A solid review which identified the major problem many of us still have with Linux, although I for one am ready to get on board ASAP, is the problem of "dealing with text in varied forms" as Sharon Machlisas notes in
Computerworld. Her review of nine Linux text editors reveals that no single editor does the job. Like her, I need an application that handles plain ASCII text and rudimentary HTML. We also share an enthusiasm, not for me the Windows environment, but in an inexpensive and useful tool like
NoteTab Pro. Neither is available on Linux. NoteTab has no plans to migrate to Linux.
Alas, Machlisas found no single killer text editor workable. I know some have the leisure of using several applications but this seems terribly inefficient to me.
She does report that an UltraEdit version for Linux is on the way and perhaps I would try again at that point, till then, I'm married to Windows unfortunately.