Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Sharia Law Koh Obama's Lackey
Sample Moodle: Nationalism
Step 1:
Define and answer the question: “What is nationalism?”
Your responses will then be posted on a Cloud Bank:
ABCya! Cf.
Next, a reading will be displayed:
“The Roots of Nationalism” for students to read aloud in class (also read by Vozme: Cf.
In-class assignment:
After reading, discuss with a partner, and then you will answer the questions that follow "Roots" on a separate sheet of paper (to be handed in at the end of class).
What is Nationalism? Nationalism is a state of mind, in which the supreme loyalty of the individual is felt to be due the nation-state. A deep attachment to one's native soil, to local traditions and to established territorial authority has existed in varying strength throughout history. But it was not until the end of the eighteenth century that nationalism in the modern sense of the word became a generally recognized sentiment increasingly molding all public and private life. Only very recently has it been demanded that each nationality should form a state, its own state, and that the state should include the whole nationality. Formerly, man's loyalty was due not to the nation-state, but to differing other forms of social authority, political organization and ideological cohesion such as the tribe or clan, the city-state or the feudal lord, the dynastic state, the church or religious group. Throughout many centuries the political ideal was not the nation-state but theoretically a world-wide empire comprising various nationalities and ethnic groups on the basis of a common civilization and for the assurance of a common peace.
Nationalities are the products of the living forces of history, and therefore fluctuating and never rigid. They are groups of the utmost complexity and defy exact definition. Most of them possess certain objective factors distinguishing them from other nationalities like common descent, language, territory, political entity, customs and traditions, or religion. But it is clear that none of these factors is essential to the existence or definition of nation-states.
Publication Information: Book Title: Nationalism: Its Meaning and History. Contributors: Hans Kohn - author. Publisher: D. Van Nostrand. Place of Publication: Princeton, NJ. Publication Year: 1955. Page Number: 9.
Do you agree with this definition? Why or why not? Is it similar to what was brainstormed in the beginning of class? If not, how is it different?
Give two examples from history of former individual loyalty (i.e., the tribe or clan, the city-state, or the feudal lord, the dynastic state, the church or religious group).
Step 2:
a) Next we will consider a Nationalism quote by the German philosopher Georg (this is the proper spelling) Hegel. Consider the quote and state whether you agree or disagree and why.
b) Discuss responses to the questions.
Quote: “In order to become truly free, the individual must identify with a larger entity than the family or the community; only a complete relationship with the nation can produce true freedom for the individual.” (Hegel)
1. How does this perspective of freedom compare with the philosophes of the Enlightenment?
2. With whom do you agree (Hegel or the Philosophes)? And why?
Source: Johann B. Stallo, an American Hegelian, on Hegel's concept of the ultimate goal of history:
Step 3:
a) The Revolutions of 1848 were different than the previous revolutions that have been studied. The source of tension was this new idea of nationalism, causing revolts throughout Europe. How did nationalism impact world history?
b) Display "Compare Chart" (you may refer to pp. 374-384 in the textbook) and work with your partner, or in small groups if necessary, to complete the chart.
c) Discuss the charts as a class.
"Compare Chart: Modern World"
Compare and Contrast the Revolutions of 1848 (and Long-Term Effects), pp. 374-384 (in the textbook)
| German States | France | Russia | Austrian Empire |
Leading Figures
Short – term effects
Long- Term Effects
d) Finally, we can label the bodies of water, cities and countries, empires and states from the Geography resource map. Identify the areas of conflict/revolt.
How to locate geographical locations on the map: if the top is North, to the right is East, to the bottom is South, and to the left is West: where are these locations?
Reference: Map, The European Revolutions of 1848,
Bodies of Water
Atlantic Ocean, Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea
North Sea
Athens, Madrid, Berlin, Moscow, Budapest, Paris, Lisbon, Vienna, London, Rome
Countries, States, Empires
Austria- Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, England, France German States, Greece, Italian States, Norway, Ottoman Empire, Portugal, Prussia, Russian Empire, Sardinia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland
Monday, June 27, 2011
How to Use Google's Ngram Viewer to Find the History of Words and Phrases
Consider the mention of Christian and Jesus.
Christian and Jesus are in sharp decline during the 19th century.
Egyptian Shaykh: "Democracy Is a Bad, Backwards, and Retarded Idea"
In a video clip posted to YouTube on 17 June, Shaykh Sa'id 'Abd-al-'Azim explains that "democracy is a bad, backwards, and retarded idea," which he condemns for the freedoms it contains, which includes "the freedom to disbelieve in the Creator of Heaven and Earth." He also compared those who advocate democracy to the wicked people of Sodom. This clip was taken from an interview conducted on the Islamic satellite station al-Hafez on 4 June.
John Stossel - The State Against Blacks, Walter Williams, Minimum Wage
Have big government "poverty measures" helped or hindered Blacks? Author-columnist-professor Dr. Walter E Williams joins John to explain.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
‘I’m not talking to you as a Republican; I’m talking to you as an American.’
Rep. Mike Kelly, R-Penn., is pulling out all the stops and dropping loads of common sense on Congress.
During a mark-up session of the House Workforce and Education Committee Wednesday, Kelly dressed down his Democratic colleagues for neglecting one of their central duties as members of Congress: planning a budget.
“It is irresponsible to sit here and continue to talk about a budget that you don’t like verses a budget you didn’t even have the courage to put before the public last fall,” he said. “Why? Because you didn’t have the stomach to do what was right because you had an election sitting in front of you.”
Reporter Arrested for Recording Public Meeting’s Jim Epstein reports:
On June 22, 2011, I attended a meeting of the D.C. Taxi Commission for a story I’m currently working on about a proposed medallion system in the district. About half-an-hour into the meeting, I witnessed journalist Pete Tucker snap a still photo of the proceedings on his camera phone. A few minutes later, two police officers arrested Tucker. I filmed Tucker‘s arrest and the audience’s subsequent outrage using my iphone.
A few minutes later, as I was attempting to leave the building, I overheard the female officer who had arrested Tucker promise a woman, who I presumed to be an employee of the Taxi Commission, that she would confiscate my phone. Reason intern Kyle Blaine, overheard her say, “Do you want his phone? I can get his phone.” …
As I tried to leave, I was told by the same blond female officer to “stay put.” I told her I was leaving and attempted to exit the building. I was then surrounded by officers, and told to remain still or I would be arrested. I didn’t move, but I tried to get the attention of a group of cab drivers who were standing nearby. At this point I was arrested.
I spent the remainder of the day in a cell in the basement of the building. I was released at about 4PM.
All The President's Wars: How Foreign Policy Became One Man's Prerogative
As Barack Obama announces the beginning of troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, a far bigger issue - one that goes to the heart of American history and government - remains unaddressed.
"That the President has the right to start a war at his pleasure is just completely divorced from the original meaning of the Constitution," says constitutional scholar Gene Healy.
President Bush declared a war on terror that could theoretically extend into any country accused of harboring terrorists, including the United States itself. President Obama not only expanded the war in Afghanistan soon after taking office, he decided to bomb Libya without consulting Congress.
Healy, author of The Cult of the Presidency and an analyst at the Cato Institute, offers a forceful critique of the increasingly expansive role of the president in not only conducting wars but in declaring them. While the Constitution delegates the declaration of war to Congress, Healy stresses that its members are usually more interested in "handing out the bacon and getting re-elected" than in being held accountable for the success and failure of military interventions.
Michael Ramsey, a constitutional scholar and law professor at the University of San Diego, believes that the Constitution grants the president fairly broad war powers, especially in response to attacks, but even he argues that President Obama's recent Libya intervention has no Constitutional justification.
Is this any way to run a country's foreign policy and military might?
Ramsey and Healy sat down with to discuss how presidential war powers have expanded over time - and whether that's a good thing for the United States and the rest of the world.
Produced and Edited by Zach Weissmueller; shot by Paul Feine, Josh Swain, and Jim Epstein.
Let Me Make Obama Perfectly Clear
“However, I do believe that this tragedy makes it very clear that that the reserve should only be used in the event of an emergency, and that we shouldn’t be tapping the reserve to provide a small, short-term decrease in gas prices.”
Candidate Obama in 2008:
“I do not believe that we should use the strategic oil reserves at this point. I have said and, in fact, supported a congressional resolution that said that we should suspend putting more oil into the strategic oil reserve, but the strategic oil reserve, I think, has to be reserved for a genuine emergency. You have a situation, let’s say, where there was a major oil facility in Saudi Arabia that was destroyed as a consequence of terrorist acts, and you suddenly had huge amounts of oil taken out of the world market, we wouldn’t just be seeing $4-a-gallon oil. We could see a situation where entire sectors of the country had no oil to function at all. And that’s what the strategic oil reserve has to be for.”
Obama today:
Democrat Barack Obama called today for tapping the nation’s strategic oil reserves to help drive down gasoline prices, a shift from his previous position on the issue.
Obama tomorrow:
“Magic 8 Ball, should we release oil from the nation’s strategic oil reserves?”
Christie defends ‘blunt’ remarks
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
The Obama Legacy
An attempt to show that our political elite is selling us down a river by devaluing our currency, thereby initiating inflation. Prices aren't going up because of corporate greed, the political elite all over the world are devaluing fiat currencies to pay for debt they created. Hence the movement to precious metals ... something no government can print at will. Be sure to watch the end.
Seattle Islamists Personal Ad: Seeks "Second Wife," "most oppressive place on this earth 'America,'" First wife sobs for "Perfect Muslim"
I am a very dedicated, strong, and intelligent Muslim, and I am looking for a second wife from in whom wouldn’t mind sharing me with my current wife being that we are in compliance with the sunnah, and want to make a life from the most oppressive place on this earth “America ". I have been in Islam for over 6 years, originally from America, 30 years old, fully obedient to Allah, looking for a wife with intelligence, and who isn’t attached to this Dunyaa. If you want more information, than please contact me.
About My Expected Life Partner
My partner is a strong Muslimah who never stands in between me and my Ebadah to Allah, and who has Allah first in every level of life. She is obedient to Allah, her husband, follows Quran and Sunnah to a "T", is accepting of my current wife and son. She is between the ages of 16 and 30 years old, will not ask for an outrageous Mahr. She is someone who even though it is her right, does not always tries to take from my pocket, is not greedy, is willing to help the household if necessary. Loves to study Islam on a daily basis, is educated, who can be trusted, who wants more children, and last but not least, who's only goal is to get into the Jannah-Inshallah.
Egyptian Islamist Vows Generations Martyred At Gates Of Jerusalem
Islamist calls for martyrdom to liberate Jerusalem from the Jews.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Tobacco industry attacks Australian 'nanny state'
With the Federal Government set to introduce plain packaging of cigarettes, the tobacco industry has launched a campaign claiming Australia is becoming a nanny state.
New Orleans Mayor describes post-Hurricane Katrina
Nagin on Katrina
Promoting his new book, 'Katrina's Secrets,' on Monday's NBC Today, former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin stood by his assertion that racism played a role in the Bush administration's response to the storm: "I'm not telling you that President Bush was a racist or what have you. But I think race and class and politics played in just about every aspect of this disaster."
Co-host Matt Lauer claimed that Nagin was "very honest and open" in the book, at least in his ability to "blame President Bush, FEMA Director Michael Brown and others for slow federal response." After quoting Nagin's suggestion in the book that race was a factor, Lauer referred to the accusation as a "Kanye West moment" and wondered: "What proof do you have that it contributed to the slow response?"
I wished the interviewer would have asked about Obama's lackluster and inept response to the Gulf Oil spill; was it racism or ineptitude?
What 1st Amendment? Michelle: "Fortunately, We Have Help From The Media"
In an interview with CNN, First Lady Michelle Obama thanks the media for their "support" and "kindness."
CNN reporter: "How's the family ready for this [the election]? It's going to be quite vicious, isn't it? How do you prepare for that?"
First Lady Michelle Obama: "You know, it's … we're ready, you know. Our children, you know, could care less about what we're doing. We work hard to do that. Fortunately, we have help from the media. I have to say this: I'm very grateful for the support and kindness that we've gotten. People have respected their privacy and in that way, I think, you know, no matter what people may feel about my husband's policies or what have you, they care about children and that's been good to see."
Friday, June 24, 2011
Courage, New Hampshire - Episode 1 "The Travail of Sarah Pine"
I couldn't make heads or tails of the plot from the trailer but the description attached helps to understand the story.
Premiere Tickets & DVD orders
When a detachment of British soldiers arrive in search of deserters, they fail to catch their quarry, but one of them does catch the eye of the justice of the peace. Sergeant Bob Wheedle, of the 29th Regiment, was here a year before -- and he left something behind.
Obama 'becoming an absolute monarch' on war powers, Dem says
“We have been sliding for 70 years to a situation where Congress has nothing to do with the decision about whether to go to war or not, and the president is becoming an absolute monarch,” he said. “And we must put a stop to that right now, if we don’t want to become an empire instead of a republic.”
“I think that the nation’s credibility, that is to say its promise to go to war as backed by the president, not by the Congress, ought to be damaged,” he added.
“And if foreign countries learn that they cannot depend on American military intervention unless Congress is aboard for the ride, good. That’s a good thing.”
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Sen. Rand Paul Questions Invasive TSA Searches - 06/22/11
Sen. Paul spoke at a full committee hearing of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee regarding invasive TSA searches.
Michele Bachmann: Update on Israel
Michele Bachmann provides her update on Israel and the USA's relationship with the State of Israel.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
How Many Need to Die for Obama?
During the Bush presidency, which ended on Jan. 20, 2009 with the inauguration of Obama, U.S. troops were present in Afghanistan for 87.4 months and suffered 570 casualties—a rate of 6.5 deaths per month.
During the Obama disaster, through today, U.S. troops have been present in Afghanistan for 29.1 months and have suffered 970 casualties—a rate of 33.3 deaths per month.
The casualties with Obama as commander in chief equal 63 percent--or almost two-thirds—of all U.S. casualties that have taken place in the nearly-ten-year-long war.
Now, in order to get re-elected, in a cynical move rarely seen by any commander-in-chief, Obama plans to withdraw 33,000 soldiers from Afghanistan in time for Election 2012.
Obama's mistake to withdraw by the end of the summer of 2012--during the height of the fighting season--conflicts with the Pentagon's top brass and their recommendations.
Sailor Aboard the USS Vinson, Carrier That Buried Bin Laden, Speaks Out
Master Chief Bill Houlihan, who was aboard the USS Vinson, the ship from which Usama bin Laden was buried at sea joined Fox and Friends this morning to talk about his homecoming and Osama bin Laden's death. When asked about bin Laden's burial, Houlihan says, "I can tell you absolutely nothing about that night. That's just a subject that we as a crew are not going to discuss. Our captain has made it very clear to us that the details are not ours to give."
Trailer for the UK Khilafah Conference on 9th July
Trailer for the UK Khilafah Conference on 9th July which will present the Islamic Vision for the Ummah against the backdrop of the unfolding events in the Arab world.
Ronald Reagan - Liberty State Park
President Ronald Reagan - Liberty State Park [Pt. 1]
Ronald Reagan kicks off his presidential campaign with a Labor Day speech at Liberty State Park, Jersey City, New Jersey. Delivered 1 September 1980. Complete transcript and audio mp3 at:
Ronald Reagan - Liberty State Park [Pt. 2]
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Allen West on Obama: "NOT the Great Savior; Emperor of the World...just a guy FAILING."
AIM's Ben Johnson Interviews Rep. Allen West over questions of the Obama Legacy and Presidential job performance.
Monday, June 20, 2011
What is This Loud NOISE?
The weather reports are stating this is "military chaff" in the area where this was recorded.
FXUS62 KTAE 090203
903 PM EST TUE MAR 8 2011
The comments below were posted by the people who heard and recorded the noise.
Tallahassee Florida, 3-09-2011.. Around 6:30 on.
What is this noise??? We thought for sure it was a Tornado, But it never changed it's position, and it lasted for well over 20 minutes or so... It was Soooo Loud, and it was shaking the house and the ground.
I called 911, They said they didnt know what it was, But that there were MANY calls coming in about the noise. They said they were sending patrols out to check it out...
There was a Flash of light that came from the same direction of the noise, then the noise just faded away. It was a relief obviously, I still thought it may have been a Tornado, But it also wasn't making any sense to me. We even put the kids in the bathtub and put a mattress over them just in case.
I called the News Station also, They told me it wasn't a Tornado, And that the police had told them to tell people it was an airplane revving it's engine at the airport. I live 4 miles from the airport, And I have lived here for 20 years, I have never heard an An airplane rev its engine at the airport, that was just insanity.
So when the noise was over, we drove down to the airport and stopped at a gas station nearby, They said they didnt hear anything. So it was not coming from that direction!
AND, on the 11 o'clock news that night, the weather man made a comment about all the calls that had come in about the noise, He said, Dont worry, It wasn't a Tornado, and it was confirmed that it WASN'T an Airplane, ALL You were hearing was THUNDER!!!..
If anyone has ever heard Thunder that was anything like that, Please let me know. It is just so Strange to me that the Stories kept changing.. Like we are stupid or something and dont know what Thunder sounds like.
Anyway, I Dont Know What it was.. But if you have any clue at all, Please do tell
Also, Very strange how after the Flash of light there was no thunder, the noise actually stopped.
Oh, and the NASA Space shuttle Discovery had already landed in south Florida about 5 hours earlier that day. It wouldn't have hovered for 20 minutes anyway, But just saying.
I had to load this video in a lesser format so that it would upload... If i can find out how to do a higher quality I will.
There is a news blackout on these sounds. I don't know what they are but it is not a plane, not a jet, not weather, so just what is it?
Sunday, June 19, 2011
No 'Under God' in Pledge - Twice, US Open
Footage from the opening of the final round of the US Open at the Congressional Country Club in Bethesda, MD where NBC executives and producers omitted 'Under God' from our Pledge of Allegiance. They were very creative with the use of voice-overs. Not once, but twice.
Islamic cultural terrorism
Police covered up violent campaign to turn London area Islamic
London borough becomes 'Islamic republic'
Tower Hamlets Taliban: Death threats to women, gays attacked in the streets
Men who beat up teacher were terrorist suspects
Gay Free Zone conviction is disturbing
Ban homophobic clerics from mosque, gay rights campaigners urge
Can we talk about Muslim homophobia now?
A third of Muslim students in Britain support killing in the name of Islam
Islamophobia: Is this the year's most embarrassing academic report?
Islamophobic crime fell in London last year - MCB spins the opposite
British girls undergo horror of genital mutilation despite tough laws
Rise in female genital mutilation in London
Muslim staff escaped NHS hygiene rule
UK allows Muslim nurses not to wash to protect their "modesty"
Oslo: All sexual assaults ending in rape committed by non-westerners
Free speech on trial in Europe
Islamists and Islamophobia
Is it racist to criticise Islam?
You can download an audio version of this video at
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Saturday, June 18, 2011
Hope Went Up In Smoke
Today marks the first birthday of Obama's "Recovery Summer," when the American people were promised they'd see the job-creation benefits of $800 billion in "stimulus" spending. One year later, unemployment stands at 9.1%, 13.9 Americans can't find jobs, 44 million are on food stamps, and millions more have given up hope of finding work. House Republicans are working with taxpayers to clean up this mess, listening to the real jobs experts at to knock down absurd government barriers to growth and hiring. Visit and help get America back on track.
6-17-11: Oversight Productions
Russia and China’s New World Order: Chinese President Calls for Global Governance With Increasing Power for China and Russia Over Global Economic System
Russia and China's New World Order: Chinese President Calls for Global Governance with Increasing Power for China and Russia over Global Economic System
Sharia Compliant Dearborn, MI
A protest by Pastor Terry Jones was disrupted when people began trying to get in his way.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Shaykh al-Huwayni Explains Jihad and Taking Sex-Slaves
After Egyptian Shaykh Abu-Ishaq al-Huwayni's controversial comments about jihad and slavery (see here) were published on YouTube, Facebook, and also in Egyptian press, he was given the opportunity to respond in a telephone interview aired on the Islamic satellite television station al-Hikma on 22 May 2011. In his approximately 20-minute response, he contended that his words in that clip were taken out of context--he was talking within the larget topic of offensive jihad. In this interview he explained the meaning of offensive jihad, and established through sources in the Qur'an and sayings of Muhammad that both offensive jihad and the taking of spoils of war, namely slaves and "sex-slaves," are legitimate under Islam.
I condensed the 20-minute interview down to about 8 and a half minutes, and subtitled the video in English.
Uploaded by translatingjihad on Jun 10, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Obama Laughing at the American's Naivete about Jobs
Obama's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness met today in Durham, NC at Cree Inc., a company that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting. One of the Council's recommendations to President Obama was to streamline the federal permit process for construction and infrastructure projects. It was explained to Obama that the permitting process can delay projects for "months to years ... and in many cases even cause projects to be abandoned ... I'm sure that when you implemented the Recovery Act your staff briefed you on many of these challenges." At this point, Obama smiled and interjected, "Shovel-ready was not as ... uh .. shovel-ready as we expected." The Council, led by GE's Jeffrey Immelt, erupted in laughter.
The Obama administration promised the Recovery Act ("the stimulus") would prevent the jobless rate from going over 8%. It now stands at 9.1%.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
Do You Have the Fluency of a Digital Native? Take this test to find out by Lisa Nielsen.
There's been a lot of talk about the appropriateness of the terms Marc Prensky came up with at the turn of the century, Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants. Some argue, the students aren't "really" native speakers of the digital language of computers, cell phones, video games and the Internet. In fact they argue, often their students know very little about technology.
Gates Notes Obama's Lack of NATO Leadership
The post-American "leader from behind," Obama, has failed to elicit productive support from our NATO allies. "While every alliance member voted for the Libya mission, less than half have participated, and fewer than a third have been willing to participate in the strike mission," Gates stated. "Frankly, many of those allies sitting on the sidelines do so not because they do not want to participate, but simply because they can't. The military capabilities simply aren't there."
China ratings house says US defaulting: report
Ratings agency Fitch on Wednesday joined Moody's and Standard & Poor's to warn the United States could lose its first-class credit rating if it fails to raise its debt ceiling to avoid defaulting on loans. China is by far the top holder of US debt and has in the past raised worries that the massive US stimulus effort launched to revive the economy would lead to mushrooming debt that erodes the value of the dollar and its Treasury holdings.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Napolitano: No "Logic" In Profiling Muslim Men Under The Age Of 35
"You're not using good logic there. You've got to use actual intelligence that you received. And, so, you might -- all you've given me is a kind of status. You have not given me a technique for tactic or behavior. Something that would suggest somebody is not Muslim, but Islamic, that has actually moved into the category of violent extremists," Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said at a forum on U.S. security and preventing terrorist attacks.
"We have ways to make some of those cuts. And they involve the intel that comes in, the analysis that goes on. For example, we often times, for travelers entering the United States, we won't not do what is called a secondary inspection just because they are a 35-year- old male who appears to be Muslim, whatever that means. But we know from intelligence that if they have a certain travel pattern over a certain period of time, that should cause us to ask some more significant questions than if we don't."
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Huma Abedin
Only 24% of American Voters as Radical as Obama
Most mainstream voters (65%) say Obama is more politically liberal than they are, while those in the active political class tend to view the Anointed One's views as more liberal or about the same as theirs.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Pamela Geller, Fox Business: Mainstreaming Sharia and Islamic Gender Apartheid in America
On Fox Business to discuss the article of a Muslim woman, Shamci Rafani of Visalia, California, that appeared in yesterday's Visalia Times-Delta. Rafani calls for the stoning of women who engage in infidelity.
The very idea that this ran in a California newspaper speaks more to the issue than this Muslima's ardent belief in the Sharia. It is astounding that an American newspaper published this. Are they being paid to mainstream Sharia?
This article is an effort to justify a barbaric practice, a practice that is regularly carried out in Iran and elsewhere in the Islamic world, with women being stoned to death for adultery.
This is in full accord with the Islamic law that we're always told is compatible with Western law, and that we need not and should not outlaw. Unfaithful wives should be put to death
Lamestream Media Washington Post Promoting Progessive Republican Romney
The progressive Republican is promoted because of his Romneycare Massachusetts health plan. People will be able to decide between the progressive Obamacare, or the progressive Romneycare. Both are mistakes. Despite Romneycare's unpopularity, in fact, the Post notes that by nearly a 2 to 1 majority, Republicans oppose the plan, with strong detractors far outnumbering solid supporters, the liberal media is promoting one of two options in order that the U.S. can imitate failed European health policies, which is the bias of the Post. Moreover, Republicans may be asleep, almost four in 10 Republicans expressed no opinion about Romneycare. The liberal, lamestream media will exploit their ignorance.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Get Out of Libya, Get Out of NATO
Libya serves as a key example why the NATO mission is a dangerous permanent alliance. The United States provides defense for Europeans who are more than capable of defending themselves. Cato's Christopher A. Preble, Benjamin Friedman and Justin Logan provide analysis.
Be sure to check out Cato's body of work on NATO and other Transatlantic policy issues:
Video produced by Caleb O. Brown, Austin Bragg and Lester Romero.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
81% of US Mosques Promote Jihad
Teen unemployment 24 percent
Instead of waiting to be hired, some teens are creating their own businesses. A year ago, while still a senior in high school, Joaquin Horton developed a line of toys made from pipe cleaners. The young entrepreneur has already earned about a thousand dollars.
"Age doesn't matter at all. If you're just passionate about something, go for it, do it," Horton says.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Camp FEMA: American Lockdown - FULL MOVIE - 86 min
Recent legislation attempting to legitimize the use of internment camps to detain U.S. citizens in the event of an uprising or civil unrest has many people asking what nation they live in.
In a country born out of political dissent, we watch our leaders in Washington slowly pass bills that label ordinary Americans as thought criminals and potential domestic terrorists for simply questioning the actions of their government. We see third party candidates and their impassioned supporters listed in secret government reports that call their allegiance into question and brand them as fanatics and extremists.
Senate committee hearings and official FBI documents further illustrate the mindset of our elected officials as they classify homeschoolers, gun rights activists and anti-abortionists as threats against the existing social and political order; by default creating an entire nation of radicals and revolutionaries - where everyone is a suspect equally guilty until proven otherwise.
How has our government shown that they will deal with these people? The same way as every other totalitarian regime throughout history - marginalize their activities then lock them up. Prisons are being built; internment camps constructed and laws passed that deal severely with anyone who dares to step out of line or ask too many questions.
Who are the potential domestic terrorists that will end up in these camps?
Read the documentation for yourself and hear what our experts have to say. States rights take a front row seat in this new political thriller that is guaranteed to send shivers up your spine. Find out where the true power of the people rests in halting these treasonous activities NOW!
An excerpt from CATHOLICISM
Here is a sneak peak at Episode 1 of Word On Fire's CATHOLICISM series by Father Robert Barron - due to be released in the Fall of 2011.
Bio Station Alpha on Mars. The latest discovery by David Martines
This could be the most important discovery on Mars yet! This structure is 700' x 150', and is colored white with blue and red stripes against the red Martian soil. This is not a rock or mountain. It is a manufactured structure. This is not something that I created, this is something that is currently on Google Mars. NASA wont talk to me about it. I've sent them a few emails, and no reply. Go see for yourself. The coordinates are: 71 49'19.73"N 29 33'06.53"W
Friday, June 3, 2011
Progressive Leftists Embrace Muslim Brotherhood Co-Conspirators at UCF - Free Speech Denied
The Muslim Students Association (MSA) at the University of Central Florida invites Jamal Badawi, listed as #20 on the Hamas conspirators list, and is welcomed at UCF. Police forcibly drag out attendee for simply asking a question.
Neal Cavuto Chaka Fattah: Put the Shovel Down – Talking to Idiots
Islamists Engaged in Christophobic Behavior
I spoke in Stuttgart, Germany at the invitation of the human rights group Pax Europa. The event was well advertised, and so the thuggish Leftist/Islamic supremacist alliance mobilized and was out in full force.
About 1000 Antifa protesters showed up, banging drums, holding signs with the usual accusations of racism and "Islamophobia," blowing whistles, and menacing people who came out for the Pax Europa event. There were also about 500 German police on hand in riot gear. The Pax Europa organizers told me, "This is all for you" -- because they had publicized that I would be there. One young man came up to me as I was standing right in front of a line of German police and said, "You're lucky there are so many police here today."
Pax Europa had planned a full program featuring Middle Eastern Christian musicians, a Coptic Christian activist, and others, so as to highlight the hollowness of the Islamic supremacist narrative of Muslim victimhood and anti-jihadist racism. But the police ordered the Pax Europa organizers to drastically reduce the scope of their event. Everyone was restricted to ten minutes only. Several participants opted not to appear, in light of the manifest danger. Antifa people were attacking supporters of Pax Europa. I saw several individuals being chased by rabid Leftist gangs. At least one man went to the hospital.
The police used loudspeakers to call on Antifa twice to disperse, as Pax Europa had lawfully reserved the space for their event. The Antifa people responded only by moving forward, chanting slogans, banging their drums, and holding aloft the usual Leftist kitsch -- Che Guevara, the hammer and sickle, the Palestinian flag, signs denouncing Islamophobia, etc. The police moved them back a bit but did not ask them again to disperse, and allowed the Pax Europa event to begin.
It was an incredible din. We had loudspeakers that appeared to be able to reach the considerable crowd behind the protesters, but the Antifa thugs did all they could to drown us out: the drums got louder, the vuvuzelas came out, they were blowing whistles, and of course they were screaming and yelling.
They started throwing things: bottles, eggs, excrement and more. One bottle narrowly missed the Coptic activist's head and crashed onto the stage -- other bottles crashed at our feet. Several speakers were hit with eggs. The manure they threw was all over the stage floor.
I stood right in front (they missed me; I dodged a few projectiles) and watched them as they screamed and gestured and threw things -- it was like looking into the pit of hell. Here were young people passionately committed to their cause and believing it to be that of justice and freedom, and they are eager and willing useful idiots for the most radically intolerant ideology on the planet. So when my turn came to speak, I addressed them, and told them just that. I told them they wouldn't like what happened to them when their friends took power, but by then it would be too late.
And it may be already, for Europe. But I was glad to be there yesterday, and to stand against what was so obviously a force for oppression, hatred, and evil.
Crossing party lines to deliver a stunning rebuke to the commander in chief, the vast majority of the House voted Friday for resolutions telling Obama he has broken the constitutional chain of authority by committing U.S. troops to the international military mission in Libya.
Congress escalated the brewing constitutional clash over whether he ignored the founding document’s grant of war powers by sending U.S. troops to aid in enforcing a no-fly zone and naval blockade of Libya.
On the other hand, another non-binding resolution was defeated. The Kucinich resolution failed 148-265. In a telling signal, 87 Republicans voted for Kucinich’s resolution — more than the 61 Democrats that did.
Still, taken together, 324 members of Congress voted for one resolution or both resolutions, including 91 Democrats, or nearly half the caucus.
The Constitution gives the power to declare war to Congress, but the power to manage the armed forces to the president. The War Powers Resolution, enacted in 1973, tries to bridge that gap by allowing the president to commit troops for up to 60 days, but requires him to seek congressional approval if he wants to extend the commitment beyond that period.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Anti-Semitic Anthem Supported by Coldplay: Freedom for Palestine - OneWorld
The song is the work of the pro-Palestine group OneWorld and includes an international ensemble. The site Mondoweiss explains:
OneWorld has produced a fantastic hit, all proceeds supporting projects in Palestine. The song features an all star ensemble of musicians from around the world including Randall, Jamie Catto (1 Giant Leap), Maxi Jazz (Faithless), LSK, Harry Collier (Kubb), Andrea Britton, Sudha (Faithless), Andy Treacy (Faithless/Moby/Groove Armada), Attab Haddad and Joelle Barker plus over the top Durban Gospel Choir and members of the London Community Gospel Choir and comedian Mark Thomas, rapper Lowkey and poet Michael Rosen.
The song is also getting an endorsement from one of the world’s most popular bands. The group Coldplay sent out a message to its fans via Facebook telling them to listen to the song.
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National Debt Clock
"Congress: I'm Watching"
A tax on toilet paper; I kid you not. According to the sponsor, "the Water Protection and Reinvestment Act will be financed broadly by small fees on such things as . . . products disposed of in waste water." Congress wants to tax what you do in the privacy of your bathroom.
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