A Rhode Island economics lesson with 5 year old Hudson Hinckley, son of Barry Hinckley.
A Rhode Island economics lesson with 5 year old Hudson Hinckley, son of Barry Hinckley.
Eric Allen Bell is a liberal film maker and former contributor to the Daily Kos who, while in the process of making a film demonizing small-town American opposition to the building of a mosque in their town, had his whole world change once he started reading up on Islam.
Mosques in America nearly double since 9/11
81% of US Mosques Promote Jihad
The landmark study just published, “Sharia and Violence in American Mosques” (Kedar M, Yerushalmi D. The Middle East Quarterly, Summer 2011, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 59-72) sought to expand considerably upon the NYPD’s post-hoc, case study approach—systematically gathering objective survey data, with much greater methodological rigor—and address these two a priori questions: I) Is there a robust association between observable measures of religious devotion, coupled to Sharia-adherence in US mosques, and the presence of violence-sanctioning materials at these mosques?; and II) Is there a robust association between the presence of violence-sanctioning materials at a mosque, and the advocacy of jihadism by the mosque’s leadership via recommending the study of these materials, or other manifest behaviors?
Reportedly, the
staff is culling the video archives currently in order to be released in a week or two on Hannity.
Breitbart compatriot Steve Bannon on Obama tapes
Andrew Breitbart, the 43-year-old conservative writer who died Thursday morning, was found collapsed on the sidewalk near his Westwood home while taking a nighttime walk, his father-in-law told The Times. His last hour is accounted for according to an exclusive report.
Breitbart was found about 12:30 or 1 a.m. Who found him I wonder? Did he typically walk home? How far was his home from The Brentwood?
“He was walking near the house somewhere…. He was taken by paramedics to UCLA and they couldn’t revive him,” said his father-in-law, actor Orson Bean, who spoke with his daughter, Susannah Bean Breitbart, about what happened.
“We’re devastated. I loved him like a son,” Bean said. “It looks like a heart attack, but no one knows until” an autopsy is done.
Bean said experts at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in Westwood suspected he died of natural causes. However, although it is reported that Breitbart was rushed to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, when Lawrence Sinclair called the hospital, they denied that anyone by that name had been admitted within the previous 72 hours. A report states:
"that Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center Breitbart was not admitted to the Hospital, the Hospital then transferred us to the Emergency Department saying they did not have access to the ER Dept’s information. Speaking with the Emergency Room they state: “B as in boy R… I do not have anyone by that name having been here.” We then began spelling “Breitbart,” when she stopped us and said, “like I said B as in boy R, I am looking at our records which are in alphabetical order and we have had no one by that name in the last 72 hours brought into our ER.”
It could be he entered under another name since celebrities often do so or he entered unidentified but what hospital admitted him then?
"We have spoken with Assistant Chief Medical Examiner Ed Winter with the Los Angeles Coroners office who confirms Andrew Breitbart was pronounced dead at 00:19 AM March 1, 2012. Winter says the body has been picked up by the Coroners office and an autopsy will be performed tomorrow."
Los Angeles County Coroner Confirms Breitbart Death
(Note: We have no idea why the audio in the below video suddenly stopped and became distorted and are trying to fix it now).
Oddities abound and there is more. Just 3 weeks ago (Feb 9, 2012) in Washington, DC Breitbart stated: “wait til they see what happens March first.” At the Sheriff Arpaio presentation, J. Corsey stood up and said that Breitbart had a direct call with Arpaio just hours before his death. Ironically, the Sheriff and his team released their report the same day.
Who are the experts? Why, at such a young age, would they suspect he died of natural causes? The first thought would be foul play, drugs, or something unusual for such a young man. Breitbart's death is to be reviewed by the L.A. County coroner On the other hand, Breitbart compatriot Steve Bannon denies that foul play was involved.
The footage allegedly shows Obama in his college days appearing alongside former Weather Underground terrorists Bill and Bernardine Dohrn. Observers had speculated that the footage could have derailed Obama’s hopes for a second term.
“I’ve got video from his college days that show you why racial division and class warfare are central to what hope and change was sold in 2008 – the videos are going to come out,” said Breitbart, adding that Obama would be vetted.
Ben Smith and Politico killed the 2008 sourced story showing Obama had lied about the extent of his relationship with Bill Ayers was true and the mass media covered it up.
Oddly enough, recently Breitbart had met Ayers.
Commentator Michael Savage noted that Breitbart had dinner with Ayers and Dorhn three weeks ago at the couple’s Hyde Park residence on Chicago’s South Side, which is near Obama’s home. Breitbart was invited by Daily Caller Editor-in-Chief Tucker Carlson, who won an Internet auction for a dinner party with the couple.
Los Angeles County Coroner Confirms Breitbart Death
CIA secret weapon of assassination Heart Attack Gun, Declassified 1975 New World Order Report
A CIA secret weapon used for assassination shoots a small poison dart to cause a heart attack, as explained in Congressional testimony in the short video below. By educating ourselves and others on vitally important matters like this, we can build a brighter future for us all.
The dart from this secret CIA weapon can penetrate clothing and leave nothing but a tiny red dot on the skin. On penetration of the deadly dart, the individual targeted for assassination may feel as if bitten by a mosquito, or they may not feel anything at all. The poisonous dart completely disintegrates upon entering the target.
The lethal poison then rapidly enters the bloodstream causing a heart attack. Once the damage is done, the poison denatures quickly, so that an autopsy is very unlikely to detect that the heart attack resulted from anything other than natural causes. Sounds like the perfect James Bond weapon, doesn't it? Yet this is all verifiable in Congressional testimony.
The astonishing information about this secret weapon of the CIA comes from U.S. Senate testimony in 1975 on rogue activities of the CIA. This weapon is only one of many James Bond-like discoveries of the Church Committee hearings, officially known as the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities.
Could this or a similar secret weapon have been used, for instance, in the recent death of 52-year-old Mark Pittman, a reporter who predicted the financial crisis and exposed Federal Reserve misdoings? Pittman, whose fight to open the Federal Reserve to more scrutiny led Bloomberg News to sue the central bank and win, died of a heart attack on Nov. 25th.
Watch the one-minute video below for the description of a former CIA secretary and Congressional testimony on this secret assassination weapon which caused heart attacks.
To watch the revealing 45-minute documentary from which the above clip was taken, click here. In this riveting exposé, five former CIA agents describe how their initial pride and enthusiasm at serving their nation turned to anguish and remorse, as they realized that they were actually subverting democracy and killing innocent civilians all in the name "national security" and promoting foreign policy agendas.
The above-mentioned testimony is from 1975, well over 30 years ago. With the ensuing leaps in technological capability, just imagine what kinds of secret weapons for assassination have been developed since. There is good evidence that technology has even been developed to cause suicidal feelings in a person. For more on this, read powerful information on nonlethal weapons at this link.
The box below provides several ideas on what you can do to further educate yourself on CIA secret weapons, CIA mind control projects, and more. We also invite you to comment below and let us know what you think. Does the public deserve to know about such secret programs? Can we trust that such deadly weapons are being used for the good of the nation and world, and not for selfish ends?
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Read other powerful, reliable articles on political assassinations at this link.
Inform your media and political representatives of this critical information on secret CIA weapons of assassination. To contact those close to you, click here. Urge them bring this information to light and allow public dialog on the topic of assassinations.
Learn about the intriguing history and development of controversial CIA behavior modification programs in this excellent two-page summary. Footnotes and links to reliable sources are provided for verification purposes.
Visit our eye-opening Mind Control Information Center at this link.
Explore inspiring ideas on how we can build a brighter future in this short essay.
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Advance to 11:43:30 on the video and watch until 11:51:48. Representative Eliot Engel (D-NY) speaks first, Nancy Pelosi speaks next and WM Broomfield (R-MI) speaks last. They all use the term “Agenda 21” and they all state it is from the “United Nations.”
"The announcement by the World Economic Forum was the latest bad news for the Obama administration, which has been struggling to boost the sinking U.S. economy and lower an unemployment rate of more than 9 percent."
The man Mugniyah is named for has been described as an “arch-terrorist” by Middle East News outlets. He was responsible for masterminding both the bombing at the American embassy in Beirut and the attack against the US Marines’ headquarters in Lebanon in 1983, which killed over 200 Americans. Mugniyah himself was killed in 2008.
3:55 Begin
CNS News’ Craig Bannister, though, challenged Fluke’s $3,000 figure and came up with some pretty interesting numbers:
$3,000 for birth control in three years? That’s a thousand dollars a year of sex – and, she wants us to pay for it. [...]
At a dollar a condom if she shops at CVS pharmacy’s website, that $3,000 would buy her 3,000 condoms – or, 1,000 a year…
Assuming it’s not a leap year, that’s 1,000 divided by 365 – or having sex 2.74 times a day, every day, for three straight years. And, I thought Georgetown was a Catholic university where women might be prone to shun casual, unmarried sex. At least its health insurance doesn’t cover contraception (that which you subsidize, you get more of, you know).
Bar Ilan University political scientist Dr. Mordechai Kedar told a Moslem show host on the Arabic-language Al Jazeera television network, "Jews were in Jerusalem while your ancestors were drinking wine and bowing to idols." In a heated debate with the narrator, he added, "We don't need your permission to build" in the capital of Israel, Jerusalem.
The encounter occurred earlier this week, when Jews around the world celebrated Jerusalem Unification Day. Dr. Kedar has frequently appeared on the widely viewed Qatar-based network but this time encountered a sharp attack from the show's host, Jimal Rian.
"Building in Jerusalem is another nail in the coffin in negotiations with the Palestinian Authority," narrator Jimal Rian asserted. Dr. Kedar answered in fluent Arabic, "This was our capital 3,000 years ago, and we were here when your forefathers were drinking wine, burying girls alive and worshipping pre-Muslim idols. This is our city and it will be our city forever."
His reference to Muslims drinking wine, which is forbidden in Islam, infuriated the host. Rian wagged his finger in the air and said excitedly, "If you want to talk about history, you cannot erase Jerusalem from the Koran, and don’t attack the Muslim religion if we want to continue talking.
Dr. Kedar replied, "Jerusalem is not mentioned even once in the Koran. Jerusalem is a Jewish city."
The Al Jazeera host responded by quoting a verse from the Koran in which he thought Jerusalem was mentioned by name, but stopped in the middle upon realizing that it only refers to "the farthest place."
Dr. Kedar: "Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Koran even once. You can't rewrite the Koran on air on Al Jazeera."
Rian changed the subject to "settlements" and asked Dr. Kedar why Israel is building 1,000 new apartments and deciding to build thousands more while there are rumors that "Jerusalem will include all of the West Bank [Judea and Samaria].
The Bar Ilan researcher replied. "My friend, Israel is not counting the number of apartments that Qatar is building on the Qatar Peninsula so why are you doing so in Jerusalem? Jerusalem is our city forever and is not an issue for you, for Al Jazeera or for anyone else. Period. Jerusalem belongs only to Jews.
Replying to Rian's question if Dr. Behar's assessment is the basis for talks with the Palestinian Authority (PA), he declared, "My friend, I invite you to Jerusalem so you can see with your own eyes that it has become a flourishing city after it was in ruins under Arab rule until 1967. We rebuilt the city and opened it to Christians, Moslems and Jews equally, unlike under Muslim rule" that prohibited other religions.
The political scientist told Al Jazeera viewers, "The West bank does not belong to any nation because it was not under a nation's jurisdiction, unlike the Sinai Peninsula." No one can say it is occupied," he argued. "From what country did we take it? Until 1967, Jordan occupied it. Therefore, we can do what we want."
He explained that Al Jazeera takes a jihadic and anti-Israel stance in order to detract viewers' attention from the wealth of the oil-rich Arab kingdoms, including Qatar, where Al Jazeera is based.
"The amount of poison that they disseminate about us from our home is too dangerous, and something had to be done," he recently told the Jewish Forward, referring to the Israeli government's unannounced partial boycott of the network. He labeled Al Jazeera "the mouthpiece of the Muslim Brotherhood," the radical terrorist party that is gaining popularity in Egypt.
WASHINGTON, February 28--In a Budget Committee hearing today, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta agreed with former Joint Chiefs Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen that the country's debt path represents a grave threat to our national security. He also called on Congress to undo the Budget Control Act sequester mechanism, which he and Sen. Sessions agreed would have a harmful effect on military readiness and capabilities. As Sen. Sessions noted, "We can't just balance this budget on the back of the Defense Department. And if we break faith with those fabulous men and women who have been deployed repeatedly--away from their families, placing their lives at risk--if they see what we've done as disproportionately targeting them for the wasteful Washington spending that's been going on, we would have broken faith with some of the best people this country has produced."
There are a couple of interesting observations to be made from the above graphic from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. One, the steep decline in American jobs correlates to when the Democrats took over control of Congress. Coincidence? Perhaps. But then recall that Barack Obama begins his presidency in 2009 and the decline very much continues well into 2010 where it at least flatlines. 2010 was when Republicans then took control of the House of Representatives and gained a number of seats in the Senate – which the Democrats still control.
$5 TRILLION in lost taxpayer deficit dollars is quite a sum for what that chart reflects – stagnant job growth. Millions who remain unemployed. Millions more who have dropped out of even trying to find work and are therefor not even being counted in the unemployment figures.
For a bit of contrast check out thiscomparative chart detailing the Reagan recovery vs the Obama recovery. One president charged ahead with plans to greatly reduce taxes, lessen regulations, and pushes to increase domestic energy production in the United States. The other president – Barack Obama, called for more taxes, more regulation, and has fought increasing domestic energy production at every opportunity – such as his shutting down of the much-needed Keystone pipeline:”
John Philip Abizaid is a retired General in the United States Army and former Commander of the United States Central Command (CENTCOM), overseeing American military operations in a 27-country region, from the Horn of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, to South and Central Asia, covering much of the Middle East. Abizaid, a Lebanese American, was born in northern California. He was raised Catholic. He learned Arabic in the military.
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A tax on toilet paper; I kid you not. According to the sponsor, "the Water Protection and Reinvestment Act will be financed broadly by small fees on such things as . . . products disposed of in waste water." Congress wants to tax what you do in the privacy of your bathroom.