In the beginning of the segment, Ingraham discussed the startling new Gallup poll that found that 44 percent of Americans cannot name Obama’s religion. She also mentioned another poll from last week that found a willingness among more than half of the U.S. population (54 percent) to vote for an atheist candidate for the presidency.
“Has the role of religion in government in the highest office changed?”
But the conversation went haywire when Ingraham and Jeffrees asserted that the federal government is attacking religious freedom. Naturally, the contraceptive mandate came up as evidence for this alleged governmental abuse — something that Silverman flatly disagreed with.
“Contraception? You’re actually saying that humans do not have the right to have contraception the way they see fit,” he proclaimed.
“It’s not just the HHS mandate,” Jeffrees countered.
“What is it? Tell me how there’s an attack again religion? Really, I want to know how I think there’s an attack…,” Silverman responded.
In the end, Silverman didn’t seem to believe that there is widespread angst over the mandate, despite a massive Catholic campaign and response called “Fortnight for Freedom.”