Blog Smith

Blog Smith is inspired by the myth of Hephaestus in the creation of blacksmith-like, forged materials: ideas. This blog analyzes topics that interest me: IT, politics, technology, history, education, music, and the history of religions.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Agenda 21 _ Coming to a Farm Near You _ July 29, 2011

Agenda 21 _ Coming to a Farm Near You _ July 29, 2011

RE-Broadcast : Uploaded by MaryGreeley on Jul 29, 2011

The requirements would subject farmers to the same rules governing truck drivers, requiring them to keep logs and limit their hours

More on Agenda 21

Agenda 21 is being promoted by the U.N. and in the latest effort from the Department of Transportation (DOT) is implementing these costly and oppressive regulations.

In Late May, the DOT proposed a rule change for farm equipment, and if it this allowed to take effect, it will place significant regulatory pressure on small farms and family farms all across America – costing them thousands of dollars and possibly forcing many of them out of business. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), part of the Department of Transportation (DOT), wants new standards that would require all farmers and everyone on the farm to obtain a CDL (Commercial Drivers License) in order to operate any farming equipment. The agency is going to accomplish this by reclassifying all farm vehicles and implements as Commercial Motor Vehicles (CMVs).

(It is also important to note here that DOT Secretary Ray LaHood holds a seat on the newly created White House Rural Council. A powerful group whose members have ties to George Soros and The Center For American Progress.)

The move by the DOT appears to be “legislation through regulation.” By reclassifying all farm vehicles and implements as Commercial Vehicles, the federal government will now be able to claim regulatory control over the estimated 800,000 farm workers in America, at the same time, overriding the rights of the states.

This proposed change literally means family farms could no longer legally allow young workers, not old enough to drive and seniors who no longer drive on the public streets, to operate a tractor, even on the family’s private property.

Waco, TX television station KXXV has the story:

The proposed change also means anyone driving a tractor or operating any piece of motorized farming equipment would be forced to pass the same rigorous tests and fill out the same detailed forms and diaries required of semi-tractor trailer drivers. This reclassification would bury small farms and family farms in regulation and paperwork.

Some of the additional paperwork and regulation required:

Detailed logs would need to be kept by all drivers – hours worked, miles traveled, etc.
Vehicles would have to display DOT numbers
Drivers would need to pass a physical as well as a drug test – every two years.

The Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation (WFBF) is one of many farm organizations not happy about the idea and has sent the DOT a letter expressing this opinion:

“WFBF opposes any change in statue or regulatory authority that would reclassify implements of husbandry or other farm equipment as Commercial Motor Vehicles (CMVs)”

WFBF Director of Governmental Relations Karen Gefvert continues, explaining the excessive cost to farmers if this allowed to move forward:

“The proposed guidance by the FMCSA would result in an initial increased cost to each Wisconsin farmer and employee of $124 just for the CDL license, permit and test; not to mention the time and cost for the behind-the-wheel training that is several thousand dollars.”

Additionally, Illinois farmers believe this regulation will also force new restrictions on trucks used in crop-share hauling. (One estimate claims more than 30% of Illinois farmers utilize shared land.) These crop-share trucks are typically limited-use vehicles that often travel fewer than 3000 miles each year, mainly hauling crops from the fields to nearby grain elevators. To require them to follow the same rules as semis would also mean a farmer would be forced to purchase substantial insurance.

The Hancock Journal-Pilot covered the story:

Earlier this year, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) began to define crop-share tenant farmers as “for-hire“ carriers and implements of husbandry as ”commercial motor vehicles.“ The ”for-hire” designation for crop-share tenant farmers would have a dramatic effect on farmers because it voids exemptions from the Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) program and would require a minimum of $750,000 in insurance coverage for the farmer.

The DOT is holding hearings for public comment on the topic, but only through Monday, August 1st and farmers all across the country are rightfully concerned. No matter what the feedback is from the people who actually grow the food, it appears that the DOT’s mind is made up. Just last week, DOT Administrator Anna Ferro posted an Op-Ed addressing the controversial regulation. The opinion piece closes with this statement:

Everyone in this Administration – from Obama, Vice President Biden, and Secretary LaHood on down – is committed to the long-term success of America’s agricultural industry. In many ways, agriculture is the backbone of our economy – feeding hundreds of millions of Americans and billions more around the world. As the largest user of freight transportation in the nation, the agricultural industry is also one of USDOT’s most important constituents. We hope that this comment period is the start of a new and productive relationship. We may not ultimately agree on every issue, but we will always listen — and do our best to help America’s farmers succeed.

The FMCSA has said their intent is to create uniformity in how federal safety regulations are carried out across America. The farming community and many of the states that would be affected by this change feel differently. Almost to a man, the farming community believes this to be a local issue, best handled by state governments, and not some Washington DC agency.

To make a comment to the DOT visit – Follow the instructions for submitting comments on the Federal electronic docket site. Or you can fax your comments here 1–202–493–2251.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Robert Johnson, who founded the Black Entertainment Television network in 1980, appeared on “Fox News Sunday” and said President Barack Obama needs to adjust his message to one that’s not “attacking” the wealthy for their success.

“I think the president has to recalibrate his message,” Johnson said. “You don’t get people to like you by attacking them or demeaning their success. I grew up in a family of 10 kids, first one to go to college, and I’ve earned my success. I’ve earned my right to fly private if I choose to do so. And by attacking me, is not going to convince me that I should take a bigger hit because I happen to be wealthy.”

Johnson joked that it was like “the old Ethel Merman approach to life — I‘ve been poor and I’ve been rich and I happen to like rich better. It doesn‘t mean I’m a bad guy.”

While not mentioning the Buffett Rule directly, Johnson certainly seemed to imply his distaste for the plan, saying Obama should not be “demagoguing” people who are successful.

“I went in business to create jobs, create value, create opportunity for myself and my investors and that’s what the president should be praising, Johnson said.

The Five-09-30-11-A

The Debt Crisis — What Should Congress Do?

What do you think Congress should do: raise tax revenues, cut programs, or just increase the debt ceiling?

Obama: Warrior Or Assassin?


Roseanne Barr: Behead Bankers, Rich Who Won't Give Up Wealth

Roseanne Barr: Behead Bankers, Rich Who Won't Give Up Wealth

Massive Wall Street Protest draws thousands

Having stayed below the mainstream news radar for weeks, the sustained protests of thousands of ordinary people are beginning to attract attention, particularly after traffic across the Brooklyn bridge came to a standstill. Over 700 were arrested as people begin to distrust the big banks and their political leaders. An erie echo of Alessio Rastani's comments elsewhere on this channel.

More than 700 arrested in Wall Street protest

Occupy Wall Street protests spread across U.S.

BBC Speechless As Trader Tells Truth

Stunning admission of truth by a Wall Street trader. Here's the transcript:

Alessio Rastani:'s gonna crash and it's gonna fall pretty hard. Because markets are ruled right now by fear. Investors and the big money, the smart money ...I'm talking about the big funds, the hedge funds, the institutions, they don't buy this rescue plan. They basically know that the market is toast. They know that the stock market is finished, the Euro as far as they're concerned they don't really care, they're moving their money away to safer assets like Treasury bonds, 30 year bonds, and the US dollar. So it's not gonna work.

Maxine Croxall: We keep hearing that whatever the politicians are suggesting -- it's all been rather wooly -- isn't right. Can you pin down exactly what would keep investors happy, make them feel more confident?

Alessio Rastani: Ah, that's a tough one. Personally, it doesn't matter. I'm a trader, I don't really care about that kind of stuff. If I see an opportunity to make money, I go with that. So for most traders we don't really care that much how they're going to fix the economy, how they're going to fix the whole situation. Our job is to make money from it and personally I've been dreaming of this moment for three years. Personally, I have a confession to make, I go to bed every night and I dream of another recession. I dream of another moment like this. Why? Because people don't seem to maybe remember, but the '30's depression, the Depression of the '30's wasn't just about a market crash. There were some people who were prepared to make money from that crash and I think anybody can do that. It isn't just for some people in the elite, anybody can actually make money, it's an opportunity. When the market crashes, when the Euro and the big stock markets crash, if you know what to do, if you have the right plan to set up you can make a lot of money from this. For example, hedging strategies is one, then investing in bonds, Treasury bonds that sort of stuff.

Maxine Croxall: If you could see the people around me, jaws have collectively dropped at what you've just said. I mean we appreciate your candor, but it doesn't help the rest of us does it, or the rest of the Eurozone.

Alessio Rastani: I will say this, listen. I would say this to everybody who's watching this, this economic crisis is like a cancer. If you just wait and wait thinking this is going to go away, just like a cancer it's gonna grow and it will be too late. What I would say to everybody is get prepared. This is not a time right now to wishful think that the Government is going to sort things out. The Governments don't rule the world, rules the world. Goldman Sachs does not care about this rescue package neither does the big funds. So actually, I would actually tell people, I want to help people. People can make money from this, it isn't just traders. What they need to do is learn about how to make money from a downward market. The first thing people should do is protect their assets, protect what they have because in less than 12 months, my prediction is that savings of millions of people is gonna vanish and this is just the beginning. So I would say, be prepared and act now. The biggest risk people can take right now is not acting.

Maxine Croxall: Alessio Rastani thank you very much for talking with us.

Actress Roseanne Barr: Behead Bankers as in the French Revolution Guillotine, Re-education camps, as in Red China, for Rich Who Won't Give Up Wealth

Roseanne Barr: Behead Bankers, Rich Who Won't Give Up Wealth

Actress, comedienne and now author Roseanne Barr shares her solution for dealing with the rich and how the banks could repay the money the U.S. government bailed them out with in 2008.

"Part of my platform is, of course, the guilty must be punished and that we no longer let our children see their guilty leaders getting away with murder. Because it teaches children, you know, that they don't have to have any morals as long as they have guns and are bullies and I don't think that's a good message," Barr told Russia Today (RT).

"I do say that I am in favor of the return of the guillotine and that is for the worst of the worst of the guilty.

"I first would allow the guilty bankers to pay, you know, the ability to pay back anything over $100 million [of] personal wealth because I believe in a maximum wage of $100 million. And if they are unable to live on that amount of that amount then they should, you know, go to the reeducation camps and if that doesn't help, then being beheaded," Barr said with a straight face.

The following are 12 quotes from insiders that are warning about the horrific economic crisis that is almost here.

#1 George Soros: "Financial markets are driving the world towards another Great Depression with incalculable political consequences. The authorities, particularly in Europe, have lost control of the situation."

#2 PIMCO CEO Mohammed El-Erian: "These are all signs of an institutional run on French banks. If it persists, the banks would have no choice but to delever their balance sheets in a very drastic and disorderly fashion. Retail depositors would get edgy and be tempted to follow trading and institutional clients through the exit doors. Europe would thus be thrown into a full-blown banking crisis that aggravates the sovereign debt trap, renders certain another economic recession, and significantly worsens the outlook for the global economy."

#3 Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy, global head of securities services at UniCredit SpA (Italy's largest bank): "The only remaining question is how many days the hopeless rearguard action of European governments and the European Central Bank can keep up Greece’s spirits."

#4 Stefan Homburg, the head of Germany's Institute for Public Finance: "The euro is nearing its ugly end. A collapse of monetary union now appears unavoidable."

#5 EU Parliament Member Nigel Farage: "I think the worst in the financial system is yet to come, a possible cataclysm and if that happens the gold price could go (higher) to a number that we simply cannot, at this moment, even imagine."

#6 Carl Weinberg, the chief economist at High Frequency Economics: "At this point, our base case is that Greece will default within weeks."

#7 Goldman Sachs strategist Alan Brazil: "Solving a debt problem with more debt has not solved the underlying problem. In the US, Treasury debt growth financed the US consumer but has not had enough of an impact on job growth. Can the US continue to depreciate the world’s base currency?"

#8 International Labour Organization director general Juan Somavia recently stated that total unemployment could "increase by some 20m to a total of 40m in G20 countries" by the end of 2012.

#9 Deutsche Bank CEO Josef Ackerman: "It is an open secret that numerous European banks would not survive having to revalue sovereign debt held on the banking book at market levels."

#10 Alastair Newton, a strategist for Nomura Securities in London: "We believe that we are just about to enter a critical period for the eurozone and that the threat of some sort of break-up between now and year-end is greater than it has been at any time since the start of the crisis"

#11 Ann Barnhardt, head of Barnhardt Capital Management, Inc.: "It's over. There is no coming back from this. The only thing that can happen is a total and complete collapse of EVERYTHING we now know, and humanity starts from scratch. And if you think that this collapse is going to play out without one hell of a big hot war, you are sadly, sadly mistaken."

#12 Lakshman Achuthan of ECRI: "When I call a recession...that means that process is starting to feed on itself, which means that you can yell and scream and you can write a big check, but it's not going to stop."

Saturday, October 1, 2011


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"You said he was responsible for these things? Is there going to be any evidence presented? ... Do you not see at all, does the Administration not see at all how a President asserting that he has the right to kill an American citizen without due process, and that he's not going to even explain why he thinks he has that right, is troublesome to some people?"

Good thing no Americans are being referred to as barbarians or extremists so we never have to worry about a WH spokesperson announcing that with no evidence another American has been ordered killed by the president: no Constitutional issue here kids, move along, nothing to see here.

Secret U.S. memo sanctioned killing of Aulaqi

"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

How was al-AwLaki deprived of life with due process?


Friday, September 30, 2011

Al-Alwaki Elimination

Where is the evidence laid out and presented to the American people? Communication is key. Anecdotes include contact with three of the 9/11 hijackers, alleged Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan, and alleged "Christmas Day bomber" Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. In each of these Islamist attacks though the Obama regime downplayed them or de-emphasized the Islamist roots.

Now, however, al-Awlaki is presented in the media as essentially tried, convicted, and eliminated. Do we actually know the details or care? We should. Alive and pumped for information in Gitmo he may have been even more valuable and revealed essential information on both the Islamist side and about operations within the U.S. government.

How high were his contacts and what did he know? Shortly after the 9/11 attacks, Awlaki was sought as a media source for questions about Islam and the attacks who could speak English well. He was interviewed by National Geographic, The New York Times and other media. He condemned the attacks, stating "There is no way that the people who did this could be Muslim, and if they claim to be Muslim, then they have perverted their religion." He presented an image as a moderate who could bridge the gap between the United States and the worldwide community of Muslims.

Writing on the website six days after the 9/11 attacks, al-Awlaki suggested that Israeli intelligence agents might have been responsible for the attacks, and that the FBI "went into the roster of the airplanes, and whoever has a Muslim or Arab name became the hijacker by default".

Months after the 9/11 attacks, as the U.S. Secretary of the Army was eager to have a presentation from a moderate Muslim as part of an outreach effort to ease tensions with Muslim-Americans, a Pentagon employee invited al-Awlaki to a luncheon in the Secretary's Office of General Counsel.

Al-Awlaki was the Congressional Muslim Staffer Association's first imam to conduct a prayer service at the U.S. Capitol in 2002. The prayers were for Muslim congressional staffers and officials for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Although now convicted in the media as a terrorist, at one time he was circulating in some highly placed positions within the U.S. government as well as maintaining contact with Islamists.

Al-Awlaki appears as more of a Lee Harvey Oswald type with the ability to play both sides of the fence easily. I wonder why. Who allowed him to play in such high levels? And now, I wonder why without much evidence, or due process, an American citizen is killed.

I have no sympathy for any ideology that runs counter to American values but he was a citizen and the precedent for a sitting president to order the death of any American without due process should give us pause. Al-Awlaki today, and which of us could be tomorrow? What constitutes grounds for elimination? Those steps should be outlined definitively and communicated clearly.

There is a profound Constitutional question operating here.

The question is that al-Awlaki is an American citizen; liberty is at risk. I have no problem with American firepower eliminating enemy combatants but we need a clearly defined Fifth Amendment due process in place when we do so. The Obama regime has not delineated a due process procedure for post 9/11 home grown terrorists; the lack of proper documentation, judicial review, and setting forth of evidence places us liberty loving citizens at risk of being labeled enemies of the state and eliminated by executive order.

Obama Grammar

“Great Obama Grammar Face-Off.” From Inkslingers Press, the ebook is available for $10 on Kindle, via Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Cain's "Brainwashed" Remark Was "Racist, Bigoted:" Cain Must Be a Bigot Against Himself

Cornell Belcher: Cain's "Brainwashed" Remark Was "Racist, Bigoted"

‘Braindead’ West wants Jihadists to rule Libya: Michael Scheuer

Jul 28, 2011

A suicide attack on a government compound in southern Afghanistan has left at least 19 dead and over 35 injured. It follows a string attacks and the killing of President Karzai's half-brother and comes as the U.S. withdraws its forces. RT talks to Michael Scheuer, a former CIA intelligence officer and historian in Washington DC.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Can You Say Desperate? New Climate Change ‘Shock Ad’ Features Polar Bears Falling to Bloody Deaths

Guardian: The effect is shocking; the message brutal: every short haul flight you take emits four hundred kilogrammes of carbon dioxide – the equivalent weight of an adult polar bear.

The ad is in horrible taste. On 9/11 human beings were leaping to their deaths. Now, polar bears, who can not jump, are depicted as falling out of the sky.

As Predicted, Obamacare Exporting Jobs to China

Boston Scientific disclosed it was investing $150 million and hiring 1,000 people in China.

During the Obamacare debates, one business leader stated: "This will make us one of the highest-taxed regions in the world, and that's going to have an impact on the appetite for people to invest in medical innovation," said Bill Hawkins, chief executive of Medtronic Inc., which makes medical devices.

Teacher Docks Grades for students for saying "bless you"

However, the teacher says he will just find another way to discipline students for saying "bless you" in class.

Unemployment Up

KNX radio in L.A. reports on an astounding number of unemployed in Los Angeles. This comes amid reports that the real unemployment number is 17.5%, and, when seen in relief with the Great Depression based on how the figures are generated, we find a similar unemployment rate.

Jim Cramer: The REAL Unemployment Rate Is 18%

The Labor Department said the unemployment rate was the highest since June 1983

The Labor Department said the unemployment rate was the highest since June 1983.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Herman Cain: Blacks Have Been "Brainwashed"

Herman Cain: Blacks Have Been "Brainwashed"

"African-Americans have been brainwashed into not being open minded, not even considering a conservative point of view. I have received some of that same vitriol simply because I am running for the Republican nomination as a conservative. So it's just brainwashing and people not being open minded, pure and simple," presidential candidate Herman Cain (R-GA) said on CNN.



New audio: NC governor struck serious tone on suspending congressional elections Read more:

If it was a joke, North Carolina Democratic Governor Bev Perdue needs to polish her delivery.

Newly released audio contradicts the claims of Perdue’s press team that her call Tuesday for suspending Congressional elections was a joke or hyperbole. In the recording, her tone is matter-of-fact and her comments are part of a serious speech.

“Listen to the Governor’s words: She wasn’t joking at all,” North Carolina GOP spokesman Rob Lockwood told The Daily Caller. “The congressional Democrats are wildly unpopular in North Carolina, so she may have been trying to invent a solution to save their jobs from public accountability.”

“If it was a joke, what was the set-up?,” Lockwood adds. “What was the punch-line? Where was the pause for laughter? It took them three hours to say it was a ‘joke,’ but when that flopped it became ‘hyperbole.’ We’ll just call it an unconstitutionally bad idea.”


Perdue faced almost instant national criticism on Tuesday after she recommended suspending elections until the economy recovers.

“I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover,” Perdue said at a rotary club event in Cary, N.C., according to the Raleigh News & Observer. “I really hope that someone can agree with me on that.”

Shortly after the controversial comments made national headlines, Perdue’s press team began claiming it was a joke. Until the audio of her comments was released, though, there was no way to know if she was serious.

Perdue spokeswoman Chris Mackey, who originally told TheDC that it was a joke and “hyperbole,” told TheDC the Governor and her press team are sticking to their statement, even after this new audio came out.

Read more:

Ron Paul Beats Obama

Paul 51 percent to 49 percent for Obama in a general election race.


Obama 39% Cain 34%

Mick Ronson - 1974 interview, Joining Mott The Hoople

From the Old Grey Whistle Test. Apparently this was never broadcast. Bob Harris interviewed.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011



The group is accusing the government of religious discrimination.

`Jesus is Lord' Heckler Hauled Off at "The Antichrist" Fundraiser

Heckler Calls Obama "The Antichrist" At LA Fundraiser

The heckler was booed by the crowd when he began his rant with "The Christian God is the only and only true living God. The creator of heaven and the universe."

"Jesus Christ is God! Jesus Christ is God! Jesus Christ is God! Jesus Christ is the son of God!" the man continued.

"You're the antichrist!" the man said. The crowd responded with an enthusiastic cheer of "four more years" afterward.

"First of all, I agree Jesus Christ is the Lord. I believe in that," Obama said to tepid applause.

CIA, Pentagon fight to keep Osama bin Laden death photos secret

52 videos and/or still shots exist.

Update: Libya, 20,000 Surface-to-Air Missiles Missing

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U.S. officials had once thought there was little chance that terrorists could get their hands on many of the portable surface-to-air missiles that can bring down a commercial jet liner.

But now that calculation is out the window, with officials at a recent secret White House meeting reporting that thousands of them have gone missing in Libya.

"Matching up a terrorist with a shoulder-fired missile, that's our worst nightmare," said Sen. Barbara Boxer, D.-California, a member of the Senate's Commerce, Energy and Transportation Committee.

The nightmare has been made real with the discovery in Libya that an estimated 20,000 portable, heat-seeking missiles have gone missing from unguarded Army weapons warehouses.

The missiles, four to six-feet long and Russian-made, can weigh just 55 pounds with launcher. They lock on to the heat generated by the engines of aircraft, can be fired from a vehicle or from a combatant's shoulder, and are accurate and deadly at a range of more than two miles.

Peter Bouckaert of Human Rights Watch first warned about the problem after a trip to Libya six months ago. He took pictures of pickup truckloads of the missiles being carted off during another trip just a few weeks ago.

"I myself could have removed several hundred if I wanted to, and people can literally drive up with pickup trucks or even 18 wheelers and take away whatever they want," said Bouckaert, HRW's emergencies director. "Every time I arrive at one of these weapons facilities, the first thing we notice going missing is the surface-to-air missiles."

The ease with which rebels and other unknown parties have snatched thousands of the missiles has raised alarms that the weapons could end up in the hands of al Qaeda, which is active in Libya.

"There certainly are dangerous groups operating in the region, and we're very concerned that some of these weapons could end up in the wrong hands," said Bouckaert.

"I think the probability of al Qaeda being able to smuggle some of the stinger-like missiles out of Libya is probably pretty high," said Richard Clarke, former White House counterterrorism advisor and now a consultant to ABC News.

Tommy Vietor, spokesman for the National Security Council, which advises President Obama, says that a State Department expert "is on the ground in Libya working with the [Transitional National Council]," the rebels' interim government, to develop a "control and destruction program" for the missiles. Vietor also said the administration has sent five specialists to help the TNC "secure, recover and destroy" weapons, including surface-to-air missiles. Said Vietor, "Since the beginning of the crisis, we have been actively engaged with our allies and partners to support Libya's efforts to secure all conventional weapons stockpiles, including recover, control, and disposal of shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles."

Boxer: U.S. Passenger Jets at Risk

Adding to the urgency is the fact that America's passenger jets, like those of most countries, are sitting ducks, despite years of warning about the missile threat. Since the 1970s, according to the U.S. State Department, more than 40 civilian planes around the world have been hit by surface-to-air missiles. In 2003, Iraqi insurgents hit a DHL cargo plane with a missile in Baghdad. Though on fire, the plane was able to land safely. Four years later, militants knocked a Russian-built cargo plane out of the sky over Somalia, killing all 11 crew members.

Now there are calls in Congress to give jets that fly overseas the same protection military aircraft have.

"I think we should ensure that the wide-bodied planes all have this protection," said Sen. Boxer, who first spoke to ABC News about the surface-to-air security threat in 2006. "And that's a little more than 500 of these planes."

According to Boxer, it would cost about a million dollars a plane for a system that has been installed and successfully tested over the last few years, directing a laser beam into the incoming missile.

"For us to sit idly by and not do anything when we could protect 2 billion passengers over the next 20 years [with] a relatively small amount of money [from] the Department of Defense, I think that's malfeasance," said Boxer. "I think that's wrong."

And it could be more practical than trying to round up all the missing Libyan missiles. "Once these missiles walk away from these facilities, they're very difficult to get back, as the CIA realized in Afghanistan," said Bouckaert. When the Afghan mujahideen were fighting the Soviets more than two decades ago, the CIA supplied the Afghans with 1,000 Stinger surface-to-air missiles, which had a devastating effect on Soviet military aircraft. After the Soviets had retreated, however, the CIA spent millions of dollars trying to buy back the remaining missiles from the Afghan fighters. According to Bouckaert, the CIA spent up to $100,000 a piece to reacquire the Stingers.

Let Us Just End Democracy: No More Voting

NC governor recommends suspending democracy to focus on jobs.

Police inquiry reveals violations in arrest

beating of videographer

Monday, September 26, 2011

Psychologists: Questioning 9/11 Is the Sane Thing To Do

Alleged "Conspiracy Theorists" are not Mentally Insane Crackpots.

Forcing People to Buy Health Care Rationing is Unconstitutional: Hatch

White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs said that he does not know if White House lawyers have reviewed whether it is constitutional for the federal government to order individuals to buy health insurance and said that the White House is not seriously considering the concerns of people such as Sen. Orrin Hatch (R.-Utah) who believe the mandate is not constitutionally justified.

Hatch told in November 2009 that forcing people to buy health insurance cannot be justified under the Constitution’s Commerce Clause.

“But here would be the first time where our government would demand that people buy something that they may or may not want,” Hatch told “And, you know, if that’s the case, then we didn’t need a ‘Cash for Clunkers,’ all we had to do is have the federal government say you all got to buy new cars, no matter how tough it is on you. You know, they could require you to buy anything. And that isn’t America. That’s not freedom. That’s not constitutionally sound. Now, there may be some gimmicky way that they can do this, but I can’t think of a gimmicky way that would be constitutionally justified.”

Private, International Police Force Patrolling in Montana

A private, international police force is patrolling Hardin, Montana. As a private entity, they are not subject to the Constitution.

Obama: Ineligible in 49 of 50 States

As the week ended, we found out that the Democratic National Committee did not certify Obama as eligible under Article II – Section I of the Constitution, in 49 of 50 states. The DNC had only filed such certification in the state of Hawaii, Obama’s alleged birth place. The other 49 states received a Certification of Nomination which did not certify Obama as constitutionally eligible for office. We are all on hold to see if any Judges are willing to stand by the Constitution.

No Title from any King, Prince, or Foreign State

The Constitution states:
No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

Yet, Obama will be “Chairman of the United Nations Security Council” which clearly meets the Constitutional definition of both an Office and a Title bestowed by not only a foreign State but by a huge collection of foreign States. Since Congress has not given its consent and Obama has already announced his intentions it is clear Obama should resign since he is not defending the Constitution.

Ian Hunter, 25 Sep 2011 (Acoustic) Old Town School of Folk, Chicago IL

"When the Daylight Comes"/"Sweet Jane"

"All the Way to Memphis"

"Roll Away the Stone"/"All The Young Dudes"/"Goodnight Irene"

Guest Nick Tremulis, the opening act, is on vocals on "All The Young Dudes."

GALLUP: Half think govt 'immediate threat to rights and freedoms'...

Americans Express Historic Negativity Toward U.S. Government

Obama confuses Jews with janitors

If asking a billionaire to pay the same tax rate as a janitor makes me a warrior for the working class, I wear that with a badge of honor. I have no problem with that.

Obama Flub Health Rationing Lawsuit

Headed to Supreme Court.

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Peter T. King (R-NY) Hearing on Islamists in America

Round 3: House Homeland Security Committee Hearing “Al Shabaab: Recruitment and Radicalization within the Muslim American Community and the Threat to the Homeland”

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The American Dream Film-Full Length

The AMERICAN DREAM is a 30 minute animated film that shows you how you've been scammed by the most basic elements of our government system. All of us Americans strive for the American Dream, and this film shows you why your dream is getting farther and farther away. Do you know how your money is created? Or how banking works? Why did housing prices skyrocket and then plunge? Do you really know what the Federal Reserve System is and how it affects you every single day?

THE AMERICAN DREAM takes an entertaining but hard hitting look at how the problems we have today are nothing new, and why leaders throughout our history have warned us and fought against the current type of financial system we have in America today. You will be challenged to investigate some very entrenched and powerful institutions in this nation, and hopefully encouraged to help get our nation back on track.

We need your support to continue to fight the lying liars! It is very expensive to make this level of media and we are going to need help to keep making it! "Any donations are appreciated!

Please Buy a HQ DVD Copy @
Donations and sales will help with production costs,further marketing of the film and hopefully will lead to other similar informative Films being made.

* and the makers and distributer of this Film provide no endorsement of the amy2x Channel or the use of its work on the amy2x Channel.

Vatican Jesuit-Rule CFR

The first of two Co-Chairmen of the CFR is Carla A. Hills, who served as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under Gerald Ford (Knight of Malta, 33rd Degree Freemason, Vatican-controlled Bohemian Club) and as Trade Representative under George H. W. Bush (Knight of Malta, 33rd Degree Freemason, Vatican-controlled Bohemian Club, Vatican-controlled Skull & Bones, aka Papal Knights of Eulogia, CFR).

She was an assistant to Attorney General Elliot Richardson, whose son, Henry S. Richardson, is a professor of philosophy at Jesuit Georgetown University. She is part of the Executive Committee of the Trilateral Commission, and one of the three chairmen of the Trilateral Commission (Peter Sutherland) was Jesuit-trained at Gonzaga College. She is an advisory board member of the Partnership for a Secure America (PSA), which is chaired by brother CFR members Warren B. Rudman and Lee H. Hamilton. Rudman was Jesuit-trained at Boston College Law School and Lee Hamilton has close ties to the Jesuit Order's Knight of Malta-directed Central Intelligence Agency. Hills is also on the board of American International Group (AIG), which CFR corporate member is run by Edward Liddy (its CEO), who was trained at the Catholic University of America.

Since 1993, Hills has been on the board of Chevron, along with brother CFR member Donald S. Rice, who was trained at the Roman Catholic University of Notre Dame, its President Emeritus being long time CFR member, Roman Priest Theodore Hesburgh, one of the Vatican's foremost leaders of Pope Benedict XVI's 14th Amendment American Empire.
The other Co-Chairman of the CFR is Jewish Freemason Robert E. Rubin, who served under President Bill Clinton as Treasury Secretary and headed Clinton's National Economic Council. He was a Clinton crony.

Rubin's ties to Clinton are interesting, since Bill Clinton was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University, where he was close to the Jesuit faculty (became Class President in his junior year). Rubin has served on the board of the Center for National Policy (CNP), which is led by it's President, Roman Catholic Tim Roemer (another graduate of the Roman Catholic University of Notre Dame as is CFR member and past Secretary of State Condolezza Rice).

[You can also buy your copy today at Infowars store]
Alex Jones endorses new film exposing secret banking system, "Everybody needs to see The American Dream . . . the bottom line, this animated, documentary, exposé is entertaining, it's enlightening and it is a key tool in the war against the international banking cartel parasites!"

'Occupy Wall Street' - Professor Paul Sheldon Foote: 'New Yorkers angry about US economy'

Department of Accounting California State University, Fullerton

9/11 Blueprint for Truth presented by Architect Richard Gage, AIA

9/11 Blueprint for Truth: The Architecture of Destruction Commercial architect Richard Gage (founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth) presents a watertight case for controlled demolition of the three steel-building collapses at the World Trade Center, New York on 9/11/01. Includes physicist Steven Jones' updated evidence of thermite. Gage's website,, is rapidly drawing building and engineering professionals to the 9/11 movement. --- Part I - WTC Building #7 1 Symmetrical Collapse 2 Explosions 3 Fire 4 FEMA Report 5 Free Fall 6 Expert Corroboration 7 Squib Explosions 8 Molten Metal 9 Foreknowledge 10 Bldg 7 Conclusions Part II - WTC Twin Towers 1 WTC History 2 Twin Towers' Structure 3 FEMA Deception 4 Explosions 5 Columns Cut 6 Rapid Onset 7 Demolition Waves 8 Free Fall Speed 9 Explosive Squibs 10 Symmetrical Collapse 11 Skeleton Broken Up 12 Molten Iron 13 Dust Clouds 14 Destruction by Fire 15 NIST Deceptions 16 Foreknowledge 17 Expert Corroboration 18 Conclusion --- If you appreciated this documentary and/or would like to view the high quality DVD, please consider supporting the makers by purchasing and/or donating at the below link. Only the TRUTH will set US free. Thanks to for producing this fine DVD. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Website : --- Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice Website : --- Pilots For 9/11 Truth Website : --- General 9/11 Links, News and Events - - -

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe

The Open Chemical Physics Journal, 2009, 2, 7-31

Saudi Women Join the 20th Century, Vote in Local Elections

Saudi King Abdullah announced Sunday that the nation’s women will gain the right to vote and run as candidates in local elections to be held in 2015 in a major advancement for the rights of women in the deeply reactionary Muslim kingdom.

In an annual speech before his advisory assembly, or Shura Council, the Saudi monarch said he ordered the step after consulting with the nation’s top religious clerics, whose advice carries great weight in the kingdom.

“We refuse to marginalize the role of women in Saudi society and in every aspect, within the rules of Sharia,” Abdullah said, referring to the Islamic law that governs many aspects of life in the kingdom.

The right to vote is by far the biggest change introduced by Abdullah, considered a reformer, since he became the country’s de facto ruler in 1995 during the illness of King Fahd. Abdullah formally ascended to the throne upon Fahd’s death in August 2005.

The kingdom’s great oil wealth and generous handouts to citizens have largely insulated it from the unrest sweeping the Arab world. But the king has taken steps to quiet rumblings of discontent that largely centered on the eastern oil-producing region populated by the country’s Shiite Muslim minority.

Mindful of the unrest, which reached Saudi Arabia’s doorstep with street protests and a deadly crackdown in neighboring Bahrain, King Abdullah pledged roughly $93 billion in financial support to boost jobs and services for Saudis in March.

Seizing on the season of protest in the Arab world, Saudi women‘s groups have also staged public defiance of the kingdom’s ban on female driving. Saudi authorities went relatively easy on the women, who took to the roads earlier this year and gained worldwide attention through social media.

Abdullah said the changes announced Sunday would also allow women to be appointed to the Shura Council, the advisory body selected by the king that is currently all-male.

The council, established in 1993, offers opinions on general policies in the kingdom and debates economic and social development plans and agreements signed between the kingdom and other nations.

Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam, follows deeply misogynist and reactionary social traditions and adheres closely to a standard version of Islamism. Despite Abdullah’s attempts to push through some social reforms, women still cannot drive and the sexes are segregated in public.

Saudi Arabia held its first-ever municipal elections in 2005.

The kingdom will hold its next municipal elections on Thursday, but women will not be able to vote or run in those contests.

In announcing the reforms, Abdullah sought to ground his decision in religion.

“Muslim women in our Islamic history have demonstrated positions that expressed correct opinions and advice,” he said, citing examples from the era of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad in the seventh century.

He said the members of Saudi Arabia’s clerical council, or Ulema, praised and supported his decision.

He also acknowledged the yearning for greater social freedoms in the kingdom.

“Balanced modernization, which falls within our Islamic values, is an important demand in an era where there is no place for defeatist or hesitant people,” he said.

In January, a group of female activists launched a campaign on social networking websites to push the kingdom to allow women to vote and run in the municipal elections.

1997 Prediction, Euro May Lead to War

"EMU and International Conflict, Martin Feldstein, Foreign Affairs, November/December 1997, "war is also a distinct possibility."

Black Middle Class Eroding Under Obama

African-American Middle Class Eroding As Unemployment Rate Soars

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Happy 99th Birthday, Milton Friedman! A tribute to the late, great economist

There's no way to appreciate fully the contributions of Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman (1912-2006), who would have turned 99 years old this weekend, to the growth of libertarian ideas and a free society.

This is the man, after all, who introduced the concept of school vouchers, documented the role of government monopolies on money in creating inflation, provided the intellectual arguments that ended the military draft in America, co-founded the Mont Pelerin Society, and so much more. In popular books such as Capitalism and Freedom and Free to Choose, written with his wife and longtime collaborator Rose, he masterfully drew a through-line between economic freedom and political and cultural freedom.

Yet his ultimate contribution to freedom and liberty is found less in any of the specific argument he made and more in the ways he made them. Friedman provided an all-too-rare example of a public intellectual who was scrupulously honest, forthright, and fair in every debate he entered. Whether he was duking it out with fellow Nobel Prize winners and other high-profile economists or making the case for the morality of capitalism with TV hosts such as Phil Donahue and angry students, he always argued in good faith, admitted when he was wrong, and enlarged the circle of debate.

Long after some of his technical points and social insights have been superseded, that commitment to relentless inquiry and search for truth wherever it takes us will survive.

Milton Friedman gave us something much better than revealed truth: He showed us the process by which we might continue to indefinitely learn about our world and the human condition. In this sense, the Friedman Century is far from over; indeed, it's just getting started.

Written and narrated by Nick Gillespie. Produced and edited by Jim Epstein, with help from Jack Gillespie.

About 2.30 minutes.

For Reason's coverage of and interviews with Milton Friedman over the years, go here now.

Go to for downloadable versions, and subscribe to's YouTube channel to receive automatic updates when new material goes live.

Pastors in the Pulpit


Islamist Curriculum of Georgia

Saudi Arabian propaganda in American public schools.

The actual school district web site is here:

Is it any wonder that parents protested?

The Senator's contact information:

The Governor's office:,2657,165937316_166563415,00.html

The Superintendent's office:

Story regarding parent protest:

Friday, September 23, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Gov't Orders Home Owner to Take Down Yard Cross, 1st Amendment Issue

News story linked here.

The United Nations: Iran, Middle East

The Five-09-22-11

Bad News for Islamists In U.S.

Likely American Voters Are Islamo-Realistic


Student Suspended for Saying Gay Is Wrong:

Dakota Ary, an honors student at Western Hills High School in Fort Worth, Texas, was in for a surprise after being sent to the principal’s office and punished for sharing his opinion.

After telling another student that he believes homosexuality is wrong, Dakota was reprimanded and given in-school suspension. The incident purportedly unfolded during a German class at the school. He explains:

“We were talking about religions in Germany. I said, ‘I’m a Christian. I think being a homosexual is wrong.
It wasn’t directed to anyone except my friend who was sitting behind me. I guess [the teacher] heard me. He started yelling. He told me he was going to write me an infraction and send me to the office.”
Following the incident his mother, Holly Pope, received a call from an assistant principal at the school informing her of the punishment. In an interview with Fox News Radio, she says was “absolutely stunned“:

“Dakota is a very well-grounded 14-year-old. He’s been in church his whole life and he’s been taught to stand up for what he believes.
He was stating an opinion. He has a right to do that. They punished him for it.”

Dakota Ary
After hearing the student’s explanation, the assistant principal reduced the punishment from two days to one, but Dakota and his mother aren’t satisfied, as they believe his free speech has been infringed upon.

While the district isn’t speaking out about the incident, on Wednesday, Dakota, his mother and attorney Matt Krause met with the school’s principal. Pope hopes that the school will remove the disciplinary blemish from the child’s record, while pledging that there won’t be any further retaliation.

In commenting on the incident, Krause said, “Students don’t lose their first amendment rights just because they go in the schoolhouse door.”

Even if the issue is dismissed, Dakota will still be in the same classroom, with the same teacher — a concern that the family will still have to contend with should he opt to continue taking German.

Solyndra, Never Heard of It

A few readers are probably quite familiar with the ins and outs of the disgraced solar company Solyndra — the firm that declared bankruptcy after receiving nearly half a billion dollars in government loan guarantees. For some average Americans, however, especially those claiming to get their news from sources such as CNN, NBC and Jon Stewart, the name “Solyndra” signifies anything from artificial sweeteners to a drug company.

While the debacle has garnered intense scrutiny from a few news outlets it seems to have been all but swept under the carpet by much of mainstream media.

Watch as MRCTV’s Dan Joseph and Joe Schoffstall interview random, every day people in Washington D.C. to find out their thoughts on Solyndra. For the most part, no one had ever even heard the word before.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Is America really broke? Michael Moore (and others) tells us that there are oceans of cash being hoarded by the wealthy. But Iowahawk ( did a little addition, and armed with these statistics Bill and the 'Hawk blow a hole in the "hoarding" lie big enough to fit a documentary filmmaker through.


The Five-09-20-11-B, 6:24 Palestine

Couple Threatened With $500-Per-Meeting Fines For Home Bible Study


An Orange County couple has been ordered to stop holding a Bible study in their home on the grounds that the meeting violates a city ordinance as a “church” and not as a private gathering.

Homeowners Chuck and Stephanie Fromm, of San Juan Capistrano, were fined $300 earlier this month for holding what city officials called “a regular gathering of more than three people”.

That type of meeting would require a conditional use permit as defined by the city, according to Pacific Justice Institute (PJI), the couple’s legal representation.

The Fromms also reportedly face subsequent fines of $500 per meeting for any further “religious gatherings” in their home, according to PJI.

“We’re just gathering and enjoying each other’s company and fellowship. And we enjoy studying God’s word.” Stephanie Fromm told CBS2.

After city officials rejected the Fromms’ appeal, PJI, which represents other Bible study participants, will appeal the decision to the California Superior Court in Orange County.

“This is also about a city trying to get a family to pay fees – to pay fees and pay money to them – just to be able to have friends over to read the Bible,” attorney Brad Dacus of PJI told CBS2.

Neighbors have written letters to the city in support of the Fromms, whom they said have not caused any disturbances with the meetings, according to PJI.

“The Fromm case further involves regular meetings on Sunday mornings and Thursday afternoons with up to 50 people, with impacts on the residential neighborhood on street access and parking,” City Attorney Omar Sandoval said.

The city of San Juan Capistrano was founded as a mission in the late 1700s by Catholic priest Junipero Serra, who established a local chapel that remains the oldest standing building in California.

Officials with San Juan Capistrano did not respond to requests for comment.

Muslim Arrested for Obama Death Threats

Uzbek Man Indicted for Threatening to Assassinate Obama, Obtaining Explosives, Machine Gun

Tuesday, September 20, 2011



Congressman Quigley Apologizes for America on Muslim Discrimination in Chicago

Quigley addresses American Islamic College Conference. Apologizes on behalf of America for discrimination Islamists. Last Saturday morning, Illinois Democrat Congressman Mike Quigley made a surprise visit to the American Islamic College Conference in Chicago. The unaccredited college is the first of its kind in the United States.

Back in September 2010, the American Islamic College was the site of of the first conference in the US by the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation), a subversive supremacist world summit conference. The OIC, the modern day "universal caliphate," exercises enormous Islamic power in the United Nations and the EU, and seeks to impose the sharia across the world.

Illinois Congressmen Mike "Quisling" Quigley practically got down on his belly and apologized to the Muslim world for our response to the 911 mass slaughter in the name of Islam. This is the moral sickness of the Democ rat party. Who elects these dangerous clowns?

Rebel pundit was there: "He rambled on about the typical racism and discrimination that the liberal left is so convinced America is rampantly infected with.”

The apology comes around the 2:15 mark in the above video:
Quigley gave remarks to the primarily muslim audience. He rambled on about the typical racism and discrimination that the liberal left is so convinced America is rampantly infected with. As you can see in the video below, he proceeded in his congressional capacity to apologize on behalf of the country for discrimination against muslims’ faith.

Such asshattery is without equal. Perhaps he can persuade a few Jews to join him and they can apologize to the Germans, too.

We all should be fighting and defeating jihad. We should all be denouncing the sharia and the most extreme ideology on the face of the earth (that goes for Muslims, too). Apologizing after 911, 7/7, 3/11, Times Square, Fort Hood, Christmas tree lighting bomb plan, etc., is submission.

The college where this sick act took place is a hotbed for Islamic extremism. I posted the following on its opening back in May 2009, when a group of American Muslims led by two jihadist sought to establish the first four-year accredited Islamic college in the United States, calling it a "Muslim Georgetown."

Advisers to the project have scheduled a June vote to decide whether the proposed Zaytuna College can open in the fall of next year, a major step toward developing the faith in America.

Imam Zaid Shakir and Sheik Hamza Yusuf of California have spent years planning the school, which will offer a liberal arts education and training in Islamic scholarship.

Panetta: 12 more U.S. troops sent to Libya

PA Islamist Indicted

Pennsylvania Muslim Indicted for Soliciting Jihadists to Kill Americans

Monday, September 19, 2011


CBS News has posted what it claims is a secret recording between a senior ATF Agent and an Arizona gun store owner at the heart of the botched operation “Fast and Furious” weapons sting. The tape could be proof that the ATF tried to suppress evidence found at the crime scene of murdered U.S. Border Agent Brian Terry.

Recorded around March 2011, the tape is the work of Andre Howard, owner of Lone Wolf Trading Company in Glendale, Arizona– which was the primary gun dealer cooperating with ATF in “Operation Fast and Furious.” On the tape, Howard is talking with the lead case ATF Case Agent Hope MacAllister, according to CBS.

Listen to their conversation below:

Note the discussion included the admission of three weapons found.

This is significant because it means the ATF might have known months ago that there were three Fast and Furious-linked guns, not two, found near U.S. Border Agent Brian Terry after he was killed in a shootout with cartel criminals.

Originally, court records only showed two “AK-47-style” weapons linked to Fast and Furious were part of the investigation. And a ballistics report turned over to Congress months ago also only indicated two Fast and Furious associated weapons.

If a new ballistics test shows the missing third gun was in fact the one used to gun down the U.S. Border Agent, it would be hard to argue that evidence was not intentionally suppressed to avoid scandal.

Apparently, the Justice Department’s Inspector General obtained the audio tape discussing the number of weapons several months ago, and for some yet-to-be-determined reason, handed them over to the U.S. Attorney’s office in Arizona — a primary subject itself of the Fast and Furious investigation.

CBS has asked the pertinent question: ”It’s unclear why the Inspector General, who is supposed to investigate independently, would turn over evidence to an entity that is itself under investigation.”

Increasingly, the answer appears to be a cover-up that stretches widely across the government and reaches up into the highest echelons of power.

In a national election year, a cabinet-level resignation due to scandal would be very politically damaging. For Operation “Fast and Furious,” it appears robust Congressional oversight measures will be required to get anywhere near the truth.

Washington Could Learn A Lot From a Drug Addict

America could learn a lot…from a drug addict.

Even though this country’s $14 trillion in debt – Washington raised the debt ceiling 10 times in the last 10 years.

Each time – it’s like another hit – another spending hit.

But you’re the junkies.

41 cents out of every dollar you spend is borrowed – from places like China.

So – China is like your dealer…

And your addiction and your dealer control your life.

To borrow less – You need to spend less.

Yeah – Washington could learn a lot from a drug addict.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fox vs. White House Round 2

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Ian Hunter, Colonial Theater, Phoenixville, PA, 17 September 2011

All American Alien Boy

"When the Daylight Comes/Sweet Jane"

"Wash Us Away"

"Michael Picasso"

"It Ain't Easy When You Fall"/"All The Way From Memphis"

It Ain't Easy When You Fall,

sideways snippet


"Wash Us Away"

"Man Overboard"

"Standin' In My Light"

"Once Bitten, Twice Shy"

Once Bitten, Twice Shy


"Michael Picasso"

"Saturday Gigs"/"All The Young Dudes"/"Goodnight Irene"

: version 1

"Saturday Gigs"/"All The Young Dudes"/"Goodnight Irene"

: version 2

After the show, Ian was personable enough to stick around and to autograph anything that people wanted signed. He asked while signing, "I'm not going to see any of this for sale on Ebay am I?" People chuckled. I got his autograph on "Workin' On the Railroad," and "I Can't Drive," with the 1958 Rock 'n' Roll Show. While he was signing some old Mott The Hoople vinyl Ian said there is a lot of old vinyl out tonight.

I was about the last person to have things signed and I said `Here's an old vinyl for you; what story or anecdote can you tell me about it that no one knows?' At first he couldn't really see it because the light was bad so I told him what the 45 single was and he said this is a really old one. He said well you know it was written by Freddie "Fingers" Lee and he didn't make any money on it but it was recorded by Tom Jones and he had a big hit with it, he made money.

I asked him if he had actually recorded anything with the Apex Group and he said I don't think so but they did some recordings. Colin York was the real driver of that effort and they recorded in the John Lever Record store. York and Ian exchange Christmas cards and that sort of thing but they parted a long time ago was his point.

He said the early days were interesting because they toured all over and he said the French couldn't play their records and they didn't really care for Mott anyway. He said that's probably why they tried so hard and were really into playing to stir up the French crowd. Someone else had "Diary of a Rock and Roll Star" and he was relating that it has been translated into 16 languages including French. His point was that the French don't like us and they don't play other nation's music. Ian gave the example of Johnny Halladay who just recorded rock hits by other artists and made a great deal of money doing so. I agreed with the point, the French, the Canadians and others limit music from other countries in their nation.

Mott The Hoople - Rock 'n' Roll Queen, Taverne de l'Olympia, Paris on 29th September 1971


The Moon Upstairs

Walking With A Mountain

Keep A Knockin'

I asked if he planned to play bass like he did on "Workin'" and "Drive" and he reminded me that he did play a bit of bass at the reunion gig in 2009.

Then, Ian said something unexpected. He said it was a great deal of fun in those days, "more fun than Mott The Hoople." I thought the more fun early days was because Ian was under a great deal of pressure to write hits and it was a grind during the Mott tours.

I told him when I first saw them, at the Hollywood Palladium, in September 1973, just after Ariel Bender (actually Luther Grosvenor) had joined the band two days previously. Mick Ralphs didn't really give them any warning and he said Luther was right there and ready to go. He jumped right in and he was good on stage. It got him thinking about the maniacal types in rock.

He said lots of rockers were like that. Keith Moon rang him up in L.A. and Ian said he was mortified. He didn't know what to say, it was Moonie after all. Ian said he didn't say a word because he was too intimidated. I said it was probably like meeting Bob Dylan after all and he said, yeah, it was like that. He continued that there are many figures like that in rock like Moonie. He was reserved until the lights went on or if there were cameras on. He said, another guy like that was Sly Stone, a really reserved guy unless the cameras went on and he just went crazy.

I asked him if he'd like to know some local rock and pop trivia and he said sure. I told him that Jim Croce was buried nearby because he's from this area. Ian reminisced that now there's a guy who died and sold a lot of records. That's not the way to do it.

I asked him which type is he. Is he a crazy type or is he the more laid back kind? He said he'll keep playing and writing as long as he can. I certainly hope so; there is no one like him around.

I had a pleasant chat with the keyboard player, Andy Burton, and Paul Page, on bass (Dion), from the Rant Band before the show. I ran into them across the street from the Colonial just finishing their pizza. Both have side projects going on but talk highly of Ian and working with him. Recently, on "All-American Alien Boy," the bass player has been coming out towards the front of stage which he has not done previously. He told me how he worked hard at honoring the memory of a great player, Jaco Pastorious, but he has also added his own parts and bass playing to the piece. He struggled with forming his approach which is a a balance of playing like Paco but also adding his own personality to it. He waited anxiously to hear Ian's reaction once he worked out his bit and said it was just right. Ian had ideas for each of the band members and how to play what he had in mind. It is how the band has a basic repertoire but they keep adding things to keep it fresh.

He had come off working with John Cale, as James Mastro had as well, but he and Steve Holley go way back and Steve was instrumental in getting him into the band.

These are really down-to-earth people and both Paul and Andy consider themselves fans as well. Paul came out after the show and he remembered my name and asked if I enjoyed the show, I replied that the audience was better than at the City Winery in NYC.

Days of Rage Preparations


Ian Hunter, City Winery, 15 September 2011

"Sweet Jane"

McCain Supports His Fellow Progressive Obama, Mocks The TEA Party

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The Religion of Peace

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Portrait of Thinking Hero

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