وش يفرض عقوبات على حزب العمال الكردستاني
السبت 31 أيار 2008 05:38 GMT
فرض الرئيس الامريكي جورج بوش عقوبات على حزب العمال الكردستاني وجماعة ايطالية تروج للجرائم المنظمة، في محاولة لحرمانهما من الوصول الى النظام المالي الامريكي. وباستخدامه قانون مكافحة تهريب المخدرات، يكون بوش وبحسب المتحدثة باسم البيت الأبيض دانا بيرينو قد أخضع حزب العمال لاجراء من شأنه تقويض عملياته ووضع حد للمعاناة التي يسببها الاتجار في المخدرات للامريكيين وشعوب العالم، علاوة على منع مهربي المخدرات من دعم الارهابيين.
Bush imposes sanctions on PKK
Saturday, May 31, 2008 09:16 GMT
US President George W. Bush imposed sanctions on Kurdistan Workers Party and an Italian organized crime group in order to prevent the group access to the U.S. financial system. Using a U.S. anti-drug trafficking law, Bush has put the PKK and the Italian group subject to the sanctions, which prevent U.S. companies and individuals from engaging in trade and transactions with them. “This action underscores the president's determination to do everything possible to pursue drug traffickers, undermine their operations and end the suffering that trade in illicit drugs inflicts on Americans and other people around the world, as well as prevent drug traffickers from supporting terrorists,” White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said in a statement.
Cf. http://www.alsumaria.tv/en/Iraq-News/1-18381-Bush-imposes-sanctions-on-PKK.html
The sanctions were levied against the Ndrangheta mafia from the Calabria region of Italy, which has overtaken Sicily's Cosa Nostra as the richest and most violent of the Italian mafia, and a Mexican drug-lord and his cartel. Three individuals from Afghanistan, Venezuela and Turkey were also sanctioned. The PKK is branded a terrorist organisation by Turkey, the US and EU; the group is largely held to use drug trafficking to finance terror. More than 30,000 people have been killed since the PKK began in 1984. In Mexico, nearly 1,400 people have died this year across the country, as drug cartels fight among themselves and government forces. Previously there were 68 individuals and entities subject to sanctions under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act, which became law in December 1999.