Dutch police use 'decoy Jews' to stop anti-Semitic attacks.
In a broadcast of the Dutch TV program "The Five W's" by the [Dutch] Jewish Broadcasting Organization, one can see Rabbi Lody van de Kamp walk with two students though Amsterdam where he is threatened by Moroccan youths. One of them even gives him a Hitler salute.
In the TV program Van de Kamp raises the alarm about the growing anti-Semitism in the Netherlands. He wants Jews to be able to walk normally in all areas of the city, and at present that is not the case.
"It happens regularly that one is mocked," says Rabbi Van de Kamp. The two students also claim to have been harassed often when they walk through the city.
In other cities of the Netherlands there have also been reports filed with the police because Jews were attacked.
Last week it became known that the Amsterdam borough "De Baarsjes" even has a hidden synagogue, because Jews are afraid of trouble otherwise.[1]
Last week PvdA member Ahmed Marcouch called for the deployment of a lokjood ["decoy Jew"] to halt the growing anti-Semitism.
"As far as I am concerned, you may deploy a decoy Jew, but you must nab them. You must do everything to increase the chances of getting them. These look like they are just incidents, but this is serious."