Graphic source: AFP/Graphic
حركة الجهاد الإسلامي , or, the Movement of Islamic Holy War slaughtered at least 80 people and wounded 200 with seven nearly simultaneous bomb blasts in Jaipur. The trademark blasts appear similar to AQ and since the Movement's founding in 1992 there have been close ties between the two groups.
AQ linked networks or publically declaring Osama Bin Laden their Emir, killed over 10,000 Indian civilians before 9/11. India has a small contingent of troops in Afghanistan and the bombings may be in retaliance for Indian presence there.
I've advocated the greater presence of India in the region especially since its economy is booming and perhaps this latest horrendous attack is an impetus for more direct involvement on the part of India. India could expand its role in Somalia, Darfur, Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippians. By the same token, India would be entitled to a greater influence in how the international community is fighting the global Takfiri (excommunicated Muslim) threat. Why not?