Blog Smith

Blog Smith is inspired by the myth of Hephaestus in the creation of blacksmith-like, forged materials: ideas. This blog analyzes topics that interest me: IT, politics, technology, history, education, music, and the history of religions.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

White House Releases Photos of Abuse and Torture

The photos do not even have to be of Gitmo.

“How U.N. Conventions on Women’s and Children’s Rights Undermine Family, Religion, and Sovereignty”

Citizens for Community Values, in conjunction with Family Research Council and various statewide pro-family organizations, has just released a new study, entitled “How U.N. Conventions on Women’s and Children’s Rights Undermine Family, Religion, and Sovereignty,” by Patrick Fagan, William Saunders and Michael Fragoso. The 36-page study describes the negative consequences of United States ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (“CEDAW”) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (“CRC”).

"Obama Man," Greg Morton, from Our Cousins in Canuckland

China Cars

As U.S. taxpayers will assist China, since we have loaned millions to GM (formerly known as General, now Government Moters) and profit from our taxes, many Americans may want to know what we are paying for. This site describes some of the leading Chinese cars.

Will on Obamabow: "Lawlessness," 'Ya Think?

From the venerable Washington Post arises the editorial from George Will that Obambow's policies appear to be lawless. I wonder how long it will take American elites to catch up with the electorate. It appears to be happening though.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Specter of Internment

The American Daughter web site has a handy article about the concentration camps proposed to house American citizens.

American Pharma Baxter Vaccine Against Flu Found Contaminated by H5N1 Virus in 18 European Countries

The links to the original Czech Republic articles that broke the story of Baxter deliberately contaminating vaccines is included here.

FACT CHECK: Data belie Biden stimulus anecdotes

The AP says it a bit more tactfully but let's face it these are lies.

Foreign Money Bought and Paid for the U.S. Presidency?

These legal records document the holding company of now convicted fraudulent organization ACORN--as CCI, a holding company for ACORN that shows the group registered as a foreign corporation which is a clear violation of U.S. election laws.

Too Much Today: A Summary

In and of itself, none of these stories released just today would mean all that much. However, when taken altogether, a patter is certainly emerging. The attack on the free market continues as Obamabow increases business taxes.

Another story states that the Air Force and DARPA are developing a super blimp that remain aloft for a year virtually undetected. If deployed against our enemies then this would be a worthwhile tool. If this is intended as surveillance on American citizens then this is not good at all.

Universal health care could be a good thing but for the elderly they are not eligible for all the benefits of such care.

A massive oil deposit has been found in the northern part of the U.S., over the Dakotas and Montana but there may no impetus to exploit it which would keep Americans more dependent on imported foreign oil.

Here is a really odd story. The text to the Comprehensive Health Reform Act of 2009 is not available on either or, although both sites feature the entire bills so citizens can actually read the proposed bills. The public is not able to view the bill.

The first encounter with the swine flu appears to be a dry run. The next round of (H1N1)(+) - Avian Bird Flu, might well be more deadly than Swine Flu.

A story circulating on the Internet is sourced by the FSB, the former KGB. According to this Russian source, Justice Souter was forced to resign over his refusing an order from Chief Justice John Roberts to support the implementation of Martial Law within the US planned for this coming fall.

And of course not after the bail out of GM, in a move to fire the CEO, it looks like the Government Motors will start selling Chinese vehicles in the U.S.

Americans are really going to have to stay vigilant and not get fatigued since the assaults on their sensibilities seem designed to wear them down.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

1971 CIA Cuban Pig Virus

San Francisco Chronicle
January 10, 1977 Front page

1971 Mystery

CIA Link to Cuban
Pig Virus Reported

With at least the tacit backing of U.S. Central Intelligence Agency officials, operatives linked to anti-Castro terrorists introduced African swine fever virus into Cuba in 1971.
Six weeks later an outbreak of the disease forced the slaughter of 500,000 pigs to prevent a nationwide animal epidemic.

A U.S. intelligence source told Newsday last week he was given the virus in a sealed, unmarked container at a U.S. Army base and CIA training ground in the Panama Canal Zone, with instructions to turn it over to the anti-Castro group.

The 1971 outbreak, the first and only time the disease has hit the Western Hemisphere, was labeled the "most alarming event" of 1971 by the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization. African swine fever is a highly contagious and usually lethal viral disease that infects only pigs and, unlike swine flu, cannot be transmitted to humans.

All production of pork, a Cuban staple, halted, apparently for several months.

A CIA spokesman, Dennis Berend, in response to a Newsday request for comment, said, "We don't comment on information from unnamed and, at best, obscure sources."

Why the virus turned up in Cuba has been a mystery to animal investigators ever since the outbreak. Informed speculation assumed that the virus entered Cuba either in garbage from a commercial airliner or in sausages brought in by merchant seamen.

However, on the basis of numerous interviews over four months with U.S. intelligence sources, Cuban exiles and scientists concerning the outbreak — which occurred two years after then-President Nixon had banned the use of offensive chemical and biological warfare — Newsday was able to piece together this account of events leading up to the outbreak.

The U.S. intelligence source said that early in 1971 he was given the virus in a sealed, unmarked container at Ft. Gulick, an Army base in the Panama Canal Zone. The CIA also operates a paramilitary training center for career personnel and mercenaries at Ft. Gulick.

The source said he was given instructions to turn the container with the virus over to members of an anti-Castro group.

The container then was given to a person in the Canal Zone, who took it by boat and turned it over to persons aboard a fishing trawler off the Panamanian coast. The source said the substance was not identified to him until months after the outbreak in Cuba. He would not elaborate further.

Another man involved in the operation, a Cuban exile who asked not to be identified, said he was on the trawler when the virus was put aboard at a rendezvous point off Bocas del Toro, Panama. He said the trawler carried the virus to Navassa Island, a tiny, deserted, U.S.-owned island between Jamaica and Haiti. From there, after the trawler made a brief stopover, the container was taken to Cuba and given to other operatives on the southern coast near the U.S. Navy base at Guantanamo Bay in late March, according to the source on the trawler. The base is 100 miles due north of Navassa.

The source on the trawler, who had been trained by the CIA and had carried out previous missions for the agency, said he saw no CIA officials aboard the boat that delivered the virus to the trawler off Panama, but added: "We were well paid for this and Cuban exile groups don't have that kind of money . . ." He said he was revealing the information because he is a member of an exile group being investigated by the United States in connection with terrorist activity in Florida. His account was confirmed by another intelligence source in Miami. The source said he had no proof that the operation was approved by CIA officials in Washington, but added: "In a case like this, though, they would always give them (CIA officials in Washington) plausible deniability."

The investigation referred to by the operative on the trawler involves a federal inquiry into terrorist acts allegedly carried out by Cuban exiles. Those include bombings and assassination attempts in the United States and Venezuela. Trained originally by the CIA for operations against Cuba, the exiles have become more restive as they view what they believe to be an increasing move toward rapprochement between Fidel Castro and the United States.

Fred Tausch Flyover

A wealthy Obamabow donor, businessman Fred Tausch of New Hampshire, announced he’d be sinking some $100,000 into assaults on Obamabow. Now he’s adding the Air Farce One flyover snafu to his list of grievances, tying it to “wasteful spending” in a direct mail piece sent out to his state’s voters.

American Taxpayers Pay for Grant: Chinese Prostitutes, Alcohol Abuse, and HIV

The headline "U.S. Will Pay $2.6 Million to Train Chinese Prostitutes to Drink Responsibly on the Job" caught my eye which I hope would interest American taxpayers as well. The story was just reported and it is a legitimate story, as unlikely as it seems, though the recently released CNSNews version does not highlight, but mentions, that the study was awarded in November of last year. I know it may be difficult for the politicians to find things to cut in the strapped U.S. economy but shouldn't this type of thing be on the chopping block when the American economy is not doing well? The study is being conducted by a Wayne State professor. I do not know if any one noticed but Americans right down the road might need studies to get their flailing American car manufacturing industry back on the right track. Shouldn't they be a higher priority than Chinese prostitutes?


If You Had $9 Trillion, Would You Know Where You Put It?

Top U.S. Commander in Afghanistan Is Fired

Bird Flu Distributed by the DHS

I thought this video was scrubbed because I posted it before and it was gone. I found it on another source and maybe it will remain available.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Statement of the 27 April Photo Op Flyover Analyzed

The subject line of the memorandum states that this was "Air Force One."

At other points, the plane was described as a backup Air Farce One but the subject line states differently.

The memorandum states the radio call sign, if a president is aboard, is "Air Force One." No radio transmissions are included in the statement so presumably Obamabow could have been on board.

"Our review was limited to the White House's involvement in the April 27 flyover."

The limited review might imply that the WH is not in control of other agencies or that they did not expect cooperation from others.

This internal review "did not review the conduct of other federal agencies or departments that participated in the flyover, including the Department of Defense (the "DoD") or the Federal Aviation Administration (the "FAA").

What is the role of the DoD and the FAA in this fiasco? Is there any coordination between the agencies? Will there be subsequent reviews in these agencies? Is there no coordination, e.g., as in the case of the lack of coordination between the FBI and the CIA which led to the mistakes on 9/11?

The memorandum states that there are "reviews," plural, in the DoD? Are there competing factions in the DoD?

Nothing is mentioned about a FAA review. Why?

No one thought to interview or question Obamabow?

Another obvious question, where is the passenger manifest? Who was on the plane?

The White House Military Office (WHMO) discussion seems like a red herring. The ruse seems to be to provide lots of irrelevant detail which does not clarify the basic questions about the flight.

The initial planning states that the idea was floated in March or earlier although there is no evidence provided.

If it is true that the first real discussion began on 3 April, it seems that the flight was out of the ordinary from the very beginning. If so, there is no reason for the obvious gaffes in planning and lack of attention to what the memorandum describes from the very beginning as an unusual event.

The evidence presented, if true, states that on 9 April the photo shoot is described as "unusual."

As planning continued, on 20 April, the flight is again characterizes as "unusual."

Now, around the 23 - 24th, as plans solidified, everything seemed to be in order for the out-of-the ordinary flight.

If the quoted email is accurate, it states the "WH shouldn't catch any questions about it." Why? Why would the WH not catch any flak? Is it so the WH can claim plausible denial? In the three days before the flight, is something not being stated that might cause the WH to catch flak? It is also, oddly, described as an "AF" [Air Force] operation, in close coordination with FAA."

How is this an Air Force operation? Is this really a military flight? Why?

The WHMO Director states that he did not read the plans until after the flight on the 27th. Why? He didn't review the unusual flight plan for three days, between the 24th to the 27th?

What email accounts does he have? The Director states he has two accounts: the WHMO account, and a WH account? What's the difference and why does he have two work email accounts? In any event, he didn't check his more frequently accessed account, and besides he left work early a couple days. Neither explanation makes much sense. He could check his accounts, plural, and from any location even if waylaid by health issues.

On the 24th, the Deputy and the Director had a brief but "direct" conversation of thirty seconds about the flight. This thirty second conversation covered all the issues related to the unusual, imminent flight three days hence. No one seemed to think the odd flight required any more attention than this?

The Deputy and the Director's account differs, both appear to be covering their derriere, but the essentials are troubling enough. No one seems to have taken the flight very seriously. And, since there is disagreement here, I would suspect that the flight was not really planned at all until differing accounts, and contradictory details could emerge, i.e., that the flight was not planned, or the mission changed, on the 24th or thereafter as another unstated issue emerged.

Neither individual had any issues according to the statement's account of the exchange by the early afternoon on the 24th and no one reported up the chain of command for the unusual flight.

The most garbled portion of the memorandum is the Director's summary. He didn't seem to understand the mission, though no one else seemed to be asking many questions or planning very well either. Perhaps no one knew the actual mission of the flight.

Then, at almost 3 p.m., Colonel Turner seems to have the sign off with the Deputy, and all along on the planning for this sensitive flight, no one seems to have made concrete plans, and the approvals are coming from lower members of the echelon the entire time. If this flight really was about something else, as it appears to be, then the photo excuse is barely plausible. Someone higher up was calling the shots since no one at this lower level seems to be planning much of anything.

Colonel Turner followed up on the 25th, the most active of the planners, as seems befitting of an Air Force operation, rather than a White House photo opportunity flight. He included the Air Force Mobility Command and the FAA in the notifications.

The reaction, or should I say fall out, fell on the shoulders of the Director. But something transpired from the 24th - 27th to make this more of an Air Force operation. The Director, although his actions seem to be lethargic, is not the sole individual to blame. I think it rather that he was the highest ranking WH employer that could take the fall. It fell to him to make apologies and allow the WH to present a public face of anger and a promise that something like this would not happen again.

The memorandum is obfuscating. Nowhere does it identify the passengers, the actual mission, the military implications of relevant Air Force involvement, and numerous critical issues along these lines. There are many details but little substantive information. This was an unusual flight from the very beginning which flies in the face of the lack of detailed planning and coordination that would accompany such a flight.

The eyewitnesses, those how have nothing to hide, stated that the flyover appeared to be a pursuit. Sidney Bordley, a floor director in an office building at 1 Battery Park Place, said, “People were running out of the office, claiming they saw a commercial flight being pursued by F-16’s.”

Illustrated Swine Flu Symptons

The flu is spreading more rapidly than can be easily tracked and the primary emphasis according to experts is to check with your local health providers who will the first line of defense.

Restore the Constitution

A path to restore the Constitution is available although many legal authorities are prevented from talking about it because of a gag order.

Dr. Manning on SCOTUS

Dr. Manning states that the evidence against Barry is overwhelming but the Justices are violating the law.

Healthcare: Learning from Others' Mistakes

Air Force One Flyover Pic Photoshopped?

The finally released flyover photo from NYC appears to be a photoshopped picture after all.

Mencken Quote

H.L.Mencken said, “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Sound familiar?

Interview with ACORN Whistleblower: Anita Moncrief

STIMULUS WATCH: Neediest, Not Helped

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Obamabow More Popular Amongst His Own

A March Ipsos poll suggests that Obamabow is more popular amongst those who advocate his pro-Islamic agenda rather than those favoring American interests. The survey involved 7,000 adults in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Lebanon, Egypt and Jordan.

Of those surveyed, 33% had a favorable view of the United States, 43% had a negative view, 14% were neutral and 10% said they did not know.

In contrast, Obamabow received favorable ratings averaging 48% in the region as a whole. Approval ran as high as 58% in Jordan and was lowest among Egyptians, who gave Obamabow favorable ratings of 35%.

Only 22% of Egyptians expressed a favorable view of the United States, the lowest of the six countries surveyed.

Of all Islamic Middle Eastern countries, Egypt receives more aid than any one else leading me to conclude that the pro-Islamic the West is the lower the support will be amongst the population surveyed.

The Circle of Life: Middle East

Egyptian Pop Hit: Swine

Hot off his hits "I Hate Israel" and "Hitting Iraq," Shaaban Abdel-Rahim, a former laundryman who was somehow thrust into an unlikely singing career a decade ago, is back with his latest effort, "Swine Flu Song."

Swine Flu Aid

Colloidal silver, coupled with yogurt, is a sound anti-flu ingredient.

Torah codes predict, and warn about, Obama presidency

No Need for Warrant: Police Track with GPS

A Wisconsin Court upheld the ability for police to secretly track people without a warrant. This case is guaranteed to add fuel to the fire in regards to the debate about the use of GPS devices to track people. As U.S. citizens slide into a nation observed and tracked by the government without cause or warrant this case has more ominous implications once the census conducts its work and locates the front door of every person living in America. This is an extremely dangerous precedent.

Wisconsin court upholds GPS tracking by police

By RYAN J. FOLEY | Associated Press Writer
2:42 PM CDT, May 7, 2009

MADISON, Wis. - Wisconsin police can attach GPS to cars to secretly track anybody's movements without obtaining search warrants, an appeals court ruled Thursday.

However, the District 4 Court of Appeals said it was "more than a little troubled" by that conclusion and asked Wisconsin lawmakers to regulate GPS use to protect against abuse by police and private individuals.

As the law currently stands, the court said police can mount GPS on cars to track people without violating their constitutional rights -- even if the drivers aren't suspects.

Officers do not need to get warrants beforehand because GPS tracking does not involve a search or a seizure, Judge Paul Lundsten wrote for the unanimous three-judge panel based in Madison.

That means "police are seemingly free to secretly track anyone's public movements with a GPS device," he wrote.

One privacy advocate said the decision opened the door for greater government surveillance of citizens. Meanwhile, law enforcement officials called the decision a victory for public safety because tracking devices are an increasingly important tool in investigating criminal behavior.

The ruling came in a 2003 case involving Michael Sveum, a Madison man who was under investigation for stalking. Police got a warrant to put a GPS on his car and secretly attached it while the vehicle was parked in Sveum's driveway. The device recorded his car's movements for five weeks before police retrieved it and downloaded the information.

The information suggested Sveum was stalking the woman, who had gone to police earlier with suspicions. Police got a second warrant to search his car and home, found more evidence and arrested him. He was convicted of stalking and sentenced to prison.

Sveum, 41, argued the tracking violated his Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure. He argued the device followed him into areas out of public view, such as his garage.

The court disagreed. The tracking did not violate constitutional protections because the device only gave police information that could have been obtained through visual surveillance, Lundsten wrote.

Even though the device followed Sveum's car to private places, an officer tracking Sveum could have seen when his car entered or exited a garage, Lundsten reasoned. Attaching the device was not a violation, he wrote, because Sveum's driveway is a public place.

"We discern no privacy interest protected by the Fourth Amendment that is invaded when police attach a device to the outside of a vehicle, as long as the information obtained is the same as could be gained by the use of other techniques that do not require a warrant," he wrote.

Although police obtained a warrant in this case, it wasn't needed, he added.

Larry Dupuis, legal director of the ACLU of Wisconsin, said using GPS to track someone's car goes beyond observing them in public and should require a warrant.

"The idea that you can go and attach anything you want to somebody else's property without any court supervision, that's wrong," he said. "Without a warrant, they can do this on anybody they want."

Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen's office, which argued in favor of the warrantless GPS tracking, praised the ruling but would not elaborate on its use in Wisconsin.

David Banaszynski, president of the Wisconsin Chiefs of Police Association, said his department in the Milwaukee suburb of Shorewood does not use GPS. But other departments might use it to track drug dealers, burglars and stalkers, he said.

A state law already requires the Department of Corrections to track the state's most dangerous sex offenders using GPS. The author of that law, Rep. Scott Suder, R-Abbotsford, said the decision shows "GPS tracking is an effective means of protecting public safety."

Arrogant Person at Correspondent's Dinner

"During the second 100 days, we will design, build and open a library dedicated to my first 100 days."

And: "My next 100 days will be so successful, I will complete them in 72 days. And on the 73rd day, I will rest."

The yuks elicited a reaction from the 2,500 journalists, politicians, and celebrities attending the Washington Hilton ballroom for the press corps' annual celebration of itself. Obamabow passed on the National Day of Prayer but he attended the homage to himself. He stated: "Most of you covered me; all of you voted for me. Apologies to the Fox table."

The mistress of ceremonies for the evening was Wanda Sykes, an actress and comedian who grew up locally and got her start doing stand-up while moonlighting from her day job as a procurement officer at the National Security Agency.

"It's funny to me that [photographers] have never caught you smoking," Sykes told the president, "but they always catch you with your shirt off. I know you're into this transparency thing, but I don't need to see your nipples."

The joke is indicative of just how little is revealed about Obamabow. I have collected the few smoking pictures of him available. They are hide to find since the press does not generally take unflattering pictures of His Highness.

Napolitano on Beck: Montana 2nd Amendment and States Rights

Napolitano on Beck: Montana 2nd Amendment and States Rights Part 1 (5-7-09)

Part 2

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Obamabow Press Conference

Regime Kills Third American

A swine flu-related death has been reported in Washington state, bringing the total number of fatalities in the United States to three, FOX affiliate KCPQ confirmed.

The latest victim was described as a man in his 30s with underlying heart conditions.

The unidentified Snohomish County man died Thursday from what appears to be complications from the H1N1 virus, the state Department of Health said in a statement.

In addition to the heart conditions, the man had viral pneumonia at the time of his death, but swine flu was considered a factor in his death, the statement said.

Lincoln v. Obamabow on Prayer

This article correctly points out the profound differences between Lincoln's day of prayer and Obamabow's.

12 sailors on U.S. Navy ship contract flu virus

More on Ducky: From Repubx

While 'Ducky' may be an "inline" editing program or such, for Adobe Photoshop, when exporting images to the Web (though, I haven't seen this myself), why would 'Ducky' come up as a comment in Vueprint software? All Photoshop edited images have the "JFIF" coding extension (at least for JPG) files, but it doesn't specify that as a comment in the Vueprint software (only Ducky).

Obots have said that Ducky appears in all JPG image exports to the Web from Photoshop, yet the photos I have evaluated for Obama were all of the GIF image type (not JPG). So, is 'Ducky' really a comment applied by the person who had the image in Photoshop?

Here is some info on this for someone having researched the above (thanks Ron):

I downloaded the officially released photo of Air Force One over New York City. I used VuePrint software (free trial at I clicked on File, Show, Show Comments and "ducky<" appeared in a split window just like on various other photos.

Try it yourself! You can look at a wide variety of photos with the split window at the bottom of the screen. Use the space bar to load the next photo. It is interesting what you will see. Every digital photo you take yourself will have a large number of entries, including identification of your camera and your camera settings for the shot.

And .. we found this ... remember the fake Certification of Live Birth image that originally came from a blogger at DailyKOS, that Obama used to post on his "Fight the Smears" website ..well, you might find this interesting then:

that Philip T. Duck of 'The Daily Kos' goes by the handle "Ducky".

Susan Boyle Turns Obamabow Down

The Brits are not enamored with, and are laughing at, Obamabow.

Obambow's Stepped on Vets: They React

Part 1

Part 2

Our Favorite Gangsta'

Official Story Does Not Make Sense

The official statement and story do not add up. Even if I can not connect all the dots now time will tell how much more can be understood.

Obamabow vs. U.S. Military

An ominous battle going on between the Obama administration and the US military - the real reason for Scare Force One?

by DefendUSx May 09, 2009 02:32

I was researching why the plane was there in the first place (i'm [sic] not stupid enough to believe the Photo-op story), and came across this explanation, which to me, actually makes the most logical sense.

From other research and what was going on with Obama's Chief Technology Officer and the FBI raid on his office (the White House got tipped in advance), I was starting to wonder if there weren't some internal struggles going on between the White House, the FBI and certain factions of the military (which is very large). I worked on a project for a division of the Department of Defense, and will tell you it is very large indeed (the DoD). When things are secret or top-secret, most of everything is done in person .. no phone calls, no e-mails. Anything disclosed that is secret is between those who have the privilage [sic] Friday, of the full implications of the deadly coup taking place in the United States, was informed by the FSB that the leader of Russian Military Intelligence (GRU), General Valentin Korabelnikov, had knowingly cooperated with anti-Obama CIA forces in the unleashing of this pandemic, to which Medvedev immediately signed a decree dismissing General Korabelnikov from his post and placing him under FSB arrest and control.

Obama has stopped regulating the government offices. Each office used to have a "Dept. Policy Regulator" that usually reported to the government "Regulatory" office in making sure that each office was enforcing the law (Constitution) adherant [sic] to said policies defined for the department. I don't remember the official name of this office, but Obama had issued an executive order just after becoming Usurper to remove these extended regulatory measures.

All I can say is this. We are likely in for one wild summer, because tensions will increase, both internally inside the government, and externally with Americans who do not want to lose their country.

Air Force One In Shootdown Scare Over New York City

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Russian Military Officers are reporting to Prime Minister Putin this morning that President Obama . . . was stopped by US Air Force fighter jets while Air Force One was attempting to land in New York City where Obama was scheduled to meet UN, Russian and Chinese diplomats for what the White House had communicated was ‘critical and vital’ information relating the influenza pandemic currently overrunning the World.

Though the US propaganda media is portraying this shocking incident involving the most secure aircraft in the World as a ‘photo op’ staged by the Pentagon, statements from some the thousands of New Yorkers made to flee for their lives as this aerial battle unfolded portray a quite different story, and as we can read:

David Frank of Jersey City wrote: “I work in 30 Hudson, which is the largest building in NJ and is right on the water facing the Statue of Liberty. I ran out of the building after a stampede of people began running out of the building as they saw the jumbo jet being followed by two fighter planes veer sharply towards our building and climb right over it. By the time I got outside, it was coming around for its THIRD pass, and I watched it level off below building height over the water and then once again veer sharply towards the building. Several hundred of us began to run away fearing for our lives before it climbed steeply and flew over our building. Whoever thought that this 'photo op' was a good idea should be removed from command...why couldn't this simply be done with Photo Shop? Hollywood can create an entire armageddon [sic] on film but the US military can't photo shop a plane by the Statue of Liberty?”

Patrick Kennell of NYC wrote: “We saw a low-flying 747 buzz the Southwest edge of Manhattan, at Battery Park City, with a fighter jet appearing to chase it on its left wing. At about Rector Street or so, it took a hard left and looked to be headed straight for Jersey City. It flew over J.C., turned south, and continued to climb over Newark. It left our sight, only to return on the same path a second time about five minutes later. It was confusing and panicked the office. We dialed 9-1-1 and considered whether to evacuate. We were told by 9-1-1 that it was 'authorized' to be there. We later learned, from your website, that it was part of a DOD 'photo op.' NotifyNYC advises it was 'part of an approved federal activity.' To conduct a 'photo op,' unwarned in advance to Lower Manhattan residents and workers, in that manner was completely irresponsible.”

Nancy in Lower Manhattan wrote: “Our building, One New York Plaza, was evacuated, as were most of the high rises in this area. How could the US MILITARY think that NYers wouldn't be alarmed by low-flying jets? Why was the city not notified beforehand?”

Video taken of this aerial battle between Air Force One and US fighter jets clearly show that the strangeness of the statements issued by Pentagon officials that this type of incident was ‘normal’, even though no existing records exist of any incident of this type ever occurring before.

These reports go on to detail that signal intelligence intercepts by Russian Military satellites show that just prior to Air Force One landing, two US F-16 fighter jets ordered the American President’s plane to return to Washington D.C., which Obama’s pilot refused to do. Upon Air Force One refusing the orders to return to Washington D.C., these reports continue, one of the F-16’s in pursuit ‘locked on’ its air-to-air missiles which then made Air Force One take evasive maneuvers causing it to veer towards the sky scrapers of Manhattan in a ‘defensive move’ that Russian Air Force Officers state was deliberately done as Obama’s pilots did not believe they would be shot down over a major American city in full view of tens of thousands of witnesses.

Upon being made aware of the plight of the US President, both Russian and Chinese Military Officials ‘ordered’ the Pentagon under threat of ‘immediate and swift reprisal’ to cease their attack and allow Air Force One safe passage back to Andrews Air Force Base, which according to these reports US Military Authorities acceded to.

These reports further state that President Obama was scheduled to inform the UN, Russian and Chinese diplomats of the ‘full facts’ underlying the current Global influenza pandemic that include its being a bio-weapons attack initiated by the powerful Mexican Sinaloa Cartel operating in league with al Qaeda cells linked to the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), who Obama is currently engaged in a bitter battle for control over the United States, and as we had previously reported on in our report, “Mexican Drug Cartel Linked With al Qaeda Unleashes Pandemic”.

President Medvedev, upon his learning, this past Friday, of the full implications of the deadly coup taking place in the United States, was informed by the FSB that the leader of Russian Military Intelligence (GRU), General Valentin Korabelnikov, had knowingly cooperated with anti-Obama CIA forces in the unleashing of this pandemic, to which Medvedev immediately signed a decree dismissing General Korabelnikov from his post and placing him under FSB arrest and control.

What she states in this report is that there are factions of the CIA going against Obama for control of the US in certain contexts. She thinks the war is between the Bush-Clinton controlled CIA and the Obama administration, though he has appointed his own CIA Czar.
From information i've [sic] gathered thus far, I believe it is keeping a Usurper from totally destroying and undermining the country. A Muslim Usurper working for Saudi Arabia, Iran and much of the radical theocracies in the Middle East. It is a battle to claim America for one Islamic World Order (Obama's agenda) and that of a New World Order with Western Elites in control of all major world market sectors, currency and Oil resources.

So there may be some truth to her report in that the CIA is going against Obama, but they would be acting out of authority to do so. The problem is, and i [sic] said even months before the election, is that they picked a Muslim radical Communist to do their bidding ("IslamoCommie" as Phil Dragoo says), and now they're seeing just how dumb that was, as his arrogance in undermining them is becoming increasingly clear.

You can see why they wouldn't want this public, either side. Rob Lamb was right . . . Obama's actions are waking up America indeed, in ways these groups never thought of or projected to happen. It may be just the one thing that saves America from either agenda, at least for awhile.

And Obots, this isn't a Democrat vs. Republican thing. This is an American vs. those who want to erradicate [sic] its' sovereignty thing, for more control over you and I, as we become servitudes [sic] or serfs to their monopolization of everything we see and hear. Both parties are becoming more one in the same anyway, if you care about your individual liberties, then you have to start thinking like a "Vegan" and catch on to really what is transpiring, before it is too late.

Friday, May 8, 2009

ACORN Visitors on Glenn Beck

Part 1

Part 2


Obamabow's War Kills 147 Civilians

An injured Afghan child in a hospital in western Farah. Police in Afghanistan said Wednesday that clashes and US-led air strikes against insurgents had killed 100 people, most of them civilians, in one of the deadliest battles in nearly eight years. Graphic source: AFP

Obamabow Weakens American Nuclear Defenses

The Washington Post reported that Obamabow:

would eliminate new funding for advanced-generation equipment to detect nuclear weapons and radiological materials at U.S. borders and ports and around New York City in his 2010 budget, homeland security officials said.

The decisions, outlined in Homeland Security Department budget documents and briefings Thursday, mark a turn away from a priority of the administration of former president George W. Bush, who with former vice president Dick Cheney championed development of new technologies that could lead to a ring of domestic sensors of weapons of mass destruction.

But the research effort... has run into problems. Technical flaws and doubts about the integrity of scientific testing have delayed multi-billion dollar plans to buy advanced... sytems... to scan for nuclear materials aboard cars, trucks, trains and cargo moving through air and land ports.

Congress has forced DHS's Domestic Nuclear Detection Office to hold off on new purchases, and Obama declined to request funds to buy equipment under DNDO beyond the $153 million Bush obtained last year....

Obama is also ending Securing the Cities, a three-year, $90 million pilot program intended to test whether it is possible to secure an urban area -- in this case New York City -- against nuclear terrorism by draping it with an integrated system of handheld, aerial, truck-mounted and waterborne sensors...

Obamabow Photoshop Flyover "Mistake"

This is the nonsensical picture finally released by Obamabow after scaring the bejesus out of the Americans. When finally questioned about the "mistake" he can hardly contain his glee. Smirking at the Americans is one of the most prominent traits.

Federal Government Owns All the Water in the U.S.

2009, Senator Feingold introduced (and gathered 24 co-sponsors already) legislation, S. 787, to fundamentally change the definition of “water” under control of the federal government


Section 502 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1362) is amended–

(1) by striking paragraph (7);

(2) by redesignating paragraphs (8) through (25) as paragraphs (7) through (24), respectively; and

(3) by adding at the end the following:

`(25) WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES- The term `waters of the United States’ means all waters subject to the ebb and flow of the tide, the territorial seas, and all interstate and intrastate waters and their tributaries, including lakes, rivers, streams (including intermittent streams), mudflats, sandflats, wetlands, sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa lakes, natural ponds, and all impoundments of the foregoing, to the fullest extent that these waters, or activities affecting these waters, are subject to the legislative power of Congress under the Constitution.’.


The Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.) is amended–

(1) by striking `navigable waters of the United States’ each place it appears and inserting `waters of the United States’;

(2) in section 304(l)(1) by striking `NAVIGABLE WATERS’ in the heading and inserting `WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES’; and

(3) by striking `navigable waters’ each place it appears and inserting `waters of the United States’.

Comedian sneaks into US State department

U.S. Citizens to be "GPS-ed" and Tracked by U.N.

In a United Nations Report dated September 2004 titled, Integration of GPS, Digital Imagery and GIS with Census Mapping, the United Nations Statistics Division announced –

“The recent technological developments, including new high-resolution sensors, global positioning systems (GPS), geographical information systems (GIS), Internet and World Wide Web services, are revolutionizing cartography, surveying and mapping in fundamental ways:” - “For the past decade, the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) has been promoting the development of geographical information systems for population and demographic statistics in developing countries through technical cooperation projects supported by the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), training workshops, and technical publications.”

The U.N. will be able to locate everyone in the U.S., track the demographics, and direct any military in the world to your front door. Yes, this sounds like a good idea. No way this power can be abused can it?

Army Integrated with Police in the U.S.

The “Concept of Operations for Police Intelligence Operations” document was produced by the U.S. Army and dated 4 March 2009. The 60 page PDF is an “For Official Use Only” intelligence manual from the U.S. Army’s Military Police School.

“PIO [Police Intelligence Operations] supports the homeland defense goals of detecting, deterring, preventing and defeating threats and attacks,” the document states. “PIO supports the range of homeland defense operations and civil support protection capabilities. A CONUS [Contiguous United States] based PIO network that is integrated with local, country, tribal, state and federal, law enforcement entities will ensure a federated approach to enable a unified effort for defense support to civil authorities (DSCA) [Defense Support of Civil Authorities] as well as support (within legal constraints) development and exchange of data assisting in the production of watch lists that deny adversaries access to the homeland, fixed installations/facilities, or expeditionary forces in-transit.”

In short, the document explains how the U.S. military, in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act, has “integrated” with local law enforcement under the rubric of the GWOT, or so-called Global War on Terrorism. It stresses the need for military police to collect “information that identifies trends, patterns and associations that indicate a possible nexus disrupting or targeting Army operations” within the United States. The “criminal intelligence produced from this analysis should be focused on future coordination” with local law enforcement, again a direct violation of Posse Comitatus.

Dr. Keyes Arrested at Notre Dame

Dr. Keyes patiently explains to the arresting agents why he believes God supports his actions; he was arrested anyway for his trespassing.

Part 1

Part 2

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Background on Baxter

Taliban Says They Will Defeat Obamabow

Obamabow Fails Again: SOS to Gulf emirs: Invest in US and global economies

Naomi Klein: Updating the Shock Doctrine

CIA Says Pelosi Was Briefed on Use of 'Enhanced Interrogations'

We already knew this but the CIA has confirmed that Pelosi was well aware of the enhanced interrogations at Gitmo. For her to claim anything else is ludicrous. Perhaps the CIA has a bit of payback to perform against Pelosi and Barry. Most Americans would welcome it.

Rob Lamb - Why I admire you, Barack Obama.

Visiting the Center for Disease Control and other agencies in Atlanta GA

Columbo Questions Barry Soetoro

Ah . . Sorry to bother you Mr. Obama, Sir. .

Excuse me Mr. Obama, I mean President Obama, Sir. Um . . I know you're busy, and important and stuff. I mean running the county is very important and -- ah -- I hate to bother you Sir. I will only take a minute. Ok Sir?
See, I have these missing pieces that are holding me up, and I was wondering Sir, if you could take time out of your busy schedule and help me out. You know, no big deal, just some loose ends and things.
Hey, you have a nice place here! The wife sees houses like this on TV all the time and says boy she wishes she had digs like this you know? Is that painting real? Really? Wow. I saw something like that in a museum once!
Oh, sorry Sir. I didn't mean to get off the track. So if you could just help me out a minute and give me some details, I will get right out of your way. I want to close this case and maybe take the wife to Coney Island or something. Ever been to Coney Island Sir? No? I didn't think so...
Well, listen, anyway, I can't seem to get some information I need to wrap this up. These things seem to either be "Not released" or "Not available." I'm sure it's just an oversight or glitch or something, so if you could you tell me where these things are -- I -- I have them written down here somewhere -- oh wait. Sorry about the smears. It was raining out. I'll just read it to you.
Could you please help me find these things Sir?
1. Occidental College records -- Not released
2. Columbia College records -- Not released
3. Columbia Thesis paper -- "Not available"
4. Harvard College records -- Not released
5. Selective Service Registration -- Not released
6. Medical records -- Not released
7. Illinois State Senate schedule -- Not available
8. Your Illinois State Senate records -- Not available
9. Law practice client list -- Not released
10. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate -- Not released
11. Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth -- Not released
12. Record of your baptism -- Not available
Oh and one more thing Senator, I can't seem to find any articles you published as editor of the Harvard Law Review, or as a Professor at the University of Chicago. Can you explain that to me Sir?

Oh but, hey -- listen! I know you're busy! If this is too much for you right now -- I mean -- tell you what. I'll come back tomorrow. Give you some time to get these things together, You know? I mean, I know you're busy. I'll just let myself out. I'll be back tomorrow. And the day after. .
What's that Mr. President? Who wants to know these things?
We the People of the United States of America ! You know, the ones that vote.

Wanted: Political Counter-Terrorists By Grant Ellis

Palestinians Steal for Islam in France

Boycotts are perfectly legitimate free-market forms of protest-—but this isn’t a boycott at all. The anti-Israeli Palestine Vivra group enters a store in an effort to stop customers from buying products or services. The organized stealing breaks the law while while decrying Israel’s “criminality.” The group steals everything that they can grab and while their fellow countrymen helplessly look on. The police are not called and do not arrive.

Congressman: AG Holder Stonewalling on Terrorists' Release

Hawaii Celebrates "Islam Day"

Hawaii's state Senate overwhelmingly approved a bill to celebrate "Islam Day." Two Senator's recalled that Islamists have killed many. Yet, the resolution to proclaim 24 September 2009 as Islam Day passed the Senate on a 22-3 vote. It had previously passed the House and now goes to Republican Governor Linda Lingle.

The bill seeks to recognize "the rich religious, scientific, cultural and artistic contributions" that Islam and the Islamic world have made.

In a nearly incomprehensible statement the reason was as explained as: "We are a state of tolerance. We understand that people have different beliefs," said Senator Will Espero, a Democrat. "We may not all agree on every single item and issue out there, but to say and highlight the negativity of the Islamic people is an insult to the majority" of believers "who are good law-abiding citizens of the world."

The lone Democrat voting against the bill opposed it on church-state separation fears.

There are no plans for a Jewish, Christian, or Catholic Day. Naturally, since American had been a country characterized by the separation of church and state none of those other religious groups sought a Day.

Views of Obamabow

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ahmadinejad Spits at America

Ahmadinejad boasted that “those who one day called Iran and Syria part of the axis of evil now want to develop relations with Iran and Syria.”

“Circumstances are changing rapidly in our favor,” Arab media quoted him as saying. “We are on the road to victory.”

EXCLUSIVE: Secret U.S.-Israel nuclear accord in jeopardy

Message from 1948: Beware Dr. Utopia

Chuckle from ACORN on Glenn Beck

H1N1, Swine flu, Obama, flu shots, Baxter International, Chicago IL, pandemic, corruption, influenza A, CDC, Obama ties to Baxter, Owned stock, etc.

Here she comes: Saudi's Miss Beautiful Morals

Obamabow Bags National Day of Prayer

Obamabow is dissing the National Day of Prayer by nixing a formal early morning service and not attending a large Catholic prayer breakfast the next morning.

The day originated in 1952 when Congress set aside the first Thursday in May for the observance and subsequent presidents publicly prayed, generally with Christian and Jewish observers.


1775 - The first Continental Congress called for a National Day of Prayer
1863 - Abraham Lincoln called for such a day.
1952 - Congress established NDP as an annual event by a joint resolution, signed into law by President Truman (82-324)
1988 - The law was amended and signed by President Reagan, designating the NDP as the first Thursday in May (100-307).

1. The President of the United States has called for a National Day of Prayer every year since 1975.
2. There have been 134 national calls to prayer, humiliation, fasting and thanksgiving by the President of the United States (1789-2008).
3. There have been 56 Presidential Proclamations for a “National Day of Prayer” (1952-2008).
4. Gerald Ford (1976) and George H. Bush (1989-91) are the only U.S. Presidents to sign two National Day of Prayer Proclamations in the same year.

No Tracking for Stimulus

Although Obamabow promised that citizens will be able to track "every dime" of the $787 billion stimulus bill, a government website dedicated to the spending won't have details on contracts and grants until October and may not be complete until next spring, halfway through the program. Not surprisingly, the spring will be in time for the primaries and October is just in time for the November elections. No one will have to claim that the money is being put to good use until it is time to fool the voters during election time.

Obamabow Pro-PATRIOT (Bill)

A list follows for Obamabow's 2005, 2006, and 2007 voting record.

The information is from

2/2/06: Obama voted to extend the USA-PATRIOT's proposal for five weeks to allow Congress time to put together the support to adopt the renewal of USA-PATRIOT. Roll call 11

2/16/06: Obama voted for cloture on "USA PATRIOT Act Additional Reauthorizing Amendments Act of 2006," S2271. The act continued the most objectionable provisions from 2001 and had a new provision allowing the government to collect lists of people and kids suffering from colds and allergies. It could still obtain library records (even though the public was misled into believing otherwise). Those voting on the bill knew that it was worse than the original but worked to deceive the public about how much more freedom had been taken away. This cloture vote guaranteed passage. Roll call 22

3/1/06: Obama voted to pass S2271, the USA PATRIOT Act Reauthorizing Amendments Act of 2006, which strengthened and worsened the damage done by the original USA-PATRIOT Act. Roll call 25

3/1/06: Obama voted for cloture on the USA-PATRIOT Act (HR 3199), Conference Report. This was the last real chance to stop the Act. It was known that there would not be enough votes to stop the act, so stopping cloture was the most important issue. Obama voted for this. Roll call 28

3/2/06: Obama voted for the conference report on USA-PATRIOT, itself, made worse than the original by changes that removed more freedom from the American people and gave more power to agencies trying to deprive Americans of their Constitutional Rights and making most of the most intrusive provisions permanent. This was the last chance to stop USA-PATRIOT. Roll call 29.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Uyghurs Coming to Your Town

The Uyghurs, pronounced Wheegerz, are the Muslim group of terrorists the Chinese were so concerned over during the recent Olympics. They were picked up on the battlefield in 2001 and have been active jihad warriors even prior to 2001.

There are almost two dozen of the Uyghurs, members of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement and have all received Taliban and al-Qaeda training.

H1N1 Government Manufactured?

ACORN Up on Charges in Nevada

If ACORN is convicted, what happens to the candidate, the usurper, Obamabow?

Military at the Kentucky Derby

An Associated Press photograph, posted on the Yahoo! News website, shows two MPs in combat fatigues with side arms restraining a man at the derby.

"Military police detain a fan who ran onto the track following the running of the 135th Kentucky Derby horse race at Churchill Downs Saturday, May 2, 2009, in Louisville, Ky," according to the photo caption.

100 Days Against the Family

An article lists the Lies We Can Believe In.

Study Documents Reality: Government Spending Costs Jobs

The Economic Impact of Federal Spending published by the the Buckeye Institute concluded that "increased government spending makes citizens poorer because it takes their money now while reducing their future income."

U.S. Home Prices May Be Lost for a Generation: John F. Wasik

Al Qaeda Recruiting Americans Via Hip-Hop

Air Force One Photos Classified: Obamabow Will Not Release Photos

Homeland Removes Lexicon

The Homeland Security Department categorized "extremists" ranging from black power activists to abortion foes. The report was nixed within hours and recalled from state and local law enforcement officials. The "Domestic Extremism Lexicon" emerged from the Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) in late March but was pulled almost immediately. The lexicon lists definitions for key terms and phrases used by Homeland Security analysts "that addresses the nature and scope of the threat that domestic, non-Islamic extremism poses to the United States," the report said. Islamism is not an identified threat according to the analysis.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Patriot Act Imprisons Teen

U.S. Colleges Bask in Surge Of Interest Among Chinese

The Great Pandemic: 1918-1919

The Great Pandemic: 1918-1919 relates the background of one of this nation's biggest pandemics.

Obamabow Says No to Better Education: Vouchers

China military build-up seems U.S.-focused: Mullen

Even if Obamabow Opposed: Most Israelis Support Iran Strike

According to Bar-Ilan University's Eytan Gilboa, a professor of international communications who directed the poll:

the younger respondents had less trust in Obama and were more in favor of military action against Iran, even against US wishes.

He said this represented a degree of distrust among the youth of politicians and politics as usual, and said the attitude was consistent with the fact that Israeli youth voted more heavily for Israel Beiteinu in the last elections than their elders,

The poll, which was taken in advance of a conference on US-Israel relations to be held at Bar-Ilan University later this week, was very similar to a poll taken two years ago - albeit without reference to Obama - and the earlier poll provided a baseline for comparison.

As opposed to the 2007 poll, where 62% of the respondents said that American Jews should feel free to criticize Israel and the government's policies, and 36% said they should not, this time the numbers were reversed, with 35% saying American Jews could criticize Israel, and 52% saying they should not.

Gilboa interpreted this as an indication that Israeli Jews felt less secure about US policies than they did two years ago.

"What the public is saying is that since we don't know much about Obama, and don't trust him, US Jews must be careful about criticizing us," he said.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Reagan in 1964

A Time for Choosing, also known as "The Speech", was presented on a number of speaking occasions during the 1964 U.S. presidential election campaign by Ronald Reagan on behalf of Republican candidate Barry Goldwater.

Tea Party People, on Glenn Beck

The President Who Hates His Country, Joan Swirsky

Deport Obamabow

Condi Sets the Kid Right

In this recent informal interview at Stanford University, former Secretary of State, Dr. Condoleezza Rice is queried by a student on enhanced interrogations and Abu Ghraib: how are we supposed to "win hearts and minds" in the world as long as we continue with these actions?"

French Say No to Obamabow

Saturday, May 2, 2009

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