This was filmed in Elgin, Illinois about 40 miles from Chicago. I assume it's for the NATO summit this week as a security measure.
23 April 2012
Drones hunted down terrorists in places such as Pakistan and Afghanistan.
24 April 2012
Is there a drone in your neighbourhood? Rise of spy planes exposed after FAA is forced to reveal 63 launch sites across U.S.
There are at least 63 active drone sites around the U.S, federal authorities have been forced to reveal following a landmark Freedom of Information lawsuit.
The unmanned planes – some of which may have been designed to kill terror suspects – are being launched from locations in 20 states.
Most of the active drones are deployed from military installations, enforcement agencies and border patrol teams, according to the Federal Aviation Authority.
Krauthammer On Drones Flying In US: "Stop It Here, Stop It Now"
'The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.'
4th Amendment
"A standing military force with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defense against foreign danger have been always the instruments of tyranny at home."
James Madison
Drones hunted down terrorists in places such as Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Should military surveillance drones observe American citizens? Why or why not?
"I'm going to go hard left on you here, I'm going ACLU," syndicated
columnist Charles Krauthammer said in opposition to the use of drones on
the U.S. homeland. "I don't want regulations, I don't want
restrictions, I want a ban on this. Drones are instruments of war. The
Founders had a great aversion to any instruments of war, the use of the
military inside even the United States. It didn't like standing armies,
it has all kinds of statutes of using the army in the country."
Datron Scout Air Reconnaissance System
Flying Surveillance Drones coming to a police department near you? Miami-Dade's Honeywell T-Hawk
7 January 2011
Air Force Document: Drones Can Spy, “Incidental” surveillance data can be held for 90 days
Judge Napolitano: First Patriot To Shoot Down A Government Spy Drone Will Be A Hero
30,000 Drones in the Sky