Security Council Resolution 1718 was passed in 2006 to force North Korea to halt nuclear tests and ballistic missile launches, but sanctions have been suspended or loosely applied since North Korea joined disarmament talks.
Although Obamabow will push the issue of more sanctions against North Korea for this act of defiance, the last sanctions clearly did not work.
Theoretically the missile launched by North Korea, could reach Alaska or Hawaii and the import of the test is that the U.S. is not defending itself.
The little thug Kim Jong-Il has tested an effective missile and now we will see if the international leaders respond with more than just words or watered down resolutions guaranteed to be nothing more that attempts to make the public think something is being done.
Resolutions with no teeth do nothing as we have seen with previous resolutions against North Korea as well as the pathetic resolutions against Iran.
Capitulating is not an effective counter-measure.