The first of a three-night stand, 6/29/2010: Ian Hunter joins Escovedo for the encore: "I Wish I Was Your Mother."
Down in the Bowery (with the longer intro):
The first of a three-night stand, 6/29/2010: Ian Hunter joins Escovedo for the encore: "I Wish I Was Your Mother."
Down in the Bowery (with the longer intro):
Why does the obvious answer to this question flummox Kagan?
6th grader Sam Besserman reports: when Scott Brown Won My Teacher Said the Nazi’s Are Taking Over.
Beverly Vista School District, CA, had no comment.
Yale professor, Richard L Rubenstien, states: "He [Obama] is looking to correct the mistake that is the creation of the state of Israel."
Reports are circulating that the U.S is amassing a greater military presence in the Middle East. The alleged build up is also rumoured to involve the Israeli use of Saudi Arabian air space. It’s thought by some to be in preparation for an attack on Iran.
Rick Santelli states "Go read some Austrian economist instead of the funny pages." Santelli tells Liesman, to which the response is "I am ready to talk about Fred Hayek, John Hayek, and Selma Hayek." Followed promptly by the Santelli coup du jour: "Go back to Russia where you understand the state and the citizen."
Representative King's (IA-5, R) comments on the floor of the House is "progressive" generational theft but he makes an offhand comment about not seeing one particular long form birth certificate.
Several people were caught on an open mike mocking Sarah Palin for delivering a "roller coaster"-type speech after she addressed California State University, Stanislaus on Friday.
As the former Alaska governor stepped off stage at the sold-out dinner fundraiser and the sound of applause faded away, voices identified as reporters in a viral video could be heard one after another cracking jokes about the speech.
"Oh my God, I feel like I just got off a roller coaster, going round and round, and up and down. Sh-t flying out … everywhere," one said, as someone else made whooshing sounds.
Another one chimed in, comparing the address to the work of a sloppy college student.
"When you’ve got to write a report as a college student and you just try to jam as many quotes in as possible … That’s what I got," he said.
Someone else added: "She didn’t finish a statement."
Then another voice could be heard cutting through, saying: "Did she make a statement, because I didn’t catch that either."
This audio excerpt from a Blagojevich wiretap dated November 7, 2008 implicates Obama and Blagojevich in a quid pro quo to sell Obama’s old Senate seat. It reveals that Obama used SEIU major players Andy Stern and Tom Balanoff to negotiate with Blagojevich. It also reveals that Obama wants Valerie Jarrett to obtain the Senate seat.
The Pentagon has confirmed that a fleet of 12 warships has passed the Suez Canal, and is now likely awaiting orders to support the escalation in the Persian Gulf. The attached image from Stratfor shows the latest positioning of US aircraft carrier groups as of June 23: the USS Harry Truman (CVN-75) is now right next to USS Eisenhower (CVN 69), both of which are waiting just off Iran's coast.
"Somehow people say, why are you doing that, I'm not sure that's good politics. I'm doing it because I said I was going to do it and I think it's the right thing to do. People should learn that lesson about me because next year when I start presenting some very difficult choices to the country, I hope some of these folks who are hollering about deficits and debt step-up because I'm calling their bluff. We'll see how much of that, how much of the political arguments that they're making right now are real and how much of it was just politics."
In addition to other individuals and groups, the museum will represent the “voices of American Muslims in particular, and it will honor members of other communities who came together in support and collaboration with the Muslim community on September 11 and its aftermath,” says Daisy Khan, executive director of the American Society for Muslim Advancement, or ASMA. Our very own Jenny Pachucki, an oral historian with the museum, is collaborating with ASMA to ensure the perspective of American Muslims is woven into the overall experience of the future museum.
The 9/11 Museum will honor Muslims according to the advocacy group planning the work in New York. The museum will receive direction from an Obama scholar linked to the 'Ground Zero' imam. Vartan Gregorian wrote a book which according to a book review by the Middle East Forum, Gregorian's book "establishes the Islamist goal of world domination."
One of the most bedeviling annoyances in the last several months has been fixed by Mozilla. In last night's updating Firefox included a nifty feature called “Crash Protection” (Windows, Linux only) that prevents plugins from crashing the whole browser. According to Mozilla wiki, it does that by running Adobe Flash, Apple QuickTime and Microsoft Silverlight in a separate process called plugin-container.
The 'Birds of Paradise' produces a song in which small children embrace martyrdom to regain Palestine.
A Palestinian Arabic children's choir has been racking up views all over the world with the new YouTube hit "when we die as martyrs, we will go to heaven."
According to The Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT), one of the world's most comprehensive data centers on radical Islamic terrorist groups, the song is a hit on Arabic and worldwide websites and the children's choir performing it fast is becoming one of the most popular children's groups in the Arab world.
In the video clip, which can be viewed on the popular video sharing site YouTube, a prepubescent girl sings in front of what seems to be a group of children in pre-school the lyrics "Without Palestine, what does childhood mean?" Allah is invoked to bring his wrath down on those who oppose Palestinian violence.
Pam Geller demonstrates the critical contrast with a traditional American understanding of children.
I hear babies crying, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll never know
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world.
Lyrics are for educational purposes only; the copyright remains in the hands of the lawful owners.
In 18 mos, Barry’s golfed 39 times (7 since the oil rig explosion) as compared to Bush’s 24 golfing expeditions in 8 yrs.
Out of the mouths of babes:
About Obama – "I’m not sure if he should actually be golfing right now."
This video was produced for the course Game Culture in MA Media Culture programme at Maastricht University. It focuses on the economic aspect of computer games, particularly on virtual economy and gold farming.
In 2007 Steven Chu and UC Berkeley partnered to accept a $500 million investment from BP to form the Energy BioSciences Institute. BP was slated then to "help save the world." Chu, appointed by Obama, and BP failed.
BP Chairman Tony Hayward stated in June 2007:
From BP’s perspective, the evidence that climate change is happening, and that it is manmade, is mounting all the time. As the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has found, the evidence is almost overwhelming. We could wait until the science is 100% certain, but BP believes that, as an energy company, it has a duty to act pre-emptively. When you balance the likely impacts of not taking action against the real opportunities that exist to take action, it is difficult to believe that humanity will not move towards a solution to climate change…
We need to ensure that the costs of emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are included in the price we pay for everything – whether it be a television, a train journey, or switching on a light – all should reflect the cost of emissions in their price.
This can be achieved through a Cap and Trade system, taxation, or regulation.
Dutch police use 'decoy Jews' to stop anti-Semitic attacks.
In a broadcast of the Dutch TV program "The Five W's" by the [Dutch] Jewish Broadcasting Organization, one can see Rabbi Lody van de Kamp walk with two students though Amsterdam where he is threatened by Moroccan youths. One of them even gives him a Hitler salute.
In the TV program Van de Kamp raises the alarm about the growing anti-Semitism in the Netherlands. He wants Jews to be able to walk normally in all areas of the city, and at present that is not the case.
"It happens regularly that one is mocked," says Rabbi Van de Kamp. The two students also claim to have been harassed often when they walk through the city.
In other cities of the Netherlands there have also been reports filed with the police because Jews were attacked.
Last week it became known that the Amsterdam borough "De Baarsjes" even has a hidden synagogue, because Jews are afraid of trouble otherwise.[1]
Last week PvdA member Ahmed Marcouch called for the deployment of a lokjood ["decoy Jew"] to halt the growing anti-Semitism.
"As far as I am concerned, you may deploy a decoy Jew, but you must nab them. You must do everything to increase the chances of getting them. These look like they are just incidents, but this is serious."
It is certainly the case that American history bears out the view that the military remains under civilian control and McChrystal's comments are ill-considered for public consumption. However, the facade of a lackluster, uninvolved Obama clearly demonstrates that he is no Truman talking to a MacArthur.
The Oklahoma legislature has approved a ballot initiative which will ask voters whether or not to ban state judges from using Sharia law and international law to decide the outcome of cases.
In an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News on June 18, the author of the bill, Rex Duncan (R-Sand Springs) predicted that legislators in other states will draft similar proposals to his and stated that a vote on the issue in Oklahoma was “years overdue.” He said that Muslims who adhere to Sharia law in their private lives are insisting that the courts enforce it in regard to domestic disputes in the United States. He believes that if Sharia is accepted here, “It would be the same cancer upon American courts it is in Great Britain.”
This is a procession in the remembrance of Imam Hussein (A.S.). Chelum or Arbaeen is the 40th day after Ashura (The day Imam Hussain (A.S.) was martyred) 40 days after his murder he was given a coffin.
Not one American flag is in evidence, nor are any women visible: Welcome to America, 2010.
Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) said he does not know that President Obama had the constitutional authority to tell BP it had to surrender its stockholders' money.
Tim Adams, the former senior elections clerk for the city and county of Honolulu was interviewed by Gene Birk of ABC affiliate WBKO-TV in Bowling Green, Ky.
Elections official hits TV to affirm no Hawaii birth
Tells network affiliate hospital certificate non-existent, cites racism for controversy
Posted: June 20, 2010
5:19 pm Eastern
By Joe Kovacs
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
In direct contradiction of the White House storyline, the former Honolulu elections official who caused a national stir this month when he told WND Barack Obama was "definitely" not born in Hawaii, and that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate even exists for the president in the Aloha State is now reaffirming those claims to a network television affiliate.
Tim Adams, the former senior elections clerk for the city and county of Honolulu was interviewed by Gene Birk of ABC affiliate WBKO-TV in Bowling Green, Ky.
"As of the time I was in Hawaii working in the elections office," said Adams, "we had many people who were asking about the eligibility of Senator Obama to be president. I was told at the time there is no long-form birth record, which would have been the case if President Obama was born in [a] hospital in Honolulu. There is no such form in Hawaii."
"[Obama] does have a [Certification] of Live Birth, which is given to children of families who are residents of Hawaii when children are born outside the state. So, I assert that he was born outside of Hawaii. Now, we can't tell you where he was born. Some of his family members said that he had been born while his mother was on a trip overseas."
"When I mentioned this, it got people's attention. They also did not like my conclusions that since President Obama does have a [Certification] of Live Birth from the state of Hawaii, that he was born a U.S. citizen. And during the initial part of the campaign, when questions about his eligibility to be president came up – including Senator McCain because he was born in Panama – that both these men were vetted by the same process as any other presidential candidate. So, while we may not agree, some people say that because of Article 2 of the Constitution, President Obama was not eligible to be president. That's not a question that we can answer.
"The people who are in charge of saying who is eligible to run for president have already vouched that he was indeed an eligible candidate. If we disagree with that, we don't need to go after the man. We need to look at the process by which candidates are vetted for public office."
The interviewer, apparently looking to reaffirm what he was just told, asked Adams again, "So let me understand what you're saying. There is no long-form birth certificate, because he was not born on U.S. soil."
"Correct," responded Adams.
"But there is a Certification of Birth, which is what this is," said Birk, as he looked at a photocopy of Obama's purported short-form, computer-generated Certification of Live Birth, a document which does not specify the hospital where Obama might have been born nor any doctor's name or signature.
"A facsimile of it has been put online," said Adams.
Birk responded, "Yes, and in your opinion, this means regardless of where he was born, he was a U.S. citizen at birth."
"Yes," said Adams, reiterating his personal opinion that Obama is eligible to hold office and that the question would have been answered when the Democratic National Committee vetted him to run for public office prior to the 2008 election.
Adams' claims are starkly different from those of the White House.
Adams does appear naive and he has his own idealistic and liberal views, which is certainly his right, however, he makes a textbook case for authenticity since he clearly favors Obama's policies yet he effectively squashes any hope that Obama is constitutionally eligible to be president.
At an Arizona town hall meeting this past Friday, Republican Senator Jon Kyl told his constituents that Obama privately insisted that he will not secure the border until amnesty for illegal aliens passes first. According to Kyl, Obama argued that Democrats would lose their bargaining chips for any type of amnesty if the government beefs up its presence on the chaotic border. “The problem is,” Obama allegedly told Kyl, "If we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform.”
Transcript (at 3:21):
SEN. JON KYL: I met with the president in the Oval Office, just the two of us… Here’s what the president said. “The problem is,” he said, "If we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform.”
[gasps from the audience]
KYL: In other words they’re holding it hostage. They don’t want to secure the border unless and until it is combined with comprehensive immigration reform. I explained, “You and I have an obligation to secure the border. That’s an obligation. It also has some potentially positive benefits. You don’t have to have comprehensive immigration to secure the border, but you have to have a secure border to get comprehensive immigration reform. You may be surprised, maybe you don’t think that there’d be any more incentive, but I’m not so sure that that’s true. In any event, it doesn’t matter we’re supposed to secure the border.”
That’s why this is being done. They want to get something in return for doing their duty. And that’s—
AUDIENCE MEMBER: Chicago politics.
KYL: Yeah.
Your household consumes approximately 309 CCFs/year.
The average U.S. household consumes 11,000 kWh/year and 700 CCFs of natural gas.
Your household emits an annual average of 18,032 of CO2 per year.
The average U.S. household produces 24,849 lbs. of CO2 per year.
Of course there were none but this artist imagined what it would be like if future technologically was retrofitted for the past. This is the result.
Invitation to May 29th Town Hall Meeting from Kesha for Congress on Vimeo.
Kesha Rogers unsettles many since her campaign is pro-American and a return to classical education. Her campaign website features patriotic songs states clearly "Down With the Traitors."
It is haram or "legally forbidden by Islamic law" to participate in a democracy. Islam is first and the people follow. Human laws, such as an American Constitution, contradict Islam and its laws. Democracy will destroy itself from within. You can not work from within, from the perspective of a political party, because you would have to represent non-Muslims as well. The political process itself is haram. Muslims have to work outside the political process to advance Islam. Cf. especially after the 3:00 mark, interview with Dr. Abdul Wahid, Hizb ut-Tahrir in Britain interviewed about the hizb on the UK's Ummah Channel: 31 January 2010.
The video was speeded up to reveal four hours of actual time and some 70,000-80,000 miles of space. Analysts say the entire planet Earth could fit between the plasma streamers with room to spare.
SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, Andrea, first, let me say how pleased I am that I have this chance to talk to you about these and other important issues. President Obama has spoken out against the law because he thinks that the federal government should be determining immigration policy. And the Justice Department, under his direction, will be bringing a lawsuit against the act. But the more important commitment that President Obama has made is to try to introduce and pass comprehensive immigration reform. That is what we need. Everyone knows it, and the President is committed to doing it.
TechAmerica, probably the largest US technology lobby group, said it was concerned about "unintended consequences that would result from the legislation's regulatory approach" and "the potential for absolute power". And the Center for Democracy and Technology publicly worried that the Lieberman Bill's emergency powers "include authority to shut down or limit internet traffic on private systems."
Senate votes to increase electricity rates.
Senator Jim Webb (D-Va.), who spoke for us, until he voted against us. In his excellent impassioned speech he said, “I do not believe that Congress should cede its authority over an issue as important as climate change to unelected officials of the Executive Branch” and “Without proper boundaries, this finding could be the first step in a long and expensive regulatory process that could lead to overly stringent and very costly controls on carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions. Congress – and not the EPA – should make important policies, and be accountable to the American people for them.” Then he voted no—on the grounds that it would reverse regulatory progress on auto mileage standards and that, instead, he would vote for Senator Rockefeller’s two year delay bill. However, even Rockefeller voted for the Murkowski Resolution.
A remake of the original communism-bashing "Red Dawn" of two decades back – where Lea Thompson, Charlie Sheen, Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze staged a shoot-'em-up against invading Russians – now includes invaders who are Chinese.
While reporters in the Gulf of Mexico may want to do more to protect themselves from the risks involved in touching and swimming around in the oil, the larger battle they are fighting as they cover the oil spill crisis is one of access. British Petroleum has exerted no small effort in keeping the press at arm's length from the story. They've been barring reporters from oil drenched areas, forbidden aerial flyovers, clamped down on shooting photos of the dead wildlife, and basically worked hard to give reporters the runaround.
Mac McClelland of Mother Jones has chronicled some of the struggles she's faced in trying to get up close to the story. In a more recent example, here's a video of ABC News' Matt Gutman, filing a report from a beach in Alabama. Gutman was setting up his equipment to shoot a daily webchat, when a BP manager started hassling him: While preparing for a video chat on his laptop from a public beach in Alabama, Gutman was hassled by the manager of a nearby crew, asking Gutman why he was on the beach. "You mind if I ask why you've set up a camera right here while my guys are working?" the man asked. After Gutman explained that he was a reporter for ABC News, the manager responded, "I find it interesting." For Gutman and other journalists along the Gulf, it's tough to report when so many are barred from talking. "It's incredibly frustrating working here because of those conditions," Gutman told ABC's Dan Harris. "Everywhere you go, you find police barricades, people telling you, you can't do this, you can't do that, or you can't talk to these people. We're not exactly sure why that is."
I tell you what, if the presence of a reporter on the beach is something a typical BP manager finds "interesting," maybe he should take a step back and take a look at ALL THE OIL, THAT IS EVERYWHERE.
Fueled by the static thrown his way, Gutman and his in-studio partner Dan Harris ended up filing a terrific report. Gutman couldn't help notice that the workers who were initially in his shot were all asked to pull down the beach until they were out of camera range. He went on to relate just how difficult it's been for reporters to talk with the locals involved in the clean-up activity, many of whom are afraid to speak on the record because they now depend on BP for their livelihood.
On this past week's edition of This Week, National Incident Commander Thad Allen told Gutman's colleague, Jake Tapper, "I put out a written directive and I can provide it for the record that says the media will have uninhibited access anywhere we're doing operations, except for two things, if it's a security or safety problem. That is my policy. I'm the national incident commander."
One report I was willing to dismiss but ABC News is a legitimate, recognized news agency; if the censorship reaches them the First Amendment is truly endangered.
Cf. HRH Prince Charles speaks on Islam and the Environment
Daniel Pipes has documented how Prince Charles is suspected of secretly converting to Islam.
In addition, Obama has actively promoted Islam from the White House by redistributing American wealth to the Arab scientific world.
The Islamic Arab world has not taken ownership of their own causes for flawed political systems and scientific policy:
In a region with a long history of autocratic political systems and underfunding of research and development (R&D), the scientific community is lacking both the independence and the resources it needs to drive the public-policy process.Cf. "Towards a science-led climate policy in the Arab region"
Now, however, Western elites are redistributing wealth and bailing out the Islamist world. Western governments are using their resources to benefit the Islamic Arab world since their climatic changes are dire and pressing:
"By the end of this century, the Arab region is projected to become considerably hotter and drier. . . . The most serious effects of sea-level rise would be in Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE)."Cf. "Towards a science-led climate policy in the Arab region"
The recently published Arab Human Development Report 2009: Challenges to Human Security in the Arab Countries identifies the pressure on environmental resources as one of the main factors for achieving human security in the region. Western governments, in the person of individuals such as Obama and Prince Charles, seem to believe that by buying off the Arab world, they will forestall the increasing rise of terrorism.
You have to wonder why a Prince Charles would hail Islam as particularly sensitive to environmental concerns given the fact that Arab scientific production is paltry.
Ibrahim Abdel Gelil, vice dean of technological studies and director of the Environmental Management Programme in the College of Graduate Studies, Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain, states:
The current weak capacity of science and technology in the Arab region can be attributed to several main factors. One is an overall lack of interest in science by governments. They devote minimal funds to education and science, compared with those set aside for other issues, such as military expenditures. Another crucial factor is the deteriorating education systems. These factors, along with the inadequate infrastructure and support systems, create an environment that is not conducive to R&D. On a global level, the scientific literature originating in the Arab world does not exceed 1.1% of the world production. Cf. "Towards a science-led climate policy in the Arab region"
Western governments are the bail-out mechanism for a region particularly plagued by deficient scientific institutions, unresponsive or dictatorial regimes, and yet, a plethora of security concerns. Western governmental representatives believe that terrorism arises from deficient social, political, or financial investments, and therefore they believe bailing out the Arab Islamic world will forestall increasing terrorism. They nonetheless are oblivious to the Koranic call to arms against the West that no amount of bribery will prevent.
Almost as if it had been created for him, it seems that the BP oil spill couldn’t have come at a better time for Obama. Just when [he] was cogitating over how to reintroduce the Energy Cap & Tax bill—which will skyrocket energy rates so that many of us will not be able to afford basic electricity—the BP oil spill occurred. This was most convenient for Obama and his plans to continue gutting the USA and its citizens. Cf.
JOY BEHAR Plans to build a Muslim center near Ground Zero are becoming a huge cause celebre here in New York City. Protesters say it`s offensive. Supporters say it would be a beacon of tolerance.
With me now to discuss this are Daisy Khan, spokeswoman for the center and executive director of American Society for Muslim Advancement; Roy Sekoff, founding editor of and Pam Geller, author of “The Post American Presidency: The Obama administration`s war on America” and staunch opponent of the Muslim center.
Let me start with you Pam. Why are you so against the center?
PAMELA GELLER, AGAINST MUSLIM CENTER NEAR GROUND ZERO: I`m against the mosque at Ground Zero. We feel it is intolerant. It is insensitive to the families and to America that was attacked on 9/11. We feel it would be more appropriate maybe to build a center dedicated to expunging the Koranic texts of the violent ideology that inspired jihad, or perhaps a center to the victims of hundreds of millions of years of Jihadi wars, land enslavements, cultural annihilations and mass slaughter.
BEHAR: I understand that it`s not exactly a mosque. It`s a community center, right, Daisy?
DAISY KHAN, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MUSLIM ADVANCEMENT: Yes, it`s a community center with a prayer space inside.
BEHAR: With a prayer space.
GELLER: A prayer space is a mosque. It`s a mosque.
BEHAR: A mini-mosque.
KHAN: Yes, a mini-mosque.
[13-story mini-mosque]
ROY SEKOFF, FOUNDING EDITOR, HUFFINGTONPOST.COM: But when you hear like 13-story mosque, there is a lot of praying going on there. But then when you find out there`s a swimming pool, a basketball court, you know, a lot is in the presentation.
BEHAR: Yes, it`s a little like the JCC on the upper west side that has a lot of things going on.
GELLER: On their side it was a mosque until people started to take issue with it. So I think the deception, the fact that there is a deception, it is a mosque, it`s not a mosque, it`s a mosque.
BEHAR: Do you have an answer to that?
KHAN: Well, it`s a prayer space. Whether you want to call it a mosque or you want to call it a prayer space, what we have to do is we have accommodate the needs of the growing Muslim community in lower Manhattan. We`re already in the neighborhood. We`re not new to the neighborhood. The imam has been the imam of the mosque ten blocks from Ground Zero in Tribeca. So this is the American Muslim communities, those who live in New York. It`s their opportunity to give back to the community. And we want to revitalize. We want to be at the front end of revitalizing lower Manhattan. And this is our way of doing that, giving back to the community.
BEHAR: I don`t get your objection to it because it`s not on the site exactly. It`s off the site.
GELLER: It`s right there, it`s 600 feet. It`s 600 feet from the hallowed ground of 9/11, of Ground Zero.
GELLER: I don`t think the government should stop it. I don`t think landmarks should stop it. I really believe they should be sensitive. We need to be sensitive to the Muslim world. We can`t say Mohammed on Comedy Central. We can`t run Mohammed in a little huggie-bear costume.
BEHAR: Well, that`s — you`re talking about extremists now. I think you have to differentiate between Muslims and extremists. You`re conflating them, and that might be a mistake.
SEKOFF: My question would be, you know, when it comes to pushing hot buttons — they say the three most important things, location, location, location. So at what point? You say it`s 600 feet, would 800 feet be ok? Would two blocks around the side? When does it become ok? Three blocks? Three and a half?
GELLER: What I`m saying is I think that people — I think they should be sensitive to the families, the 9/11 families. We are always being asked to be sensitive to the Muslim world.
BEHAR: Yes. I got that.
GELLER: Why didn`t we run the Danish cartoons? Why did no media run –
BEHAR: Because Islamic fundamentalists and jihadists are objecting to that, not Muslims. Am I right?
GELLER: Did Patrick Henry say give me liberty or give me death unless you insult somebody?
BEHAR: But also Pam, didn`t a lot of Muslims die in 9/11 too?
GELLER: I don`t know. I think it was roughly around 20. I believe that Muslims have –
BEHAR: Where did you get that number?
GELLER: Where did you get your number?
BEHAR: I`m asking the question. Did you hear a number come out of my mouth?
GELLER: No, but I`m saying — no, a lot did not die. But I don`t think that the number — if one died it`s wrong, one or 20 or 50 or 100.
GELLER: What I`m saying is the ideology that inspired jihad, jihad is part of Koranic texts and (INAUDIBLE) and Sura. Why can`t we work towards expunging the Islam of these violent texts? Wouldn`t that be a period of enlightenment much like –
BEHAR: Expunging from the Koran?
GELLER: Violent texts.
BEHAR: There is violent text in the bible.
GELLER: Nobody is blowing themselves up around the world.
BEHAR: Not right now, but they have.
[14 centuries ago]
GELLER: No, nobody is. Why are we rewriting reality? Why don`t we deal with reality as it happens?
BEHAR: Ok. The Tea Party leader says it`s a monument to terrorists. What is your answer to these people?
KHAN: Well, first of all, they`re completely ignorant of who Muslims are. There is 1.5 billion Muslims in the world.
BEHAR: 1.5 billion.
KHAN: Billion.
BEHAR: In the United States?
SEKOFF: That`s probably the more important number.
KHAN: No, in the world.
BEHAR: In the world.
KHAN: Not the United States.
BEHAR: What am I saying? We have 300 million people here. Right.
KHAN: And there is estimated to be 6 to 8 million and growing in the United States. And all of us are law abiding citizens. Majority of us; there might be a fraction like we saw the other day. But what is really important is that there is a lot of ignorance about who Muslims are.
BEHAR: Right.
KHAN: And this, a center like this would be dedicating to removing that ignorance. And it will also counter the extremists.
[Pakistani Muslim, Muzzammil Hassan, was devoted to fighting that ignorance. He started a TV station in NY to “give American Muslims a voice and depict them in everyday real life situations” and then proceeded to beheaded his wife for wanting a divorce. All of us are law-abiding citizens?]
BEHAR: Right.
KHAN: Because the moderate Muslims need a voice. Their voices need to be amplified.
[What voices?]
BEHAR: Isn`t it better to put it there so that the moderate Muslims could have a say in all the arguments?
GELLER: At the last Friday sermon of Imam Raoul (ph), he said the opposition was hostile. Why were they so hostile? Their grandchildren were going to be Muslim anyway. What I`m saying you is that at some point –
BEHAR: I don`t understand.
GELLER: That our grandchildren were going to be Muslim anyway. So we ought to get –
BEHAR: Whose grandchildren?
SEKOFF: All of ours. That by the time that the next generation comes –
BEHAR: I will have one soon.
SEKOFF: Get on the phone. Honey, I don`t care, whatever.
GELLER: I mean we can`t dispute the fact that there is jihad commanded in the Koran. That there is tekiah (ph) which is deception and lies to advance Islam in non-Muslim societies. And I think we should be working in the spirit of humanity and brotherhood and love that we should be working towards expunging the very ideology that inspires jihad, the Times Square bomber, the Christmas balls bomber.
BEHAR: But you know what, Pam, that center is going to have a public memorial to 9/11.
KHAN: Yes.
BEHAR: Which doesn`t interfere with this whole idea at all.
GELLER: I understand the thing keeps morphing. Everything keeps morphing. It was a 13-story mosque. And it`s a mosque on the sacred ground of 9/11. We think that in the spirit of tolerance and mutual understanding and mutual –
BEHAR: In the spirit of tolerance, you would allow it.
GELLER: No, no — I`m not — who am I, God? I`m not disallowing it. I`m saying –
BEHAR: You`re protesting it.
GELLER: I`m protesting it because I feel that it`s very insensitive. It hurts the 9/11 families. All the families that were there last night, I think that it is incredibly insensitive to our feelings that it is humiliating and demeaning.
BEHAR: Just jump in. Just jump in.
KHAN: I want to jump in because we have received the support of the elected officials.
BEHAR: I know. They voted to put it up.
KHAN: The squadron, Stringer, Chin, they all came in support because they really want to see the Muslim community leading the effort to rebuild lower Manhattan.
[rebuild or take control?]
BEHAR: Right.
KHAN: And we have Jewish leaders who came out in support of our initiative. We had Christian leaders that came out in support of our initiative. We had 9/11 families, 250 families. The peaceful families, they really want a center like this. They want us to take the time –
BEHAR: Can I ask you a question?
KHAN: And turn it to something positive.
[Only bright moment for Behar]
BEHAR: Can I ask a legit question? Where is the money for this? It`s going to cost $100 million. Where is the money coming from?
KHAN: That`s a very good question. Actually we went to the community board so we could excite them and find out what their needs were because it`s really for the community. We have not determined the full scope of this project. When our detractor says that we are shifting and changing, of course we are. The whole scope of the project has not been defined. You know, we heard from people so we decided we should have a memorial out of sensitivity to everyone.
[Why would they have had to hear from someone? And where's the money coming from?]
BEHAR: Right.
KHAN: We heard from the community and we`ve decided that there is going to be a senior citizens space because that is what is needed. We heard from the community. We are creating a 500-seat performing arts theater. So the money is not — we have not even started the fundraising campaign.
BEHAR: Are you afraid that there is going to be some kind of jihad thing going on there?
GELLER: I dislike the deception, the fact that the imam said that the Christians of the west were responsible for 9/11. The imam`s father was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
KHAN: That is not true. That`s false. That`s absolutely false.
GELLER: But there is evidence of it. And we could certainly spend time. We ought to present the evidence.
KHAN: This is a false statement.
GELLER: And the 49 Muslim nations that contributed to the 96 street Islamic Street Center, is that false too?
KHAN: I have absolutely no idea where you`re getting your information from because it`s false. You are actually making false statements. And my father-in-law has been dead for almost, you know, seven, eight years. And I think it`s very painful, a man who dedicated his life to interfaith dialogue who actually began interfaith dialogue in this country. He was a great luminary who shaped Islam in this country as a way of reaching out to interfaith communities. It`s wrong. It`s wrong to say something about somebody –
[FYI - the man in charge of the mosque doesn't believe in religious dialogue.]
BEHAR: We have to let the man speak. Let the guy speak for a second.
GELLER: I would be happy to post the evidence of the Muslim Brotherhood. And I do feel your pain. And we`re asking that you feel our pain.
SEKOFF: Well, that is actually the point of this whole discussion, Joy is that this is a discussion where I can actually see both sides. I really can. But symbolism cuts two ways. I mean I can understand here one man`s symbolism — a slap in the face is a gesture of brotherhood. The question though is at the end of the day if it`s going to go either way, where does America come down?
The genius of America, the beauty of America is that we err on the side of tolerance, we err on the side of openness, we err on the side of, you know, letting inclusion in. And for me the number is not how many people died, but the fact that you say 1.5 billion Muslims. Are we going to say to them you`re not welcome here? You`re viewed as the enemy here. I think that`s a dangerous message.
[Insane. The mosque is 600 feet from Ground Zero. It has nothing to do with 1.5B Muslims or not being welcoming. Simple respect dictates that that site not be desecrated. If one wants to take advantage of religious freedom one has to be mindful of others.]
BEHAR: It kind of contributes to more hatred of America.
GELLER: Oh, I don`t think so.
GELLER: I think it would be lovely if we said we understand the feelings of the victims of 9/11. We won`t — we won`t put a giant mosque here. I disagree. I think that that would be an extraordinary gesture of goodness, mutual respect and mutual understanding. No one is telling them they can`t. We`re asking them not to.
BEHAR: Well then, they are going to. They already voted to do it.
GELLER: Well the vote has no power.
GELLER: The vote has no power. There`s no power in the vote.
KHAN: The important thing is — the important thing is what the community said yesterday.
KHAN: Twenty-nine people voted in favor of this because we are bringing much needed amenities.
[Was a mosque - now it's supplying amenities.]
GELLER: But the crowd was very much against it.
BEHAR: All right.
GELLER: And the elected officials, the politicians do not reflect the people`s sentiments at all. I was there.
BEHAR: Ok, thank you very much, everybody.
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