MadeleineAlbright raps 'disgusting Serbs.'
During her tenure, Albright considerably influenced American policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Middle East. She incurred the wrath of a number of Serbs in the former Yugoslavia for her role in participating in the formulation of US policy during the Kosovo War and Bosnian war as well as the rest of the Balkans. According to Albright's memoirs, she once argued with Colin Powell for the use of military force by asking, "What’s the point of you saving this superb military for, Colin, if we can't use it?"
Albright, 2003, p. 182.
Albright and Clinton should be credited with the principle of elective wars to advance a social policy.
The U.S. bombed Serbia so that Muslim separatists could carve out their own autonomous zone in Serbia. Albright was one of the main architects of this war. The Eastern Christians had no one on their side as Clinton backed the Muslims against them. And the thanks from Islamists? 9/11