The American Thinker wrote a revealing commentary on this "Obama Care" photograph that someone at the White House really should have thought a bit more about before releasing. The picture tells you all you need to know about Obama and what he thinks of his campaign supporter, Gates, and most importantly for Americans, how you may expect to be treated during his regime. If this is how he treats his friends, what type of care would you expect under his health care rationing plan? Bear in mind that Gate's employer, Harvard, donated $854,017 to Obama's campaign. With friends like that, who needs enemies?
On the other hand, there are Americans who work at difficult jobs every day, are misunderstood, second-guessed, and judged daily by people who will even call them "stupid." Yet, these Americans, such as Sergeant Crowley, simply perform their duty and help all they can.
This country is in debt to our public servants, Sgt. Crowley and the Boston Police Department come to mind, regardless of who is foolish enough to criticize stand-up Americans.