggression that our government now commits without restraint.
How did that happen? When our government pushes us we fail to push back so, after many decades of that, government simply sees no boundaries at all on its own presumed force and authority.
It is our government. It is our servant. Government can have no authority but that which it derives from us. But government employees, officials and representatives do need to be reminded of that on a regular basis.
There is a pdf file of the Census Bureau's AMERICAN COMMUNITY SURVEY Questionnairre at:
If you are not disturbed by the questions they will ask you then you are not reading it carefully.
QUESTIONS THAT THE CENSUS BUREAU REFUSED OR FAILED TO ANSWER (from Jerry Day's Matrix News Network segment: "The Census Is Getting Personal") I strongly suggest asking these questions of your Census Taker, especially if they show up with an "American Community Survey" form:
1) The Constitution authorizes government to count people but it does not authorize the taking of private information or even the names of individuals. From where does the Census Bureau derive authority to demand our private information?
2) Is there any limit to the amount and type of private information that the Census bureau may demand and collect?
3) Under what Constitutional authority does the Census Bureau collect information now from 250,000 people per month of every year?
4) The 4th Amendment to the Constitution prohibits government search and seizure of private information without a court warrant based on probable cause. Current Census policies violate that Amendment do they not?
5) By what Constitutional authority does the Census Bureau threaten penalties for failure to provide personal information?
6) The Census Bureau claims it maintains privacy of personal information. Are there any circumstances under which law enforcement or spy agencies can access Census information?
7) Since presumably Census data may be subpoenaed by law enforcement, may individuals refuse to answer questions according to the fifth Amendment?
8) Why has the Census Bureau decided to collect GPS coordinates for every home?
9) Virtually every government database has been either lost, hacked or compromised. Would the Census Bureau's claim of data security not be an outright lie or at best highly improbable?
10) How would the Census Bureau locate, protect and compensate those individuals whose data becomes compromised?
More about the Video Producer at:
This is a piece for an AS art course, a flipbook made entirely out of biro pens. It's something like 2100 pages long, and about 50 jotter books.
Song is French Cancan by Jaques Offenbach.
Additional sounds credited to Valve, specifically from their game Team Fortress 2.
Other stuff is from the 300 trailer and O Little Town of Bethlehem.
All other content copyright Jamie Bell (aka DispleasedEskimo) 2010, I guess :P
Jobless Claims, Inflation Jump as Economy Wobbles.
Some of the numbers do not look very positive, again.
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A tax on toilet paper; I kid you not. According to the sponsor, "the Water Protection and Reinvestment Act will be financed broadly by small fees on such things as . . . products disposed of in waste water." Congress wants to tax what you do in the privacy of your bathroom.