Here are Obama’s political scandals:
- The ATF-led “Operation Fast & Furious”
- The 2012 Benghazi attack
- The Clinton Foundation’s pay-for-play scheme
- Uranium One
- The Department of Justice’s tracking of journalists, including Fox News’ James Rosen
- The Veteran’s Affairs scandal
- The Hillary Clinton private email scandal
- The IRS targeting of conservative groups
- The Solyndra scandal
- NSA spying on Americans and the PRISM program, exposed by whistleblowers
- Obama’s nuclear Iran deal
- Obama’s intervention in Syria and subsequent failure to act on his “red line” declaration
- Intrusion scandal – Sharyl Atkisson
- John Doe persecution of donors to the Republican party by leaders in the democrat party, including night arrests
- DOE canceling energy leases in states that did not vote for Obama
- Stopping the FBI prosecution of New Black Panther leaders who threatened white voters in Philadelphia (and who later called on blacks to kill white babies)
- Assassination of Finicum who was protesting BLM policies in Oregon
- Making race relations worse in Missouri, Baltimore, and just about everywhere else
- Beer summit with Harvard prof, after proclaiming ”I don’t have all the facts, but the police acted stupidly”
- You didn’t build that
- Spread the wealth around
- Using the DOJ to punish police departments
- Meddling in Israel’s elections
- Pulling out of Iraq way too early
- Arab Spring mess in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya, including assassination of Quadaffi
- Abject failure with North Korea
- Loretta Lynch’s ”accidental” meeting with Bill Clinton in Phoenix
- Unmasking Trump team names from e-mail messages gathered by NSA and CIA
- Shovel Ready Jobs